The following are some of the things that Jesus was accused of for which I am going to defend him. He was accused of being Christ the Son of God Luke 23:1-3.
For many people, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, healing and guiding the world on the path of righteousness. He spoke of the necessity of loving and merciful to others and the need to […]
Consequently, as shown in this paper, Jesus Christ was the son of God who was sent in the world in a human body to redeem sinners and those who believed in him.
In both verses, John is under the impression from his witnessing the Transfiguration for during the transfiguration episode he saw Jesus in light and glory and heard the voice of God who ordered John and […]
Religion is defined as the belief and reverence in a supernatural power considered as the creator and ruler of the universe and it consists of a system based on the belief and worship of that […]
Each of the authors demonstrate Jesus Christ in the new and special light, depending on the assorted theme of the composition, focal points and different groups of people observing the retelling of the life and […]
Additionally, it is the authors’ objective for the readers to have a greater understanding of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and why Jesus is the representation of God’s spirit.Dr.
The doctrine of ‘The Two Natures of Jesus’ suggest that Jesus possessed two forms- divine and human. In the bible, there are several evidences that supporting the idea that Jesus was a human and a […]
The rock opera is special in its content due to the political and personal battles that are clearly presented in throughout the work between Jesus and Judas Iscariot.
The second personality characteristic about the kind of person Jesus is which also tends to create some tension is that He only blesses those who obey Him but does not bless or forgive sinners and […]
Priest and scribes accused Jesus Christ on the account that he blasphemed the name of God for He called Himself the Son of the living God and claimed to have the ability to forgive sins.
Following the example of Jesus, Christians should know that it is their obligation to surrender and submit fully to the will of God. The example of Jesus’ humility to God should be followed by Christians […]
The result of man’s sins is death but due to Gods love to the human race, he found a way in which the entire human race could be saved and that is through sacrifice of […]
Through the roles played by Tory, Rachael and Levi, the audience is in a position to understand events in the camp, the learning process and purported gifts that children can use to draw America back […]
Eternal life is a critical aspect of Christianity and it is the one of the foundational doctrines of Christianity exemplifying the life of Christ through His resurrection.
The author of the book intends to provoke those proclaiming to be Christians to develop a deeper and unwavering commitment to Christ and to encourage those not already professing Christianity, to have an interest and […]
Moreover, the pattern of the healings, including the sense of wonder and the fast-paced occurrence of the miracles, can be considered the common thread of the Gospels.
Although he does not embrace the notion of Jesus as the son of God and the savior of mankind, Gandhi acknowledges that the teachings and life of Jesus are worth emulating.
The discrepancies might be determined by the fact that the Gospel of Mark was written before the Gospel of John; thus, the author might have experienced less impact of the social vision of God.
The sensitivity of the matter have drawn the attention of many theologians to add their views and understanding of the events and circumstance of the life of Jesus Christ and his role as the founder […]
Melville’s inability to come to a clear position on religious matters shines in Billy Budd, Sailor, a story which presents the disturbing dilemma of the execution of an innocent man, essentially a victim of envy […]
It is a turning moment in the course of continuing spiritual battle and takes place within the framework of continuing confrontation between the kingdoms of God and Satan.
The disciples of Jesus did not steal his body after death and burial: the most logical and provable reason behind the loss of Jesus’s body is the resurrection that occurred after three days.
The book of Philippians chapter 1 verses 12-18 generally speaks about the spreading of the gospel of Christ. Paul, the servant of Christ, is imprisoned because he was spreading the gospel.
He asks that we be united as he and the Father are united, that our unity be a sign of God’s presence in the world. The ultimate goal of Jesus’ prayer for unity is that […]
Among them, Jesus Christ and Confucius have become some of the most prominent figures in the history of the world. The purpose of this is essay is to compare the lives and the teachings of […]
In the second collection of writings, the opposite tendency can be seen as the change of the authors’ attention from the light of the person to the light of Jesus supported by the last three […]
Jesus was killed on the order of Roman authorities on the reason of provocation by Hebrew religious leaders. They thought that the value of Jesus life was a ransom for people’s sins which entered the […]
The movie “Jesus of Montreal” attempts to reconstitute the Jesus story in the contemporary world, and one of the principal director’s instruments in this way is an in-depth elaboration of characters, their identification with real […]
This time marked the turning point in the life of George Bush as he was able to receive Jesus as his personal savior this was how Bush explained. The friends of Bush were able to […]
This paper will attempt to asses the characters in the following set of books and plays: The New Testament, Oedipus the King, Shakespeare Hamlet and Shikibu the tale of the Genji.
Christian doctrine says that the New does not replace the Old, but they point to the one and main objective the salvation of mankind through Jesus Christ.
Prayer is to be conducted in a format that recognizes God as the Father and overall, Jesus as His Son and the Holy Spirit as our Helper, “ministering in the Spirit, ultimately we go in […]
The book of Luke portrays Jesus in genuine humanity – how he lived and reveals the work of the Holy Spirit whereas the book of Mark portrays Jesus as a teacher.
The proponent of this study would like to follow this assumption that Mark purposely omitted other parts of Jesus biographical information because he wanted his readers to know the most important aspects of Jesus life […]
There is also not much that can be heard in the Western world when it comes to the passionate search for the historical Buddha and not the deified person that now sits in Buddhist temples.
The historical Jesus is the personality that is mentioned in the documents of the first century. As Hoffman stated, people believed that Jesus could lead them to the Kingdom of God.
💡 Most Interesting Jesus Christ Topics to Write About
Comparing the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of Paul as presented in different books of the bible, this paper asserts that Paul not only knew of the person of Jesus but was also adequately […]
One of the elements of pluralism that has served to confuse today’s secular culture is the various approaches that have been taken to the ‘true faith.’ According to Carson, a great deal of the confusion […]
This is illustrated in the tile of the book “Living Jesus: Learning the Heart of the Gospel” The author brings out the criticism to the way Christianity was practiced for instance he questions the stand […]
In a literal sense, evidence means proof that validates the establishment of something with the view of arriving at a certain conclusion or a chosen matter. It is this type of evidence that shows the […]
However, the views on the nature of the relationship between Jesus and his teachings and those of the Jewish community vary. In that sense, he was a product of his upbringing and was a part […]
One of the most memorable descriptions of God by Jesus, as seen in the film, is that according to Christ, God’s ways are counterintuitive and one may never cease to experience the sensation of humility […]
Ye that travailest to keep the good spirits at the hard times; though that hath stood the times of lament and cry; ye that hath no fear for anything but the Wrath of God, are […]
The temptation of Jesus by the devil is the second most admirable and interesting picture in the movie. What was the third most admirable, interesting picture of Jesus in this movie to you?
In this paper, the life and nature of Jesus will be evaluated and analyzed to explain the development of related historical events, the causes of the conflict with Rome, and the reasons that people were […]
This paper aims to discuss the historical accounts that support the theory that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. According to Norman, all the facts that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah are in the Hebrew Bible.
The acclaimed documentary called “Jesus Camp” that was released in 2006 and filmed in 2005 divided the United States and its audience into the people that perceive “Jesus Camp” as a revealing creation that debunks […]
According to the rules by Jesus, there is no need of fixing rules to guide moral judgments because when people are guided by love for each other they do the right things.
Redaction criticism is another method employed by today’s scholars to analyze how the writers in the bible shaped their source material, to reconstruct the community and to establish the role of the writers of the […]
God is Almighty, omniscient and omnipresent but one of the greatest miracles, revelation and mystery is the transformation of the Son of God from divine to human.
Thus, the main postulates of Christianity such as the view of God, Jesus, and Salvation among the representatives of those two groups of Christians as Adoptionists and Gnostics were absolutely different. The view of God […]
Thus, dwelling upon the vision of the Jesus’ resurrection and their view of the apocalyptic world, it is possible to say that Jesus’ divine, immortality and other specific characteristics connected with the resurrection may be […]
Derived from the word Christ, Christians have tried to emulate the works and behaviors of the founder of the faith. This paper intends to compare and contrast evangelism in the early church and the present […]
The Trinitarian believers puts the position of Jesus while trying to explain whom he was in comparison to the father in a better and more comprehensive fashion, that the Father is God, as well as […]
❓ Questions about Jesus Christ
Who Was Jesus Christ?
Did Jesus Christ Say That He Is God?
What Is the Best Description of Jesus Christ?
How the Novel “Godhanger” Is an Allegory for the Life of Jesus Christ?
What Is Jesus Christ’s Mission to the World?
Why Is Jesus Christ Important in Our Life?
How Practical Are Jesus Christ’s Teachings in Today’s World?
What Is Jesus Christ Mean?
Was Jesus Christ the Messiah?
What Are the Reasons for Examining the Issue of Jesus Christ’s Peccability?
How Jesus Christ Fulfilled the Covenants God Made With?
What Was Jesus Christ’s Mission?
What Is Jesus Christ All About?
What Are the Three Central Teachings of Jesus Christ?
What Are the Similarities and Differences Between Jesus Christ and Siddhartha Gautama?
What Nationality Is Jesus Christ?
What Is the Most Compelling Argument for the Bible, the Word of God?
What Does Jesus Christ Say About God’s Word?
What Kind of Foods Did Jesus Eat?
When Was Jesus Actually Born?
How Did Jesus Prove His Deity?
How Does Jesus Christ Answer Prayers?
How Does Theology Describe the Link Between God and Disciples Through Jesus Christ, the Church, and Sacraments?