Looking for anxiety research topics? The issue of anxiety in psychology is hot, controversial, and worth studying!
- 🔥 Hottest Anxiety Title Ideas
- 😥 Types of Anxiety
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- 😱 Social Anxiety Research Paper Topics
- 📑 Good Research Topics about Anxiety
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- 💡 Anxiety Argumentative Essay Topics
- ❓ Research Questions about Anxiety
Anxiety is the emotion that causes severe physical changes, can negatively affect social contacts, and even lead to depression. Here we’ve gathered top research questions about anxiety disorder as a mental health issue, as well as anxiety essay examples. Get inspired with us!
🔥 Hottest Anxiety Title Ideas
- Social Anxiety Disorder: Female 15-Year-Old Student
- Freud’s Anxiety Neurosis – Psychology
- Anxiety Disorders: Definition, Causes, Impacts and Treatment
- Anxiety Measurement: MASC and BAI
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Treatment Plan for J. N.
- Abnormal Psychology Case Study: General Anxiety Disorder
- Anxiety in Children and Its Reasons
- The Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
- School Anxiety and Phobia in Children
😥 Types of Anxiety
Anxiety disorders can significantly reduce a person’s quality of life by making it challenging to work, study, and maintain personal connections.
There are several principal types of anxiety disorders:
- Generalized anxiety disorder. It is marked by a perpetual feeling of anxiety or dread. It also entails restlessness, fatigue, irritability, headaches, and sleep issues.
- Panic disorder. Its key symptom is panic attacks. Individuals with this type of anxiety experience enormous fear and panic, excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat, and shortness of breath.
- Specific phobias. A phobia is an abnormal fear of particular phenomena, objects, or situations. It often causes irrational worry, active avoidance, and anxiety, outweighing the actual danger.
- Social anxiety disorder. The defining hallmark of social anxiety is an unjustified fear of other people’s attention and judgment. Those with social phobia may find it challenging to make eye contact or be among strangers.
- Agoraphobia. The dread of crowds, enclosed and open areas, or being alone outside of one’s house is known as agoraphobia. It often involves panic-like reactions or other embarrassing symptoms.
- Separation anxiety. Individuals with this type of anxiety fear being away from loved ones. Being separated leads them to experience distress, nightmares, and unwellness. Such anxiety often affects children and teenagers but can also be found in people of an older age.
🏆 Best Anxiety Essay Examples & Topic Ideas
- Psychiatric Evaluation: Sadness and AnxietyShe kept up with her counseling sessions and remained on the medication prescribed for her depression well into her early twenties. She has found the cure to be beneficial in controlling her symptoms.
- Conflict and Anxiety by Psychoanalysts and BehaviouristsThis paper shows that the main differences between the psychoanalytic and behavioural interpretations of conflict and anxiety are the conceptions, treatments, and perceived causes of both concepts.
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Treatment Approaches and GuidelinesThe first one is their effectiveness in treating patients with severe symptoms of anxiety, as both Zoloft and Lexapro are effective in these cases.
- Addressing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Anxiety in a Native American WomanThe paper will reveal how Amy deals with her anxiety and the challenges she has to address if she is recommended for therapy.
- Anxiety Treatment Options: Annotated BibliographyThe frequency and correlates of anxiety disorders in the Australian population are investigated in this study using information from a nationwide survey on mental health and wellbeing. The website includes a list of clinical trials […]
- Christian Counseling for Anxiety and Depression: Topic ProposalThe feeling of God-forsakenness, which torments the soul of a Christian, can be both the result of illness and the result of unrepentant sin.
- Anxiety: Understanding Symptoms and DiagnosisAdditionally, at work and home, the patient felt constant, chronic anxiety and a sense of tension all the time. The diagnosis of anxiety disorder is difficult because of the presence of specific biomarkers.
- Anxiety and Depression ManagementSince they can quickly enter the brain and cross the blood-brain barrier, researchers summarized the classification of depression and the history of volatile oils as a treatment for depression in many nations.
- Depression and Anxiety: Articles EvaluationThe arrangement of paragraphs and use of subheadings on different depression issues to highlight the paragraph contents made it easy for readers to interpret the information in the article.
- Depressed Mood, Anxiety & Feeling of WorthlessnessOne of the factors contributing to the problem is a traumatic childhood experience where her mother became sick and died while she was staying with her aunt, and soon after, the father left and rarely […]
- Anxiety & Depression and Autism Spectrum DisorderThe random sampling method is the most reliable technique, as it allows for the results to apply to a more general population.
- Anxiety Disorders: Assessment and TreatmentAlthough there is still substantial improvement in the previous dosage, the 20mg increase has shown the expected reduction of anxiety symptoms and a significant drop in the HAM-A score compared to the first patient assessment.
- Anxiety and Depression Among StudentsAdditionally, the researchers investigated the determinants of anxiety and depression among the students. According to the study, university students experienced heightened depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Social Anxiety in Young People and Group TherapyThe format of a small group through interaction helps the patient to see that they are not alone in their problem, and it will be easier for them to start working on their fear.
- Anxiety and Negative Experience With Mathematics Among Female StudentsThe purpose of this study is to offer an explanation of the results of Bowd and Brady’s research and propose a reason for the correlation between gender and mathematical anxiety.
- The Menace of Obesity to Depression and Anxiety PrevalenceObesity is of particular importance for the study due to the large spread of this disease. In addition to the cardiovascular system and the development of diabetes, obesity can negatively affect patients’ joints and increase […]
- Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation: Recurring Anxiety AttacksCC: The patient is suffering from recurring anxiety attacks whenever she has to leave her house, which is why she has been largely unable to perform basic tasks, as well as communicate with her family […]
- Exercise Eases the Symptoms of AnxietyThe review of the literature generally demonstrates the significant effects of exercise in alleviating the symptoms of anxiety. In the future, one needs to focus on patients diagnosed with anxiety and investigate the types of […]
- Depression and Anxiety Among African AmericansFinally, it should be insightful to understand the attitudes of friends and family members, so 5 additional interviews will be conducted with Black and White persons not having the identified mental conditions. The selected mental […]
- The Symptoms and Causes of a Social Anxiety DisorderEfforts in public health are required to increase understanding of social anxiety, the difficulties it presents, and the methods for overcoming it.
- Meditation Effects on Anxiety and StressMy goal in this exercise was to use meditation to manage anxiety and stress and improve my general mental well-being. I am not accustomed to meditation and had to turn to YouTube for guidance.
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder DiagnosticsWere you unable to cope with the excitement and calm down on any occasion in the last 14 days? Was it difficult for you to relax in the last 14 days?
- Assessing and Treating Patients With Anxiety DisordersAccording to the provided background information and the results of the mental diagnosis, it is clear that the client is suffering from GAD.
- Discussion: Anxiety Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive DisordersTo be diagnosed with a specific phobia, one must exhibit several symptoms, including excessive fear, panic, and anxiety. Specific phobias harm the physical, emotional, and social well-being of an individual.
- Exam Anxiety as Psychological DisorderThe study also focused on finding the relationship between exam anxiety and revision time on the score of students. The findings in this research relate to the current study in that it seeks the relationship […]
- Depression and Anxiety Clinical CaseMany of the factors come from the background and life experiences of the patient. The client then had a chance to reflect on the results and think of the possible alternative thoughts.
- Anxiety and Difficulty Concentrating TreatmentHis siblings have achieved much in their careers, and the self-comparison of Eric to his older brother is a source of anxiety and depressive moods for Eric.
- Anxiety in a Middle-Aged Caucasian ManThe primary goal of this decision was to decrease the intensity of the generalized anxiety disorder symptoms in the patient. After four weeks, the client returned to the clinic for the evaluation and discussion of […]
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Self-AwarenessBased on the article, Panayiotou et al.review the aspect of self-awareness in alexithymia and its correlation with social anxiety. The research provides insight into self-awareness and how it influences anxiety.
- Online Peer Support Groups for Depression and Anxiety DisorderThe main objective of peer support groups is connecting people with the same life experiences and challenges to share and support each other in healing and recovery.
- Anxiety Disorder: PharmacologyAn increase in the concentration of ACTH and cortisol. Together with the norepinephrine and dopamine systems, the concentration of ACTH and cortisol provides an adequate emotional response to the body.
- The Manifestations of Anxiety: Case StudyThe nurse also makes frequent clarifications to get a complete picture of the patient’s problem. The nurse often summarizes the information she hears to help the patient keep track of the dialogue.
- Exam Anxiety: A Descriptive Statistics StudyThe questionnaire assessed the quality and quantity of sleep because they are significant in determining the level of anxiety and students’ performance.
- Anxiety and Depression Among College StudentsThe central hypothesis for this study is that college students have a higher rate of anxiety and depression. Some of the materials to be used in the study will include pencils, papers, and tests.
- Anxiety and Depression: The Case StudyAs he himself explained, he is not used to positive affirmation due to low self-esteem, and his family experiences also point to the fact that he was not comforted often as a child.
🖋️ Intriguing Anxiety Title Ideas
Still cannot find a fresh anxiety topic idea? Then, the following paragraphs are made for you! Read them right now to get a dose of inspiration!
Is Anxiety Real or Just in Your Head?
Anxiety is more than just a product of your imagination. Your body goes into a real fight-or-flight mode when you have anxious thoughts. It produces adrenaline, which causes bodily signs like perspiration, tachycardia, tension or restlessness, and even a sense of impending doom.
What Purpose Does Anxiety Serve?
Anxiety is a built-in warning system that aims to safeguard us from danger. In the past, anxiety prepared humans to flee from a life-threatening risk in the environment, such as a hazardous animal or severe weather. These days, anxiety can make those who experience it more empathetic and proficient in leadership roles.
What Is the Rarest Anxiety?
One of the rarest types of anxiety is hypochondria. It is a condition in which a person is heavily and unduly worried about having a severe illness. Hypochondria affects approximately 0.1% of US residents, typically appearing during early adulthood. However, this statistic may not completely reflect the reality, as some people may be hesitant to ask for assistance, being embarrassed by their circumstances.
What Illness Can Be Mistaken for Anxiety?
Heart problems can spike your heart and breathing rates the same way anxiety does. The symptoms of heart and panic attacks can be similar, if not identical. Both cause dizziness, breathing difficulties, and chest pain. Asthma and anxiety can also be confused due to their prevalent physical signs, such as chest pain, vertigo, shortness of breath, and lightheadedness.
What Foods Aggravate Anxiety?
Added sugar and refined carbohydrates, such as cookies, cakes, and sugary drinks, can cause rapid increases in blood sugar levels, which our bodies must regulate. This, in turn, results in high cortisol levels and anxiety. Low-nutrient and high-calorie foods, as well as caffeine, can also trigger a constant feeling of fear and agitation.
👍 Anxiety Research Topics
- Moral Identities, Social Anxiety, and Academic DishonestyIn his works, the scholar establishes two explanations for why students indulge in malpractices; the Social anxiety hypothesis and the moral anxiety hypothesis.
- Glossophobia: The Public Speaking AnxietyThe level of fear in public speaking among the male and female participants was determined using a percentage and frequency approach.
- Anxiety Disorders: Types and Defense MechanismsTo be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, a person’s fear or anxiety must be out of proportion to the scenario or age-inappropriate or prevent them from functioning correctly.
- Anxiety Issues Amongst TeenagersOne of the most notable stress sources is a feeling of anxiety a state of mind characterized by negative mood and overall tension.
- The Use of Aromatherapy for Patients Anxiety ReductionThe target group for intervention to solve the described problem is patients at high risk of anxiety. Question: Among the patients at risk for anxiety, does the aromatherapy reduce anxiety level compared to no aromatherapy […]
- Depression and Anxiety Among Chronic Pain PatientsThe researchers used The Depression Module of the Patient Health Questionnaire and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale to interview participants, evaluate their answers, and conduct the study.
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Anxiety among StudentsTo be more precise, the authors aimed to investigate whether the transition to a new lifestyle due to the pandemic has impacted the anxiety levels of university youth.
- Effective Ways to Address Anxiety and DepressionLooking deep into the roots of the problem will provide a vast and detailed vision of it, and will help to develop ways to enhance the disorders.
- Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD)A routine can help to ease the pain and enable a child to develop trust in both their independence and parents.
- The Implementation of Family-Based Therapy to Manage Anxiety Disorder in AdolescentsThis paper presents a critical analysis of five research articles related to the proposed PICOT question: In a group of patients between the ages of 13-18 with complaints of anxiety, does the implementation of a […]
- Emotional and Anxiety Disorders and Social CognitionSuch disorders as obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, and depression are rooted in childhood, with negative cognitive experiences being the underlying cause for their development.
- Psychedelic Drugs and Their Effects on Anxiety and DepressionThe participants must also be willing to remain in the study for the duration of the experiments and consent to the drugs’ use.
- How Can Students Manage AnxietyAs a result, students do not recognize that their mental health state is a result of the anxiety they feel because of the drastic changes that happened in their life and their stress continues to […]
- Anxiety and Depression in Hispanic Youth in Monmouth CountyTherefore, the Health Project in Monmouth County will help Hispanic children and adolescents between the ages of 10 and 19 to cope with anxiety and depression through behavioral therapy.
- Anxiety Disorders and DepressionIn her case, anxiety made her feel that she needed to do more, and everything needed to be perfect. She noted that the background of her depression and anxiety disorders was her family.
- Communication Strategies. Anxiety of Public SpeechesThe main problem with anxiety is the inability of an individual to persuade the audience. Therefore, the more an individual practices public speaking, the better they will be able to deliver to the audience.
- The Nature of Philosophy: AnxietyAs was mentioned by Harry Frankfurt, philosophy is created through anxiety born of an understanding of the limitation of knowledge.
- Managing Social Anxiety Disorder: Clinical Trial in PsychiatryFor instance, the location of the numerical correlation between the use of the identified types of medicine and the subsequent identification of the outcomes can be viewed as crucial to the assessment of the drug […]
- Mobile Addiction and Anxiety: The Relationship AnalysisThe purpose of the study is to establish the nature of the relationship that exists between mobile addiction and anxiety among students.
- Effect of Preoperative Education on Anxiety of Surgical PatientsThe education is believed by many medical practitioners to decrease the length of stay in a health facility by providing the patients with substantial information on strategies to adopt to endure and go through psychological […]
- “Effectiveness of Relaxation for Postoperative Pain and Anxiety” by SeersThe problem statement and research questions have not been defined but the review of literature reveals that very little work has been done on the topic of effectiveness of relaxation for post operative pain and […]
- Children Healthcare-Induced Anxiety: AnalysisArguably the most crucial difference is that children are often distrustful of medical professionals and scared of physical examinations, and thus adjustments have to be made to make the exam more comfortable. To encourage engagement […]
- Daily Patterns of Anxiety in Anorexia NervosaThe researchers failed to indicate the distinct and important sections such as the study objectives and the significance of the study.
- Local and International Student’s AnxietyIn addition to that, international students suffer from anxiety that is caused by the necessity to live in a new environment and culture.
- Social Anxiety. Affecting on HumansThe next dependent variable included the revolutionary in the psychopharmacology that led to the production of tranquilizers that were used by the people as a relief of the social anxiety in the 1950s and 1960s. […]
- The Child-Mother Relations: Preventing of the Separation Anxiety DisorderIt is important that the researchers defined the issue in the introductory part of the research, as it clarified the criteria for selection of the survey participants and analysis of the study results.
- Treating Adolescents With Social AnxietyAt the end of treatment 59% of the SASS group no longer qualified for a diagnosis of social phobia versus 0% of the ESGF group.
- “Status Anxiety” by Alain de BottonWithin the ego psychoanalytic theoretical context of the identity statuses, social status ought to refer to the similarity experienced between one’s personal attributes and one’s ego ideal standards, a match that should improve in adolescence […]
- Poor Body Image, Anxiety, and Depression: Women Who Undergo Breast ImplantsH02: There is no difference in overt attractiveness to, and frequency of intimacy initiated by, the husband or cohabitating partner of a breast implant patient both before and after the procedure.
- Anxiety and the Urge for Victory Among AthletesThe challenges of sports presuppose some extent of anxiety and the urge for the victory in the name of a team or something/someone important for a sportsman.
- Anxiety and Phobia in Dental Settings: Theories and Their RelationsWhile external factors may lead to the creation of the anxiety pattern in a patient, the subsequent dental treatment and procedures and their experiences may either exacerbate or altogether nullify the condition.
- Anxiety About Statistics in Undergraduate StudentsThe present study aims to investigate the impact of statistics anxiety on the academic performance of students enrolled in a statistics course.
- Anxiety Disorder in PregnancyTo be precise, the dangers of anxiety disorder during the pregnancy period can equally affect the mother and the unborn child.
- Depression and Anxiety Due to School and Work-Related StressMany young students are not aware of the roots of their psychological problems and continue suffering from depression or anxiety, which results in low productivity, poor achievements, and a decreased quality of life.
- Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, and College Exam GradesThey conduct a study on 110 students in a variety of majors and gauge their test anxiety and self-efficacy, then collect their results on a test and analyze the results. Notably, they find that the […]
- Anxiety Disorder: Psychological Studies ComparisonThe research article is expected to investigate the topic of interest from the standpoint of theory and evidence while the pop culture article will give advice and recommendations to its readers.
- Patient’s Dental Fear: Managing AnxietyIn order to find out the most effective ways to cope with the patient’s dental fear, one might consider those methods which will be applicable in accordance with the state of a client.
😱 Social Anxiety Research Paper Topics
Social phobia is not picky about its victims and can affect individuals of all ages. For those living with this mental health challenge, simple activities like meeting new people, performing in public, using public restrooms, asking for help, or even dating can become daunting obstacles.
In a research paper on this topic, you can focus on the following aspects:
- The contribution of Instagram to the development of social anxiety.
- Potential use of social robots in interventions for social anxiety.
- Analyzing the neurobiological basis of social anxiety disorder.
- Exposure therapy and its efficiency in the social anxiety treatment process.
- The link between shame and social anxiety disorder.
📑 Good Research Topics about Anxiety
- Test Anxiety and Academic PerformanceThe purpose of the study in question was to investigate the relationship between academic performance and test anxiety. The study was designed to determine causality between the level of test anxiety and average grades of […]
- Anxiety Influence on Studies and ConcentrationIt is a proven fact that anxiety has a negative influence on cognition, which is the ‘information processing’ of a person.
- General Anxiety Disorder InterventionsThe authors concluded that the combination of CBT and MI provides a method that allows to minimize possible risks and enhance the effects of CBT.
- Acute Anxiety Impairs Accuracy in Identifying Photographed FacesThe researchers wanted to present the best ideas and practices towards improving the performance of eyewitnesses. The authors used the best methods to conduct their study.
- Anxiety and Depression in Children and AdolescentsThe effects of anxiety in children and adolescents are detrimental both to individuals and society. It is also said to contain a summary of the current research and theory that have been done by other […]
- Anxiety and Cultural Models in the ConflictThe biological concept proposes that anxiety is normally caused by the chemical imbalance which in the long run leads contributes to a genetic panic disorder hence the disorder is likely to be passed down the […]
- Principal Component Analysis: Anxiety in StudentsSince students experience anxiety in the course of learning SPSS, the questionnaire aims to measure and ascertain the extent of SPSS anxiety. In essence, the study aims to use PCA in revealing principal variables that […]
- Factors of Generalized Anxiety Disorder PrevalenceMoreover, the citizens of the developed countries are more likely to observe generalized anxiety disorder than the citizens from nondeveloped countries. Unfavorable environmental factors also can increase the risk of generalized anxiety disorder.
- Anxiety Disorder: Mindfulness-Based Stress ReductionThe researcher aims to use the tools suggested by Majid et al.and Hoge et al.to evaluate the levels of anxiety in the patient at the beginning of the intervention, during, and after it.
- Addressing the Needs of a Patient With Bipolar and Generalized Anxiety DisordersFurthermore, the patient should restore his connection to his family members since the specified issue contributes to the problem significantly. During the first crisis according to Eriksson’s theory, the patient has experienced abandonment from his […]
- Anxiety Evaluation in Rehabilitation CounselingThe research study sought to demystify the facts on the relationships among the stress appraisal process, coping disposition and the level of acceptance of disability on a selected sample for study.
- Emotional Issues: Anxiety and Its DifficultiesThe patient, therefore, lacks the ability to manage his emotions and handle the pressure of his new responsibilities. Client B.C.is aware of his problems and recognizes the significance of learning.
- Definition of Dental Anxiety and FearThat way, studying the facts that contribute to the prevalence of anxiety in dental patients, the researchers should study the psychopathological profiles of anxious individuals.
- Severe Anxiety Disorder: Diagnosis and TreatmentThe mental position of the patient explains why it was necessary to refer the patient to a psychiatrist. Family members should also “be equipped with appropriate communication skills in order to address the needs of […]
- Anxiety Disorder: Cognitive Therapy vs. MedicationsIn this essay, the researcher seeks to confirm the hypothesis that medication is not as successful in treating anxiety disorders as the use of cognitive therapy.
- Yoga for Depression and AnxietyA simple definition of yoga will lead people to generalize it as a system of exercise and a kind of mindset that would result in the union of mind and body.
- Sleep Disturbance, Depression, Anxiety CorrelationThe above imply that many questions are still unanswered with respect to the kinds of sleep complaints affecting undergraduates and the impact on their psychological health.
- Statistics: Anxiety and Sharing Feelings CorrelationThe means by genders are summarised in the table below. This correlation value was used to determine the nature and strength of the relationship.
- Cognitive Therapy for Anxiety and Addiction WithdrawalThe clients’ irrational mindsets can be recuperated relying on three major concepts, which are the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, the ABCDE Model, and the Dysfunctional Thought Record.
- Social Anxiety Disorder Causes and SymptomsAlso referred to as social phobia, social anxiety disorder is a psychological condition that is associated with the constant fear of surrounding social conditions.
- Therapy for Children and Young Patients With Anxiety DisordersThis is where the therapists working with the young patients adjust the content and speed of the therapy so that it can match with the level of a particular child.
- Patient Anxiety From MRI ScansDue to the nature of the procedure, the patient can stay in the cylinder for up to an hour depending on the criticality of the examination.
- Cognitive Behavioural Family Therapy With Anxiety Disordered ChildrenIn relation to definite scope family functioning, the study suggested that parents of anxiety-disordered children have meagre family functioning accompanied with reluctance in monitoring the disparate behaviours in the family.
- Globalization and Culture: Possibilities and AnxietiesWhile the benefits of globalization to the economy cannot be overestimated, still statistics have proven that the world is at a worse state of inequality than it was prior to the emergence of the concept […]
- The Reiss-Epstein-Gursky Anxiety Sensitivity IndexHowever, the ASI-R is discussed as useful to make decisions regarding the patients’ level of the anxiety sensitivity and associated psychological disorders.
- The Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Depression, Anxiety and Posttraumatic Stress for Women After Spousal Emotional AbuseEnright forgiveness model applied in the study proved effective since it systematically addressed the forgiveness process identified the negative attributes caused by the abuse, and prepared the women for positive responses.
- Death Anxiety Is a Multidimensional ConceptWhile concentrating on these dimensions of the death anxiety, it is possible to determine such concrete fears as the fear of dependency, the fear of the pain experienced in the dying process, the fear associated […]
- Acceptance-Based Behavioral TherapyThe treatment was randomly administered to 15 of the 31 clients while the remaining 16 clients formed the waiting list control.
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Anxiety DisorderThe classifications of anxiety disorder include the phobias, the generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, separation anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.
- Attention Biases in AnxietyFor instance the primary role of the mechanism responsible for the fear emotion are to allow the identification of threat in the surrounding and to assist the organism react promptly an efficiently to the situation.
- Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology: Anxiety DisordersThis paper has gone on to reiterate the fact that anxiety disorders are indeed a reality in life and as such, we should brace ourselves for their occurrences.
- Social Status Anxiety and the American DreamThe pain of a loss and the status anxiety that came with being inferior to other students at Harvard instigated the urge to revenge and brought a desire to achieve success.
- Frequent Tests as the Ways to Overcome Procrastination and AnxietyThe problem can depend not only on the level of the students’ knowledge but also on the degree of the tension and anxiety which are associated with the preparation and review of the material during […]
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Patient’s Psychological StateHe feels that his physical, emotional, personal and professional state is in decline, and that is indicative of the seriousness of this psychological disorder.
- Anxiety and Its TypesBased on the various facts it can be seen that while anxiety is a common human behavioral condition, the development of anxiety disorders are not and are a direct result of various external stressors.
- Psychology of Behavior: Anxiety DisordersThe subjects should be informed of their liberty to participate in the study. In view of the above, negative reinforcement occurred.
- Multiculturalism and “White Anxiety”Takaki provides a neat explanation to this resistance: the white community is afraid of the “non-White majority that is gradually taking shape in the society in the 21th century.
📌 Catchy Titles for Anxiety Essays
- Mediating and Moderating Effects of Social Support in the Relationship Between Social Anxiety and Hope Levels in Children
- Metacognitive Therapy for Comorbid Anxiety Disorders
- Anorexia Nervosa, Anxiety, and the Clinical Implications of Rapid Refeeding
- Emotional Dysregulation and Anxiety Control in the Psychopathological Mechanism Underlying Drive for Thinness
- Depressive Symptoms, Anxiety Disorder, and Suicide Risk During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Social Anxiety and Negative Appearance Evaluation as Causes for Eating Disorders
- Anxiety, Depressive Disorders, and Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity
- Media for Coping During COVID-19 Social Distancing: Stress, Anxiety, and Psychological Well-Being
- Anxiety and Sports Performance: Measurement and Regulation
- Psychosocial and Sociocultural Factors Influencing Antenatal Anxiety and Depression in Non-precarious Migrant Women
- Massage Therapy Reducing Pain, Depression, and Anxiety in Hand Osteoarthritis Patients
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression and Anxiety Attacks
- Association Between Depression, Anxiety, and Antidepressant Use With T-Wave Amplitude and Qt-Interval
- The Neuro or Cognitive Mechanisms Behind Attention Bias Modification in Anxiety: Proposals Based on Theoretical Accounts of Attentional Bias
- Yoga and Mental Health – The Benefits of Yoga on Stress and Anxiety in Adults
- Treatments for Depressive, Bipolar, Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Related Disorder
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Development, Diagnosis, Comorbidity, and Treatment
- Effective Psychological Treatments for Anxiety Disorders: Science, Policy and Economics
- Sensory, Emotional and Cognitive Contributions to Anxiety in Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Mental Health Issues: Anxiety, Psychosis, and Depression
💡 Anxiety Argumentative Essay Topics
- The Facts About Anxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks
- The Relationship Between the Physical Activity Environment, Nature Relatedness, Anxiety, and the Psychological Well-Being Benefits of Regular Exercisers
- Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Protein Levels in Anxiety Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis
- Sociological Imagination: Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Seeing the World Through Non-rose-Colored Glasses: Anxiety and the Amygdala Response to Blended Expressions
- Employee Assistance Programs and Anxiety Disorders
- Problematic Social Media Usage and Anxiety Among University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital and the Moderating Role of Academic Burnout
- Context Counts! Social Anxiety Modulates the Processing of Fearful Faces in the Context of Chemosensory Anxiety Signals
- Threat Response System: Parallel Brain Processes in Pain Vis-à-Vis Fear and Anxiety
- Customizing Your Demons: Anxiety Reduction via Anthropomorphizing and Destroying an Anxiety Avatar
- Don’t Stop Believing: Rituals Improve Performance by Decreasing Anxiety
- Anxiety and Personality Disorders: A View of a Client With This Dual Diagnosis
- Resting Heart Rate Variability, Facets of Rumination and Trait Anxiety: Implications for the Perseverative Cognition Hypothesis
- Anxiety and Depression Among Working and Non-working Women
- The Relationship Between Religiosity, Mindful Acceptance of LGBT Identity, and Anxiety
- Symptoms and Long Term Effects of Anxiety Disorders
- Trait Anxiety and Economic Risk Avoidance Are Not Necessarily Associated: Evidence From the Framing Effect
- Anxiety Disorders: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Relating to Rape
- Abnormal Psychology and Secondary Anxiety: Excessive Fear or Worry Related to Behavioral Disturbances
- Traveler Anxiety and Enjoyment: The Effect of Airport Environment on Traveler’s Emotions
❓ Research Questions about Anxiety
- How Can Music Therapy Be Used to Reduce Preoperative Anxiety Blood Pressure?
- Can Financial Literacy Reduce Anxiety About Life in Old Age?
- How Can Aromatherapy Reduce the Level of Stress and Anxiety?
- Does Emotional Intelligence Mediate the Relation Between Mindfulness and Anxiety and Depression in Adolescents?
- How Mental Health Problems Affects People With Anxiety Disorder?
- Does Math Anxiety Impede Working Memory?
- How Anxiety Affects Individuals, and Theis Lives?
- What Are the Risk Factors and Triggers for Anxiety Disorders?
- What Are the Different Kinds of Anxiety Disorders?
- How Can the Christian Faith Help Overcome the Causes and Effects of Anxiety Disorder?
- Can Ethical Leadership Improve Employees Well-Being at Work?
- Can Music Therapy Improve Stress Anxiety?
- How Can You Help Your Child Overcome Anxiety?
- How Anxiety and Depression Are Connected?
- Does Prenatal Valproate Interact With a Genetic Reduction in the Serotonin Transporter?
- How Emotions Affect Logical Reasoning: Evidence From Experiments With Mood-Manipulated Participants, Spider Phobics, and People With Exam Anxiety?
- How Prevalent Are Anxiety Disorders?
- Does Writing Help Cope With Anxiety or Panic Attacks?
- Why and How Adolescents Are Affected by Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Clinical Depression?
- What Are the Treatment Options for Anxiety Disorders?
- How Can Performing Everyday Tasks Be Difficult With Anxiety?
- Does Anxiety Affect Adolescent Academic Performance?
- Does Social Anxiety Lead to Depression?
- How Have Psychological Theories Elucidated the Nature of Anxiety Regarding Panic Disorder?
- Can Anxiety Affect Eyewitness Testimony?
- How Does Watching Television Affect Anxiety Levels in Children?
- Does Self-Efficacy and Emotional Control Protect Hospital Staff From COVID-19 Anxiety and Ptsd Symptoms?
- Does Despotic Leadership Harm Employee Family Life: Exploring the Effects of Emotional Exhaustion and Anxiety?
- How Does Anxiety Affect Language Learning?
- Who Is at Greatest Risk of Developing an Anxiety Disorder?