208 Crime Investigation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Crime Investigation Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Organic vs. Inorganic in Criminology
    A wound as organic trace evidence is used as one of the first clues about the crime of which when cleaned and examined through, the morgue vivid information will be obtained by the medical examiner.
  2. Introduction to Criminology
    The term criminology refers to the design and scientific study of the extent, nature, control and cause of the criminal behaviors in both the individual and society.
  3. Blood in Blood Out: Applying Criminology Theories to Characters
    The essay is a critical examination of the three major characters in the movie Blood in Blood Out. The most crucial period of an individual is the adolescence as individuals here need a lot of […]
  4. Trends and Patterns in Criminology
    Experts note that “a crime trend is defined as a significant change in the nature of selected crime types within a defined geographical area and time period”.
  5. Criminology: The Reid Method of Interrogation
    Interrogation is the final aspect of the Reid technique that is applied if the factual analysis and behavioral analysis interview is indicting.
  6. The Classical School of Thought and Strain Theory in Criminology
    The second pinnacle to the classical theory also advances the fact that people have the will to control the variables that characterize their personality. The strain theory advances the fact that social structures in society […]
  7. Criminology as a Social Science
    In addition, as McClanahan and South note, the study of crime as a general phenomenon, the causes of crime, the personality of the offender, and crime prevention measures fall within the scope of sociology.
  8. Fingerprinting and Casting in Criminology
    The process of using the fingerprint powder consists of applying the powder that will stick to the human skin grease and will not reside on the adjacent surfaces.
  9. The Art of Criminal Investigation
    From the crime scene of Sophie’s murder, we had to establish circumstantial evidence and in this case no blood was found.
  10. Forensic Science in Criminology: A Widely Respected and Highly Specialized Field of Science
    When it comes to studying a case of crime, no matter the level of severity, nothing is more important to a criminal investigator than the use and implementation of forensic science.
  11. General Strain Theory in Criminology
    Agnew’s general strain hypothesis was an advancement of the strain theory since sought to “expand the strain theory by pointing to new categories of strain including the loss of positive stimuli, the presentation of negative […]
  12. Social Bonding Theory in Criminology
    The four major elements of the theory include the notions of commitment, attachment, the belief of importance, and involvement in various activities.
  13. Positivist School of Criminology
    Siegel states that: “Cesare Lombroso, an Italian prison doctor working in the late 19th century and sometimes regarded as the “father” of criminology, was one of the largest contributors to biological positivism and founder of […]
  14. Ballistics in Forensic Science
    The bullet trajectory includes the progress of the bullet through the barrel of the gun following discharge or detonation and its pathway both through the air and the aim.
  15. Criminology: Strain Theory and Broken Window Model
    The broken window theory is a criminology model that is used to construct and make an assertion about possible causes of criminal acts in society.
  16. Criminal Investigation: Creating a Perpetrator Profile
    By defining the key characteristics of a criminal, one will be able to identify the possible suspects and, therefore, locate the perpetrator faster.
  17. Crime Scene Investigation in Criminal Justice
    In the process of controlling the crowd and maintaining order with the aid of the police officers, I took some photographs of the surrounding and then approached the main spot of event. I managed to […]
  18. Definition and Aspects of Criminology
    The legal process involves the police, who are responsible for investigating crimes and making the arrest of the offenders. Punishment of offenders is also meant to rehabilitate the individuals to abandon the old habits and […]
  19. Criminology Description and Its Relation With Other Sciences
    The teachings of the Neoclassical school are based on the fact that they consider the motives and other circumstances of the commission of a crime, which make it possible to reduce or increase the penalties.
  20. Criminology: Application of Crime Theories
    For an action to amount to crime, there has to be a breach of law followed by the administration of punishment by the state to the accused.
  21. Criminal Behavior: Criminology Theories
    This paper draws the theories discussed herein from a radical orientation; they include radical, feminist and critical criminology theories and present principles that alter the existing and traditional views on the development of criminal behaviour […]
  22. Police Functions: Forensic Science and Fingerprinting
    Even though the police perform an increasingly wide range of functions, it is crime control which remains uppermost in the perceptions of the police role in the minds of both the police and the public.
  23. The Concept of Biosocial Theory in Criminology
    Another contributing element, in this respect, proved to be the fact that as time went on, there has been more and more scientifically sound evidence accumulated in support of the idea that there is indeed […]
  24. Evidences in Criminal Investigation: Significance and Importance
    Evidence – any object, item or statement, legally submitted to competent tribunal in order to establish matter of fact under investigation.
  25. Open- and Close-Ended Questions in Criminal Investigation
    While there are numerous types of questions, Bachman and Schutt elaborate on open-ended and close-ended questions. Open-ended and close-ended questions are often used during investigative interviewing to gather the needed information.
  26. “Criminology: The Core” by Larry Siegel
    The book “Criminology: the Core” by Larry Siegel is the authors investigation of the problems connected with committing the crime and, which is most important, the theoretical aspects of committing a crime.
  27. Crime Scene Investigation and Evidence Classification
    They include the explanation of physical evidence to identify purposes, the discussion of the differences between class and individual characteristics of physical evidence, and the evaluation of the class characteristics’ importance.
  28. Life-Course Approach in Criminology
    It is interested in the fluidity of one’s behavior and the process of change. The authors point out that while other factors are also crucial to the process of developing offending behavior, one’s ethnicity and […]
  29. Positivist, Sociological, Contemporary Criminology
    The laws and such authorities as police and courts are in charge of the safety of citizens. On the whole, sociological criminology ideas can be applied to discover the risk groups of possible criminals and […]
  30. Criminal Investigation
    The preferred method of inquiry in criminal investigation is the scientific method. In this method, an investigator develops a hypothesis and then investigates the viability of the hypothesis, which is a similar procedure as used […]
  31. Larry Siegel’s “Criminology: The Core”
    In this regard, the criminal justice system possesses the power to control crime and punish those who violate the law. The chapter attempts to familiarize the readers with the structure and function of the criminal […]
  32. Physical Evidence in Criminology
    One of the most widespread types of physical evidence is the so-called pattern evidence. It is necessary to note that the analysis of this type of evidence is similar to the one mentioned above.
  33. Comparative Criminology and Criminology Theories
    In particular, comparative criminology was formed, the main purpose of which is to consider and study the similarities and differences in crimes of different countries and cultures.
  34. Contemporary Biosocial Criminology
    Biosocial criminology is dynamic in that it explains human behavior in the different paths of development. To them crime was a way of showing that they are in control.
  35. Theories of Social Processes in Criminology
    The other concern is that the prevention of crime; is based on using the regulations that are used in defining crime itself, its development, and impacts on individuals.
  36. Organized Crime Investigation in Different Countries
    Such tools and strategies cover investigations into the organized crimes and operations, strategies to thwart planned crimes operations and preventions of the effecting, netting of criminals and affiliates of the groups as well as facilitating […]

👍 Good Essay Topics on Crime Investigation

  1. Routine Activities Theory in Criminological Studies
    Breetzke and Cohn, for instance, apply the theory to burglaries in the gated communities of South Africa which became popular in the region due to the rising rates of violence and crime.
  2. Conflict Theory and Politics in Criminology
    The criminological basis of the conflict theory is contingent on the limitations of the social order and the inequalities that are inherent in the ideological perceptions of the society.
  3. Criminology: What Is the Solution to the Prison Problem?
    What you have to understand is that the current prison system within the U.S.does not rehabilitate at all and in fact promotes greater instances of criminal behavior.
  4. Introduction to Criminology
    After reading the article, it is notable that there are awesome highlights explaining the history, development, and evolution of crime in the society.
  5. Crime Scene Investigation Techniques
    Digital GPS evidence refers to the location data that is collected and stored on digital devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, smart watches, and others.
  6. Forensic Science Timeline and Impact on Trial
    Attention to ballistics was drawn after the case of Sacco and Vanzetti in 1920, which, together with the invention of the comparative microscope, led to the establishment of a bureau in New York in 1923.
  7. Criminology: Latent Print Residue
    The viability of latent prints depends on the residue composition and other factors, such as surface, weather, and time passed since the print was left. In summary, latent print residue comprises organic, inorganic, and other […]
  8. Environmental Criminology and Its Aspects
    This personal approach is similar to the environmental criminology theories that analyze an individual and develop solutions based on that analysis.
  9. The Comparison of the General Methods in Criminology
    The main strength of this approach is the possibility of acquiring objective data about the circumstances of the case. The strength of this method is the ability to obtain many useful details, as well as […]
  10. Institutional Review Board in Criminology
    As a result, the ultimate purpose of an IRB is to secure the safety and well-being of human research subjects recruited in behavioral and biomedical research.
  11. Criminology and Its Significance in Criminal Justice Fields
    Criminologists’ activities include collecting and analyzing data of committed crimes to study the nature of crimes and criminals and identify factors that influence criminals’ motives.
  12. Criminalistics: Forensic Science, Crime, and Terrorism
    These writings can be on the second, third, and so on pages, depending on the pressure on the writing subject, that is, a pen or pencil.
  13. Cultural Criminology: Inside the Crime
    To facilitate an understanding of cultural criminology, it is essential to consider such ideas as crime as culture, culture as crime, the media constructions of crime control and corruption, and political dimensions of culture, crime, […]
  14. Lombroso’s Theories in Italian Criminology
    Since Lombroso was the first criminologist to take a scientific approach to studying criminals, he is considered by many to be the ancestor of modern criminology.
  15. Robert Peele’s Principles in Criminology
    Policing became a legitimate practice in the eyes of the public. The focus of Peelian principles is on preventing crime and not necessarily catching criminals in the act.
  16. Review of High Tech Crime Investigation
    The difference between these aspects is that the file header is the internal part of how the file is perceived by the device, and the file extension is an external indicator for the user that […]
  17. The Broken Windows Theory in Criminology
    The theory of broken windows is a theory in criminology that considers minor offenses not only as an indicator of the criminogenic situation but also as an active factor affecting the serious crime rate.
  18. Criminology and Psychological Profiling Approaches
    In addition, the scientific method involves testing and validating the accuracy of the outcomes with the help of the relevant disciplines, for instance, investigative psychology.
  19. Hypothesis Testing in Criminal Justice and Criminology
    Two populations that are linked via a dependent variable must be assessed on the subject of dependency to determine a proper test to ensure the validity of the results.
  20. Proportions and Probabilities in Criminology
    The author also contends that in the normal and binary patterns, the fundamental element is the theoretical- premises for mathematical and logical assumptions.
  21. Statistics in Criminal Justice and Criminology
    The author’s primary argument refers to the importance of averages and data distribution types for criminology researchers and practitioners. To conclude, the information provided in the chapter is essential for understanding the measures of central […]
  22. Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice
    The first part of the chapter introduces the three univariate data distribution displays that are frequently used in statistics, such as frequencies, proportions, and percentages.
  23. The Crime Scene Investigation Effect Theory
    In this context, the public has come to expect too much from criminologists and the criminal justice system because of the CSI Effect.
  24. Inchoate Offenses in Criminology
    Inchoate offenses are the actions that assisted in the commission of a crime and are divided into conspiracy, solicitation, and attempt.
  25. History of Criminology and the Case of Jody Arias
    The strict logic of the era of classicism, presented in the works of Cesare Beccaria, speaks of the full responsibility of a person for his misdeeds.
  26. The Federal Bureau Investigation Crime Statistics
    The NIBRS is an event-based reporting system that will replace the usual data provided by the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports. The traditional UCR Program was summary-based, and NIBRS is incident-driven.
  27. Criminology: The Case of Uncle Bob
    Accordingly, the information available to the Miami Police Department includes biographic data and criminal history, all of which flow from the local agencies to the federal center and back.
  28. Actus Reus in Criminology
    The prerequisites of actus reus vary based on the crime definition and rely on place, individual, victim’s state of mind, preparation, time, and consent.
  29. Criminology: Corporate Personhood
    By ensuring that perpetrators of white-collar crime are convicted it would serve as a warning to other errant employees who would be planning to commit such crimes.
  30. Ethical Issues in Criminology and Criminal Justice Research
    Investigation officers be committed to obligation of ensuring that the bodily, social and mental health of a person participating in an investigation is not harmful distressed.
  31. Homicide in Criminal Investigation
    The cases of criminal homicide are further separated into murder and manslaughter, with the key difference laying in whether the law determines the presence of malice in the act.
  32. U.S. Laws and Policies on Criminal Investigation
    According to the issue of McFadden’s case, it is obvious that it was reasonable for the detective to stop the two men.
  33. Criminal Investigation: The Role of Witnesses
    The three categories of missing witnesses are; Identified witnesses are those witnesses who have been specifically by one of the parties or in a document or piece of physical evidence.
  34. Criminology, Law, and Policies on Sexual Violence
    The article, therefore, presents an analysis of the effects of laws and policies on the reintegration process of criminals into society.
  35. Survey Research and Questionnaires in Criminology
    Survey research is the most widely used data collection method in the fields of criminal justice and criminology as it assists researchers and professionals to gather the information that is unique to individuals, such as […]
  36. Criminal Justice & Criminology Research Methods
    In most cases, operationalizing study variables ensures that a sample representing the entire population is chosen and an appropriate unit of analysis is applied.

⭐ Simple & Easy Crime Investigation Essay Titles

  1. The Chain of Custody in Criminal Investigation Concept
    Putrefaction is one of the stages in the decomposition of a dead body. According to Middleton, putrefaction is the decomposition of a dead body, which involves the breakdown of the proteins in the dead organism.
  2. Forensic Science: Insect Evidence
    In addition, it also documents the chronological order of persons relating to the physical evidence from the time of acquisition to the time of submission to a court of law.
  3. Criminology: Terrorism–Security Policy for Large Events
    This attack proved to the government the vulnerability of the state concerning external threats, especially because, prior to the attack, the customary means of attack had been the use of military force as evidenced in […]
  4. Criminology: Drug Enforcement Agency
    The final action that is taken is by DEA is to revoke the license until the owners of the hospital proved to be legible to have the license.
  5. Criminology: Modern Criminal Justice
    The criminal justice system is the institution or the criterion that is used to keep all people that are subject to the law in check.
  6. Criminology: Law Enforcement in the USA
    Law enforcement may be defined as the structure in which the community members act in a well thought-out behavior to endorse observance to the law by investigating and grueling persons who infringe the regulations and […]
  7. Criminology Models Overview and Analysis
    This model approaches crime by assuming that the best treatment for any crime is treating the causative factors associated with the crime. According to this model, the reason for the increased crime rate is due […]
  8. Mara Leveritt: Crime Investigation in the ”Devil’s Knot”
    The author of this book portrays the ignorance of actual evidence used in the conviction of the three teenagers. The police claimed to have located the bodies of the boys in a ditch, along a […]
  9. Principles of Justification and Excuse in Criminology
    A key question that many would want to be answered is which of the two superior to the other. Essentially, this approach is much more superior when it comes to the deterrence of criminals.
  10. Criminology Theory Application
    One of the reasons for the selection of this theory is that it looks into the influence of crime through poverty in the urban cities such as in Canada and the people who undertake criminal […]
  11. Criminology: Employee Satisfaction Within Prison
    In effect, one of the main plans that I would put in place to ensure that the work is done effectively is to improve the morale of the staff.
  12. Criminology: Forensic Human Identification
    In a typical case, a known sample is obtained from a person, mostly in form of a buccal swab, and the results of the DNA analysis compared to the Questioned sample from the crime scene.
  13. The Understanding of Criminology Today
    This paper gives a detail of the different sociological theories, which broadens the understanding of crime. The subcultural theory is a sociological view that stresses the role of social groups in delinquency.
  14. Addressing the Subject of Criminology
    The following is a critique of some of the articles that have been put forth to address the subject of criminology.
  15. Criminal Investigation: The Case of George Zimmerman
    Overall, it is possible to say that this particular case illustrates the importance of forensic analysis because the absence of conclusive evidence is one of the reasons why this case continues to be debated by […]
  16. Criminology in Brief: Understanding Crime
    The girl woke up to find the boy raping her. In this case, the boy might have had an insecure childhood and, therefore, engaged in the act for self-interest.
  17. Criminology Theories: The Aileen Wuornos Case
    This documentary also examines the inappropriateness of the decision to execute Aileen Wuornos. Some of these theories can support the events and facts of Aileen Wuornos as portrayed in the film.
  18. Environmental Deaths in Criminology
    Near drowning is another occurrence in the same line and refers to the endurance of a drowning experience entailing a cognitive state or water inhalation and can result to severe derived complications such as death […]
  19. Evidence Collection in Criminology
    The evidence presented in court for the prosecution of criminals ought to be of high quality for it to be fully relied on when making the ruling.
  20. Legal Methods and Systems in Criminology
    In writing this research paper the first thing that I needed to determine is the branch of law that this case scenario pertained to, which I determined to be criminal law.
  21. Criminalistics and Forensic Science vs. Traditional Methods
    The development of cellular genetic tools and their relevance to the study and exploration of the human D.N. Their borne of contention also lies in the fact that it is prone to be washed away […]
  22. Criminal Profiling and Investigative Linkage
    On this basis, case linkage is the process of identifying some evidence that satisfy the investigators of a particular case that the offender committed the crime.
  23. Criminology: Professionalization of Investigators
    First of all, there are no formal education requirements for a majority of the investigator jobs but all should possess a post high school degree in addition due to the diverse demands of the work […]
  24. Criminal Investigation: The Murder of Brianna Denison
    There is full adherence to the law in which the police officers are supposed to get in detail the root of the case and be able to have supportive evidence to the accused person.
  25. Personal Application of Criminology
    I rushed home quickly and found the door to the house ajar and, as far as I could remember, I was the last to leave the house and there was no way that I could […]
  26. Investigation Methods: Terrorism and Cyber Crime
    The question on whether the investigations in these areas of cyber crime and terrorism to remain incident driven or to adopt strategic approach are still is of great concern to the security agencies and the […]
  27. Electronic Crime Scene Investigation & Good Practice Guide
    According to the guides, some of the devices that can be found at the scene of the crime can vary depending on the nature of the organization.
  28. The Major Tenets of the Classical and Positive Schools of Criminology
    The Positivist school of thought was inspired by the positivist ideas that universal laws are governing the course of action of everything in the universe.
  29. Contemporary Criminology and Criminal Justice Theory
    The model of a political society in which law restrains and guides the implementation of power by rulers dates from the early stages of systematic thought in the Western world.
  30. International Comparative Criminology
    To evaluate the effects of the judicial treatment of human rights violations on the democratic process, it is necessary to consider whether, in spite of the covert amnesty of the due obedience law passed during […]
  31. Crime Theories: Intimate Partner Violence in the US
    The NCJRS report points out that the group that showed the least cases of IPV within the minorities was women and men from the Asian and the Pacific Islander ethnicities.
  32. Criminology: Bring Community Justice To Corrections
    Community justice refers to promoting of quality life of local residents through the effort of agencies that deal with criminal justice with co-operation of the members of the community.
  33. Criminology: Basic Theory Lineage
    Being a result of Durkheim’s and Merton’s theories’ integration, the Institutional Anomie theory by Rosenfeld and Messner argues about the dominance of goals over the ways of their achievement and claims the American Dream to […]
  34. Jeffrey R. Wilson: Macbeth and Criminology
    The genre of tragedy used in Macbeth poses the question to the reader: who is responsible for committing a crime – the individual or the society?
  35. Criminal Investigation: O. J. Simpson’s Case Brief
    Subsequently, the investigation was able to establish the size and model of the alleged killer’s shoes. The trial also found that Simpson’s foot was the same size as the bloody prints at the crime scene.
  36. Glass Analysis in Forensic Science: Characteristics and Properties
    Determination of the material’s distinctive characteristics based on the analysis of its unique properties is a constant task of the forensic expert. The technique of such measurements consists of immersing the glass in a liquid […]

💡 Interesting Topics to Write about Crime Investigation

  1. Criminology Theories and Juvenile Delinquency
    From the point of view of labeling theory, the initial drinking and the first fight at the party is John’s primary deviance.
  2. The Role of Politics in Criminology
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of the power structures on criminology and its approaches in the analysis of evidence and making decisions.
  3. Different Types of Criminological Theories
    The growth of crime is the negative consequences of such phenomena of the modern stage of society’s development as the scientific and technological revolution, the processes of urbanization, population migration, and the media’s development.
  4. U2 IP Forensic Science: Types of Guns and the Nature of Gunshot Wounds
    The caliber of a weapon and the distance from a gun to a victim determine the features of an injury caused by bullets, shell casing, or projectile. Therefore, forensic investigators should know the types of […]
  5. Criminal Justice System: Crime Scene Investigation
    A gas store employee, who was present in the time of the event, nodded to be the witness of the crime.
  6. Women’s Crime: Gendered Criminology Theory
    In addition, with the common pigeonholes of women within the community criminal women are seen as incapable, hysterical, and irrational of being entirely initiative for their crimes and actions because of their sex and biology.
  7. Expanding Theories: Criminology Revisited
    The theory, also known as the Sociobiology or Psychobiology is the focus of this essay which also dwells on some recommended responses for the Criminal Justice System in dealing with criminal behavior.
  8. Criminal Investigations: Nature of Crime Investigators
    The fourth task of crime investigators in crimes against children is that their work should be able to facilitate effective decision-making and disclosures.
  9. Hung Juries in Criminal Trials: Are They a Problem?
    A hung jury is usually regarded as the best way to an acquittal, so the greater the number of juries is the more chances of dissension are.
  10. Situational Inducement in Criminology
    It is analogous to an attempt to extinguish the flames of a fire fed by an open gas jet: the flames are the major problem, but the cause is the gas. The degree of acceptability […]
  11. Hate Crime as a Core Subject of Criminology
    Following these, the understanding of hate crime is promoted by a definition that admits the ways in which this selected category of violence contributes to the relative scheme of identities, in the context of a […]
  12. Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology
    One of the major aspects that have to be considered while going for data collection is that, the selection of the data collection team.
  13. Gregg Barak: Race, Gender & Class in Criminology
    The author came to the conclusion that race, gender and class can really influence the criminal justice and the type of punishment.
  14. Forensic Science: Term Definition
    Forensic crime scene investigation currently employs the study of human remains and this also involves extraction of DNA from the tissues for inclusion in the polymerase chain reaction, which is an enzymatic amplification of specific […]
  15. Forensic Science and Law: The U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision in Daubert
    According to the Daubert decision, the Supreme Court took a broad view of “science ” based on the data and reasoning facts considered as expert evidence.
  16. Criminology: Drugs, Crime and Control
    In 1998 the percentage was high among young people, this is because may be due to depressions and burdens of failed life’s take 20 to 24 years old people into drug and on the other […]
  17. State Corporate Crime and Criminological Inquiry
    This means that corporate crime poses a threat to the community at large in which their actions and impact on personal injury and cause economic and physical impacts.
  18. Forensic Science and Psychological Profiling
    This step also helps the investigator to come to the rough details of a crime mainly from the materials that the investigator collects from the crime scene and which becomes of use in the investigation.
  19. Wrongful Convictions and Forensic Science
    In the first trial, the prosecution emphasized two pieces of evidence: the bite marks left by the murderer on Ancona’s left breast and the other various scientific findings regarding the blood and hairs obtained from […]
  20. Criminology. Female Incarceration and Equality
    The power dynamics between the two genders and the observable differences in male and female behavior shape their crime patterns, avenues into the justice system, and responses to incarceration.
  21. Computer Forensics in Criminal Investigation
    In this section, this paper will address the components of a computer to photograph during forensic photography, the most emergent action an investigating officer should take upon arriving at a cyber-crime scene, the value of […]
  22. Crime Investigation With Global Positioning System
    The members of the group had no license and violated other laws, while the brother of the convict was also suspected to be a part of this group, his guilt was not proved.
  23. Forensic Science in the Criminal Justice System
    This essay is intended to explain the meaning of forensic science in the criminal justice system and to explore the evolution of methods introduced by such figures as Sir Francis Galton and Dr.
  24. Physical Evidence in Criminal Investigation
    If proof is relevant, it means that it has tendencies to make the existence of facts that are of consequence to the determination of actions more or less probable than it would be without the […]
  25. Social Learning Theory in Criminology
    The paper concentrates on the history of the introduction of the social learning theory to science, its evolution over the years, and its possible application to the analysis of a recent criminal event.
  26. Computer Crime Investigation Processes and Analyses
    The document revolves around the necessity of following all these procedures to achieve success and guarantee the preservation of crucial data and increased security of companies and organizations.
  27. Criminalistics: Arson and High and Low Explosives
    Deliberate fires, are also referred to as arson and are of the greatest significance to the investigator. In the low explosives, the bonds are very strong and require a lot of energy to break them.
  28. Studying Criminology: Experiences and Skills
    Well, the study of criminology enables an individual to evaluate and, in the process, understand the criminal activities while putting into consideration the process of committing those crimes and how to control them within the […]
  29. Social Disorganization Theory in Criminology
    According to Cullen, Agnew, and Wilcox, this term describes the emergence of crime as a logical factor, which is manifested in those communities that are unstable or disorganized. While evaluating this crime from a theoretical […]
  30. Social Control Theory in Criminology
    The main idea of the theory is that social bonds are the most significant factors that can prevent individuals from engaging in unlawful activities.
  31. BMW and Volkswagen in Environmental Criminology
    The recent investigations of BMW and Volkswagen are one of the many examples of misdeeds done to nature. Therefore, the corporation will not undermine laws, which are created to preserve the environment and nature of […]
  32. Forensic Science: Examining Crime Evidence
    For a forensic scientist, it is paramount to be able to perform the three main functions: Gathering evidence finding the evidence from the crime scene that might be relevant to the case, and collecting it […]
  33. Data Collection in Criminology: Interviews and Questionnaires
    It is important to note that the questionnaire gives the respondent a great degree of anonymity besides the lack of interview bias and the ability to provide data that can be used to test a […]
  34. Genetic and Social Bond Theories in Criminology
    In the study of criminology, the questions of why, how, and when are important to the understanding of the causation factors of crime.
  35. Crime Scene Investigation: Types of Analysis
    Consequently, in the context of this paper, it is essential to determine the differences between tactical, strategic, and administrative types of analysis with the help of the examples from the IACA site.
  36. Crime Scene Investigation: Principles and Process
    Besides, the paper presents the qualities that crime investigators should have to guarantee a successful inquiry process. Upon arrival on a scene or the site of the crime, one should: Offer assistance to the injured […]

📑 Good Research Topics about Crime Investigation

  1. Credible Evidence in Criminology
  2. Police Culture in “The Critical Criminology Companion”
  3. The Pivotal Role of Different Analyses in Criminology
  4. Proactive and Reactive Approaches in Criminology
  5. Crime Scene Investigation Stages and Protocols
  6. Death Types in Criminal Investigation
  7. Unethical Practices in Criminal Investigation
  8. Police Officers’ White Lie in Criminal Investigation
  9. Criminal Justice Process and Investigation Changes
  10. Conflict Criminology and Crime Causation Theories
  11. Classical Criminology and Present Day Crime
  12. The Historical Investigation – Robert Salmon’s Crime
  13. Criminology: Circles of Support and Accountability
  14. Criminology: Juvenile Detention Center
  15. Criminal Investigations and Hate Crimes
  16. CSI Effect: Crime-Related Shows and Judicial System
  17. Criminology: The CSI Effect Among Jurors
  18. How the CSI Effect Influences American Jurors
  19. Criminology: Critique of the Current Rehabilitation Options
  20. Criminology: Prisoners with Special Needs
  21. Criminology: Prisons Impact on Crime Rates
  22. Crime in Chicago: Witnesses Go Silent
  23. Criminology: Water Boarding Torture
  24. Collection of Biological Evidence in Criminal Investigation
  25. Forensic Evidence in Criminology
  26. The Role of Computer Forensics in Criminology
  27. Classical and Positivist Criminology, Circle Sentencing, Risk as a Gendered Aspect
  28. Criminology: Sexual Assault and Consent
  29. Forensic Psychology Role in the Investigation of Crime
  30. Criminology: Screen Violence vs. Real Violence
  31. Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science

❓ Crime Investigation Questions

  1. What Is the First Step in the Crime Investigation Process?
  2. Why Is Ethical Behavior Necessary in Crime Investigations?
  3. How Is Chemistry Used in Crime Investigation?
  4. What Are the Goals of Crime Investigation?
  5. Why Is Chemistry Important in Police Science or Crime Investigation?
  6. How Are Computers Being Used in Crime Investigations?
  7. What Is the Purpose of DNA Profiling in Crime Investigation?
  8. Is Digital Crime Investigation and Cyber Crime Investigation the Same?
  9. Which Are Some Great and Unique Crime Investigation Movies?
  10. What Are the Basic Principles of Crime Investigation?
  11. How Long Do Cyber Crime Investigations Take?
  12. What Is the Meaning of Crime Investigation in History?
  13. Do Cyber Crime Investigations Make a Safer Internet Space?
  14. What Are the Basic Steps of Scientific Crime Scene Investigation?
  15. How Effectively Is DNA Used in Crime Investigation?
  16. What Are the Elements of a Crime Investigation?
  17. Is DNA the Most Important Evidence for Crime Investigation?
  18. What Is the Significance of Scientific Crime Investigation?
  19. How Has Technology Changed the Crime Investigation?
  20. What Is the History of Crime Investigation?
  21. Are There Ethical Issues in Crime Investigation?
  22. What Is the Role of Police in Crime Investigation?
  23. Does Crime Investigation Require Ethical Standards?
  24. How Is Forensic Science Used in Criminal Investigations?
  25. What Is the Most Important Tool of Crime Investigation?

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IvyPanda. (2023, November 9). 208 Crime Investigation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/crime-investigation-essay-topics/

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"208 Crime Investigation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 9 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/crime-investigation-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2023) '208 Crime Investigation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 9 November.


IvyPanda. 2023. "208 Crime Investigation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 9, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/crime-investigation-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "208 Crime Investigation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 9, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/crime-investigation-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "208 Crime Investigation Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 9, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/crime-investigation-essay-topics/.

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