The culture presented in Graph 1 provides an assessment of the main elements of beliefs and customs prevalent in this community that can affect the view of the health-related initiatives.
Adapted from Alice Walker’s novel by the same name, the movie delves into the life of a girl who was sexually abused by her father before being sold off to an irresponsible and cruel husband.
Freedom is not that simple, thus Frederick Douglass saw fit to write The Heroic Slave in which he portrays this vision for freedom; the idea of becoming a free man, and using the struggle he […]
Illustrating the plights of African-Americans, Edward Jones’ story, “lost in the city” describes the discontentment of Africans amid the White community.
In terms of both melody and rhythm, Armstrong’s composition is far more dynamic than Joplin’s, and the instrumentation of the former is a trumpeter, whereas the latter used piano.
Slavery had various social, economic cultural and political implications for both the African Americans and the Whites after the civil war and in as much as it was officially abolished by the Lincoln administration, the […]
It is the product of a mixture of English vocabulary with African pronunciation and, in part, grammar, which emerged in what, is now the United States with the beginning of the intensive importation of enslaved […]
In assuring innovation in the makeup of African American women, designers must aim to comprehend the significance and comprehension of the African art culture.
Therefore, the African American variety of English language refers not only to grammar and vocabulary attributes that make the differences, but also to social and cultural dimension they form in society.
The main questions asked by the author in the work are the role of slavery and racial oppression to influence the aspects of the African American family’s progress in the sociological perspective; the effects of […]
Without a clear understanding of this part of history, slavery would not have evolved to the current citizenship, freedom and human rights that we enjoy in our constitution.
The purpose of the study was based on the following prevailing research questions: In qualitative research and data gathering, the goal with sample size is to reach a moderate degree of data saturation.
In the US, for instance, the issue of fragmented or disproportionate admissions in public schools bears significant concern in the purview of policy development and economic development.
The African American English possesses features of native, African languages and the American language introduced during the colonial era and handed down through generations as part of a common cultural heritage.
They have a unique culture that is characterized by a unique parenting style, structure of the family, the role of gender in the family, and their views on marriage.
The evolutionary perspectives of the African American community are mostly based on their survival from the period of slavery to the period of racial discrimination and segregation in America.
All of the slaves desired to have freedom, but the means of attaining that was still unknown. His intention was to kill all the slave owners in Charleston and free the slaves.
The religious movements of the African American community in the 1930s and 1940s say much about the nature of religion and how important it was for African Americans.
This paper will discuss the causes of childhood obesity in African America and the intervention measures to address it. The above-stated measures to decrease/end childhood obesity among African Americans will make them healthy and thus […]
African American households are often found in a single-parent environment due to the lack of socio-cultural bindings towards families and welfare problems related to the high poverty level among this group.
Social isolation and emotional exhaustion are the main consequences of inequalities that the school environment does not know how to deal with effectively.
Moreover, the feedback received from program participants demonstrates the high level of satisfaction with the African American Entrepreneurship Development Program and the results obtained. The purpose of the evaluation is to evaluate the results and […]
The intended benefits of the program include the creation of job opportunities for members of the community, increased financial independence and flexibility, improved quality of life, increased wealth, and enhanced economic opportunities. The project is […]
Then, Dothan was a station on the Underground Railroad, a system of hidden passageways and safe houses that slaves used to get to freedom in the North. Then, the Ironbound area of East Orange has […]
The study “Cultural Values and the Perception of Emotion in African Americans and Chinese Americans” by S. Overall, this research adds to people’s understanding of the cultural variations and affinities in the experience of emotion […]
The essays of Marcus Garvey followed Hughes’s definition, and he created an accurate picture of the lives of Afro-Americans by illustrating problems, racial pressure faced by these people daily, and possible improvements.
In the post-Civil War era, African Americans faced significant barriers to homeownership, as they were often denied access to mortgages and other forms of financing.
Finally, it should be insightful to understand the attitudes of friends and family members, so 5 additional interviews will be conducted with Black and White persons not having the identified mental conditions. The selected mental […]
Upon his arrival, Granger informed the enslaved African Americans of their freedom and the ending of the Civil War. Therefore, following the continuous killings and segregation of black people, Juneteenth remains relevant when African Americans […]
I chose the topic to be the role of language in the African-American sociocultural context. In this research, I intend to solve the question of which role is played by the use of language in […]
As the expansion of the textile factories led irresistibly to a rise in the market for servitude Africans, there was a possibility of a slave insurrection, such as the one that prevailed in Haiti in […]
Most African Americans are descendants of enslaved people brought from Africa, and the research focuses on the connection between the current state of African Americans concerning their history.
I would like to introduce the app “Peanut” the social network designed to help and unite women exclusively, as a technology aimed at fighting postpartum depression in African American Women.
For example, as early as in the title of the speech, Obama’s A Perfect Union makes reference to the established nation by the Founding Fathers and the definition of ‘perfect.’ As such, Obama posits that […]
The article “Social Determinants of Health and Depression among African American Adults: A Scoping Review of Current Research” examines the current research on the relationship between social determinants of health and depression among African American […]
The concept of a nonviolent approach to the struggles for African American freedom was a key strategy in King’s quest for the liberation of his communities from racial and social oppressions.
The study involves a visit to a local religious organization to observe the behavior of the African-American people and their interaction in the setting.
By combining the use of corticosteroids and exercises into the treatment plan, as well as educating the patient and his parents about the prevention and management of asthma attacks, a healthcare practitioner will be able […]
In order to address and inform the public about the challenges, nurses are required to intervene by educating the population on the issues to enhance their understanding of the risks associated with the conditions they […]
According to the American Heart Association, hypertension is one of the leading health issues contributing to cardiovascular disease that is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality.
Therefore, considering the inability to conduct face-to-face questionnaires because of the virus, this is the best way to obtain African American Women’s interviews.
The intensity of the War led to the collisions that led to the enslavement of many black soldiers until President Lincoln had to pass a General Order 233, which barred any threat that would lead […]
These studies have led to the need for the collaboration of the Georgia Department of Public Health and the Georgia Maternal Mortality Review Committee.
While the causes of such an occurrence are varied, dietary and nutrition-based difficulties are one of the factors that can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases among African Americans.
The ancestors of African Americans were forcibly separated from their homes and brought to the United States to work on the plantations of the Old South.
Systemic racism in the the primary cause of the unemployment gap. Compared to white Americans, African Americans have a relatively low rate of education in the U.S.
As far as African American women are concerned, the issue becomes even more complex due to several reasons: the stigma associated with the mental health of African American women and the mental health complications that […]
The following essay focuses on the reasons why it is challenging for the Black community in the United States to accumulate wealth and move upwards on the economic ladder.
The skills and techniques adopted for engaging with the person were active listenings to demonstrate the interest in improving the situation as well as cultural competence, which I relied on in the process of interviewing […]
A series of failures for Americans began with the emergence of slavery in the USA. However, it is impossible to talk about the complete eradication of racism in the country.
This information demonstrates that Ghalan’s condition is moderate because he has some episodes without the adverse symptoms, but it is challenging to mention that these signs are entirely manageable. A specific measurement instrument can be […]
Key characteristics of African Americans include higher levels of poverty, greater risk for poor health status, limited access to health services, and higher rates of morbidity, mortality, and infant death rate. Certain health practices exacerbate […]
One of the most deserving discussions of topics related to the history of the struggle of the African American people for their dignity, identity and human rights is not even their protest actions or the […]
The barriers that women of color experience in achieving elective office are many, with Black women and individuals of color are underrepresented in the federal government.
It can be argued that one of the most prominent applications of the labeling theory is racial profiling, which also accounts for the oversaturation of African Americans in crime and criminal justice system.
As a member of the African American and the LGBTQ community, I have responsibilities in front of my peers. Moreover, it is significant for cultures to adapt to the context and reality of a country.
In particular, there is a lack of investigations devoted to the substance abuse of African American women. To sum up, there are various premises and outcomes for African American women involved in substance abuse.
The effects of racial discrimination and the resulting segregation echoed in every area in the late 19th and early 20th century, causing the debate concerning the need for integrated schools to become rather polarizing even […]
Though all non-white individuals are underrepresented, African American women take up the smallest number of staff and administration positions in the foundation.
The importance of the feminist theory for this research, and the Black feminist theory in particular, is in the fact that this framework explains why African American women can face certain challenges and barriers while […]
To address issues of environmental injustice, I will create a media object, a zine that highlights the racial inequalities experienced by people of color.
Laurencin states that discrimination of the minority African-Americans in the health sector contributes to the high spread of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the United States black population.
This paper seeks to explore the origins of the strong black woman stereotype and its cultural portrayal and discuss the tolls of mental health and struggles that affect highly marginalized African American women in the […]
Perhaps, the most important step toward the satisfaction of diverse populations’ requirements is the creation of the Florida diversity council. The Florida diversity council does a great job of protecting the interests of African Americans.
Therefore, when addressing the challenges faced by African Americans, society should also consider the struggles of LGBTQ people in the Black community. In this context, the role of artists, singers, and other public individuals is […]
The purpose of this critique is to analyze the weaknesses of the study. The title of the report Helping African American Children Self-Manage Asthma: The Importance of Self-Efficacy adequately identified the population of interest, namely […]
The purpose of the study is tacitly indicated in the abstract and the introduction part of the study; the purpose of the research is to extract and distinguish the treatment expectations among hypertensive patients of […]
The research was will be carried out in African American population to find out what might be the real cause of hypertension among elderly people and how it can be prevented. The sample to be […]
In this article, Klymko et al.investigated the association of cognitive impairments with hypertension-related self-care, cognitive function, and blood pressure among the African-American older population.
Trying to adopt the standards of another society will be harmful since many will try to change their ways of living in order to fit in the new standards of beauty.
The finding of the analysis is that the issue of cancer survivorship is exclusive, developing, and at the same time it depends on what individuals perceive to be cancer diagnosis as well as personal experiences […]
The article “Real-Time Electronic Medical Record Alerts Increase High Blood Pressure Recognition in Children” explores the problem of hypertension in children.
The selected culture for this assignment is the African American culture that is also referred to as the black culture. According to African American culture, family is the basic unit of the structure and hierarchy […]
Then, the class will be given out electronic and mechanical tonometers and taught how to use them and asked to practice of each other and then on themselves.
For instance, in this case where health promotion is aimed to inform people on the importance of managing their blood pressure, the messages that support these people may encourage the African Americans to seek medical […]
In order to improve quality of life for African American with ESRD condition, health care providers should “prioritize and implement guidelines based on the attributed evidence”.
The struggle of these people yielded significant results for the advancement of African Americans and laid the foundation for further expansion of the rights of black people.
The 1930s and the 1940s in the U.S.were characterized by continuing discrimination of African Americans in the majority of the spheres of life in the country.
The importance of intersectionality in fighting for the rights of vulnerable groups is undeniable, and it needs to be incorporated into the process of liberation to ensure that no one is left behind.
The complex nature of the relationships between African American authors and the American South as the heart of the U.S.traditions and simultaneously the source of the racist ideology that led to the discriminatory attitudes and […]
Due to the excessive focus on the role of white Americans in the liberation of African American slaves, the novel introduces a rather racist concept of an African American person.
Among the literature discussing of slavery as one of the blights on the history of the U.S., Harriet Beecher Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” takes an important yet controversial place.
A number of us, who arrived unexpectedly, became indentured to Virginia masters through a bidding process that was to some extent similar to later slave auctions that would become all in all widespread in the […]
After America witnessed the sinking of the Maine, it became clear that they had to engage in war with the Spaniards. The Spanish American war was crucial to African Americans in a number of ways.
African American literature during this turbulent period in the lives of African Americans was heavily influenced by the rise in radicalism, enlightenment and the advent of industrialization.
There was huge discrepancies of occupation of black Americans and the natives in distribution of work as it is has been discussed by which is summarized herein below on the distribution of African American workers […]
In this paper we will discuss in details about tuberculosis and why the African Americans have been thinking of the disease and how different treatment options, cultural beliefs and values have been impacting on the […]
The blindfolds enable the boys to hide the truth of their identity from themselves during the fight, but their identities are further warped into acceptance of white domination and black suppression as they scramble for […]
Our forefathers found their way into the United States as slaves, who had been captured and shipped to work in the various expansive farmlands, such as cotton farms, in the northern and southern regions of […]
Another attempt to explain the origin of lynch law is that of regulators and moderators. According to Rhodes, this theory is not applicable because the name of the law and order maintenance unit was aregulators’ […]
In fact, “African-American history starts in the 1500s with the first Africans coming from Mexico and the Caribbean to the Spanish territories of Florida, Texas, and other parts of the South”.
In addition, Ali Mohammed was a very courageous boxer, who through his courage defeated many opponents and the application of other boxing skills made him a great fighter in the world making him the heavyweight […]
The study aims to answer the following research questions: Is there a relationship between maternal education levels and infant mortality rates among the black community?
The philosophical heritage of the US from the side of African American authors is significant to evaluate on the prospects of freedom, religion, education, and social importance of Black population for the United States.
The goals which African Americans and women in post-WWII America pursued were similar because both of them wanted independence and equality with the former wishing to get free from slavery and oppression and the latter […]
The Harlem Reissuance grew after the abolition of slavery and later culminated into a greater force with the consequences brought about by WWI and the change in the cultural and social structure in the American […]
This study may support the earlier report that has highlighted the role of cigarette and alcohol in association with stress. In another study researchers have described the role of racial identity and the consequences of […]
Externally, the country was embroiled in an unpopular war in Vietnam and internally, rejection of the ‘establishment’ typified by the ‘Counter-culture movement’ and the Black Civil rights movement was gaining momentum.
The following paragraphs will explain in detail the two articles on slavery and the African American’s struggle to break away from the heavy and long bonds of slavery. The website tells me that Dredd Scott […]
The roles of the minor leaguers are to develop and to prepare the young players to participant in big leagues and to ensure that they carry out local businesses successful.
Abolitionist movement which began between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War was a great mobilization of efforts of black people to abolish the slavery both in the United States and in other countries that […]
The programs seem to affect these blacks as they lack the right to complain concerning the education they get and thus they end up performing any job in the country that is of low ranks.
In order to understand the reason for heart disease being a health disparity amongst African American women, it is essential to focus on the behaviors within this population that may be affecting their health directly.
Trailer trash depictions of their lifestyle and outlook in life were often seen as the reality of these people by the viewers, thus affecting the image of the race across the board.
This should include ‘to investigate the following hypothesis or to answer the following research question’. With the same then specified as bullet points.
The importance of humanity in United States was highly promoted by these African American communities, through their services to their fellow Christians.
The National Pan-Hellenic Council is a national organization that comprises nine African American Greek sororities and fraternities. The members of this organization are usually referred to as the ‘Divine 9’ and include: Alpha Kappa Alpha […]
The NAACP was radical since it fought many legal battles and fought against ideologies of some of the most prominent African American leaders like those of the late Booker Washington and the government.
The bureau also helped champion African Americans’ rights by pushing for the 14th and 15th amendments of the constitution that would give African Americans voting rights.
At the time of the Great Migration, many of the northern African American communities contended with the context of poverty and the reality of residential segregation as the ghetto slowly began to form, and Black […]
The principal theses of the article are easy to enumerate; these are the origin of the African American literature, the stages of its development, its most famous writers and their impact on the literature and […]
In the case under analysis, the issue of the generalized anxiety disorder is explored. Last year, X’s mother had to apply for the second job due to financial constraints, which led to a drop in […]
An article “Study of the Relationship Between Black Men, Culture and Prostate Cancer Beliefs” written by Machirori, Patch, and Metcalfe and published in Cogent Medicine explores the ideas that Black men have about prostate cancer.
Malcolm was able to sell his ideas to the African Americans in various meetings in the streets of Harlem and in major universities across the United States.
A randomized control trial and the presence of a control group with traditional blood pressure monitoring were established as the inclusion criteria for the initial search.
Moreover, the paper will provide insight into the role of social workers in the process of handling these challenges and determine the benefits of this experience for the further professional activities.
The author emphasizes the humanity, passion, and strength of the African American citizen despite the challenges experienced by the race in the country.
Monroe remembered the time when a famous black musician was unable to sleep in one of the hotels in downtown Alabama because colored people were not allowed to avail of the said accommodation.
The paper will bring out the meaning of interlocking nature of oppression in relation to African American identity and how racial identity intersect with other aspects of identity such as gender and sexuality.
The effect of obesity in African American children from the age of 5 to 18 years. What are the indirect effects of obesity on African American children?
Even if I had the opportunity to participate in higher education, I could not have managed to take advantage of it since it was expensive, and I would have nothing to eat after school.
According to the tests carried out among the target denizens of the population, 78% of the African Americans were in the risk area due to their unhealthy lifestyles, particularly improper dieting.
In the past, media critics have alleged that African Americans are prejudiced and underrepresented in the media industry. In the research questions, the article below analyses how African Americans are depicted in editorial cartoons and […]
The tone and spirit of the poems display the author’s frustration with the fate of African Americans. In addition, because the poem is the brightest example of Harlem period, the presence of musical elements contributes […]
Both the slave masters and the British colonizers sought the help of the African Americans during the American Revolution. The revolutionary nature of the American Revolution did not resonate with both the free and enslaved […]
Ethnography was chosen as a research method, whereas the analysis of the existing studies of the representation of African Americans in modern and traditional media was used as the means of retrieving the data.
In the 1960s and 70s, African Americans battled racial discrimination at home in the United States but also faced similar if not the same tension as a member of the Armed Forces while fighting in […]
It makes people realize that she has deeply felt the pain and this gives her an understanding of others, and that reflects in her writing.”The Song in the Front Yard” shows an attitude of a […]
There is also a major revamp of the education system for the African Americans due to the reportedly high rates of dropouts both at primary and secondary levels.
The monument was meant to honor the bravery of Colonel Shaw and the 54th regiment. The Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Regiment memorial is a monumental relief; its sculpturing begun 20 years after the […]
The research results state that the process of literacy instruction is hindered to an impressive degree by the misunderstandings between teachers and students due to the language issues.
It was revealed that the blacks were behind the American’s liberation from the British colonial rule, and this was witnessed with Ned Hector’s brevity to salvage his army at the battle of Brandywine.