This paper explores race and ethnic inequality in the US. Racial and ethnic inequality is a global challenge. Hence, in the US, the vice is common because of multicultural. According to Ethnic and Racial Minorities & Socioeconomic Status racial and ethnic inequality in the US is popular at places of work and institutions of higher learning (Karger et al., 76).
Despite government efforts to uproot the issue, through various legislations, human rights group and religious organizations, racial and ethnic inequality continues to engulf the US.
The article, Ethnic and Racial Minorities & Socioeconomic Status, supports the challenge of racial and ethnic inequality in the US. The article indicates that majority of African American children live in severe poverty compared to their Caucasian counterpart (American Psychological Association).
Also, the article draws that the unemployment level of African Americans are lower compared to Caucasian Americans. Similarly, African American working on a full-time job earns an average of 72 percent compared to Caucasian men who earns 85 percent on similar working basis (American Psychological Association).
In the education sector, a huge gap exists between the minority education achievements and the Caucasian Americans. For example, Latinos and African American attends low level schools compared to Asian and Caucasian. Similarly, African American students are deprived of essential resources in schools. This is in contrast with Caucasian students who have superior resources and learning environment (American Psychological Association).
This case study explains weighty issues connected to racial and ethnic inequality in the US. Racial and ethnic inequality is a historical issue in the US; hence various sociological fronts have strove to explore this issue by using different forms of sociological schools of thought. One notable school of thought embraced is the functional theory.
The functional theory explores how racial and ethnic inequality progresses the welfare of various groups in society (American Psychological Association).
Although sociologists’ scholars basing on this school of thought attest racism and ethnic are not a good practice, they note that this facet is supported by the function it plays. Thus, racial and ethnicity is strengthened by dominant group (Ethnic and Racial Minorities & Socioeconomic Status). Moreover, the functional theorist shows that racial and ethnic inequality weakens the society.
Hence, to discourage inequity in the society, people should understand this weakness and devise better strategies in overcoming racial and ethnic inequality (Karger et al., 90). For instance, the view of African American as an economically deprived group may be untrue; they have the means like the Caucasians in living better lives when granted right resources, environment and support. Hence, the situation they are experiencing is because of denied opportunities (American Psychological Association).
On a conflict theorists view, racial and ethnicity is addressed as a conflict that occurs between different classes in the society. In this article, African Americans and other minorities are seen as inferior compared to Caucasian. They have the power of rising beyond their current status of economic prosperity, when granted equal playing field.
Policy to address racial and ethnic inequality among the various minority groups in the US should embrace good practices which integrates inclusiveness. Good practices tailored towards preventing racial and ethnic inequality should be innovative and flexible. Hence, all the minorities should experience fair opportunities.
The opportunities should not be a preserve for the selected few. Creating a free and fair society where people are respected, regardless of their race and ethnicity should be a guiding principle for every person. It should not be left as a preserve of the authorities. Thus, a policy resolving the challenge of race and ethnicity should be all encompassing.
Works Cited
American Psychological Association. Ethnic and Racial Minorities & Socioeconomic Status. Web.
Karger, Howard Jacob and David Stoesz. American Social welfare policy: Apluralist approach, Boston: Allyn and Bancon. Print.