103 American Dream Essay Topics & Examples

If you’re in need of American dream topics for an essay, research paper, or discussion, this article is for you. Our experts have prepared some ideas and writing tips that you will find below.

📃 10 Tips for Writing American Dream Essays

The American dream is an interesting topic that one can discuss from various perspectives. If you need to write an essay on the American dream, you should understand this concept clearly.

You can choose to present the American dream as a miracle that one cannot reach or depict a free and wealthy nation. In any case, the American dream essay is a good opportunity to reflect on the concept and learn more about it.

There are many topics you can choose from while writing your essay. Here are some examples of the American dream essay topics we can suggest:

  • The true meaning of the American dream
  • The image of the American dream in the Great Gatsby
  • Is the American dream still relevant in today’s society?
  • The role of the American dream: Discussion
  • Americans’ beliefs and values: The American dream
  • Can we achieve the American dream?
  • The American dream in today’s world and society

Remember that you do not have to select one of the American dream essay titles and can come up with your own one. Once you have selected the topic, start working on your essay. Here are ten useful tips that will help you to write an outstanding paper:

  • Start working on your essay ahead of time. You will need some time to study the issue, write the paper, and correct possible errors.
  • Do preliminary research on the issue you want to discuss. The more information you know about the question, the better. We advise you to rely on credible sources exclusively and avoid using Wikipedia or similar websites.
  • Check out the American dream essay examples online if you are not sure that the selected problem is relevant. Avoid copying the information you will find and only use it as guidance.
  • Write an outline for your essay. Think of how you can organize your paper and choose titles for each of the sections. Remember that you should include an introductory paragraph and a concluding section along with body paragraphs.
  • Remember that you should present the American dream essay thesis clearly. You can put it in the last sentence of your introductory paragraph.
  • Your essay should be engaging for the audience. Help your reader to know something new about the issue and include some interesting facts that may not know about. Avoid overly complex sentences and structures.
  • Make your essay personal, if it is possible. Do not focus on your opinion solely but provide your perspectives on the issue or discuss your concern about it. You can talk about your experiences with the American dream, too.
  • Provide statistical data if you can. For example, you can find the results of surveys about people’s perspectives on the American dream.
  • The concluding paragraph is an important section of the paper. Present the thesis and all of your arguments once again and provide recommendations, if necessary. Remember that this paragraph should not include new information or in-text citations.
  • Do not send your paper to your professor right away. Check it several times to make sure that there are no grammatical mistakes in it. If you have time, you can put the paper away for several days and revise it later with “fresh” eyes.

Feel free to find an essay sample in our collection and get some ideas for your outstanding paper!

🏆 Best American Dream Essay Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Pros and Cons of the American Dream
    The American dream is one of the most revered ideals of the nation and it has become a part of the American national identity.
  2. The American Dream by Edward Albee Play Analysis
    The American Dream play is an apologue of how American life has turned awry under the pretext of the American Dream.
  3. Michelle Obama American Dream Speech Analysis –
    Michelle’s purpose was to introduce her husband as man who was more concerned about the common citizens’ concerns and who was willing and able to help everyone to realize his/her American dream because he himself […]
  4. American Dream in “The Pursuit of Happiness” Film
    In America today, there is a general belief that every individual is unique, and should have equal access to the American dream of life “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”.
  5. American Dream: “Fences” by August Wilson
    The American dream makes it clear through its guarantee of the freedom and equality with the promise of prosperity and success as per the ability or personal achievements of every American citizen.”Fences” reveals the obstacles […]
  6. American Dream After World War I
    People lost vision of what this dream was supposed to mean and it became a dream, not of the vestal and industrious, but of the corrupt coterie, hence corrupting the dream itself.
  7. The American Dream in The Great Gatsby
    After spending some time in this neighborhood, Nick finally attends Gatsby’s exuberant parties only to realize that Gatsby organizes these parties to impress Daisy, Nick’s cousin, and wife to Tom.
  8. The Tortilla Curtain: American Dream – Characters, Summary & Analysis
    The cultural difference between the two families is introduced by the author as a theme describing the role of gender in the community.
  9. American Dream and Reality for Minorities
    The topic of our concern is the reality that is faced by women, blacks, and war veterans who are associated with the American army.
  10. Femininity and the American Dream in Works of Chopin, Gilman, and Williams
    Even though the general understanding of the American dream was advertised to everyone, the idea was more applicable to the male members of the American society, which is reflected in Chopin’s “The Story of an […]
  11. The American Dream in Arthur Miller’s Plays
    Willy has a distorted vision of the American Dream, and he has such blind faith in this inaccurate vision that it leads to his mental disturbance when he is not able to accept how the […]
  12. Meritocracy and the American Dream
    In the perception of such people, the American Dream is directly connected to meritocracy, i.e.a judgment on people on their individual abilities rather than the connections of the families, and in that regard such perception […]
  13. The Corrupted American Dream and Its Significance in “The Great Gatsby”
    The development of the American dream and its impact on the society of the United States is a pertinent topic of discussion for various authors.
  14. Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby’, Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’ and the American Dream
    “The America Dream’ is a longstanding common belief of the American population that in the United States, people are free to realize the full potential of their labor and their talents and every person in […]
  15. Portrayal of the American Dream in the 20th Century Theatre
    However, different analysts criticized the use of the amelting pot’ in the play to show the pursuit of the American dream terming it as unrealistic in the sense that the term amelting’ creates a picture […]
  16. American Dream and Unfulfilling Reality
    Living the American dream is the ultimate dream for most of the American citizens and those aspiring to acquire American citizenship.
  17. The American Dream and Its Roots
    The tension between the ideals of the American Dream as espoused by the Puritans and the realities of American life has been a recurrent theme in American history.
  18. The American Dream: Franklin’s and Douglass’s Perception
    The objective of this paper, therefore, is to discuss the topic of the American dream and how both Franklin and Douglass, each exemplify this dream.
  19. Social Status Anxiety and the American Dream
    The pain of a loss and the status anxiety that came with being inferior to other students at Harvard instigated the urge to revenge and brought a desire to achieve success.
  20. Fitzgerald’s American Dream in The Great Gatsby & Winter Dreams
    To my mind, Winter Dream is a perfect example of the American Dream, since the main hero, Dexter, implemented each point of it, he was persistent and very hard-working, he was a very sensible and […]
  21. The American Dream, Social Status and Hierarchies
    The persistence of social status and hierarchies in modern-day America undermines the possibility of realizing Winthrop’s ideal community as a goal for the current American Dream, considering his argument of wouldivinely ordained’ holds no traction […]
  22. Tensions in the American Dream
    The imbalance can lead to debates and discussions about the meaning and purpose of the American Dream, as well as a conflict between the ideals of freedom and agency and the desire for a more […]
  23. Support of the American Dream Act of 2001
    In contrast to many supporters of the American Dream Act, some individuals claim that the policy promotes the entrance of illegal immigrants.
  24. The Possibility of Realizing the American Dream
    Thus, according to the author, the American dream is only a fantasy. Returning to the ideas of Krugman, Cox and Alm, and Dalmia, it seems necessary to highlight some aspects.
  25. Reflection on the American Dream Concept
    The vision of the American Dream can be different for individuals, and people create their interpretations according to their specific experiences.
  26. Reaching the American Dream From Scratch
    For example, the experience of a person coming to the United States from Haiti is one of poverty, under-resourced communities, and a complete disillusion with the promise of a good life.
  27. The American Dream Based on “Re Jane” by Patricia Park
    The main difference is that Jane had a chance to live her dreams in New York than in Seoul. Nina is an example of Jane’s friends who want her to succeed and understand the flaws […]
  28. The American Dream in Boyle’s The Tortilla Curtain
    The personal experience of the characters can be explained by their varying life conditions and, hence, are linked to the notion of the American Dream, which can be achieved by everyone while the efforts differ.
  29. Whitman, Hughes, and the American Dream
    Walt Whitman and Langston Hughes, two prominent figures of American poetry of the past, are of them.”I Hear America Singing,” “I, Too,” “Harlem,” and “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” are the emotional responses to the […]
  30. Color Adjustment: False Image of American Dream
    The documentary tells the story of white, well-dressed people advertising the American dream, completely ignoring that the U.S.is not only a country of the white race.
  31. The American Dream and Success
    One of the most pertinent topics associated with the American Dream is taking the courage to act and seize the opportunity.
  32. The Concept of American Dream: Examples of Columbus and Bradstreet
    Bradstreet’s other dream was to be able to secure a position in the ‘New world’ and still be seen as a woman who cares for her family.
  33. Racial Wealth Gap and the American Dream
    The speaker evaluates the accumulative wealth of Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites in America and arrives to the conclusion that race plays a role in financial burdens that many people of color experience.
  34. American Dreams: The United States Since 1945
    Although the major idea of the book is a critical one, the author’s intention does not concern analyzing approaches to the American social evolution in order to define the most adequate one.
  35. History of Achieving the American Dream
    James Truslow Adams who wrote the book “The Epic of America” defined the American dream as “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity […]
  36. The American Dream in the 21st Century
    It is the labor of these people that allowed the country to afford to build its industry and set up a base for fulfilling the American Dream.

👍 Catchy American Dream Topics

  1. American Dream of Early Settlers
    He did not tell the settlers of the difficulties they were going to face in moving from Europe to the land of honey that is America.
  2. Willy Loman and the American Dream
    As a result of his boasting, a great deal of what his family knows about Willy is based upon the image he feels he must portray of himself in order to bring himself in line […]
  3. Richard Rodriguez’s Opinion on Migration and the American Dream
    American seems to refer only to the citizen of the United States and does not include the rest of the people in the continent!
  4. American Dream and Socialism in the Book “The Jungle” by Sinclair
    The main idea of the book lies in upholding the Marxist belief of the inevitable collapse of capitalism and the accession of the proletariat, or industrial working class.
  5. American Dream Is Not a Myth
    The paper is based on the argument, a simplified definition of the American dream: the American dream can be defined as “the achievement of economic and social advancement through hard work and determination”.
  6. The Immigrant Experience and the Failure of the American Dream
    The fates of the heroes of the book amaze with their tragedy, and this is the story of slaves of wage labor.
  7. Tycoons and Their American Dream
    The American Dream as Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, and others saw it and forged it to be seen by others contributed meaningfully to the values of the American people and the priorities of a nation.
  8. Is the American Dream Still Alive?
    The topic of discussion in this setting would be the American dream and the factors associated with the quest. They would talk about the cost of living, the cost of education, and the fact that […]
  9. American Dream in Miller’s “Death of a Salesman”
    The play Death of a salesman is indeed an anatomy of the American dream especially because the plot of the story revolves around some of the basic material gains that individuals in the American society […]
  10. “American Dream” of English and Chinese Immigrants
    My family decided to move to the US from England because of the low wages in our town. My intentions were to explore the new opportunities of the West and to earn more money than […]
  11. The American Dream and Working Conditions
    In fact, it might be said that it is due to their efforts that the American Dream still exists as a piece of reality.
  12. American Dream and Equity of Outcome and Opportunity
    The American dream is one of the most famous declarations of the world and the American subsequent governments have kept the dream alive for the last hundred years.
  13. Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream
    This is one of the drawbacks that should be taken into account by the viewers who want to get a better idea about the causes of the problems described in the movie.
  14. American Dream in Hansberry’s and Miller’s Tragedies
    Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun” and Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” tell the stories about how people can perceive and be affected by the idea of the American Dream, how they choose wrong dreams […]
  15. Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream – Movie Analysis
    It can be taken as the national ethos of the citizens of the USA. The basis of the American society is broken and it is not united anymore.
  16. Music Talent Shows and the American Dream
    Talent search shows, like American Idol and The Voice, have suffered a lot of criticism for different reasons. Stanley says the main reason for this cynicism is the failure of such shows to focus on […]
  17. Michelle Obama’s Remarks on American Dream
    She added that the main goal was to secure the blessings of liberty and to bring about the fulfillment of the promise of equality.
  18. The American Dream’s Concept
    The American economy is also likely to improve as a result of realizing the American dream 2013 since most of the residents are likely to indulge in productive activities as stipulated in the American dream […]
  19. The Dilemmas of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby
    The Great Gatsby is a story of a young man in the early twentieth century who seems to know what he wants in the way of that dream and what to do to achieve it.
  20. The Concept of Progress or the Pursuit of the American Dream
    The concept of progress or the pursuit of the American Dream since 1930s has been a matter of concern for many immigrants who believe that they can achieve much in the US than in their […]
  21. The Book American Dream by Jason DeParle
    From the name of the book, it is clear that the cardinal theme of the book is the American dream. This is contrary to the fact that she was pregnant and in a crack house.
  22. The Definition of the Great American Dream: Hearing Opportunity Knock
    Although the concept of the American Dream is very recognizable, its essence is very hard to nail down, since it incorporates a number of social, economical and financial principles; largely, the American Dream is the […]
  23. The American Dream Negative Sides and Benefits
    The United States is thought of as the land of opportunity and there are many people who want to live “The American Dream”.
  24. Role of Money in the American Dream’s Concept
    Many people lack the meaning of the American dream because they are always looking forward to find opportunity and fail to realize that the opportunity to succeed is always around them in the work they […]
  25. The Reality of American Dream
    The government encouraged the immigration of the population whose labor and skills were required in the United States. The housing in the urban was overcrowded with very unsanitary conditions, and some of the immigrants did […]
  26. Francis Scott Fitzgerald & His American Dream
    In the novel “Tender is the Night,” Fitzgerald describes the society in Riviera where he and his family had moved to live after his misfortune of late inheritance.
  27. Is the American Dream Still Alive?
    The American Dream can be defined as a summation of national values entrenched in the culture of the United States. In this regard, the minority groups in the United States are often on the receiving […]
  28. American Dream: Is It Still There?
    It is a dream for immigrants from the Middle East to be in America; a country where discrimination is history and where no one will prevent them from achieving their dreams in life.
  29. The American Dream: Walt Disney’s Cinderella and Ron Howard’s Cinderella Man
    This is attributed to the fact that the original ideas and the fundamental principals that founded the dream are quickly fading away given the changing fortunes of the average American.
  30. The Death of the American Dream
    It is the moral decay that leads to the loss of freedom, the very essence of the founding of the American dream.
  31. Inequality and the American Dream
    It is only after the poor workers are assured of their jobs that the American model can be said to be successful.
  32. A Response to the Article “Inequality and the American Dream”
    It has drawn my attention that other world countries embrace the “American model” since the super power has enormous wealth and its economic development is marked by up-to-date juggernauts of globalization and technology.
  33. In Pursuit of the American Dream: An Analysis of Willa Cather’s O Pioneers
    The experiences of the characters in the novel portray the endeavors of the early immigrants’ pursuit of the American dream. The instinct to forgo the comforts, which a home country offers by default and then […]

❓ American Dream Research Questions

  1. How Did Ben Franklin Exemplify the American Dream?
  2. Does Fitzgerald Condemn the American Dream in “The Great Gatsby”?
  3. How Do Benjamin Franklin and Frederick Douglass Represent the American Dream?
  4. Has America Lost Its Potential to Achieve the American Dream?
  5. How Has Disney’s Social Power Influenced the Vision of the American Dream?
  6. Does the American Dream Really Exist?
  7. How Does the Great Gatsby Portray the Death of the American Dream?
  8. What Does “The Great Gatsby” Have to Say About the Condition of the American Dream in the 1920s?
  9. How Does One Achieve the American Dream?
  10. What Are the Greatest Obstacles of Full Access to the American Dream?
  11. How Has the American Dream Been Translated Into Popular Film?
  12. What Does the American Dream Mean to an Immigrant?
  13. How Does Arthur Miller Through “Death of a Salesman” Deal With the Theme of the American Dream?
  14. What Must Everyone Know About the American Dream?
  15. How Has the American Dream Changed Over Time?
  16. What Is Infamous About the American Dream?
  17. How Does Millar Portray His Views of the American Dream Using Willy Loman?
  18. When Did American Dream Start?
  19. How Has the Media Changed the American Dream?
  20. Who Would Think the American Dream Isn’t Possible?
  21. How Does Steinbeck Present the American Dream in “Of Mice and Men”?
  22. Why Will Equal Pay Help Women Achieve the American Dream?
  23. How Might the Disadvantage of Immigration Affect the Chances of Having That American Dream?
  24. Why Is the American Dream Equally Given and Registered To All Citizens?
  25. How Does Extreme Inequality Make the American Dream Inaccessible?
  26. Why Is the American Dream Still Alive in the United States?
  27. How Are Millennials Redefining the American Dream?
  28. Why Is the American Dream Unattainable?
  29. How Does Society Influence the Idea of the American Dream?
  30. Why Must the United States Renew Opportunities to Achieve the American Dream to Reform Immigration Policy?

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"103 American Dream Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda, 21 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/american-dream-essay-examples/.


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1. IvyPanda. "103 American Dream Essay Topics & Examples." February 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/american-dream-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda. "103 American Dream Essay Topics & Examples." February 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/american-dream-essay-examples/.