Presidents of the US: Absolute Power Essay

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Organizational Theory Application

The organizational theory implies that all executive body has to be in the hands of the president. In other words, it is an American constitutional law stating that the president controls the whole executive. The current Bush administration has fully embraced the organizational theory into assisting in governing since 2001.

Unitary Executive

It lies upon the approach of the departments and coordinate construction. Besides, the unitary executive is a doctrine that favors almost unlimited presidential power. President Bush used the unitary principle 95 times, signing legislation into law since he came to office in 2001. In some cases, President Bush used the term various times. For instance, when he signed in “The controversial Medicare and Prescription drug act,” he complained about the two actions’ interference with supervising the unitary executive branch. He also established the “Citizens health care work group” for all Americans to obtain health and affordable health care (MacKenzie 198). The following is the pros and cons of the unitary executive theory:

Pros and Cons


This is whereby any candidate has a chance of winning the state’s electoral votes. In this case, the unitary executive theory is of help to the president of the United States. The president must enforce signing into law no matter the situation. The president takes an oath of the president’s office to defend the United States’ Constitution to his/her level best.

Response to Unitary Executive Theory

The president owes all the executive powers and can control all the executive members. For example, he can elect the Attorney General, ambassadors, and many others. The president has the constitutional authority to supervise the unitary executive branch and encapsulate information disclosure, which leads to impairing of foreign countries and national security. President Bush protected his citizens from torture by terrorists. Despite this, he violated the terms of the Federal Intelligence and surveillance Act (FISA) when he spied on executive members. (Yoo 1)

When defending its national security policies in court, this administration prefers to rely on Congress’s Sept. 18, 2001, authorization to use military force against those responsible for the 9/11 attacks rather than the president’s inherent powers as commander in chief and chief executive. President Obama may agree with George W. Bush on the usefulness of military commissions to try some terrorists, but he has different ideas about what gives a president the power to create them.

In this case, the organizational theory did not help the state in the administration. Therefore, this is a con to the state and should not be an encouragement to practice unitary executive.

Works Cited

MacKenzie, John P. Absolute power: how the unitary executive theory is undermining the Constitution. New York: Century Foundation Press, 2008. Print.

Yoo, John. “An Executive Without Much Privilege” The New York Times – Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. N.P., n.d. Web.

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IvyPanda. 2024. "Presidents of the US: Absolute Power." March 8, 2024.

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