126 Public Relations Topics for Essays & Research Papers

Looking for inspiring public relations topics? This field is really worth exploring!

In your public relations essay, you might want to focus on mass communication or media relations. Corporate PR is another current public relations assignment topic. In this article, we’ve gathered hot PR topics that will be suitable for essays, research papers, presentations, theses, and other projects. A collection of public relations essay examples is a nice bonus!

🔝 Top 10 Public Relations Topics

  1. The Coca Cola Public Relations: PR Strategy and Examples — Case Study Example
  2. Discussion on Grunig and Hunt’s Public Relations Model
  3. Toyota Company’s Public Relations and Marketing
  4. Rex Harlow as a Historical Figure in Public Relations
  5. Public Relations and Their Functions
  6. Public Relations
  7. Four Models of Public Relations
  8. The Coca-Cola Company’s Public Relations
  9. Public Relations Campaign
  10. Public Relations and its importance in Modern Society

🏆 Best Public Relations Essay Examples

  1. Public relations and sales promotion
    It will analyze them based on the regularity of the chosen strategy, the target audience which covers the customers, the potential customers and the community and also PR and its impact.
  2. Public Relations and Cultural Intermediation
    The significance of PR studies as such is both theoretical and practical; as for the narrow topic of the study, the primary importance of recognising PR as a cultural mediator, in the view of Edwards, […]
  3. Public Relations in Healthcare and Their Features
    Practically, healthcare PR has many objectives, the most vital of which are the improvement of the quality of care, the establishment of a good reputation, and the reduction of cost of care.
  4. Impact of Social Media on Public Relations Practice
    Many organizations in the modern world have employed PR personnel to improve the company image and products to the public in a bid to improve the reputation and performance of the firm.
  5. The Airbnb Firm’s New Public Relations Campaign
    As a result of this, the company is available in a majority of the countries in the world, which gives it an advantage over local entities.
  6. Propaganda, Persuasion and Public Relations
    For example in the case of the Australia’s cancellation of the Fuel Watch program Senator Xenaphon utilized propaganda stating that Fuel Watch was not an effective means of helping consumers stating the need to tackle […]
  7. Burke’s Pentad: Public Relations, Social Theory, and Rhetoric
    On the example of one of Jeff Wall’s photographs, it is illustrated how the motivation of an actor in this paradigm can be described in different ways in terms of the viewer’s focus.
  8. Model of Excellence Theory in Public Relations Department
    For the public relations department, establishing good relationship with the clients and people associated with the company is most important and more important is the way to retain this relationship.
  9. McDonalds-Public Relations Practice in Global Contexts
    Like other retail organizations, McDonald’s believed that they have a social and moral responsibility for the people around the world to produce a positive impact to the stakeholders although the bottom line is the concern […]
  10. Aramco Company’s Public Relations Department
    Considering this, the establishment of a public relations department in Aramco is important, and the present report aims to demonstrate why the launch of such a unit can provide the company with advantages in dealing […]
  11. Public Relations and Sponsorships: Emirates Airlines and the NFL in 2020 Super Bowl
    Super Bowl is often held in the first week of February and it involves the winners of the National and American Football Conferences.

🤝 Public Relations Project Topics

Social Media and Public Relations

Social media has become a favorite tool for PR specialists. It allows them to reach an audience that would be hard to get to otherwise. PR representatives can quickly check recent trends through social media apps. Replying to comments and speaking to customers in real time is also a no-brainer with the help of such apps.

Determination Theory in Public Relations

The study of determination theory examines how PR content is created. The theory assumes that PR releases and news affect the way journalists research to prepare new material. All these processes are interdependent.

Career Path in Public Relations

Public relations offer various job opportunities for people who enjoy socializing and organizing. Digital marketing, public affairs, copywriting, and crisis management are only some of the career path options you can find in the PR sector. What you choose depends on your preferences, skills, and experience.

Public Relations and Brand Reputation Management

Brand reputation management is part of a PR specialist’s job. It usually includes supporting positive relationships between clients, employees, and the public. The manager develops and utilizes a strategy to keep the reputation on a desirable level. Another part of the manager’s job is to restore the reputation in case it’s damaged.

Public Relations Ethics

Full transparency and honesty may be the most essential qualities required from PR specialists and their clients. Manipulation and hiding information are especially damaging to public relations ethics. Honoring values and being mutually respectful is the foundation of success in this area.

🕵️ Current Public Relations Topics to Research

  1. Public Relations Strategy and Campaigns
    The main aim of the strategy is to build a viable relationship between a company and its target audience. The main goal of the strategy was to increase the sales of soda globally.
  2. Press Secretary Profession in Public Relations
    This study aims to research the history of the public relations industry and to examine the effects of government regulations, the internet, and the international community on the industry.
  3. Advertising, Publicity, and Public Relations
    Publicity is the act of drawing the attention of the media in order to improve the visibility of a brand, product or a company in the public. Second, publicity is cost-effective and provides a lot […]
  4. A Public Relations Campaign Plan
    In the USA, for example, there have been complaints regarding increased healthcare costs, a lack of stringent rules to guide people, especially the young, on proper usage of prescribed drugs, inability to take care of […]
  5. An Interview with a Veteran Public Relations Professional
    According to her response, she is a Bachelor of Communications and is responsible for managing the company’s image and reputation, as well as overseeing media relations and communication strategies in Fortune 500.
  6. Women in Public Relations: Inclusive Leadership
    Following the call that inclusive leadership is both learnable and developable, the article suggests that the greatest need in today’s multicultural working environment in public relations is to ascertain the integral role of shared leadership […]
  7. Public Relations Issues in the Music Industry
    TikTok is at the top of the funnel, and the issue with content-based marketing is that it diverts attention from the artists and interaction with their profiles.
  8. Henry Booth House’s Marketing and Public Relations
    The identified elements of a well-developed marketing and public relations plan are consistent with the current trends in business and marketing.
  9. “Public Relations – Strategies and Tactics” by Wilcox
    A public relations practitioner of a company is supposed to identify the strategy with whom the company should have relationships. The department of public relations should assure the clients that Evergreen flooring system is committed […]
  10. Public Relations Plan and Implementation Strategies
    The goal of the training will be to ensure the team develops the confidence to sell the brand to the consumers.
  11. Zappos Corporation Public Relations
    Zappos is one of the corporations that have handled the issue of public relations well in the past. Being a company that was in the limelight, it needed a way to give back to the […]
  12. Walmart: New Perspectives on International Public Relations
    Walmart is one of the largest multinational corporations, which uses its public relations in order to establish its brand and influence public opinion regarding the company.
  13. Careers in Marketing, Branding & Public Relations
    Among the competencies of marketing, a specialist is the way of presentation of the product, the methods of informing the target audience about it, and collecting and analyzing the data for evaluating the success of […]
  14. Public Relations Plan: Toyota
    In particular, the most significant among the dilemmas that have currently emerged around Toyota is in serious allegations on the level of quality of automobiles, produced by the company.
  15. Chemco Crisis Resolution and Public Relations
    In the real estate case mentioned in the case study, it is fundamental to note that the real estate company is in a crisis hence the need to resolve the conflict.
  16. Public Relations Agencies in Business Development
    As for the opinions of the heavyweight people and organizations on the agency, they seem to be undivided, and this is a result of the hard work of public relations specialists from Iris PR.
  17. Ethics in Public Relations in Three Big Companies
    Lastly, Facebook claims it enlisted the help of the PR company to verify people’s negative attitudes towards the inclusion of their Facebook data in Google’s Social Circles.
  18. Public Relations: The Four Models
    This is because the three models involve use of a reciprocal communication method that enables corporations to understand the public’s worries while enabling the public to appreciate the firm as a well meaning entity.
  19. Public Relations Law in Australia
    Defamation cases in Australia are said to be too expensive in terms of time, reputation and money. Defamation cases in Australia are said to be too expensive in terms of time, reputation and money.
  20. Public Relations and Integrated Marketing Communications in Organization
    Under the globalization regime, with the availability of a wide variety of tools for marketing communication to cater to a diverse target segment located in geographically diverse regions across the globe, an integrated approach is […]
  21. What the Public Thinks About Public Relations?
    Public relations is one of the marketing communications disciplines, best thought of as an arsenal of weapons employed to induce adoption of an advocacy position, trial or purchase of a product or service, and assent […]

👍 Interesting PR Topics to Write About

  1. Public Relations Efforts Evaluation
    Taking into account the objectives of the rideshare week, it is necessary to emphasize, that the increase of participants may be defined either using the registration data of Ohio Rideshare, or arranging surveys and questionnaires […]
  2. Public Relations: a Method to Organize and Boost Sales
    In any business situation, the public relations role is to harmonize the internal and external workings of an organization. To enhance the corporate image of the organization and boost the sales of the products and […]
  3. Effects of Public Relations in the United Arab Emirates
    Arguments made in the essay will support the premise that public relations are equally important in the strategic positioning of countries on both the global and regional levels.
  4. Obesity: Public Relations Campaign
    It will aid in educating youths about the dangers of childhood obesity and the factors that expose them to the condition.
  5. Australian Volunteers International: Public Relations
    The intention of this proposal is to endorse a conservation volunteer campaign that is aimed at reducing the pollution levels in China, which is among the countries that have high levels of environmental degradation in […]
  6. Public Relations Plan Implementation
    The interview is to be properly developed, the questions are to be directed at understanding why people still refuse to use the services of the company and to buy their products rather than search for […]
  7. Sunrise Ltd.’s Public Relations Management
    In the aspect of the power of buyers, it is clear that Sunrise Ltd.is under threat, considering the value of the houses that are traded to the real estate clients.
  8. Canadian Public Relations and Management Functions
    The functions within this specific field of study can make or break a particular person or corporation since it has been noted that the perception of the general public towards a particular entity can result […]
  9. Augmented Reality in Public Relations Domain
    The rationale behind this suggestion has to do with the fact that the integration of AR into the very philosophy of PR is fully consistent with the most fundamental principles of the human brain’s functioning.
  10. Public Relations Practice Improvement by Public Opinion
    In order to understand how this happens, it is necessary to define a public opinion, examine its connections to public relations, describe what improvements in public relations mean, and explain the ways in which understanding […]
  11. Public Relations: Ethics, Technology, Communication
    The study addresses the problem of ethics in public relations by proving that it is a global issue and is implemented worldwide.
  12. The Online Public Relations Concept
    Organizational transparency can be measured by identifying the degree to which it shares the information and to which it allows contact with people who can provide this information.
  13. E-Newsletters: Online Public Relations
    Further, the emergence of the internet has provided a wide variety of approaches that organizations can use to reach their customers and potential users of their products in the market.
  14. Job Advert for a Public Relations Manager
    This paper, therefore, addresses the implications of the operational gap and provides a memo to a hiring manager to solve the issue.
  15. Excellent Public Relations: Organizational Factors
    The chapter supports the view that PR is not only to be appreciated and valued by the C-suite but the representatives of PR departments should also be present in the dominant coalition.
  16. Etisalat’s Entrepreneurial Decisions and Public Relations
    The full title of the company is Emirates Telecommunications Corporation, its headquarters are situated in the UAE, and, at the moment, it appears to provide more than a half of all the telecommunication, mobile, and […]
  17. Wind Future Company’s Public Relations Plan
    In support of Windy City Council marketing objectives and community relations, the following objectives of its PR plans are: To increase the council’s recognition and credibility.
  18. Photography Company’s Public Relations Campaign
    The accomplishment of each aim will be performed following the specificity of the targeted audience that is supposed to be composed of the middle-class population of the Seattle Area. In the meantime, they expect that […]
  19. Effective Writing Skills in Public Relations Writing
    Same as writing style, the length of a public relations writing is determined by the nature of the message in terms of content, and the need for an in-depth explanation.
  20. Public Relations in Not-For-Profit Organisations
    In the context of non-profit organisations, PR departments can be viewed as semi-autonomous systems that can make their independent decisions with regard to the type of information that should be shared with the public. It […]
  21. Public Relations in the United Arab Emirates
    The Middle East Public Relations Association is a not-for-profit establishment with the sole prerogative of securing the welfares of the public relations industry in the region.

⭐ Picking the Best Public Relations Ideas for an A+ Essay

How do you choose the best essay topic? By following our tips, of course! Check them out:

  1. Make sure you like the topic. Enjoying what you write about is a secret to never-ending motivation. As a bonus, your essay will likely be well-written if you choose your favorite topic.
  2. Choose a relevant issue. Your essay will be more engaging and exciting if the problem you discuss is up-to-date with recent trends.
  3. Keep the topic focused. Try narrowing down the topic: you definitely don’t want to research a vague, general idea.

If you need to write about public relations, here are the most promising research areas you can look into:

  • Audience targeting.
    This area examines the tactics PR professionals use to engage the target audience. It also examines how they analyze the needs of their potential clients.
  • Social media marketing.
    The development of digital technology transformed public relations. Today, the importance of social media in PR cannot be overestimated.
  • B2B vs B2C.
    A business proving services to other business would choose a different PR strategy from a business that sells their products directly to consumers.
  • PR ethics.
    You can discuss the fundamental values that PR specialists have when it comes to their work ethics.

🔥 Hot Public Relations Assignment Topics

  1. Public Relations: Omnicom Group Website Analysis
    It is also involved in the control of the flow of information from the client to the media or the public.
  2. Breast Cancer Public Relations Campaign
    Audiences It is clear that the breast cancer campaign will target at women in their 30-40s as this is one of the most vulnerable categories of women as they often pay little attention to the […]
  3. Apple and Samsung Companies Virtual Public Relations
    According to Gregory, a website is like an ambassador of the firm to the world, and the impression it gives will be assumed to be the real image of the firm it represents.
  4. How Does Internal Public Relations Impact the Employee Productivity and Loyalty in Saudi Arabia?
    This study therefore intends to synthesize the issue of internal public relations and how it impacts the productivity and loyalty of employees in Saudi Arabia.
  5. Public Relations and the Big Brother Legislation
    The current developments in technology that have warranted the development of the internet has reduced the amount of money invested in communication as well as increased the number of people that are communicated to and […]
  6. Solving Ethical Dilemmas in Public Relations
    In the case study, the main problem arises from the client’s deceit concerning the independent nature of the scientist testing the products in a bid to ensure a favorable public image of the products to […]
  7. Strategic Communication in Public Relations
    Slogans, staged events, and being the first to reach the public and using a sustained approach to saturate the public with campaign messages are old tricks that have passed on from the informal forms of […]
  8. Public Relations and Customer Loyalty
    When a firm has a strong brand image in the market, the perception of the public would always be influenced positively towards the firm, and this will increase loyalty of the customers towards the firm.
  9. Importance of Public Relations and Relationship Marketing
    The study also intends to incorporate relationship marketing theory to further the understanding of how the organization can manage to achieve the desired goal in a manner that would be convincing to all the stakeholders […]
  10. Public Relations Theory And Campaign
    These tools assist in conveying a message to the public, and in return, the public begin to act according to the influence of the communication.
  11. Effectiveness of Public Relations & Relationship Marketing to the Successful Promotion of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
    To conclude, it is evident from the assessment that public relations and relationship marketing are effective to the successful promotion of international events.
  12. Essential Foundations of the Public Relations
    According to Curtin and Gaither, there exists four main criticisms of the paradigm of the public relations: “the definition of public relations as a management function; the reliance on functional, transmission models of communication; the […]
  13. Public Relations Campaign Strategy: Newlandia Education Foundation
    The aim of communication campaign among people in these regions will be to enhance public awareness of NEF activities, increase public participation in activities of NEF, outline the various ways donations and support for NEF […]
  14. Strategic Planning for Public Relations
    BP oil’s public relations team had to work round the clock to disseminate information, answer questions and win the hearts and minds of the people closest to the site of the accident.
  15. Public Relations and Crisis Management Link
    The significance of developing a CMP lies in the fact that it aids in the process of collecting the necessary information to deal with the crisis.
  16. Public Relations Plan – New Startup Company
    The revitalization of the image of the company will be helpful in attracting customers and improving the performance of the company. The chief objective of the company is to restore the image of the company […]
  17. 2011 NBA Lockout: Public Relations Failure
    The NBA strike began on the 1st of July, 2011 and is still in effect until the time when the NBA owners and the National Basketball Players Association will make a deal.
  18. Regent College Public Relations
    This includes the definition of the problem, the definition of the audience, identification of the communication avenues and finally employing the best tactics and strategies to ensure that the project is successful.
  19. Public Relations and Ethical Decisions
    Basing the discussion on the fact that public relations and ethics include “the client good that is served by professionals public relations, and the principle ordering the theoretical ground of public relations the public pledge […]
  20. The Effectiveness of Public Relations and Relationship Marketing
    Unlike the firms in the industries that deal with tangible goods, the firms in the service industry highly depend on their relationships with the customers in order to survive in the market.
  21. Public Relations and Relationship Marketing
    The organizers of the 2011 Mobile Research conference should consider using public relations and relationship marketing in order to ensure that the event promotion is successful.

🎓 Controversial Public Relations Research Topics

  1. Fire and emergency public relations management
    The video publications are significant in the provision of information to the public and employees as well as educating the fire service employees on issues concerning fire and emergency management.
  2. Social Media and Public Relations
    In addition, Wikipedia has streamlined the process of information delivery on the internet because it allows individuals to add or delete unwanted information. The media has been accused of bias in almost every instance it […]
  3. Career Path Paper in Public Relations
    For an individual to successfully acquire a job opportunity in the field of public relation, the specifications depend on the level of the job.
  4. Public Relations Strategies and Tactics
    The process of communication involves the sender encoding the message and sending it through a medium to the receiver, who is required to decode the message. The practitioners in this case are the senders of […]
  5. The History of Public Relations
    The intention of these drives was to cultivate a favourable image in the eyes of the public and especially to the consumers and to the society in general.
  6. Public Relations Plan for Regent’s College
    In Regent’s College case, the primary objective is to increase the visibility of the school to the public, as well as raise the profile of the institute.
  7. Integrating Public Relations in Market Communication
    The objective of the public relations campaign was to communicate the value of Dawn to the customers as being a strong dishwasher.

👀 Public Relations Topics for Presentation

Public Relations Theories and Models

There are four PR models: press agentry, public information, two-way symmetrical, and two-way asymmetrical communications. All four are considered essential for building a solid foundation of trusting communication. In turn, it helps PR specialists satisfy the varying needs of their clients. In your presentation, you can compare these models by analyzing real-life cases.

Power of Influencers for Public Relations

Social media influencers have become increasingly essential figures in PR world. Celebrities with large audiences hold the power to either ruin or improve brands’ names. Influencers can target niche markets and gain the follower’s trust, which makes them great allies. In a presentation on this topic, you can show graphs on the brands working with and without influencers’ help.

Global Public Relations and Multicultural World

Navigating various cultural norms, laws, and rules would be impossible without global PR professionals. It’s essential to know how to regulate communication between companies from different countries. What are the biggest challenges PR representatives face in this area? Discuss this question and present your findings.

Difference between Marketing and Public Relations

Simply put, marketing promotes the service or product while PR takes care of the brand’s face. Relationships with customers are the top priority for public relations specialists, but engaging new buyers is also essential. In the presentation, you can analyze PR aspects that are similar to marketing.

Crisis Management in Political Public Relations

Time is a priority during a political PR crisis. In this situation, a PR manager must address the issue before the chaos starts spreading. It’s essential to develop an effective strategy after the initial response to the crisis. A presentation on this topic can present several real-life cases of political crisis.

❓ Public Relations Discussion Questions

  1. What Kinds of Objectives Can Be Accomplished Through Public Relations Research?
  2. What Are the Practical, Ethical, and Legal Implications of Astroturfing for Public Relations Practitioners Under Current Australian Law?
  3. What Are the Standard Tools of Public Relations?
  4. What Is Secondary Research in Public Relations?
  5. How Can the Dairy Farmers Use Public Relations Coursework?
  6. How Has the Public Relations Changed Over the Past Decade?
  7. Is Public Relations More Important than Marketing?
  8. What Are the Weakness of Public Relations?
  9. What Are the Types of Public Relations?
  10. What Is the Main Aim of Public Relations?
  11. What Are Public Relations Doing in a ‘Place’ Like Place Marketing?
  12. Why Should Public Relations Professionals Use Facebook?
  13. What Are Public Relations Research and Evaluation?
  14. Public Relations: What Does This Job Entail?
  15. How Do Luxury Fashion Brands Centralize Public Relations?
  16. How Companies Use Public Relations to Launch New Products and Lessen the Effects of a Crisis?
  17. What Is the Difference between Marketing and PR?
  18. What Does a Career in Public Relations Look Like?
  19. What Comes First Marketing or PR?
  20. What Is the Difference between Journalism and Public Relations?
  21. How Psychoanalysis Changed Society with Consumerism and Public Relations?
  22. Did the Board Cover Any Guidelines Be a Public Relations Policy?
  23. How Do Public Relations Programs Work?
  24. What Are the Functions of Public Relations?
  25. What Are the Three Dominant Approaches in Public Relations Research?
  26. What Is Research in Public Relations and Advertising?
  27. Why Honesty and Ethics Are Crucial for Public Relations?
  28. How Can Teachers Motivate Students to Study Theoretical Modules in Public Relations?
  29. How Can Public Relations Communications Theory Help Us Understand the Role of New Media?
  30. How Gender Issues Affect Income in Public Relations?

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 25). 126 Public Relations Topics for Essays & Research Papers. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/public-relations-essay-topics/

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"126 Public Relations Topics for Essays & Research Papers." IvyPanda, 25 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/public-relations-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '126 Public Relations Topics for Essays & Research Papers'. 25 November. (Accessed: 21 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "126 Public Relations Topics for Essays & Research Papers." November 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/public-relations-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "126 Public Relations Topics for Essays & Research Papers." November 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/public-relations-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "126 Public Relations Topics for Essays & Research Papers." November 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/public-relations-essay-topics/.