The goal of product differentiation and advertising in monopolistic competition is to make sure the the market is under control, and as a result, charge a higher price.
This paper focuses on the kind of market structure that Nike, Inc.belongs to, the price elasticity of its demands, the price elasticity of its products, the company’s closest competitors, the substitutes or subsidiaries of Nike, […]
A monopoly market player is a firm, which is the only one existent in a market. The right to own an intellectual property is a result of hard labor and investment in creating it.
The purpose of the present paper is to examine if the Netflix’s tendencies to monopoly are increasing. The characteristics of monopoly and oligopoly in the modern setting are given.
According to Mankiw, a monopolistic competition market structure is characterized by the presence of numerous small firms, each being relatively small in comparison to the overall market size.
Baylor stated that, in order for the Standard Oil Company to compete with the Russian Oil in the Asian and European Countries, John D Rockefeller subsidized the foreign prices of oil.
The consumer segment is involved in selling its products while the industrial segment is involved in the production. It is however notable that the two companies that would be involved in the acquisition is McCormick […]
The market price falls until the firms in the market start to make economic losses. In the long-run, the economic losses make the firms to exit the market.
In this kind of regulation, the government sets rules and regulations to control the operations of firms that have monopoly power in their own industry.
As a result of the internet being incorporated in day to day lives, this study will try to investigate whether “Internet creates favorable conditions for monopolization of knowledge, the role of the Internet, as a […]
Consequently, it would be important to insert foreign exchange clauses in the repayment agreement to ensure that deficits are catered for by the subsidiary and hence avoid a situation where the profitability, cash flow, and […]
However, due to the fact that each of the firms has a slightly unique product compared to the rest of the firms, then each firm has a specific consumer and hence each of the firms […]
More than 90% of the passengers at the Charlotte airport use American Airlines, and the average domestic fare is $407. The loss of corporate flight traffic would have a massive influence on the airport’s profitability, […]
The Clayton and Sherman Antitrust Acts were the first antitrust legislation to be enacted in the United States. The Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice play significant roles in the enforcement of antitrust […]
First are the natural monopolies which occur due to the fact that only the firm is able to access resources used in the production of the final product. Therefore, the equation TR=P*Q is represented by […]
According to some sources, the reasons behind the inequality in wealth and power in ancient empires is not mere monopolies. In Rome alone, the capital of the empire, the population throughout the first and second […]
However, the primary problem is that Uber failed to understand the conditions necessary to remain a monopoly. Although some economists believe that Uber’s management is to blame for its ever-deteriorating revenues, the truth is that […]
The article “Internationalization and performance: evidence from Chinese enterprises” by Chao Zhou examines the internationalization performance link using data from Chinese firms and the effect of company size on the relationship.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the majority of large industries were controlled by millionaire families, such as the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, and the Vanderbilts.
In the United States Congress, the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was the first statute to outlaw trusts. Conclusively, exaggerated conceptions of the power granted by IP rights and anticipated dangers to competition abound in […]
On the other hand, the American model of antitrust law considers market structure, competition, and consumers by ensuring fair competition in an open-market economy.
In 1890, antitrust law was formally established to ensure fair trade and prevent the formation of monopolies that use their market position to take advantage of consumers. The Clayton Act was passed in 1914 and […]
This paper focuses on the complications caused by monopolistic power in the healthcare market, discussing the impact of the proposed Affordable Care Act changes and the strategies of problem mitigation for stakeholders.
Regarding the design, Dove used the traditional for the company logo and color pallet with the additional images of the colorful-packaged chocolates included in the bag.
In 1956 Hush -a phone filed a suit against the company so that it could be allowed to improve the company’s telephones through its products and the courts were in favor of Hash a phone.
Simultaneously, the laborers do not enjoy any control on design and production over the work, thus, the staff are uncomfortable with their work. However, in the case of flight attendants, the profession is different in […]
In response to the charges, the association maintained that the charges lack merit. To enhance competition and productivity, the firm should avoid entering into agreements that compromise competition in the market.
The author makes a conclusion that digital transition implies some risks, and the case of PEXA represents this kind of risk namely, occurrence of monopoly under the aegis of state.
The discussion contains a couple of significant ideas and assumptions that provide the recipient with the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of the current situation in the international market.
This act paved way for the formation of the Federal Trade Commission which formulates and enforces laws that prohibit unfair trade practices by the major firms in an industry.
According to Charles Stein when the supply is limited and demand increases the prices rise and people are ready to pay more than these tickets really cost. There is a certain rule in the rise […]
Spooner states: “By the old articles of Confederation, it was declared “the United States, in Congress assembled, will have the sole and exclusive right and power of establishing and regulating post-offices from one State to […]
The operators are also free to set the prices of their products irrespective of the competitors’ moves or reaction as the competition is based on non-price related factors. This is simply because they are felt […]
The source of monopoly power is by curbing production to price its products higher, creating barriers for competitors to enter the market, and by capitalizing on key resources in the industry.
The launch of Digital Library shows that when the conditions for monopoly are prevalent, that is, no barriers to entry and exit, perfect information for business decision-makers and consumers, perfect rationality on the part of […]
Market power is evidenced in the share of the market, market leadership, and brand preference. Research of customers’ opinions and reactions to products is often sought as a basis for the price.
The products supplied by the monopolist in our markets had been successful for a long period but the politicians worked for the downfall of the monopoly and its benefits to its corporation.
Therefore, it can be assumed that the changes in the political landscape of the state served as the basis for enhancing the principles of acceptance within the state.
This attracts new firms into the market in the long run given that the monopolistic market barriers to entry are low, firms have good knowledge of the market and there is an opportunity for the […]
On the other hand, monopolies aim to drive their competitors out of business or threaten new entrants to the market by setting prices below their costs and absorb losses until their competitors cannot survive longer.
When it comes to a monopoly, the managers should offer a pricing strategy based on establishing the highest possible price that a company can propose with no engagement in price gouging.
Therefore, in the short run, the behavior of the oligopoly model is that it is tough to enter such a market, especially if the economic scale does not measure up to the companies in the […]
The operations in this model are that a recent monopoly will continue enjoying the supernormal profits in the short run. This occurs in the long run after the entry of a new similar but differentiated […]
In addition, it is possible to anticipate that Amazon would expand the range of Whole Foods, thus attracting younger customers to the network, who would like the possibility of online orders and delivery.
The relationship between monopoly and AVs can be explained by the fact that only companies that will be able to beat their competitors in terms of reliability and safety will stay in the market.
The article stated that the majority of large and successful businesses that operate with the help of the Internet are fighting very hard to prevent fresh and new businesses from entering the market and capturing […]
The latter regulation was the first act in the US history to outlaw monopolistic and predatory business practices; it was signed into law in 1890 and focused on the prevention of the trust practices that […]
In the ideal, a monopolist firm has the potential and capital base to fully exploit the market through lowering quality, cost of inputs, and increasing the prices for its products in order to attract higher […]
The company has dominated the market by acquiring more than half of the market share. This has led to the company acquiring a relative higher fraction of the market.
The trial court in the case held that the market to be observed in the determination of the flexibility of packaging materials had to be observed in regard to the competition dynamics.
In the flurry of the responses that followed, there was concern whether the smart phone market was becoming monopolistic. This was a clear indication that the competition in the smart phone market was becoming monopolistic.
One of the beneficiaries would be the government and the economy because if trade was to thrive, then the government could rake in revenue in form of taxes while the society would benefit if the […]
As such, it is overbearing that the digital company apply the unsurpassed strategies for the notebook in an effort of maximizing its revenue as well as enjoying pure monopoly.
It was also alleged that Microsoft had made some anti-competitive and illegal contractual arrangements with various internet service providers and computer manufacturers and was also involved with other illegal actions and also discouraged its competitors […]
According to Varian, the competitive market is characterised by a large number of firms that deal identical products and this aspect limits a firm’s ability to exploit the consumers by selling the product at a […]
There are many costs related to the production and the consumption of gases. The above policies, market structure policies and environment policies would reduce externalities due to production and emission of gases.
Some of the points are the theory of the profound impact of media on the social shifts in the course of history, the other one is the analysis of milestones of the mass communication history, […]
Moreover, the lack of the substitutes is observed, and the company becomes a monopoly within the market. Thus, the situation was discussed by the government as critical because of Microsoft’s possibility to develop into the […]
In an article in the New York times titled ‘Dismantling Tepco’ the author supports the move by the local government of Tokyo of setting up of new natural gas facility that will compete with Tepco […]
Initially the United States government used fines to curb the monopolistic tendency but later introduced the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890 and then the Clayton Antitrust Act in 1914.
The time clock market states it is assumed that the degree of monopoly of a market segment is determined by the degree of saturation in the seller market, which is a measure of independent firms […]
The congress then later directed the expansion of the postal service to include the costal and western regions. The postal service became a monopoly under the legislation of the congress.
It was founded in 1901 and well known as a multinational corporation that leads in biotechnology in the field of agriculture; additionally it produces genetically engineered seed.
This is a form of monopoly whereby the government provides exclusive opportunity to a firm or private individual to be the only supplier of good or service to the market.
Most defenders to capitalism would not agree to this objection because they believe capitalism presents equal opportunity to both the poor and the rich.
It is important to understand the nature of competition and the competition that exists within the marketplace for the sake of businessmen and consumers.
According to allocative efficiency theory, for a perfect competition to occur, there must be optimal distribution of goods and services, the consumers have a wide variety of choice to level that price equals the Marginal […]
👍 Good Research Topics about Monopoly
Tariffs and the Extraction of Foreign Monopoly Rents under Potential Entry
Manager‐Union Bargaining Agenda Under Monopoly and with Network Effects
Output and Welfare Effects in the Classic Monopoly Price Discrimination Problem
Monopoly That Makes Supernormal Profits is Acting Against Public Interest
Quality, Upgrades and Equilibrium in a Dynamic Monopoly Market
Discriminating Monopoly, Forward Markets and International Trade
Global Commercial Seeds Market Suppressed by Patent Monopoly
Monopoly, Diversification through Adjacent Technologies, and Market Structure
Telecom Market Liberalization and Service Performance Outcomes of an Incumbent Monopoly
Monopoly Pricing over Time and the Timing of Investments
Monopoly Power, Increasing Returns to Variety, and Local Indeterminacy
Economic Rationale for Monopoly Behavior and Potential Impacts
Managerial Incentives and Durable Goods Monopoly
Price Discrimination and the Location Choice of a Durable Goods Monopoly
Options for Restructuring the State-Owned Monopoly Railway
Monopoly Unions and Corporatism: Implications for Strategic Trade Policy
Process Innovation and Product Quality Improvement in a Dynamic Monopoly
The Federal Trade Commission, Oligopoly, and Shared Monopoly
Monopoly, Inequality and Redistribution via the Public Provision of Private Goods
Pollution Taxation and Revenue Recycling Under Monopoly Unions
📌 Most Interesting Monopoly Topics to Write about
Monopoly Investment, Pricing and Production under Intertemporal Demand Uncertainty
Heterogeneous Consumer Expectations and Monopoly Pricing for Durables with Network Externalities
Domestic Content Requirements with Bilateral Monopoly
Monopoly Pricing under Demand Uncertainty: Final Sales versus Introductory Offers
Optimal Monopoly Price Paths with Expanding Networks
Monopoly and the Rate of Extraction of Exhaustible Resources
Efficiency Wages, Monopoly Unions and Efficient Bargaining
Information Monopoly and Commitment in Intermediary-Firm Relationships
Distributive and Regional Effects of Monopoly Power
The Mexican Fixed National Long Distance Market: Evidence of Monopoly Power
Economic Market Conditions: What are Monopoly and Oligopoly
Mathematical Modelling for Time-of-Use Pricing of Electricity in Monopoly and Oligopoly
The Network Industry, Monopoly Regulation, and Social Optimum
Differences between Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition
Government-Owned Car Insurance Monopoly in Canada
Foreign Monopoly and Optimal Tariffs for the Small Open Economy
Monopoly: Marginal Cost and Long Run Equilibrium
Socially Optimal Liability Rules for Firms with Natural Monopoly
Natural Monopoly and Railway Policy in the Nineteenth Century
Monopoly Exploitation and Rent-Seeking as an Inevitability of Capital Concentration