147 Unemployment Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Unemployment Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Unemployment Leads to Crime Essay
    In the 1990s, the rate of unemployment was low and so was the rate of property crime. Crime rates increase steadily in society, and the rate of crime is connected to unemployment and low wages.
  2. Scarring Effects of Unemployment: A Meta-analysis
    Cyclical unemployment refers to a state in which claims in the economy fail to offer jobs to people. Hidden unemployment refers to unemployment of prospective workers due to errors made in generating statistics on unemployment.
  3. Unemployment
    The following are some of the advantages of using the hard system method It provides a deeper understanding and analysis of the problem of unemployment and answers the question of how to mitigate the unemployment […]
  4. Youth Unemployment as a Social Issue
    Different factors have led to the high levels of youth unemployment, with the most widely studied of them being the skills that are available to the unemployed youths.
  5. Unemployment and Lack of Economic Opportunity
    Having the majority of the population employed is critical for the economic and social stability of a nation. The third reason why employment and economic opportunities must be facilitated together is that it impacts the […]
  6. Youth Unemployment and Policy Solutions
    The inability to address the problem of unemployment in the given age group may result in the growth of criminal activity, child poverty, and people’s negative perceptions of life.
  7. Unemployment: Causes and Effects
    Employers seek to recoup the costs of inflation by constantly increasing the financial performance of sales. One of these methods is to increase the gross profit ratio by reducing the cost of production.
  8. The Philippines’ Unemployment, Inequality, Poverty
    However, despite the strong emphasis of the government on income equality and poverty reduction along with the growth of GDP, both poverty and economic and social inequality remain persistent in the Philippines.
  9. Causes of Rising Unemployment
    However, this is usually not the case as the rate of employment opportunities being created are very few compared to the demands of the population and this means that many people will be unemployed regardless […]
  10. Unemployment in Sweden: Causes and Solutions
    This research looks at one of her most celebrated program that turned out later on to be the source of misery to a good number of her population; that is the welfare program that was […]
  11. Unemployment Rate Due to Impact of Technology
    By understanding the role of technology on unemployment, the public can develop innovative mechanisms to overcome the issue. The impact of technology on the labor market is relevant to my present and future life.
  12. Unemployment and Underemployment
    This decision became a major step in relieving the social strain and allowing millions of people to survive the economic hardships caused by the imposed restrictions
  13. Entrepreneurship: Reducing Unemployment
    The simultaneous demand for new skills, the training of which is still little accessible due to their novelty, and the loss of relevance of acquired skills lead to unemployment.
  14. Keynesian Theory of Unemployment
    This brings to the conclusion that during such times the government should implement policies that are aimed at increasing aggregate demand According to Robert the, policies which the government may implement in order to reduce […]
  15. Being Unemployed and the Impact of Unemployment as a Broad Issue
    In as much as we would like to take the issue of unemployment at an individual level, it is not possible since it touches on the society as whole and hence the need to discuss […]
  16. Youth Unemployment in Africa: A Challenge for Public Policy Makers
    With a large population to take care of the market for labour is overstretched from Johannesburg to Tangiers and cannot accommodate the influx of young job seekers leading to shortage or in some cases the […]
  17. Unemployment Values: Types and Impacts
    The first impact of unemployment on the economy is the extra financial costs that a government may have to incur when unemployed persons are paid some stipends.
  18. Unemployment in Abu Dhabi and Dubai: Causes and Solutions
    Various studies have concluded that there is a correlation between the level of unemployment in the country and the strength of the economy.
  19. Unemployment in UAE
    Unwillingness of Men and Women to Work in Certain Occupations One of the factors that have been cited as a cause of unemployment in UAE is that both men women have not been prepared to […]
  20. US Unemployment Trends and Economic Implications in August 2023
    According to this article, a rising unemployment rate may strengthen the economy. Before a more significant employment uptake occurs, this phenomenon may create a brief spike in the unemployment rate.
  21. Unemployment Rate: Impact on GDP and Inflation
    In such a way, the scenario shows it is vital to preserve the balance and avoid decisions focusing on only one aspect of the economy.
  22. Unemployment Among Emerging Adults
    The high rate of unemployment among emerging adults is due to the following reasons: personal skills, level of education, behavioral characteristics, and lack of capital.
  23. Stimulus Checks: Impact of Unemployment
    A stimulus check is sent to taxpaying consumers to boost the economy as it provides funds for them to consume. The stimulus check offered included a high economic relief bill to deal with the pandemic.
  24. The Unemployment Issue in China
    The People’s Republic of China is the largest country in terms of population and the third largest country in the world in terms of territory.
  25. Jamaica’s Unemployment and Positive Youth Development
    Although a recent positive trend in decreasing levels of joblessness is apparent as the country revitalizes its main source of income, the problem of the high level of unemployment among youth is persistent.
  26. How COVID-19 Affected Unemployment Rate Around the World
    A study on the effects of COVID-19 on the employment levels in the European economies found that the pandemic led to rapid unemployment in the economies of Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK.
  27. Unemployment and Business Cycle in Australia
    The unemployment rate calculation formula is quite simple the number of unemployed people is divided by the total number of people in the civilian workforce.
  28. Unemployment Analysis and Its Measures
    The Federal Reserve Economic Data graphs indicate that before the Great Recession, the unemployment and total unemployment rates were relatively low at 5% and 8.
  29. The Federal Unemployment Tax
    Some percent of wages is retained by the employer from the employee’s pay, who then remits the funds to the government on the worker’s behalf.

👍 Good Essay Topics on Unemployment

  1. Income and Unemployment in the US Economy
    Further, one may say that both fiscal and monetary policies work to promote the U.S.economy’s achievement of the three goals, including full employment, economic growth, and stable prices.
  2. The Unemployment Problem in Panama
    This paper aims to review two current news articles about Panama, which reveal the issue of the high unemployment rate in this country, which continues to increase and has taken the form of a crisis.
  3. Unemployment Disparity Affecting African Americans
    Systemic racism in the U.S.is the primary cause of the unemployment gap. Compared to white Americans, African Americans have a relatively low rate of education in the U.S.
  4. Economic Growth and Unemployment Relationship in the USA
    The corresponding figures characterize the structure of economic dynamics and the diversification of the labor market. The research limitation is the multifactorial nature of economic growth and unemployment indicators.
  5. Unemployment and Inflation Relation
    However, the level of unemployment and its prevailing types can differ significantly depending on the state of the economies of countries and the policies they use to combat unemployment.
  6. Media Coverage of Unemployment
    Content analysis on the topic of coverage of unemployment in the media allows you to analyze the mood and opinion of society, the tone of expression in the published media, and conclude the nature of […]
  7. Poverty and Unemployment Due to Increased Taxation
    The government on its side defended the move while trying to justify the new measures’ benefits, a move that would still not benefit the country.
  8. Unemployment Rate and COVID-19 in Egypt, the UAE, and Bahrain
    The topic chosen for this study is the influence of COVID-19 on the rate of unemployment in Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain.
  9. Unemployment and Recession: Causes and Relationship
    Another cause of recession is stringent monetary policy and increased cost of oil imports which tend to lower the rate of demand in the economy.
  10. Unemployment in the US and Europe
    The level of unemployment in the United States and Europe has continued to push the recession to unprecedented levels. Most of the jobs that were lost in the United States and Europe were in the […]
  11. Gender Gap’s Effect on Unemployment Rate
    In fact, the latter, namely, the rise in the extent of the COVID-19 pandemic, has increased the rates of unemployment significantly.
  12. KSA Vision 2030 and Its Impact on Unemployment
    This resolution intends to reduce the rates of unemployment in Saudi Arabia and increase employment opportunities for women in the kingdom.
  13. Unemployment Within the 20th Century
    The purpose of this research is about showing the issue of unemployment in the 20th century, the results that it led to, the human struggle against unemployment, and the predictions of unemployment in the future.
  14. Macroeconomics in Unemployment
    Frictional unemployment is described as the unemployment that takes place because of the movement of people from one occupation to another.
  15. Unemployment as the Consequence of the Development of New Technologies. What Should Private Firms and Government Do?
    The development of new technologies has been considered to be the way to the high level of life on the one hand and one of the main reasons for unemployment on the other hand.
  16. Relationship Between Unemployment and Crimes
    Agnew, argue that crime is caused by strain that a person face throughout life, and this can be contributed to the degree of educational inequality in society.
  17. Global Recession and Unemployment Growth Connection
    However, the increased unemployment and the collapse of the steel industry in the United States results from the domination of companies at the microeconomic level seeking an absolute advantage at international stage. Similarly, it has […]
  18. UAE and GCC Economic Analysis: Inflation and Unemployment
    This is explained by the fact that UAE is less dependent on oil trade, hence, the inflation and unemployment rate in the UAE is lower in comparison with the countries of GCC.
  19. Gender, Family, and Unemployment in Ontario’s Great Depression
    The introduction and all the background that Campbell gives are firmly in line with the goals of this course. The first part of the study is the business and the economic history.
  20. Public Administration: Unemployment Economic Impact
    The “official” unemployment rate is released by the U. S government is not a correct reflection of the actual state of unemployment in the nation.
  21. The Future of Unemployment in the United States
    The significance of unemployment makes it a major issue that neither the federal government nor the citizens can ignore given the fact that is one of the indicators of the strength of the economy.
  22. Gasoline Prices, Rates of Unemployment, Inflation, and Economic Growth
    The data which has been queried from the database are related to gasoline prices in California, the unemployment rate in the US, the inflation rate in the US, and Real GDP.
  23. Global Economic Politics: Addressing Unemployment and Inflation
    But on the whole, the global economy concerns not only unemployment and inflation, but also economic growth and displaced workers, increased government spending, reduced taxes, and a reduced deficit, and the tradeoff between capitalism and […]
  24. Automation Impact on Unemployment
    Scope: The scope of the article is to analyze and overview the connection between productivity and employment figures in the US.
  25. How Falling Unemployment Affect College Enrollment
    It is common to associate the relationship between unemployment and college enrollment with the financial crisis of 2007-2008 and the Great Recession on the border of the 2000s-2010s.
  26. Consumer Price Index and Unemployment Rate
    The first issue is related to the tendency of consumers to adjust their preferences based on prices faster than the CPI can reflect, leading to inaccurate representations of the data in the index.
  27. United States Unemployment Rates in 2013-2014
    In the first four months of 2014, the rate of unemployment in the United States dropped to about 6. 3 percent, and the number of the unemployed dropped by about 1.
  28. Self-Reported Community Health and Unemployment Rate
    The initiative to increase the number of job offerings instead of spending money on health fairs and educational programs can positively affect the mental well-being of the community.
  29. Robots as a Factor in Unemployment Patterns
    One of the prevailing arguments in regards to this problem is that the advent of the robot technology is contributing towards a high rate of unemployment.
  30. Downsizing: Reasons and Consequences
    The reason for the perceived lack of alternatives may lie in the lack of creative thinking on the part of the manager, however.

📌 Simple & Easy Unemployment Essay Titles

  1. Foreign Direct Investment Role in Unemployment
    The following report explores the evidence behind the claims of both the advocates and the opponents of globalization and one of its prominent manifestations foreign direct investment to determine whether its effect could be used […]
  2. Unemployment as a Local Economic Issue
    The evaluation of these aspects is crucial to the current research for the reason that it would help highlight the weak spots of the modern employment apparatus and suggest novel ways of dealing with unemployment.
  3. Spain and Its Unemployment Problems
    The low rate of employment is the most renowned characteristic of the Spanish economy as per the close of the Twentieth Century.
  4. Unemployment Insurance Policy in the United States
    Despite some of the efforts embraced by different communities, the issue of unemployment has continued to affect the welfare of many citizens in the country.
  5. Employment Status, Dismissals and Exit Interviews
    Secondly, the status helps to determine the obligations of the employer towards the individual, and the rights of the individual. For example, only employees may present claims of unfair dismissal by an employer and the […]
  6. US Teachers’ Rights, Dismissal, and Discrimination
    First of all, the principal violates the First Amendment since she deprives the woman of her freedom of expression and the ability to speak freely.
  7. Unemployment in Sydney: Spatial Patterns Analysis
    In contrast, such areas as North West Sydney or Upper North Shore that have the lowest level of unemployment and the highest level of household income.
  8. Unemployment Rate as the Biggest National Economy Challenge
    The United States has the largest national economy and it is the largest trading nation in the world. The recent financial crisis of 2008 increased the rate of unemployment, and impacted the economy negatively.
  9. Unemployment Rate of Saudi Arabia
    This paper discusses the impact of unemployment on the economy of a country and explores the rates of unemployment and GDP growth in Saudi Arabia.
  10. Unemployment Issue in the United States
    Though a shrinkage in the number of vacancies and the rapid increase in the number of part-time jobs have had their toll on the unemployment rates, the lack of vacancies still remains the key cause […]
  11. Unemployment and State of the US Economy
    However, it is necessary to emphasize that the consideration of a great number of various key points at the same time is the guaranty of the efficient and prosperous economy of the state.
  12. Unemployment in Saudi Arabia
    Much effort has been in place to from the government of Saudi Arabia in order to address the question of unemployment despite the fact that the nation is full of vast deposits of crude oil.
  13. Inflation and Unemployment in the United States
    In the 21st century, there are so many issues in the economy of the United States. This is increasing the demand for skilled workers by the day as opposed to the unskilled.
  14. Unemployment and Inflation Issues
    In most cases, if one is suffering structural unemployment, it is as a result of improvement in a certain area, or a change in the way things are done.
  15. Unemployment in the United States
    It could be assumed that unemployment is a critical issue in the United States of America, as it has a strong impact on the society and other spheres of everyday life.
  16. US Unemployment: Economic Analysis and Solutions
    In the first news article titled “The US has a Jobs Crisis: Here’s How to Fix it,” the authors use the latest statistics to demonstrate the problem of unemployment in the US, before relying on […]
  17. The Increasing Rate of Unemployment
    In the United State of America, the rate of unemployment was at its highest in the year 2007. The topic of unemployment is important due to the impact that it has on the current economy.
  18. The Unemployment Situation in the United States
    This article reviews the current unemployment situation in the United States and the actions that the Obama administration is taking to improve the situation.
  19. Public Policies for Reducing Unemployment
    In the recent times, the issue of unemployment has taken a new dimension in the United States. After reflecting on the economic problems facing the United States, it is important to tackle the issue of […]
  20. Predicting Unemployment Rates to Manage Inventory
    81 1949 6.1 0.04 4.74 1.32 1. 15 2000 4.0 1.82 6.
  21. Mergers, Acquisitions, and Downsizing
    This paper will highlight the differences between mergers, acquisitions, and downsizing and extrapolate the circumstances that can lead a company to adopt any of the three measures. The merging of companies in a horizontal arrangement […]
  22. The Youth Unemployment Crisis in Spain
    In order to further identify the root cause of the problem of the high levels of unemployment in Spain, it is necessary to evaluate the evolution of the unemployment among the youth in the country, […]
  23. Reasons and Solutions for Unemployment in USA
    Unemployment provides statistical evidence of the economic health and performance of a Government and is defined as a count of the number of people who are not actively engaged in gainful jobs, have failed to […]
  24. Youth Unemployment in UK and Talent Management Challenges
    The economic recession that began in 2007 continues to affect a great number of U.K.businesses and one of its effects is the decrease in the number of jobs available to young people.
  25. Dismissal Meeting
    The dismissal meeting should be conducted by the immediate boss, who is usually the most conversant with the employee and the reasons for the dismissal.
  26. Change Management Process: Downsizing and Outsourcing in an Oil Refinery
    Managing change After defining the problem that needed to be addressed by the change to come, the management decided to appoint a steering committee of three people, including the engineering manager; the choice of the […]
  27. Social Theory & its Relation to Social Problems: Unemployment.
    Furthermore, classical economists perceive unemployment as a result of excess supply that is influenced due to elevated price level of work labor.
  28. The Euro Zone’s Rising Inflation and Unemployment Rate
    However, the euro zone found itself in a predicament from late 2009 after the economic downturns that faced some countries in the euro zone.
  29. The Implications of Downsizing to the Employees, Communities and Families of the Employees
    This paper seeks to establish the effects of downsizing to the employees, communities and the families of the employees. Effects of downsizing on the community in general The economic effects of downsizing are not limited […]
  30. Unemployment Issue in Europe
    The European Member States should recommend the use of economic stimulus package in order to spur economic activity in the region.

💡 Interesting Topics to Write about Unemployment

  1. Concept of Downsizing Strategy in Business
    The purpose of this research is to provide a clear illustration of the impacts of downsizing on the three levels of an organization.
  2. Long-Term Unemployment in the U.S.
    From the article, Seib identifies a number of issues that contribute to the problem of the long-term unemployed. This has adverse effects on the ability of such children to get employed in future.
  3. Unemployment in California
    The unemployment rate increased due to various reasons such as uncertainty arising from the slow growth in the economy, current slide in the stock market and the debt crisis from the European region, which spooked […]
  4. Unemployment, Labor, and Government Economic Forces
    The article, “The State of Economics”, is an article that discusses the turmoil between economists of the current age in trying to reconcile economic principles with both the classical and Keynesian economic theories of the […]
  5. Definition of Unemployment and Its Types
    The major limitation of the insurance programs policy is that the employees have to make regular contributions of some amount to the program.
  6. Unemployment in UK
    To analyze why unemployment is set to rise in the UK To illustrate the true level of unemployment in UK To evaluate how technology affects unemployment in UK To analyze how inflation affects UK unemployment […]
  7. Concept of Employee Downsizing
    Consequently, the article tests the hypothesis that employees with health problems before downsizing in an organization are the target of layoffs, while the health of leavers after downsizing is dependent of reemployment.
  8. Concept of Automation of Services and their Effect on Unemployment
    Increased wage rate has the effect of increasing the cost of production and since firms are in the business to make profits, they will increase the prices of their products.
  9. An Employee Layoff Process: Conducting the Dismissal Meeting
    If they fail to respect the emotions, the management might fail to control the anxiety and the fear of employees in the restructured company.
  10. Detrimental Effects of Unemployment on People’s Health
    It is necessary to note that unemployment is regarded as one of the social determinants of health discussed by Wilkinson and Marmot.
  11. Unemployment in New Jersey
    There has been a rise in the number of those employed from 143,328 in October 2012 to 143,568 in October 2013.
  12. Corporate Downsizing Concept and Proper Execution
    The advancements that have rocked the technological sector are seen to be the greatest influence behind the idea and have to a great extent contributed to the popularity of downsizing.
  13. Unemployment as a Social Problem
    To gauge the rate of unemployment the number of the people who are idle is calculated versus the number of people who have been hired.
  14. The Unemployment Reasons in the UAE
    In conclusion, the high unemployment rate in the UAE is a result of poor training, the influx of foreign expatriates and government failure to create more jobs for the locals.
  15. Immigrants in Qatar and the UAE: Laws and Regulations. The Threat of Unemployment vs. the Concern for Social Identity
    Focusing on the issues of immigration in general and the complexities which the GCC countries have in relation to the issue of immigration in particular, the given paper provides a detailed account of the current […]
  16. Corporate Downsizing and Restructuring Challenges
    Concurrently, in the context of restructuring and downsizing business operations, some organisations collaborate with other organisations to attain the desired competitive advantages.
  17. Labor and Unemployment Rate
    This ensures that these people make a useful contribution to the economic growth of the country. In addition, lack of stability may also reduce the need to have children.
  18. The Current Impact of Inflation and Unemployment on Germany’s Political/Economic System
    It is notable to recognize the fact that the rate of savings in the nation is quite high causing a dip in the rate of inflation.
  19. Unemployment, Downsizing, and Deindustrialization
    The effects of both deindustrialization and downsizing that are evidenced due to changing demographics and changing geographic locations of industries depending on the costs to be incurred have very many negative consequences on both the […]
  20. Youth Unemployment in the UK
    Such programmes have led to an increase in the level of people who are self-employed. This has led to rise of people who are self-employed in the UK over the years.
  21. Unemployment in the US: Job Favoritism
    Spiggs, an official at the “Department of Labor,” insinuated that it could not be easy for the government to determine the extent of the setback.
  22. Historical Analysis on Unemployment
    The city of Los Angeles is one of the places that are worst hit by the catastrophe. The report summarizes that the situation is worse in the US and more particularly in Los Angeles because […]
  23. Benefits Run Out for Spain’s Jobless: Theories of Unemployment
    The aim of the paper is to summarize the article on unemployment and establish a connection between the article and the economic theories unemployment.
  24. Unemployment Rates in the United States
    Bureau of Labor Statistics The rise in the unemployment rate in 2008 can be termed as cyclical unemployment rate, i.e.the unemployment that occurs due to changes in business cycle.
  25. Employee Benefits, Unemployment Insurance and Workers Compensation
    Employee benefits are not counted as part of salary or wages earned by the employees and are provided to the employees in exchange for their contribution towards the organization.
  26. Addressing the Downsizing in America
    However, in 2007, the company was hit hard by the global financial crisis and one of the restructuring strategies adopted by the management was to outsource the sales department. Downsizing is the result of a […]
  27. Downsizing 10 per Cent of the Staff
    It may seem that the most complicated task an HR manager faces is finding and hiring a new employee who will meet the requirements of the workplace and the expectations of the company.
  28. High Unemployment to Last for Years
    The best measure of unemployment is taking a sample of households, and taking the number of unemployed in that particular household and also looking at the number of people who have registered in employment agencies.

❓ Essay Questions on Unemployment

  1. Does Broadband Internet Reduce the Unemployment Rate?
  2. Can Slowly Adjusting Wages Explain Involuntary Unemployment?
  3. Does Culture Affect Unemployment?
  4. Are Early Educational Choices Affected by Unemployment Benefits?
  5. Does European Unemployment Prop Up American Wages?
  6. Can Black Workers Escape Spatial Mismatch?
  7. Does Higher Language Proficiency Decrease the Probability of Unemployment?
  8. Are Protective Labor Market Institutions at the Root of Unemployment?
  9. Does a High Unemployment Rate Result in a High Divorce Rate?
  10. Can Google Econometrics Predict Unemployment?
  11. Does Industrial Diversity Always Reduce Unemployment?
  12. Are Searching and Non-Searching Unemployment Distinct States When Unemployment Is High?
  13. Does Job Search Assistance Reduce Unemployment?
  14. Can Insider-Outsider Theories Explain the Persistence of Unemployment?
  15. Does Job Search Monitoring Intensity Affect Unemployment?
  16. Are Unemployment Benefits Harmful to the Stability of Working Careers?
  17. Does Liquidity Substitute for Unemployment Insurance?
  18. Can More FDI Solve the Problem of Unemployment in the EU?
  19. Does Long-Term Unemployment Reduce a Person’s Chance of a Job?
  20. Are Unemployment Rates Nonstationary or Nonlinear?
  21. Does More General Education Reduce the Risk of Future Unemployment?
  22. Can National Infrastructure Spending Reduce Local Unemployment?
  23. Does Output Predict Unemployment?
  24. Did the Great Recession Downsize Immigrants and Native-Born Americans Differently?
  25. Does Reducing Unemployment Benefits During a Recession Reduce Youth Unemployment?
  26. Can Supply-Side Policies Reduce Unemployment?
  27. Does Rising Unemployment Lead to Policies of Labor Flexibility?
  28. Can Unemployment Insurance Spur Entrepreneurial Activity?
  29. Does Sanctioning Disabled Claimants of Unemployment Insurance Increase Labor Market Inactivity?
  30. How Can Unions Result in Higher Unemployment Rates?

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"147 Unemployment Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 21 Mar. 2025, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/unemployment-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2025. "147 Unemployment Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 21, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/unemployment-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "147 Unemployment Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 21, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/unemployment-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "147 Unemployment Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 21, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/unemployment-essay-topics/.