Looking for extinction essay topics? Whether you need to write a research paper or an argumentative essay, this article will be helpful. It contains top endangered species research topics, titles, and extinction essay examples.
- 🔥 Top-10 Endangered Species Research Topics
- 🏆 A+ Extinction Essay Examples
- 🐘 Current Endangered Species Research Topics
- 📌 Best Extinction Essay Topics
- 🔝 Top Ideas for an Essay about Extinction
- 🐋 Tropical Animal Extinction Essay Ideas
- 👍 Endangered Species Essay Topics & Title Ideas
- ❓ Research Questions about Extinction
🔥 Top-10 Endangered Species Research Topics
- Preventing Animal Extinction in the UAE
- Animal Extinction: Causes and Effects
- Dodo Bird and Why It Went Extinct
- Saving Sharks from the Extinction
- Wildlife Management and Extinction Prevention in Australia
- Their Benefits Aside, Human Diets Are Polluting the Environment and Sending Animals to Extinction
- Mass Extinction Theories
- Premature Extinction of Species
- Human Activities and their Impact on Species Extinction in Arctic
- Bee Extinction Causes and Preservation Solutions
🏆 A+ Extinction Essay Examples
- “Extinction Rebellion” News Article by EellsThe Extinction Rebellion movement was created in 2018, and, according to the organizers, now it has spread to dozens of countries where there are groups ready to participate in protests.
- Diversity and Extinction of Cyclura LewisiOne of the biggest risks to the population of this species is wild animals. The Grand Cayman blue iguana population is gradually expanding and is predicted to continue to rise as a result of continuing […]
- Extinction of Dinosaurs in North America and TexasIt is necessary to identify the reason for the extinction of dinosaurs on the territory of the continent, namely, the state of Texas.
- Seabird Extinction from Invasive Rodent SpeciesThis paper will review seabirds’ role in ecosystems, the invasive rodent species and their impact on seabirds, and methods of protecting seabirds from non-native rodents.
- Mathematical Biology: Explaining Population ExtinctionSpecies in settings with soft carrying capacities such as those with non-negative value K create a restricted expectation of a variation, given a full past history, is non-positive when the species surpasses the carrying volume.
- The Importance of Saving a Species From ExtinctionIt leads to a lack of surviving members of some species to reproduce in order create a new generation of the extinct species.
- Human Evolution and Animal ExtinctionThe recent scholarly findings prove that invasions of Homo sapiens to the Austronesian and American continents were the major factors that conditioned the extinction of numerous animal species.
- Language Extinction in East AfricaMost of the languages in the world fall under the endangered languages category with UNESCO approximating the percentage of endangered languages to be around 60%-80%.
- Extinction of Music EducationPlato quoted: “The decisive importance of education in poetry and music: rhythm and harmony sink deep into the recesses of the soul and take the strongest hold there.
- The Cause of Human Extinction: Nature’s Ferocity or People’s Irresponsibility?The following sections will provide statistical data and projections as well as non-scientific scenarios for the end of the world and the extinction of the human race.
- Is Cannibalism the Reason for Neanderthal’s Extinction?They also found that cuts and fractures on the deer bones that were very similar to the ones that were found in the Neanderthal body.
- Chinese Dialects and Extinction ThreatsThe problem of the reduction and extinction of the local dialects is one of the most sensitive and unresolved issues in China.
- Comparison of Two Archaeological Papers on the Extinction of Animals Due to the Activities of Human Societies.In this study, the varying trends on the abundance of certain species were used to describe changes observed in the hunting practices and the animal species that were hunted.
- Hazard from Space: Mass Extinction TheoryThe massive impact of extraterrestrial objects did not cause mass extinction of dinosaurs. Dinosaur basis of mass extinction theory do not give plausible explanation for extraterrestrial bodies since they occurred only once during the period […]
- Extinction of minority languagesOn the other hand, the extinction of minor languages leads to the extinction of certain cultural groups and their individualities, turning the world into a global grey crowd.
- Animal Extinction and What Is Being Done To HelpThe affected species, the causes of the change, as well as the possible criterion of arresting the situation, forms the subject of their discussion.
🐘 Current Endangered Species Research Topics
Endangered Species and Protected Areas
Preservation of endangered species is crucial to maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Many protected areas have been created to succeed in this mission. However, despite their expansion over the last decades, biodiversity is still on the decline. The continuous loss calls for the protection of vaster land and sea areas.
Endangered Species Recovery Efforts: Do They Work?
Recovery plans are major components of government-funded initiatives to improve the situation with endangered species. Even though they are experiments in management, many of them have been implemented in an attempt to make a positive change. Up to this day, it’s difficult to say how successful and effective the measures to restore the balance are.
Logging and Its Effect on Endangered Species
Human activities are among the main reasons for biodiversity loss. Illegal logging is an example of such activities. It has a devastating impact on the forest and causes ecosystem fragmentation. Numerous animals lose their shelter and food sources.
Should We Build Sanctuaries for Endangered Species?
Sanctuaries are primarily concerned with protection and preservation. The majority of animals there are saved from life-threatening conditions and placed under the care of veterinarians and compassionate individuals. Sanctuaries also educate the public on how to coexist with other species and treat them with respect.
Specifics of Threatened Amphibian Programme
Amphibians are the most threatened vertebrates that are often overlooked. South Africa is home to a diversity of these species. Sadly, 30 percent of them are at risk of extinction. The Threatened Amphibian Programme works towards addressing the critical threats Southern African amphibian species face to preserve them.
📌 Best Extinction Essay Topics
- Population Explosion and the Possible Extinction of Humans
- The Continuous Pollution on Earth Post Human Extinction in The World Without Us, a Book by Alan Weisman
- The Endangerment And Mass Extinction of The Tiger: Can We Stop It
- The Wildlife Biodiversity and its Continuous Extinction
- The Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction And The Earth’s Triassic Period
- Mass Extinction of Biodiversity From The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect
- Profit Maximization and the Extinction of Animal Species
- What Are the Consequences of the Removal/Extinction of an Organism from the Food Web
- The Biological Description of the Dodo and Its Extinction
🔝 Top Ideas for an Essay about Extinction
- The Circumstances that Led to the Extinction of Dinosaurs
- We Must Save The Great White Shark From Extinction
- Problem of the Extinction of Many Rare Species
- The Destruction of Natural Habitats and the Extinction of Plants and Animals
- Why Extinction Does Happen It Is Not Indefinite
- Cascades of Failure and Extinction in Evolving Complex Systems
- The Permian Triassic Extinction Event And It’s Effects On Life On Earth
- Upper Estimates of the Mean Extinction Time of a Population with a Constant Carrying Capacity
- What Could Have Caused The Extinction of Dinosaurs
- The Role of Fungus in the Extinction of Dinosaurs
- Saving the Whales: Lessons from the Extinction of the Eastern Arctic Bowhead
- The Extinction, Endangerment, And Captivity of Endangered
- The Effects of Language Extinction on Cultural Identity in Third World Countries
🐋 Tropical Animal Extinction Essay Ideas
Tropical animals are disappearing, and global biodiversity is being lost at an increasing speed. What causes these changes, and how can the situation be changed? If you plan to discuss these issues in your paper, check out the topics below to get inspiration:
- Climate change and its effect on rainforest animals’ habitats. Temperature changes affect the ecosystem and environment around the world. In your project, discuss the impact those changes have on tropical animals. You can also look into ways of improving the situation and spreading awareness.
- The extinction of the Uakari Monkey. This work can focus on the consequences of deforestation and how it has affected the Amazon, which is Uakari Monkey’s habitat.
- Asian elephants: the loss of access to water. Asian elephants need vast amounts of water to remain active. Your paper can look into the effects of draught on the animals’ health.
- Temperature rise: toucans and their natural habitat. As temperature increases worldwide, toucans move from rainforests to mountainous areas with lower temperatures. In your piece, examine how and why the migration of the birds disrupts both their and other ecosystems.
👍 Endangered Species Essay Topics & Title Ideas
- Sex, Drugs, Disasters, and the Extinction of Dinosaurs by Stephen Jay Gould
- The Ghost of Extinction: Preservation Values and Minimum Viable Population in Wildlife Models
- Recovery After Mass Extinction: Evolutionary Assembly in Large-Scale Biosphere Dynamics
- The Devonian Extinction and the Long Process of Evolution in the Past 300 Million Years
- The Process of De-Extinction And Its Ecological And Moral Consequences
- The Need to Save the Animals from Extinction Using Genetic Engineering
- The Brink Of The Extinction Of America’s Civility And Inclusion
- The Current Extinction Rate Throughout The World: We Must Act Now
- Conservation Biology: Extinction, Habitat Loss, Invasive Species, Overexploitation
- Why Evolution And Extinction Is Essential To Humanity
- The Guam Rail Should Be Saved from Possible Extinction Essay
- The Extinction Event and Life in the Post-Apocalyptic Greenhouse
- Causes of Animal and Plant Extinction, and Its Effects on Humans
- Ultimate Extinction of the Promiscuous Bisexual Galton-Watson Metapopulation
- Saving the Cheetahs of the Serengeti from Extinction
- The Influx of New Languages and Its Dangers to the Extinction of the English Language
- The First Great Whale Extinction: The End of the Bowhead Whale in the Eastern Arctic
- Causes of Canine Extinction and Disappearing Species
- The Themes of Isolation, Extinction and Man’s Limitations in the Poetry of Robert Frost
- The Viability of the Catastrophism Theory in Dinosaur Extinction
- Issue of the Asian Small-Clawed Otter and Its Extinction
- Species Extinction To Environmental Deterioration
- The Extinction Of Neanderthals And Early Modern Humans
❓ Research Questions about Extinction
- Did Humans Cause the Mass Extinction of Megafauna During the Late Pleistocene?
- What Are the Consequences of the Extinction of an Organism for the Food Web?
- What Do We Mean by Extinction?
- What Was the Worst Extinction in History?
- What Are the Five Major Extinctions in Earth’s History?
- Are We Overdue for a Mass Extinction?
- What Are the Potential Benefits and Consequences of De-extinction?
- What Could Have Caused the Extinction of Dinosaurs?
- What Events Apparently Triggered the Mass Extinction?
- Why Evolution and Extinction Are Essential to Humanity?
- Why the Asian Small-Clawed Otter Is at the Brink of Extinction?
- Will Global Warming Lead to the Mass Extinction of the Worlds Species?
- What Causes Extinction of Animals?
- What Are the Three Types of Extinction?
- What Is the Cause of Extinction and What Are Its Effects?
- What Causes More Extinction?
- Which Is the Main Cause of the Extinction of Several Species?
- How Are Humans Causing Animal Extinction?
- How Will Extinction Affect Humans?
- What Causes Extinction and What Are Its Impacts?
- Why Is Extinction a Problem?
- How Does Extinction Affect Biodiversity?
- How Does Extinction Affect Evolution?
- What Usually Happens After a Mass Extinction?
- What Is the Advantage of Extinction?