Despite the different reasons that prompted Isabel and Josef to leave their native country, and the fate of their loved ones that affected the emotional state of the children, they are similar in that the […]
However, the given approach was seriously criticized at the end and beginning of the 20th century because of the growing problem of migrants and refugees.
The onset of the politically instigated violence in my country meant that circumstances had taken a turn for the worst. Life in the refugee camp is so challenging with so little to smile about as […]
It is quite remarkable that the difference between the two houses comes into the limelight as the correspondent, who clearly incorporates the elements of media as the author perceived it, cunning, two-faced and at the […]
In the 1950s, the West Coast became one of the pulsing centers of the counterculture, heralded in San Francisco by exponents of the Beat generation, including Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Allen Ginsberg, the latter openly gay.
Consequently, the refugee policy comes about due to the flow of obligations courtesy of the 1960 UNHCR Convention, that is to say, the provision of refugees’ protection.
However, this process is very complicated and the war in Syria could be taken as the best evidence of the complexity of the situation. The evolution of ISIS resulted in the war on the territory […]
For example, a lack of knowledge of the system may cause migrants to seek non-emergent care in emergency rooms, which can be expensive and tax the healthcare system’s resources.
Given the poor living conditions, the Rohingya refugee population in Bangladesh may be at higher risk for the spread and impact of COVID-19. In conclusion, the compromised living conditions of the Rohingya people made them […]
Language access services and support play a key role in ensuring delivery of culturally appropriate healthcare for LEP refugees by facilitating effective communication between patients and the healthcare team.
The crisis demonstrates the evolution of interactions between refugees and host nations and the impact of close geographical proximity on attitudes toward immigrants. The war broke out on the 24th of February 2022, to the […]
Authors distinguish the existence of several approaches to understanding the concept of refugees and the application of world systems theory, integration of theory, and theories of assimilation and citizenship.
The foundation of the problem lies in the lack of adequate infrastructure in the places where medical services are provided to interpret information for immigrants and refugees.
The issues were identified only by the resettlement workers, yet the struggle to cope with existing problems and the resettlement process can lead to serious health implications.
The psychiatrists finally recognized PTSD in the first version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders after the mass occurrence of similar symptoms in Vietnam veterans.
The Act replaced the earlier versions of laws touching on the issue of refugees, mainly the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act and the Immigration and Nationality Act.
Specifically, the legal standards for refugee admission and resettlement will have to be taken into account since they will define the vulnerable population’s accessibility to the services provided by the organization, as well as the […]
Just like the definition given by UNHCR, the OAU also believes that an individual becomes a refugee when they cross the border of their country of origin to a foreign country.
In the article “Race, Refugees, and International Law,” the author describes the definition of the term “race” as the social systems of meaning that attach to elements of morphology and ancestry.
The refugee crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo is one example of how refugees suffer because of poor healthcare access and the inability to provide for themselves.
The main hypothesis of the work could be assumed to be in two things: first, the fact refugees experience trauma that needs specific and specialized approaches to be properly addressed, and second that the Multiphase […]
In the process of the study, Judith Nabb focuses on a set of particular issues representing interest to her personally and being relevant in the course of general medical care studies, such as the level […]
The specified rights allow refugees to ensure that the factors which have compelled them to escape their native country will not affect them in the environment of the UN.
The paper will first review the background of the literature to explain the issues of migration and provide insight into the functions, roles, and organs of the Council of Europe.
In this report by Amnesty International, the issue of the security of refugees and asylum seekers in Shagarab refugee camps, which are located in the eastern parts of Sudan, is raised.
Ultimately, the author seeks to understand the concept of protection as defined by the UNHCR and how such definition plays out in the context of Syrian and Iraqis refugees in the Middle East.
The current strategy of the White House suggests resettling 10,000 Syrians next year in order to help the Old World to overcome the worst refugee crisis since the times of the Second World War.
While the current situation of Syrian and Iraqi refugees is unprecedented, the problem of refugees, in general, is well-known, and it was studied since the middle of XX century.
According to the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, a refugee is a person who “”owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a […]
Moreover, since environmental refugees have to leave their homelands, the developed countries are responsible for their relocation; thus, have to provide refugees with all the necessary financial and emotional support to ease their adaptation process […]
This will come in handy when assessing and evaluating the ability of the service providers, especially the government, to satisfy the needs of the refugees.
A refugee is defined as a person who due to a justifiable reason of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a certain social or a political group is out of the […]
According to the researches have been made by UNHCR, 1998, found that 80% of the refugees immigrating to the United States and other countries of second asylum are women or children.
The research aims at answering the following question, “What are the legal and social improvements that should be made to improve the situation of Syrian refugee children working on the streets of Lebanon via the […]
The majority of these stereotypes develop due to the lack of education and understanding of immigration and people’s relocation. For instance, the history of the US heavily focuses on the achievements of white people, while […]
The subject of this work is the study of women’s empowerment in the country in question in order to ensure the greater rights and freedoms of this group.
While some countries, especially in the Middle East and Africa, are the source of the refugees, countries in the west, including the USA and Canada are among the popular destinations.
However, the report argues that the educational interventions are particularly important because of their ability to affect attitudes and the lack of awareness, which appear to be the major reasons for the existence of discrimination.
The main problem facing women asylum seekers within Canada is the failure of decision makers to incorporate gender related claims of women into the interpretation of the existing enumerated grounds and their failure to recognize […]
However, there is a great number of other facts that should not be omitted and which prove the fact that the GCC countries do not refuse to shelter refugees.
The best way to solve the crisis is to analyze the problem through an International Relations framework, such as, the application of knowledge gleaned from the study of the international system.
Despite the fact that UNHCR has in the recent past executed its duty in the best interest of all the refugees across the globe, the agency faces some setbacks and failures that need to be […]
3 The country of origin may push them as a result of harsh economic conditions, and on the other hand, the destination country may pull them due to better standards of living and promise of […]
The purpose of this brief is to outline the current situation and to push for reforms in Lebanon pertaining to the ownership of property, land and housing by Palestinian refugees.
To accomplish this task, a brief history of the country and apartheid, the country’s relationship with asylum seekers and refugees and finally the current situation are succinctly covered.
To enhance accessibility of health care services, the Refugee Health Plan recognizes complex medical needs of refugees and thus incorporate elements of culture and language as some of the factors that need consideration in the […]
The paper aims to elucidate on the plight of the refugees and the gains that would be attained from application of their full rights as well as some practical solutions to the predicaments.
The group had identified that the refugees used art to negotiate their way of becoming part and parcel of the indigenous people of the new home, despite the varying degrees of prejudice and exclusion that […]
The Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization is a community organization which focuses on issues concerning proper integration of immigrants and refugees into the US society.
The genre of the text refers to journalistic genre, which means that the main purpose of the text should be to attract the readers and make them read the article until the end.
Deviance is associated to foreigners; the feeling of substantial section of society is that refugees pose a threat to the society and to the moral order.
There are a lot of people, government agencies perhaps and international organizations that speak well of the need to help refugees, but at the heart of the matter is a social problem that is difficult […]
Among the most notorious issues of the present-day political affairs, the one concerning the problem of the African refugees remains on the agenda of the modern politics and culture.