While the EU is one of the primary actors of Brexit since it participates in the negotiations as one of the parties, it can be considered as the primary reason for the start of the […]
The general state of the tourism industry in the country is crucial to the success of hotel businesses as they are the main providers of stay for visitors.
For these reasons, it is crucial to explore and better understand the impact of Brexit on migration and individuals that aspire to work and study in the UK.
The following strategy, which is used by the author in the article and is worthy of analysis, is the representation of Poland as the passive victim of Brexit.
For example, the Hormone Replacement Therapy product supply has not been reliable in the past years due to several factors such as the low manufacturing capacity and the disruption of the global chain.
The United Kingdom was increasingly affected by the EU immigration policy and the economic crisis of the other EU members. EU immigration control, terrorism threats, and economic crisis affected the United Kingdom’s decision to leave […]
The purpose of the present research is to compare the effect of Brexit on the UK economy in general and on the UK automotive industry in particular as perceived by the UK business students.
The United Kingdom is the leading actor and the main economic loser of Brexit. From the economic perspective, there are three main domains to measure Brexit’s impact: the movement of the workforce, the trade of […]
Key areas of research that are relevant to this investigation include an investigation of tools and techniques associated with developmental research that applies to the research problem, defining the role of developmental research in understanding […]
Brexit will also reduce the investment of foreign companies in the UK and can lead to the relocation of their headquarters to the EU to leave the opportunity for free trade and business activity.
The purpose of this policy note is to provide the general information about EU economy, show its importance in comparison to other countries, discuss the effect of Brexit and COVID-19 on the situation, and analyze […]
The mentality of the British is significantly predetermined by the country’s isolated location and characterized by their national pride, straightforwardness, sovereignty, and confidence in their exceptionality.
Since the proposed study is focused, the research will be conducted using a quantitative survey of secondary data consisting of official data on trade performance before and projected results after the Brexit.
The purpose of such blocs, historically, has been the establishment of trade standards, elimination of border restrictions, introduction of common quality, transportation, and inspection regulations, freedom of movement of goods and services, and the adoption […]
The UK government organized a referendum in 2016 to decide if the UK was to remain in the EU or exit, and the majority decision was to leave the EU. Table 2 presents a breakdown […]
Here, the scope of the analysis is centered on understanding the threats and opportunities of the move and the models of economic relations between the UK and the EU.
One of the most important aspects of the referendum that appealed to pro-Brexit voters was the perception of how immigration can affect the labour market.
The former British prime minister once stated that the internet had the power to ‘excite the attention of hundreds, thousands, millions of people and stirs them to action’. In the end, the side that understood […]
The article “How will Brexit send flight prices soaring higher?” is devoted to the impact which Brexit might produce on the aviation market in the UK and EU.
The withdrawal of the UK from the European Union, known as Brexit or the Leave, has been the point of much debate, in particular, because of the multitude of supporting arguments on both sides.
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Hard Brexit as the End of the Dutch Fishing Industry
Brexit and New Perspectives of an Unconventional Way of Eurozone Revival
The Implications of Brexit for UK and EU Regional Competitiveness
Benchmarking Brexit: How the British Decision to Leave Shapes EU Public Opinion
How Brexit Shows Up the Failures of Globalization
Macroprudential Risk Management Problems in Brexit
Post-Brexit Scenario: The European Union Under Threat
Brexit and the Environment: The EU and UK as Both Good and Bad Influences
How Has Brexit Affected the Value of Sterling
Beyond Brexit: Reshaping Policies for Regional Development in Europe
Brexit and the Implications for Financial Services
Potential International Employment Effects of a Hard Brexit
Brexit and Trade: Between Facts and Irrelevance
Evidence From the Brexit Referendum in Great Britain
Brexit and Implications for the Agrifood Sector
The Consequences of Brexit for UK Trade and Living Standards
Brexit Planning for Asset Managers
How Brexit Threatens Irish Science’s Cross-Border Collaboration
The Impact of Brexit on Asset Management
👍 Good Research Topics about Brexit
Brexit and the Irish Border: Historical Context
The Implications of Brexit for Intellectual Property Law and Policy
Brexit and the Irish Border: Legal and Political Questions
Strategies for Post-Brexit UK: International Agricultural Trade Relations
The UK, and India Launch Post-brexit Free Trade Talks
Brexit’s Long-Run Effects on the UK Economy
Pre and Post-effects of Brexit Polling on the United Kingdom Economy
Brexit Voting Patterns, Education, and Geography
A Brexit Election: Voting in the 2017 General Election
Brexit: What You Need to Know About the UK Leaving the EU
International Macroeconomy for Brexit and Economy
Brexit and the Irish Border: Consequences for the Peace Process
The Brexit Effect: The Pound vs the Euro
Brexit and CDS Spillovers Across UK and Europe
How Will Brexit Affect Tax Competition and Tax Harmonization
Brexit and Trade and Economic Relations Between Russia and the UK
UK Agricultural Trade: State of Play and Possible Impacts of Brexit
Brexit and Foreign Investment in the UK
The Impacts of Brexit on Agricultural Trade
Brexit, Globalization, and the Future of the EU
❓ Brexit Essay Questions
What Is Brexit and Why Did It Happen?
Is the UK Still in Europe After Brexit?
Can EU Citizens Work in Scotland After Brexit?
Is Brexit Good for Britain?
How Has Brexit Affected the UK Economy?
What Are the Legal and Political Questions Associated With Brexit?
How Did Brexit Affect the EU?
Who Started Brexit?
How Many EU Workers Left the UK After Brexit?
When Did Britain Separate From Europe?
What Were the Main Arguments for Brexit?
How Is the Reform of Regional Development Policy in Europe After Brexit?
What Are the Implications of Brexit for Intellectual Property Law and Policy?
What Does Brexit Mean for the Hospitality Industry?/li>
Did Brexit Affect the Financial Stability in the UK?
How Did Brexit Affect the Euro?
What Are the Implications of Brexit for the Agri-Food Sector?
How Will Brexit Affect Foreign Direct Investment?
What Is the Impact of Brexit on the Pound in the Foreign Exchange Market?
Is There a Connection Between Brexit and International Agricultural Trade?
What Are the New Perspectives of an Unconventional Way of Eurozone Revival After Brexit?
What Does the Brexit Deal Mean for Our Environment?
What Is the Macroeconomic Impact of Trade Policy Uncertainty After Brexit?
Is Brexit to Blame for Inflation?
How Did Brexit Affect Immigrants?
What Are the Negative Effects of Brexit?
Why Does the Brexit Decision Put a Strain on the German Economy?
What Are the Operational and Institutional Aspects for World Insurance Market After Brexit?
How Many EU Citizens Have Left UK Since Brexit?
What Opportunities for German-Irish Trade Did the Brexit Open Up?