Therefore, the essence of this research paper is to investigate the role of Catholic Church during the Black Death, specifically paying attention to the steps the church used to prevent the disease, the Flagellants and […]
The availability of highly complex treatment systems and the provision of medical care to the majority of the population alleviates the potential negative effects of the virus, allowing sick individuals to receive necessary medications.
The biggest problem is that many believed that it cannot be contagious because of religious reasons, and it has led to numerous casualties. However, the issue is that it was not possible to control the […]
IN order to document the spread of the plague, a number of different maps and graphs are used, allowing the creators to showcase the spread of the plague throughout Europe.
European population of nearly 30 to 60% has fallen victims to Black Death which indicates the death of 450 million in the year 1400. The objective of this agency is to track and probe the […]
Therefore, the claim of opportunity creation for the masses in the aftermath of the Black Death is not universally accurate. The Black Death contributed to the spread of prosperity across Europe due to the workforce […]
The type of specimen to be studied may also include separable ulcers or punctate from the carbuncle in the cutaneous form of plague and material from the pharynx taken with a swab, and sputum in […]
The disease was brought by Italian Merchants unknowingly to Europe and claimed the lives of 30-50% of the population. The name “Black Death” was given to the disease following the horror and dread caused by […]
The Roman Empire, also known as the Byzantine Empire, experienced the plague during the reign of Emperor Justinian hence the name Justianic Plague. The impact of the plague was first felt in the southeastern Mediterranean […]
The spread of bubonic plague was one of the largest epidemics in the history of humankind. The second pandemic of the disease took a significant part of the European population in the 14th century.
Decameron, the classic piece of medieval literature, starts with a depiction of the devastating plague the Black Death. Luckily, COVID-19 mortality rates are nothing in comparison with the Black Death.
The bacterium persists more commonly in the lymphatic system of the groin, armpits, and neck, and increasing pain of the bubonic elements is one of the central symptoms of the disease.
Nowadays, malaria is spread in the territories which are good for malaria mosquitoes’ life, where it is warm and wet; thus, malaria is mostly dislocated in African countries.
This paper will focus on the economic impact of the Black Death and the changes that occurred to European society after the catastrophe. The most noticeable effect of the Black Death was the abrupt decline […]
The decrease of the population had a considerable on commercial relations since due to the disappearance of the working class which the main basis in the medieval economy, peasants become more conscious and prudent.
The death led to the development of potential domains in modern medicine. His closeness to the king would have contributed to the rapid development of science.
To fully understand the impact of the Black Death pandemic, it is important to establish the power of the Catholic Church in the years before the appearance of the plague.
This article explores the property rights of the Europeans in the aftermath of the Black Death. In this article, Zapotoczny focuses on the effects of the Black Death.
Therefore, in spite of the controversy surrounding the cause of Black Death, modern genetic studies have confirmed that Y.pestis is the bacterium that was responsible for the Black Death in Europe.