The Goals and Objectives of the U.L. Coleman Companies Essay

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The U.L. Coleman Companies started in 1973. Its headquarters are in Milan Street, Shreveport at Louisiana in the United States. It’s concerned with providing real estate for commercial purposes in Bossier City, Shreveport, and others. It is currently having more than 150 associates. Its strong service-oriented regional organization provides it with the adequacy of commercial state of securing many customers. The market of activity is either broad and captures clients at the national, local, and also regional diameters. It offers a broad range in the provision of services for clients. These include the provision of industrial leases, leasing offices, and spaces for retail activities, providing apartments, managing property, consultation services, market research above the facilities for estate construction. The current business operation constitutes the basic major outlets which are in Bossier City and Shreveport. However, diversity in business activities is enhanced and provided for by the broad range of outlets of associate firms.

The opportunity in the marketplace

The goals and objectives of the company are aimed at providing an environment that helps to give the best opportunity in the marketplace. At one level, they aim at being at full business integration. This has adequately been met where a broad customer’s needs and requirements are been meet from their diverse activities. From the broad range of services offered, they can capture a wide range of customer needs. This is perhaps the biggest marketing strategy that has helped the company sail through in the market full of competition. It has helped to diversify operational risks before providing the service requirements of their customers.

Elsewhere, it ensures a highly cost-effective system of operation in the marketplace. The cost parameter is calculated by relating the revenue of their business activities and that of the cost parameter for the most optimal business revenues against high-quality services and customer satisfaction. This is the first step that has provided support for good performance in the marketplace. Elsewhere, cost-effectiveness in its activities forms a benchmark of been one of its goals.

Through qualified and competent personnel for its human resource, it has been able to provide full support of the best service provision incentive to the customer. High qualified personnel has ensured better relations with the customers. High qualification in its workforce is a goal aimed at providing a catchments zone of high customer turn up.

Throughout its service provision process, fairness and integrity overhaul its activities. These are basic goals that help to perpetuate an incentive for customer attraction where each is treated equally to one another. (Cui, Choudhury, p.1)

Marketing management

The marketing aspect to this company is provided by an intensity of business marketing management activities that seek to provide an attractive image in the highly competitive market. To the company management, marketing is an important aspect that has helped to provide a competitive scale in the market. However, the basic tool for such high marketing is the broad symmetry in customer service has been a basic tool that helps to capture high customer needs. At one point, customers are integrated in terms of localities, on a regional basis, and national dimension. This is a basic tool for decentralization of its business activities to capture a broad range of customer needs. Either, business activities are broad which also helps to serve customers of a larger dimension.

For the U.L. Coleman Companies, marketing campaigns form a basic implement. Through a comprehensive system of advertising, this company has been able to find a good place of competition within the market. Advertising has been through. online method, through the local newspapers and magazines, television, and posters above others. Either, advertising has also been done through various sales promotion activities. The company has sponsored sales promotion activities through physical activities and the media. Advertising to the company is voted to provide perhaps the biggest activity for high business performance. (Shiman, p.1)

The role of agents

To the company, the role of agents cannot be looked down on. However, it has a high number of brokerage agents who are operational at the regional and the local dimensions. Brokers offer wide support of ensuring an attraction for the customers. Agency has helped to spearhead the marketing phenomenon where a higher number of customers and different customer’s needs can be satisfied.

Generally, the broad array of the company’s activities forms the basis support which ensures high customer service. This is a basic tool with which the company can diversify its operational risks. The marketing system has been a basic tool aimed at providing support for curbing the effect of both market and political risks. To the company, market risks arise from the interactive forces of demand and supply of services within the highly competitive market. Either, political risks are a result of the political system, which affects the business portfolio above changes in the laws and regulations on business activities. However, high integration into business service seeks to provide grounds of rationality for a low-risk variable. (Miller, Gott, p.1)


Summarily, therefore, the success of the company is an independent variable relating to the marketing aspect. Adequacy in business management and corporate governance are other subjects of good performance.

Work Cited

  1. Cui, G & Choudhury, P. Consumer Interests and the Ethical Implications of marketing: A Contigency Framework Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol.37. 2003
  2. Miller, A & Gott, J. Measuring Marketing Effectiveness and Value: The Unisys Marketing Dash Board. Journal of Advertising Research, Vol.44, 2004
  3. Shiman, D, An Economic Approval to the Regulation of Direct marketing. Federal Communications Law Journal Vol. 58, 2006
  4. Shreveport Louisiana, Commercial Reel Estate Services, U.L. Coleman Companies.
  5. . Web.
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IvyPanda. (2021, September 15). The Goals and Objectives of the U.L. Coleman Companies.

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"The Goals and Objectives of the U.L. Coleman Companies." IvyPanda, 15 Sept. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'The Goals and Objectives of the U.L. Coleman Companies'. 15 September.


IvyPanda. 2021. "The Goals and Objectives of the U.L. Coleman Companies." September 15, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "The Goals and Objectives of the U.L. Coleman Companies." September 15, 2021.


IvyPanda. "The Goals and Objectives of the U.L. Coleman Companies." September 15, 2021.

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