277 Race Topics to Write About & Essay Samples

Here, you will find what you can explore regarding different ethnicities and racism. Besides, click on the links to read race essay examples for free.

Good essay topics on race can be challenging to come up with. The subject is broad and covers a variety of important issues like discrimination against minorities. That’s why our experts have prepared this list of race topics to write about. Check them and find something of your liking.

🔝 Top-10 Topics about Race

  1. Race Matters, Cancel Culture, and “Boys Go to Jupiter”
  2. Race and Gender in “Hidden Figures” (2016)
  3. Race and Ethnicity
  4. Race and Meaning of Home in Toni Morrison’s Novel
  5. Enterobius Vermicularis: A Worm That Knows No Class, Race or Culture
  6. Meanings and Messages About Gender and Race in “The Hate U Give” by Tillman Jr
  7. Race, Class and Gender: Feminism – A Transformational Politic
  8. Race in Popular Culture: “Get Out” (2017)
  9. Representation of African-American Identity and Race, Gender and Class in the Bamboozled
  10. Race and Gender in Physical Education and Sports

🏆 Best Race Topics to Write About & Examples

  1. Race in Aphra Behn’s “Oroonoko”
    The literature of the 17th century is characterized by the emergence of various works describing the life of African slaves in the New World.
  2. The Death of Race by Brian Bantum
    In the first chapter, the author states that “race is this act of conjuring,”2 a statement that can be used to imply that the creation of the idea of race has been misleading.
  3. The Relationship between Race and Gender as Delineated in the Loons, City Lovers, and Ravensong
    Maracle’s Ravensong is a story of who a number of Natives were treated by Whites in the late 1950s; it is not about some general facts and events, it is a lesson that some Natives […]
  4. “A Brief History of the Human Race” by Michael Cook
    Michael Cook’s “A Brief History of the Human Race” portrays the general outline of global human history over the past 10,000 years.
  5. Racism and Discrimination as Social Constructs
    This is because the concept of race has a negative connotation in the society. For example in some societies, especially the western society; the concept of race implies un-fair treatment and discrimination of a particular […]
  6. Race and Development of Music in America
    The author’s justification for the essay is the role of social history in determining the creation and evolution of music genres by African Americans.
  7. Race and History: Cheikh Anta Diop “Civilization or Barbarism”
    One of the ways to study ancient communities is to analyze the remains of their culture. Diop refers to the findings of M.
  8. Social Construction of Race and Gender
    The main problem with social construction of race and gender is that the society has been trying to justify why a given group of people is considered superior to others.
  9. Multiculturalism in Canada: Social and Political Aspects
    Presently, this policy is portrayed in the country’s legal system, through the ‘Multiculturalism Act’ of the year 1988, among other key sections of the country’s governing laws and policies such as the ‘Charter of Rights […]
  10. “School Daze” by Spike Lee: Race, Class, and Language
    In terms of race, it can be seen that even in an all black characters, this category has a huge affect on the perception of the characters of themselves. In that regard, the film is […]
  11. Race and Social Class Relationship
    The formation of the society and the pace of its development directly depend on people living in it and determining the norms of life.
  12. Race Identity Evaluation in the Film “Malcolm X”
    Considering the points at which Omi’s work crosses the plot of the movie and marking the differences between the two, one can track the slightest implementations of racism in the modern American society, which is […]
  13. Race and Rites of Passage: Cultures Perspectives
    In exploring the issue of rites of passage, outsider and insider viewpoints give a broader picture of the values and customs unique to a particular race.
  14. Race and Ethnicity in Cartoons
    Both the ethnical minorities’ and the “white” children’s perceptions of the world around and the social roles it offers are influenced by cartoons.
  15. Race, Ethnicity, Family and Religion
    Religion on the other hand, is important as it forms the basis of ideologies that a given people would ascribe to family. This occurrence shows how religion is dear and important to the lives of […]
  16. Gender, Race and Class
    These ambivalent attitudes towards females are used by males to remain at the top of the hierarchy of power and leadership and place females at the bottom. The concepts are entrenched in our society and […]
  17. Race and Gender: What Binds People Together
    In the movie “Race, the Power of Illusion”, a rather uncommon path of argument is explored on one issue that has been rather fundamental to the whole human race yet it is ignored much of […]
  18. Race, Ethnicity and Crime
    There are a number of opposing issues concerning racism and disparity that has led to complication in the discussion of the issue of racism in the Criminal Justice System. The larger the differences between the […]
  19. Race and Ethnicity in the Context of Stratification
    However, the race has often been used as a factor of discrimination and social stratification. The reason for such conflicts is numerous myths about social stratification regarding race that persist in some parts of the […]
  20. “Revisiting America: Readings in Race, Culture, and Conflict” by S. Wyle
    The diversity in the social and societal background of the United States cannot go without the trends for the historical basis of the nation.
  21. The Impact of Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Children’s Films
    The film Lady and the Tramp, released in 1955, tells the audience a romance story of two dogs, Lady and Tramp, who fall in love with each other.
  22. How to Reformat a Hard Drive?
    The major reason as to why the formatting is done is in order to free the contents of the disk so that it can be used for other data. Soft disk drive: a disk for […]
  23. Gender, Race and Class Issues in Education
    Learning process functions in a dynamic but systematic process that is greatly influenced by the main objective, sub objectives, and the environment in which learners are subjected to in the process of knowledge acquisition.
  24. The Aryan Race in “Mein Kampf” by Adolf Hitler
    The provided passage is taken from Mein Kampf, the most known work of Adolf Hitler, the infamous leader of the NSDAP since 1921 and the F hrer of Nazi Germany in 1934-1945.
  25. Gender, Race, and Specific Social Class Stratification in “The Hate U Give”
    The movie portrays the social stratification of class, race, and gender in a way that sheds light on inequality in society.
  26. The Relationship between Race and Politics in America
    The topic of discrimination is often used in political discourse, as it is one of the social problems that can attract the attention of a broad audience.
  27. Malcolm X’s Views on Race, Politics, and Religion
    This essay will contend that although individual persons, both black and white, also contributed to Malcolm’s development, his views and the racist social and political institutions he faced throughout his life predominantly influenced his attitudes.
  28. Discussion and Analysis: Race and IQ
    In academics, race and IQ can become a self-fulfilling prophecy since the stereotype becomes ingrained into each student’s identity and societal expectations of him or her.
  29. Class, Gender, and Race in Domestic, Urban, and National Settings
    The current reading focuses on concepts of social class, gender, and race, situating the three in the spatial and temporal contexts.
  30. Race and National Origin Discrimination
    The concept covers the exclusion or limitation of opportunities for members of a particular population group relative to the possibilities of other groups at the level of society.
  31. The Post-Revolutionary Mexico: Race and National Identity
    Institutional racism was a factor in the social construction of race and identity for ethnic groups of color in the US.
  32. Race and the Aesthetics of Vocal Timbre by Eidsheim
    The author focuses on the fact that the music industry believes that the timbre of the voice can be a predictor of ethnicity.
  33. Biological Determinism: Race, Nationality and the New Immigrant Working Class
    In the historical construction of racial status, biological determinism became the main premise for the development of the idea of white superiority over other races.
  34. Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity
    The differential outline regards the legal and illegal aspects of immigration to the U.S. Bacon utilizes the Sylva Sylvarum context to establish the importance of sustainable practice on economic, sociocultural, and political growth and development.
  35. Analysis of Fuentes’s “The Myth of Race”
    He showed that none of the ABO gene alleles is unique to any race, and none of the ABO patterns correspond to the biological classifications of races.
  36. Race Represented in American and Chinese Music
    In order to achieve the objective, the author defines and put into practice the idea of “Blacksound” the audible and physical heritage of blackface performances as the source of all popular music, art, and culture […]
  37. Race, Racism, and Dangers of Race Thinking
    While it is true that some forms of race thinking can be used to justify and perpetuate racism, it is not necessarily the case that all forms of race thinking are inherently racist. Race thinking […]
  38. Race and Gender Analysis: Key Differences
    The analyst should place both genders in different departments and see which gender is appropriate for a particular operation as it will promote racing between them.
  39. How the Race Concept Has Changed Over Time
    For example, in the ancient world, white European men used the concept of race to justify their conquest and colonization of other parts of the world.
  40. The Validity of the Race Concept
    As a result, the concept of race is not useful in terms of social life. Hence, the phenomenon of being a human is far more relevant than sticking to classifying a person based on their […]

🔎 Research Topics on Race and Ethnicity

Race and ethnicity are the terms used to classify various sections of the population. While the ethnicity of people from diverse geographic regions can be identified based on their customs, history, language, and religion, race divides humans based on their physical characteristics.

Here are a few research topics on ethnic and racial issues that you may find helpful:

  1. The Influence of Ethnicity and Race on Social Stratification and Inequality
  2. Racial Identity and Self-Perception in the US: Minorities vs. Whites
  3. The Hardships and Dreams of Asian Americans Living in Poverty
  4. Affirmative Action Programs and Their Role in Promoting Ethnic Equality in Business
  5. The Cultural Preservation and Assimilation in Immigrant Communities

👍 Good Essay Topics on Race

  1. Critical Race Theory, Model Minority and Foreignness
    The theory assumes that social development and intellectual analysis of organized legal frameworks are based on the idea that race is not natural or biological based on the features of different subgroups.
  2. The Social Construction of Race
    Hence, the concept of race as a social construct it is human-invented and was also created to identify physical differences between people.
  3. Can the Human Race Survive Without Genetically Modified Food?
    Although genetically modified food is a recent invention, the humankind will be unable to survive without it due to the rise in the global population.
  4. The Concepts of Race and Ethnicity in Modern America
    In Chapter 11 of their book Introduction to Sociology, Giddens et al.discuss the concepts of race and ethnicity and explore racism in the modern US.
  5. The Difference between a Biological and a Social View of Race
    A biological and a social view of race are very different, which creates a misconception of race in society and leads to discrimination.
  6. Jews Students: Race, Education, and Myth-Making
    The main argument about the interconnection of race, education, and myth-making will be depicted in the example of Jews students. The atmosphere in New York in the 1910s and 1920s was full of discrimination against […]
  7. Race Factor in Students Admission to Law School
    However, he approved the need for a diverse student body and the use of race in admission based on an individual evaluation, not a group; the institution must assess other factors such as participation in […]
  8. Race and Ethnicity: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives
    It was precisely based on racial strife that the countries waged wars all the time and sought to subjugate the peoples, showing the ambitions of hegemons. The boundaries of an ethnic group, unlike a race, […]
  9. Race Identification and History Taking in Nursing
    Nevertheless, family members and the patient may be unaware of the role of race in history taking. After that, the nurse proceeds to note that s/he noticed the race section was blank and explains the […]
  10. Review of Race, Ethnicity, and Age Trends in Persons Who Died From COVID-19
    Categories display along the horizontal axis, and the height of the bar equates to the score of each class. The graph concludes that from May to August, the proportion of White decedents declined from 56.
  11. Race and Ethnicity in Social Work
    Differences in customs, beliefs, language of communication, and cultural values among the various immigrant races and ethnicities affected how we delivered our social aid. We had to overcome the ethnic and racial barriers that would […]
  12. Racism and Intolerance: The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre
    The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre: Crafting a Legacy by Messer elaborates on the legacy of the event and its repercussions and offers a profound analysis of the issue, which strengthened my focus of the research.
  13. The Connection of Race and Class to Activism
    In all of these cases, women suffered from sexual abuse, and the movement of #MeeToo rose, helping women save each other from the abuse.
  14. Race Matters by Cornel West: A Book Review
    The rise of racist and sexist tendencies due to the lack of affirmative action is doubtful because it is not the only element in the fight against racial and sexual prejudice. However, West is of […]
  15. Social Causes of Suicide: Sex, Race, Ethnicity, Age Group, and Mechanism of Death
    Suicide is one of the top ten main causes of death in the United States, making it a major issue. The suicide rate in the West is higher than in the South, Midwest, and Northeast.
  16. Race as a Social Construct: Issues of Barriers
    Since it occurs in the conditions of scarcity of resources essential for the survival of citizens, the varying degree of access to them can be determined on the basis of racial background.
  17. Conservative Case on Banning Critical Race Theory
    Critical Race Theory is an educative rebellion that tries to understand how white power is generated and upheld as a cultural, political, and at the same time, legal condition, especially in the United States context. […]
  18. The Case of Victor Jailed on Counts of Violence: Race, Gender, Age
    Oblivious of how keen Victor was at a tender age, the actions by his mother and the partners created huge damage to his character and necessitated a violent change in his behavior.
  19. Sociology and Race Disparities in Health
    A proper sociological approach to the issue of race as related to health disparities may alleviate it by focusing on the stratifying principles of race, such as socioeconomic disadvantages and discrimination.
  20. Pop Culture and Race, Ethnicity, Sexual Morality, and Gender
    On the other hand, there is a historically, politically, and economically determined point of intersection between parts of the feminist movement and the conservative media.
  21. Construction of Race in “The Eye of the Storm” Video
    The “Eye of the Storm” video is a fascinating example of how race can be socially constructed in the classroom. Thus, Elliott socially constructed race by suggesting that one group of children is better than […]
  22. Waves of Immigration: Recognizing Race and Ethnicity
    In 1965, Congress overturned the discriminatory immigration quota system and passed legislation based on the principles of family reunification and the attraction of a highly-skilled workforce to the United States.
  23. White Counselors Broaching Race and Racism Study
    The essence of the verbal behavior of the consultants is the ways of their reaction in the process of interaction with the client – the basic skills of counseling, accessibly including race and racism topics.
  24. Hillbilly vs. Race Music Impact on American Radio
    When speaking about hillbilly and race music in terms of their recognition in American culture, it is necessary to mention the role of the radio in the process.
  25. Sociology: The Critical Race Theory
    Some of the cases of racial discrimination that brought about the fight against the implementation and introduction of the critical race theory to the new generation include past cases of racial injustices.
  26. Race and Class Correlation in America
    Investigations of the elements of race and class together have endeavored to unravel the impact of the two by parsing out the manners by which the putative impacts of one may be clarified by the […]
  27. University Diversity Policies and Critical Race Theory
    All in all, Iverson brilliantly made a critical analysis of diversity action plans and came to the argument that universities’ diversity policies discursively put minorities in the inferior in relation to White students’ position.
  28. Gender and Race as Social Facts
    The patterns are external to the individual, and they are driven by external coercive power. Consequently, race and gender become specific social facts that shape society and are shaped by it.
  29. Segregation in the US & Race, Employment and Criminal Record
    The fictional history stresses whites’ collaboration to preserve the segregation laws, which evolved from furious masses in the initial periods of the Great Migration to the development of elegant community construction.
  30. Race, Gender and Socially Constructed Rules
    Considering prompt B, I believe the long-term employee does not have a valid point in claiming that their Mediterranean ancestry and natural biological impulses prevent them from trying to court the new employee.
  31. Race and Ethnicity in the United States
    While these concepts depict a correlation between minority groups and the poignant salient aspect of racial conflicts, the penal code is at the forefront of the disproportionate promotion of inequalities in crime prevention.
  32. Race and Ethnicity Differences and Impacts
    The first blood law was in the year 1705 and was known as the one-eighth rule where one was considered black if one of their great grandparents was entirely of African decency.
  33. Social Class and Race From 1865 to 1920
    In the late 1870s, the Farmers Alliance was established to fight for the lower social classes’ freedom and success. The 1890s marked a significant evolution of the Alliance to the People’s Party that did not […]
  34. Race Matters for Asian and African Women Leaders
    The study by Rosette et al.aims at exploring the influence of racial stereotypes of Asian and African American women on the two types of agentic bias, namely, agentic deficiency and agentic penalty.
  35. Relationship of Hip-Hop With Race and Identity
    The beefing between the two hip-hop artists, Iggy Azalea and Azealia Banks, indicates a misapprehension existing on hip-hop’s history. Due to the competitive nature of the market, artists try to survive by beefing with their […]
  36. COVID-19: How Race, Gender and Marriage Contribute to Humanity
    A study by Landivar et al.about the effect of the virus on gender and marriage in the US reveals that the pandemic has worsened gender inequality in employment.
  37. Global Media’s Portrayal of Race and Gender
    Stereotypical gender images in the media are stable and generalized representations of the mass consciousness about the social functions and models of behavior of men and women, expressed in visual and verbal images.
  38. Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in Programming
    Paul, Jane & Elizabeth described the race as a social categorization based on phenotype and a social factor that is capable of influencing health and utilization of healthcare.
  39. Race, Ethnicity, and Gender
    Racial and ethnical issues are closely associated with the establishment of historical relations between the whites and the blacks in the American society.
  40. Asian Americans and Latino Families: Race and Ethnicity
    Diversity also brought out in “Fresh off the Boat” through comparison of Asian-American family values and Caucasian-American ones.

🎓 Research Questions about Race and Education

For decades, the academic achievement gap between Black and white students in the US has been a persistent problem. Black students, unlike others, often have significant disparities in test grades and high school completion rates due to more frequent cases of suspension, lower placement in gifted programs, and reduced expectations.

Excellent research questions about race and education are already waiting for you below:

  1. How Do Black Male Educators Impact Black Pupils’ Desire to Attend College?
  2. What Are the Hurdles for Students of Color in Negotiating College Financial Aid?
  3. How Can College Admissions Policies Be Reformed to Reduce Racial Disparities?
  4. To What Extent Does Economic Status Affect the Educational Results of Students of Different Races?
  5. Do Charter Schools Perpetuate or Alleviate Racial Segregation and Educational Inequality?

📝 Simple & Easy Race Essay Topics

  1. “Race, Refugees, and International Law” by Achiume
    In the article “Race, Refugees, and International Law,” the author describes the definition of the term “race” as the social systems of meaning that attach to elements of morphology and ancestry.
  2. Inclusive Policies & Race Relations in the UK Higher Education Sector
    This study is a research proposal aimed at understanding the efficacy of inclusive policies in promoting race relations in the UK higher education sector.
  3. Race Is a Social Construct Rather Than Biological
    In the 15th century England, for instance, phrases such as ‘the race of bishops’ or ‘the race of saints’ were commonly used. The former refers to the drawing of conclusions about people on the basis […]
  4. Race and Ethnicity Impact on US Municipality Politics
    The politicians who were opportunists, referred to as the machines, aided the assimilation of the immigrants and helped them have a sense of belonging in the new areas of residence.
  5. Race, Class, and Gender in Kincaid’s The Autobiography of My Mother
    The lack of love and all the consequence of it transcends the entire novel: “I did not love her. She was not feminine but desirable for the opposite sex because she learned to accept the […]
  6. Empirical and Theoretical Studies Own-Race Bias
    The present paper represents a literature review on the subject of own-race bias a set of scientific articles reporting about empirical and theoretical studies in the sphere are analyzed to estimate the present-day progress of […]
  7. Facebook: Reflection of Race- and Gender-Based Narrative
    For example, the presentation of Egypt in the Book of Exodus shows the oppressed structure.”The Egyptians became ruthless in imposing tasks on the Israelites, and made their lives bitter with hard service in mortar and […]
  8. Race: A Social Construct or a Term From Biology?
    The studies of the human genome in the past led to a belief that race is a constant that defines a set of characteristics to which an individual of this race will be predisposed.
  9. Race and Color Discrimination Against US Employees
    Jobs should be evaluated and analyzed in order to determine the relative pay of each class of job. Promotions should be based on work performance and the ability and morality of employees.
  10. Children’s Understanding of Their Race
    This perception is also imposed on children and, therefore, in the future, they may encounter problems due to the negative understanding of their race.
  11. Race-Based Jury Nullification Advantages and Disadvantages
    The jury considers the application of the law unjust to the defendant. In view of this, the nullification of the law is witnessed.
  12. Race Factor in Offending & Victimization Rates
    Although the homicide rates have been increasing from the 1950s both in the White and African American communities, the rate of increase in the African American community has been at higher levels.
  13. Race and Culture Factors in Crime
    That is why this paper’s objective is to explore different views on how the factors of race and culture can influence the violent and criminal behavior in people, to analyze the evident correlations between the […]
  14. Differences in Health Status by Race
    Health disparities are defined as the dissimilarity between groups of people in terms of disproportion in health status, the spread of various diseases, and access to services.
  15. “Poverty, Race, and the Contexts of Achievement” by Maryah Stella Fram et al.
    The article “Poverty, race, and the contexts of achievement: examining the educational experience of children in the U.S. Multilevel models were then applied in the analyses of how children varied in their reading scores depending […]
  16. Race-Based Medicine: Diseases in Different Groups of the Population
    BiDil and its success in reducing heart failure in African Americans is a clear example of the new benefits that can be seen by this new way of medicine. The benefits of race-based medicine should […]
  17. “Race, Class, and Gender in the United States” by P. Rothenberg
    In this respect, the title of the book fully indicates its reliability and straightforward character of it in terms of the contemporary social situation between minorities and the majority of the American nation.
  18. Has Race Relationship in America Gotten Better or Worse?
    It is the main problem that contributes to the fact that despite the law being on the side of Black people, they are still the ones who are arrested on the streets more often and […]
  19. Unlearning Race as Biology
    It is scientifically proven that race is not a reliable shortcut or proxy but simply a distraction that does not let see the real and the whole picture of one’s condition and situation.
  20. Hospital Discharge Data Set in Relation to Race
    The second thing is that some people may not understand the difference or relevance of categories ethnicity and race or use broad categories, for example, Asian, making it necessary to adjust data sheets such as […]
  21. Race at the Intersections: Sociology, 3rd Wave Feminism, and Critical Race Theory
    In this reading, the author examines the phenomenon of racism not merely as an issue but a systematic, institutionalized, and cultural phenomenon that is hard to eliminate.
  22. Race and Ethnicity in Head Coaching Positions
    Firstly, the extent of the underrepresentation of racial diversity in American sports is one of the most predominant reasons for the industry to seek more African-American coaches.
  23. Race and Ethnicity, Other Minorities and Discrimination
    The author argues that the downgrading of the social status of Arabs in the US could be measured through the various “public policies, in mainstream representations, in social patterns of discrimination, separation, and exclusion, and […]
  24. Race and Gender as Social Constructs
    Race and gender identity have been the issues that were at the center of the debate around whether there is a genetic component to it.
  25. Effects of Race on Psychotherapy Process and Outcome
    The main aim of the research paper is to explore the effect race of the client and the therapist has on the therapy process and short-term outcomes of therapy.
  26. The Declining Significance of Race: Revisited & Revised
    If to compare the main events, that Wilson mentions in connection with the development of race relations in the United States, with the facts from the textbook, it appears that the two texts have a […]
  27. Race as a Global Issue in the 1920s
    The main intention of prohibiting immigrants from entering the country was to block the Germans whom the Americans saw as a threat to their country.
  28. Improving Race Relations in the USA
    The thoughts of people and their attitude to each other cannot be controlled by the government. The people’s attitude to each other depends on their personal beliefs and moral principles which are impossible to be […]
  29. Race and Racism in the USA: The Origins and the Future
    In conclusion, the author suggests that the possible solution to the problem of racial conflicts is the amalgamation of different races and ethnics.
  30. Gender, Class and Race in Household and Paid Work
    This paper provides the analysis of how gender affects the labor distribution in both household and paid labor, the role of social class in families, and the impact of race and ethnicity on labor distribution, […]
  31. Morbidity and Mortality by Race in Maryland and Texas
    The evidence is in the form of average percentages of persons over the age of 18 but under the age of 64.
  32. American Race Relations in the “42” Movie
    Although the great number of black men spilt their blood and fought for their country, the society still considered them to be the representatives of the lower social group The USA was one of the […]
  33. “Contagious Divides: Epidemics and Race in San Francisco’s Chinatown” by Nayan Shah
    The book started with the description of the epidemics that broke out at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries in San Francisco.
  34. Impact of Race, Age or Gender on Teamwork
    This is based on the difficulty of ascertaining in what way productivity is affected by a change in the age composition of the workforce.
  35. Race Issues in the ‘Invisible Man’ by Ralph Ellison
    This young man from the South follows the deathbed warning of his grandfather not to comply with the wishes of white people which destroy the lives of black people.
  36. Gender Race and Sex Body in Relations to Politics and the Law
    Sexualized body is a site of a political contestation and has the following effects to politics. Some people see sex as a site of exploiting others; women and young girls are subjected to the agenda, […]
  37. The Issues of Race in the Military
    Consequently, to fully comprehend and assimilate the nature of racial and ethical discrimination meted out on the black military personnel’s or to better put it for military officers of different race or colour, one will […]
  38. Race, Class and Gender. Racism on Practice
    The separation and the segregation on an individual or group is what is based on the grounds of racism, and this has been well illustrated in the book the Ethics of Living Jim Crow where […]
  39. Conceptual Border of Race in the Present Day Society
    The population of the country, which territory is rich in oil, was sacrificed to the interests of the developed countries. This demonstrates one of the sociological issues and the citizens’ assurance, that the government did […]
  40. How Laws, Policies and Reforms Have Contributed to Race and Class Biased Outcomes
    Despite the intensive efforts that have been made in trying to deal with past bias in the United States, racism has remained elusive and has always impacted a lot on the policymaking in the country.

💡 Interesting Race Topics to Write About

  1. The Three Great Leaders of the Black Race in America
    Born to slavery, he had a white father and a black slave mother in Virginia, he got good schooling and prevailed among the African American community, and was favored by the white politicians to be […]
  2. Race Relations in Britain. Immigration Situation
    This was the first large-scale migration of colored immigrants as compared to the minimal migrations that Britain had gotten used to.
  3. The Issue of Race and Ethnicity in Canada
    Canada is one of the countries that accommodate the highest number of immigrants in the world. This has led to the entry of immigrants into the country who possess the work skills that are needed.
  4. Women, Race & Class
    It is expected that most women will joyously accept the advent of what may result from that assumption “househusband,” but unfortunately, “the desexualization of domestic labor would not alter the oppressive nature of the work” […]
  5. Age, Race, Sex, and Women Defining Differences
    Society is presented as a state of macabre where the people have been used for their benefits and purposes and continue to be used in this manner.
  6. Obama Speech on Race – March 2008
    Although the Constitution promised its people justice, equality and liberty, it has never been able to rid the slaves off their bondage and provide the people of every race and color their privileges and equal […]
  7. How Gender and Race Structure Poverty and Inequality Connected?
    In essence, feminization of poverty has been constructed in the context of the rise in households headed by female and the family participation in the low income generating activities, thus creating three distinct areas of […]
  8. Ideology of Race and the New Democratic Nation
    His main argument in this matter is that whilst racism did not at first lead the colonists in enslaving the blacks, the concept of the native hereditary inferiority on the component of Africans and African […]
  9. Race, Class and Gender in Los Angeles in the 20th Century
    The people of the high class or the rich who were mainly white determined the economic structure and process of Los Angeles.
  10. Race, Class, and Politics of Charlotte
    Regarding charlotte his main concern was to research why most of the charlotte’s cotton mills are built on the edge of the town, the impact of the southern values on the Charlotteans including racial have […]
  11. The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama
    In the book The Breakthrough, Gwen Ifill addresses the political background and what part the women and men the author calls “the breakthrough politicians” or what the editor of the New Yorker David Remnick refers […]
  12. “Race and the Opposition to Obama” Critical Analysis
    The opinion of the author is correct because if the people hate Barack Obama due to his race and opposition, they should adore Bill Clinton and George W.
  13. Inversion of Norms Regarding Race: The Madonnas of Echo Park and Phoenix Eyes and Other Stories
    The book portrays feelings, lives, and thoughts of characters that are integrated by living in a barrio, the area of the city with primarily a Spanish-speaking population.
  14. Hernandez vs. Texas as a Race and Ethnicity Case
    The case of Hernandez v. Although the case of Hernandez v.
  15. Race and Ethnicity: Capitalism, Law, and Biology
    Stemming from the bigoted perspective that the colonialist thinking provided, legal regulations and biological theories have aggravated the quality of relationships between members of different racial and ethnic groups, creating the scenario in which the […]
  16. Race and Gender: “The Gang’s All Queer” by Vanessa Panfil
    In her research, the author incorporates all the factors impacting the life of gay African Americans in an urban criminal gang and answers the question concerning the life of such people inside a gang.
  17. Social Media Conversations About Race
    In the article provided, it is evident that these platforms have been used to discuss racial matters of particular groups of people, for instance, in the US blacks have a hashtag, #BlackLivesMatter, which they use […]
  18. Student Engagement: Gender, Race, Ethnicity Factors
    On the one hand, the lack of student engagement among the specific student population may increase the level of self-esteem and pride among other groups of students.
  19. Race & Gender Inequality and Economic Empowerment
    This means that the study will analyze the problem of race and gender inequality and examine how it is related to poverty.
  20. Ethnicity Studies: Race in American Society
    The editor attempts to inject the element of Christianity in addressing the ill effects of racism. The presence of several cultures and the dominance of just a few of these cultures culminated in the practice […]
  21. Class and Race Barriers in America: Can We Overcome?
    He was shoveling snow in front of a beautiful home, located in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Connecticut. Third, even after he introduced himself as the homeowner, there was still a certain level of […]
  22. Race and Gender Privileges in Society
    Based on everything that has been presented in the course materials so far privilege for me can be summed up as a form of “entitlement” which is based on preconceived social and cultural norms from […]
  23. Race, Gender, and Sexuality Issues in Sports
    On balance, it is possible to note that the world of sports can be characterized by such features as white and masculine dominance.
  24. Race and Gender: “Moonlight” Film and “Boy, Snow, Bird” Book
    Still, regardless of the fact that the movie is the portrayal of the so-called black experience, it is paramount to note that the cast is all African-American. Because of it, the story is a compelling […]
  25. American Race Relations as a Social Construct
    However, in contemporary times of supposed equality and acceptance, bigotry has become more covert and intractable.*Race relations in modern America are defined by institutionalized racism that has been masked under the means of microaggressions and […]
  26. Everyday Antiracism: Getting Real About Race in School
    The book “Everyday Antiracism: Getting Real About Race in School” by Mica Pollock was written for the purpose of presenting a very thorough and detailed discussion of the issues of race and the problems of […]
  27. Race and Education Level Relationships
    Some of the underlying issues include segregation, lack of development in the education sector within the poor neighborhoods inhabited by the racial minorities, and the effect of social class on race and opportunities.
  28. Race Relationships Management: Knowledge Is Power
    A lack of understanding of the trials and tribulations that the African American community has witnessed, particularly, the emotional weight of the years of oppression, leads to a significant discord between the vulnerable population and […]
  29. Education Improving Race Relations
    The last argument is embedded in the fact that education provides individuals with the skills and competencies to understand race and racial relations as mere social constructions that are not in any way biologically or […]
  30. Race in the United States and the Dominican Republic
    The two nations chosen for the comparison are the United States of America and the Dominican Republic. As almost every person in the world knows, America is the most loyal country in the world, where […]
  31. Race and Culture in Langston Hughes’ Poems
    The most obvious way of assessing the extent to which Langston Hughes responded to the historical context of his race in his work is to assess his thematic concerns. Again, just like in “Cross,” Hughes […]
  32. Race, Ethnicity and Crime in America
    In the view of recent events, crime cannot be considered as a violation of laws that leads to the penalties of those who committed the crime.
  33. Juvenile Justice and Race
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the reasons why juveniles of color have higher rates of contact with the police, and propose correctional policies based on principles of restorative justice.
  34. Gang Formation Fighting: Race and Ethnic-Specific Strategies
    However, this approach is beneficial for reducing crime rates in the short run and does no contribute to solving the gang problem in the long run due to the existence of heavy stereotypes in the […]
  35. Barack Obama and Race Impact on American Politics
    A detailed explanation of this last statement from a deeper perspective helps in determining how race impacts the views of voters and people of American society and how Obama directed and structured his campaign to […]
  36. Race Perception in American and Nigerian Cultures
    In some parts of the world, racial discrimination is particularly rampant and it results to loss of lives. In fact, in some states it was impossible for blacks to get any form of employment.
  37. American Race Culture in Historical Aspects
    America has come a long way to achieve the establishment of racial equality for black people: from the beginning of slavery in the 17th century, Civil War and Jim Crow era, to the Civil Rights […]
  38. Written Communication and Race in South Africa
    Nonetheless, the critical similarity is the lack of competences in written communication due to the preference of oral interaction for the cultivation of trust.
  39. Differential Treatment: Race and Ethnicity Role in Courts
    The justice system ought to be fair to all the people in the society to ensure that all the accused are treated the same in courts.
  40. Race and Ethnic Groups Diversity in America
    The group makes the racial majority with 77% of the US population. This state of play was based on matters such as segregations, favoritisms, and inequality in resource distribution The interviewing involved a one on […]

📑 Good Research Topics about Race

  1. Race Mixture in Nakashima’s An Invisible Monster
  2. Race and Gentrification in Harlem, New York City
  3. Race Conflict in London: Mark Duggan Case
  4. Race and Ethnicity Representation in Art and Films
  5. Devious Maids – How Television Portrays Race?
  6. The Concept of Race in Colonial America
  7. History of the Race Evolution
  8. Race Ethnicity and Gender in the American Education
  9. Race and Culture which Defines Us
  10. Race and Ethnicity in Children’s Cartoons
  11. Racial Diversity in the Media
  12. Law Enforcement Race and Domestic Calls
  13. Race Relations in the United States
  14. African Diaspora and Globalization
  15. Race, Class, and Gender: Rothenberg’s book
  16. Analysis of Race and Ethnicity in U.S. Immigration History
  17. Race and Ethnic Relations: American and Global Perspective
  18. Theoretical Orientations in Race, Class and Gender in Adult Learning
  19. Depiction of Race in Early American Writing
  20. The Social Web Divided by Race
  21. Globalization and Race: The Black Other and African Diaspora
  22. Race and Ethnicity in “Divergent Social Worlds” by Peterson & Krivo
  23. Race Superiority: Comparison between a Research Carried Out by Suein Hwang and Richard E. Nisbett.
  24. Race and Crime in the United States
  25. African Diaspora: Gender Hierarchies and Global Race
  26. Affirmative Action: Achieving Race Equality in School Admissions
  27. Social Media Issues Relating To Race and Religion
  28. Race and Citizenship in the Early Republic
  29. Race biases in face recognition
  30. Wage Disparity across Gender, Race, and Ethnicity
  31. Remaking Manhood Through Race and Civilization

📌 Most Interesting Race Topics to Write About

  1. Race in United States
  2. Messages about Race in the Media
  3. Race V Class, Understanding American History After 1945
  4. Race Relations During the Progressive Era
  5. The Effect of Gender, Age, and Race on the Use of Intravenous Drug
  6. Interracial Marriage in the U.S.
  7. Employment Discrimination: Race/Ethnicity/Color/National Origin/Religion
  8. Barrack Obama and Race in Politics and Culture
  9. Racial Stratification in the U.S. and Canada
  10. The Italian Race and Violent Crime
  11. Treating Race and Ethnicity in History
  12. Race and Discrimination
  13. The Race Equality Concept
  14. Modern Brazil: The Narrative of Race and Inequality
  15. Race, Inclusion, Exclusion, and Segregation
  16. Race and Ethnicity in the U.S
  17. Ethnicity and race in the USA
  18. The Concept of Race
  19. Colorblind Society: Race and Skin Color in America
  20. Globalisation, Immigration, Race and Ethnicity in Vancouver
  21. Race in turn of the century: America
  22. How Race and Class Shaped American Teen Engagement with MySpace and Facebook
  23. Is Race Prejudice a Product of Group Position?
  24. Annotation of Immigration Effects on Homicide Offending for Total and Race/Ethnicity-Disaggregated Populations
  25. Impact of Race and Ethnicity in American History
  26. Inequality in Race, Religion, and Ethnicity
  27. Race in Ancient Egypt
  28. Representation of Race in Disney Films
  29. What Is the Relationship Between Race, Poverty and Prison?
  30. Race in a Southern Community
  31. Race and the Body: How Culture Both Shapes and Mirrors Broader Societal Attitudes Towards Race and the Body
  32. Trends in Smoking Prevalence by Race/Ethnicity
  33. The Chicago Race Riot of 1919
  34. African Americans: Race and Ethnicity Identification
  35. Race, Gender and Sexuality
  36. The Illusive Race Question
  37. Controversy of Gender and Race Discrimination

❓ Research Questions about Race

  1. Are Bad Race Relations Still an Issue?
  2. Does Race Form an Identity?
  3. How Does the Dominant Groups Affect Society Define Race?
  4. How Does Race Affect Student Learning?
  5. What Is the Correlation Between Race and Education Level?
  6. What Are the Five Elements of Critical Race Theory in Education?
  7. How Does Your Race, Religion, Nationality, Gender, and Culture Define You?
  8. What Is the Most Common Race in the World?
  9. What Is the Problem with Diverse Aging and Health Inequality by Race?
  10. Can the One-Drop Rule Tell Us Anything About Race Discrimination?
  11. What Is the Poorest Race in Canada?
  12. Did Teachers’ Verbal Ability and Race Matter in the 1960s?
  13. Does Race Affect Treatment Within CJS?
  14. What Is the Dependence between Mortality, Inequality, and Race in America?
  15. Are Infants Face Preferences Guided by Intersectionality of Sex and Race?
  16. What Is the Meaning of Race Conflict?
  17. How Bullying Affects People Based on Gender or Race?
  18. What Is the Least Common Race in the World?
  19. Which Race Is the Richest?
  20. What Race Has Lowest Income?
  21. What Is the Most Diverse Country by Race?
  22. What Race Is the Poorest in the United States?
  23. What Race Uses Food Stamps the Most?
  24. What Is the Meaning of Race in History?
  25. What Are the Connections between Race, Inequality, and Educational Accountability?

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 25). 277 Race Topics to Write About & Essay Samples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/race-essay-topics/

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"277 Race Topics to Write About & Essay Samples." IvyPanda, 25 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/race-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '277 Race Topics to Write About & Essay Samples'. 25 November.


IvyPanda. 2024. "277 Race Topics to Write About & Essay Samples." November 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/race-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "277 Race Topics to Write About & Essay Samples." November 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/race-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "277 Race Topics to Write About & Essay Samples." November 25, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/race-essay-topics/.