In this case, the medical history underlines the possibility of the occurrence of pneumonia, as the woman has heart problems and diabetes, which are viewed as favorable conditions for the progress of this illness.
Thus, medical professionals are needed in the case of patients in the ICU to provide them with proper oral care and reduce the rate of ventilator-acquired pneumonia.
The etiology of this disease may be viral or bacterial, and the former could be suspected since the patient mentions that “something is going around at work,” which can be influenza.
In the case of pneumonia, any infectious organism that reaches the alveoli is likely to be highly virulent as it has already evaded the physical protection mechanisms of the host.
The history of R.has two main factors that need to be considered in the context of a pharmacological analysis. Due to the absence of interactions with other medications and the ability to constantly keep the […]
The main issue of the study is to understand how much nursing intervention affects the possibility of pneumonia in seriously ill patients undergoing artificial ventilation of the lungs.
This is a hereditary autosomal recessive disease characterized by a malfunction of the external secretion glands and respiratory organs and a decrease in the activity of intestinal and pancreatic enzymes.
High severity and mortality, as well as a significant increase in the consumption of material resources in the event of VAP, contribute to the necessity of the development of clear and concise preventive measures.
Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to define the intervention for the prevention of VAP based on the analysis of a facility’s activity and literature. Thus, the main problem is Insufficient knowledge and use […]
Externally, it will be manifested as redness and cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle and swelling of the wings of the nose due to chatty shallow breathing.
Pain in the chest, especially in the center of inflammation and shortness of breath, indicates the severity of the situation and clearly stipulates pneumonia.
To show the effect of saline installation and lack of it on the pneumonia risk, the following step by step plan is necessary: The first step involves evaluating a patient on a clinical ventilator to […]
Goal: It is crucial to educate the patient on the importance of completing the right doses within the specified time and employing the reliable methods applicable in the prevention of the disease. In addition, this […]
Patients with Ventilated-associated pneumonia represent a population at risk of antibiotic-failure due to altered antibiotic pharmacokinetic parameters.
In the case of pneumonia, the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is endorsed for adults who are 65 years old and above, children less than two years old, and babies.
Regardless of the principles of its organization and level of functioning, the main task of any health care system is to provide a guaranteed opportunity for every citizen of the country to live a long, […]
The authors of the present research address the topic of diagnosing pneumonia at the early stages of the disease to prevent people from severe complications.
The accurate pathology for Beverly’s weakness would be COVID-19 since the virus is a mild illness that shows cough and fever as the primary symptoms, which she has.
In addition, the inhaling of the conidia can be dangerous to a patient with a weak immune system. In this case, the mucor is inhaled into the human body through the respiratory tract.
This report is drawn to present an evidence-based change process, to address the problem of ventilator-associated pneumonia, through identifying the safety concerns of the patients, presenting the plan of the evidence-based change, and the setting […]
In patients older than 50 years, the symptoms of acute bronchitis and acute pneumonia can be very similar, and it is almost impossible to diagnose the problem without the X-ray testing and analysis of the […]
The topic is quite interesting because only a few studies have attempted to focus on the role of HIV infection on the rates of mortality and morbidity rates in pneumonia infections. It is the first […]
The IHCWs partner with non-indigenous health professionals such as nurses to improve the health care and minimize the impacts of communication barriers in the performance of their duties.
The pathogenesis of VAP involves destruction of the respiratory parenchyma by the colonies of bacteria that gain access to it through intubation of the ventilators.
The prognosis of pneumonia relies on the nature of pneumonia, a person’s causal fitness, and the cure involved. On the other hand, the microorganisms usually present in the mouth, throat or nose can enter the […]
The purpose of this paper is to suggest a way of decreasing the number of patients with hospital-acquired pneumonia and support this idea with several articles.
For these reasons, it is critical to prevent hospital-acquired pneumonia in the first place and in the event of a patient developing the condition, prescribe adequate treatment.
Consequently, competencies of advanced nurses are necessary for this purpose, since their work is vital for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients and organizational skills are sufficient and useful for building collaboration within the staff.
A nursing professional can help a patient deal with the condition by identifying a nursing diagnosis and providing further interventions. According to Gulanick and Myers, the concept of nursing diagnosis reflects a patient’s response to […]
The findings of a study on community-acquired childhood pneumonia point to the improvement of the epidemiological burden of the disease over the last decade. The paper has also outlined the educational program that can be […]
Therefore, it is essential to discuss the symptoms of the disease, the tools of the screening assessment, proper diagnostic tests, and the treatment plans.
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Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine: Response Philosophy in Another Culture
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Neonatal Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: A Quality Improvement Initiative Focusing on Antimicrobial Stewardship
Chest Computed Tomography and Lung Ultrasound Findings in COVID-19 Pneumonia
Features Discriminating COVID-19 From Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Pediatric Patients
Incidence and Related Factors for Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia Among Older Bedridden Patients
Concurrent Immune Suppression and Hyperinflammation in Patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia
Clinical Features Predicting Mortality Risk in Patients with Viral Pneumonia: The Mulbsta Score
Severe Adenovirus Pneumonia Requiring Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support in Immunocompetent Children
Pneumococcal Vaccines Protect Against Some Cases of Pneumonia
The Six Common Deadly Illnesses of Soldiers in the Civil War: Dysentery, Typhoid Fever, Measles, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, and Malaria
Management and Treatment and Psychosocial Aspects of Pneumonia
Stroke Severity Versus Dysphagia Screen as Driver for Post-Stroke Pneumonia
Pneumonia and Its Connection with the Reuse of Suction Catheters in Children
Improving the Diagnosis, Management, and Outcomes of Children with Pneumonia
Acute Respiratory Failure Caused by Aspiration Pneumonia
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) And Pneumonia with Multiple Thromboembolism
Virological and Serological Discordant Profiles in COVID-19 Pneumonia: Atypical Clinical Cases
How Pneumonia Influenza Manifests, Why It Appears, and How It Can Be Overcome
📃 Simple & Easy Pneumonia Essay Titles
Diagnostic Tests for Agents of Community-Acquired Pneumonia
Causes, Effects, and Prevention of Pneumonia
Probiotics for Preventing Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Mechanically Ventilated Patients
Lung Surfactant for Pulmonary Barrier Restoration in Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia
Invasive Pneumonia, Vaccines, and Australian Aborigines
The Classification, Causes, and Treatment of Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia
Platelets and Their Role in the Pathogenesis of Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia
With Friends Like These: The Complex Role of Neutrophils in the Progression of Severe Pneumonia
Trends and Development in Enteral Nutrition Application for Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
The Global Health Networks: A Comparative Analysis of Tuberculosis, Malaria and Pneumonia Using Social Media Data
Oral Health Status and Development of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
Molecular Epidemiology and Risk Factors of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Infection Caused by Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae
Innate Immune Cell Suppression and the Link with Secondary Lung Bacterial Pneumonia
The Causes, Symptoms, and Known Treatments of Pneumonia
Therapeutic Synergy Between Antibiotics and Pulmonary Toll-Like Receptor 5 Stimulation in Antibiotic-Sensitive or -Resistant Pneumonia
Community-Onset Klebsiella Pneumoniae Pneumonia: Clinical Features of the Disease and Associated Microbiological Characteristics of Isolates From Pneumonia and Nasopharynx
Preventing Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in the Intensive Care Unit
Correlation Between Radiological and Pathological Findings in Patients with Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Pneumonia
Mitochondria – Potential Targets for the Development of New Drugs Against Neutrophilic Inflammation in Severe Pneumonia Including COVID-19
Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia Due to Achromobacter spp. in a Geriatric Ward: Clinical Characteristic, Genome Variability, Biofilm Production, Antibiotic Resistance and Integron in Isolated Strains