Proponents of modernization theory believe that the introduction of modern technology in manufacturing, technology and agriculture will lead to industrialization and development of the developing countries.
Education about AIDs in Ghana has helped to reduce the spread of the virus, which has consequently improved the lifestyle of many people living in the country.
The money may be used to pay the workers at the tourism sites, construct good roads to the parks, provide environmental friendly recreational facilities inside the park and educate the people in the park surroundings […]
The second reason is that due to the problems with employment, the project of development does not meet the expectations and entails a range of other failures.
In this case, the ethical elements of the operations pose questions about the motives of such corporations, which results in displeasure to the greatest majority.
Nike’s vision is to remain the “leading company in the industry by continuing to produce the high quality products that have long been provided in the past”.
Political independence brought young countries harsh difficulties including the problems with education; Children in such countries do not have access to high-quality education due to the poor technological, social, and economic development.
The aim of this article is to assess the assertion that the negative effects of globalization impact developing countries more than developed countries.
The Third World, which is popularly referred to the countries of the south or developing countries, consists of many states in Africa, Caribbean, South America, Asia, and those in Central America.
MNCs contribute to the improvement of economies of the emerging states in different ways. MNCs also contribute to the improvement of social and development needs of the developing nations.
Corruption is the leading cause of underdevelopment and challenging economic conditions in Africa’s developing countries. Finally, legal and media institutions lack the freedom to practice justice and expose corruption.
Developed countries such as the United States and Australia have the same fertility rate of 1. Thus, the current paper tested a hypothesis concerning birth rate levels in developed and developing countries.
These divisions fault line is across the social, economic, and politics of the country. This is the major cause of poverty and under development in these countries.
The country of Syria “is an Asian country located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, bordering Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan and Palestine to the south, the Mediterranean Sea […]
Thus, the study of how noticeable and significant this impact will be in the future in the economy and business is necessary to understand the effective ways to use AI.
The WTO has made significant efforts to establish a multilateral system of trade. However, this move has attracted anti-WTO protests among players in the global community.
This paper analyzes topics impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on corporate governance, synergy and its six forms, and criticism of MNCs operating in developing countries.
The aim of this study is to determine risk factors and implications that violence against women has in developing world. The question for this research is: what type of factors can put women at a […]
Health inequalities refer to the variation of the health status among the members of society. Age is one of the essential determinants of the differences in the health situation of the members of society.
Obeng-Odoom provides a debatable issue in terms of ‘NGOisation,’ privatization, and state strengthening of the health system to remedy the problems that exist in the sector.
Moreover, the Western companies have to be exemplary in their respect for the rights of the employees and promote ethical standards throughout all the stages of production of its goods and services.
The article by Eijdenberg et al.aims to fill the gap in the literature concerned with entrepreneurs’ individual experiences and responses to institutional constraints to entrepreneurship.
This paper examines the problems that prevent the development of the third world countries and the reasons why the western countries continue to progress on the other hand.
In that regard, it can be stated that the topics discussed in the article, either outlining the necessity for knowledge, providing the overview of the usage of this type of knowledge on the individual and […]
From this table, one can see which of the concepts are found to be the most beneficial for the entrepreneurial intention in developing countries, and which barriers are the most detrimental.
The present paper offers a response to the article by discussing the major strengths and weaknesses of the arguments provided in the article and describing the implications of the findings.
The first one is from Africa which is considered to be the most afflicted region in the world when it is referred to the issue of having the access to clean water and to any […]
The foundation of this critique is the disillusionment regarding the effectiveness of the development programs offered to the third world countries in earlier periods.
In his article, Najah Hassan Salamah has reviewed the state of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the WTO and whether the decision to join the organization was right for the economy of the state.
The majority of the world’s HIV/AIDS cases are in Africa particularly the sub-Saharan and many of the infected have been faced with a huge challenge to live a normal life due to limitations in access […]
That is why concepts like the “Third World Countries”, the “Second World Countries”, the “First World Countries” and now the “Developing Countries” has been coined.
A number of studies have concluded that business is able to guarantee India and other South Asian countries the proper level of development; however, there exist certain pros and cons of business getting involved in […]
Sponsorship of trademarks will help the general public identifying the owner of goods in the market as also the availability of goods and services in the market and can protect people against false practices.
Owing to issues of gender, the voices of women in developing countries are never heard when it comes to the creation of trade agreements and policies or in their negotiations.
In almost all the developed and developing countries, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises rely on local skills and technology and contribute to the establishment and maintenance of entrepreneurship.
The presence of an educated populace in western countries is credited with developing creative business solutions that have helped to expand their country’s economies.
Indeed, this is evident from the high number of slums and informal settlements within these nations. This is because the environment is the main source of food and other crucial resources.
Their interactions with those in authority and the decision makers in the society have been marred with many obstacles and denied the rights to freedom of speech and expression that is being enjoyed by the […]
The most common land reform approach is state-controlled land reforms where the state seeks to promote land redistribution to contribute to the socio-economic development of a country.
It emphasizes the fact that such an alteration is advantageous for them because it allows for the enhancement of the living conditions of the population when other practices turn out to be ineffective.
Gibson, Ferguson, and Lehrfeld carried out this research in developing nations with the view of assessing the nutrient and energy sufficiency in various complementary foods given to children during winning period.
This proposal outlines the model of developing research paper on the assessment of e-commerce barriers, which prevent the advance of information technologies in the countries of the ‘Third World.’ Thus, the proposed research paper will […]
International advertising has come with its positive and negative effects in the developing countries that range from social and economic to the political state of developing nations. The major aim of international advertising is to […]
The proposed research study will seek to assess the loopholes that exist in the system for registered citizens in developing countries, particularly, in relation to financial infusion, insecurity, and terrorism, with a view of categorizing […]
📌 Most Interesting Developing Countries Topics to Write about
However, the sustainability of such states is dependent on a variety of factors such as the efficiency of the government and economic development of a country; to a great extent, the future of these democracies […]
In the given paper, the positive and the negative effects of the newest technologies in developing countries are compared in order to consider the possible outcomes of the future advances and come up with the […]
In the light of this view, this paper discusses the role of property tax to in helping a developing nation to attain the goals of encouraging capital formation, increase the rates of savings of its […]
Due to the dynamics in the globe regarding development projects as well as aspects of priority in several countries, the EU has had to change its development policies over the years.
Censorship of social media sites is the control of information that is available to users. The aim of this paper was to discuss censorship of social media sites in third world countries.
Alongside the creation of the huge gulf between developed and developing nations, the international economy seeks to limit the dominance of individual nations.
Childhood Obesity and the Globe As mentioned earlier, according to the data of WHO, the number of obese children in the world today is more than 42 million, and the vast majority of them are […]
I feel that despite the opening of doors welcome the principles of free and competitive market forces to drive the economic policies that aim at orienting the economies in the developing world, challenges persists in […]
It originates from the judges and lawyers who are at the center of the legal systems in Africa. There is a lingering culture of impunity in African leadership that is the primary cause of corruption.
The country’s environment is one of the richest in the world because of not only the flora and fauna, but also because of its ecosystems, which contain an excess of 15 % of the plant […]
The economic development in the Asian states in the early 21st century led to a decrease in the distorted allocation of profits between urbanized and emerging economies.
The author evaluates the tendency of conflicts at ethnic, religious and regional levels due to the effect of factors such as the type of regime and political alienation.
It disapproves the dualistic labour market assumptions by reviewing the informal and formal labour markets of the developing countries and the inefficiencies that operate in these markets.
Analysis of Economic Aspects Influencing the Lifespan of People with Dementia in Developing and Developed Countries On the one hand, the previously discussed studies point to the direct influence of age on life of people […]
Towns and cities in developing countries become the centres of the social and economic progress because of the concentration of the maximum of the necessary forces in urban territories.
According to WHO, the quality of drinking water is a foundation for the prevention and control of waterborne ailments, thus water quality is a critical environmental determinant of health for populations using the water.
❓ Questions About Developing Countries
Are Foreign Aid and Remittances a Hedge Against Food Price Shocks in Developing Countries?
Has China De-industrialized Other Developing Countries?
Does Competition Improve Productivity in Developing Countries?
Can Climate Finance Contribute to Gender Equity in Developing Countries?
Are Labor Markets Segmented in Developing Countries?
How Does Climate Change Impact Food Availability in Developing Countries?
Can Developing Countries Benefit From Strategic Export Promotion?
Are Patent Laws Harmful to Developing Countries?
What Is the Relationship Between Developed and Developing Countries?
Can Higher Education Reduce Inequality in Developing Countries?
Does Globalization Benefit Both Developed and Developing Countries?
Are Public Investment Efficient in Creating Capital Stocks in Developing Countries?
Can High-Inequality Developing Countries Escape Absolute Poverty?
How Does Capitalism Influence the Debt of Developing Countries?
Did Chinese Outward Activity Attenuate or Aggravate the Great Recession in Developing Countries?
Can Latest Tech Be Appropriate for Developing Countries?
Does Agriculture Really Matter for Economic Growth in Developing Countries?
How Do European Policies Impact Developing Countries?
Can Market Potential Explain Regional Disparities in Developing Countries?
What Can European Experience Teach Developing Countries About Integration?
Does Health Insurance Decrease Health Expenditure Risk in Developing Countries?
Can Small Developing Countries Survive in a Globalized Environment?
Does Infrastructure Alleviate Poverty in Developing Countries?
Why Are Developing Countries Growing Faster Than Developed Countries?
Can Micro Loans Help Reduce Poverty in Developing Countries?
Does Migration Support Technology Diffusion in Developing Countries?
Can Public Management Contribute to Governance in Developing Countries?
What Is the Fastest Developing Country in Europe?
Does Tourism Bring More Benefits Than Drawbacks to Developing Countries?
Could Developing Countries Take the Benefit of Globalization?