Looking for Buddhism essay topics? Being one of the world’s largest and most ancient religions, Buddhism is definitely worth exploring!
In your Buddhism essay, you might want to focus on the history of the religion or Buddhist attitude to controversial social issues. Another option would be to write about Buddhist philosophy or practices. Whether you need to write a short Buddhism essay or a more substantive paper, this article will be helpful. Here you’ll find a collection of 237 Buddhism topics for essays and research papers together with Buddhism essay examples.
🏆 Best Buddhism Essay Examples & Topic Ideas
- Buddhism and Sikhism Comparison: Four Noble TruthsThe four are dukkha, the origin of dukkha, the cessation of dukkha, and the path to the cessation of suffering. He forsook the luxuries and other benefits associated with life in the palace to join […]
- Japanese Buddhism vs. Chinese Buddhism: DifferencesThe introduction and spread of Buddhism in Japan depended on the support that was offered by the Japanese rulers. Japanese Buddhist art has relied heavily on the Chinese art since the introduction of Buddhism in […]
- Judaism and Buddhism: Overview and ComparisonIf reform Judaism is on one side of the spectrum and orthodox Judaism is on the other one, conservative Jews are in the center.
- Buddhism and Hinduism: Similarities and DifferencesThe most conspicuous similarity is the origin of the two religions in sub-continent India. Some worship and religious practices are similar but there is a profound difference in the style and purpose of life in […]
- ”The History of God” by Karen Armstrong: An Overview of the History of Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism“The History of God” by Karen Armstrong is a comprehensive overview of the history of the development of Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism.
- The Journey of One Buddhist Nun: Even Against the WindThe behaviors of her father contributed greatly to her resentment of men, this is because her father was greatly opposed to her will of being a nun because he wanted her to grow into a […]
- Dharma in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and SikhismThis essay aims to describe the ideas of dharma in the religions of Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sikhism in terms of their doctrines, rituals, origin tales, and modes of worship.
- Hinduism and Buddhism: Comparative AnalysisOne of the basic concepts in Indian philosophy: the soul, drowning in the “ocean of samsara,” seeks liberation and deliverance from the results of its past actions, which are part of the “net of samsara”.
- Shinto and Its Relationship With China and BuddhismAs such, those who identify with the two religions have continued to engage in practices of the Buddhist and Shinto faiths either knowingly or unknowingly.
- The Idea Salvation in Buddhism ReligionFocusing on the discussion of the concept of salvation in Buddhism, it is important to state that salvation is the emancipation of a person from the attachment to the reality and from the person’s focus […]
- Purpose of Meditation in BuddhismOne of the key roles of meditation in the Buddhist faith is the relaxation of the mind and the improvement of mental alertness.
- Hindu and Buddhism: Concept of KarmaIndeed, the teachings tend to create a balance between spirituality and ordinary human life in the sense that, by following the path of attaining knowledge and the quest to understand the oneself as human through […]
- Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism ElementsHindus, the last power is discovered in the Vedas and the writing of the religious leaders willing to view the fact nature of reality.
- Religious Studies: Hinduism and BuddhismSamsara refers to the processor rebirth whereby the individual is reincarnated in a succession of lives. This is what has led to the many differences that arise, causing Buddhism to be viewed as a religious […]
- Death and Dying in Christianity and BuddhismBirth and death are part of everybody’s life: birth is the beginning of living, and death is the end of it.
- Buddhism Studies: A Visit of the Jade Buddha TempleThe teachings of the Buddhist are essentially meant to change ourselves and not others like a Christian believer and in the teaching the change occurs when we are “filled with” or we are awaken to […]
- Anatman and Atman Concepts in Buddhism and HinduismRendering to the Atman notion, Atman is eventually in the custody of people’s reactions to what happens in the outside world. The idea of the self in assembly to God is where Hinduism and Buddhism […]
- Comparison of Hinduism and Buddhism RitualsBuddhism and Hinduism are some of the popular religions in the world with their origins dating back to the Common Era in India.
- Zhong Kui, The Keeper of Hearth and Home: Japanese Myth with Buddhist PhilosophyZhong Kui, the Demon Queller, or Shoki, as foreigners call this creature, is the keeper of the hearth and home in Japan and one of the most picturesque characters of Japanese legends.
- The Four Noble Truths of BuddhismIn the third Noble Truth, the Buddha identified a cure to the problem and in the fourth Noble Truth, he identified the prescription to end suffering.
- Buddhism in ‘The World’s Religions’ by Huston SmithAlthough in his The World’s Religions, Huston Smith identifies speculation as one of the religious constants, Buddhism views humans’ endeavors to ascertain the truth as meaningless and fruitless pursuit: It is not on the view […]
- The Key Features of Buddhist Thought and PracticeThese three characteristics are always connected with existence as they tend to illuminate the nature of existence as well as helping the faithful to have knowledge of what to do with existence.
- Comparison Between Hinduism and BuddhismThe Afghans, Persians, and Arabs first used the term “Hindu” to denote the inhabitants of the aforementioned regions. The aspect of worship is one of the most vital religious practices in Hinduism.
- Concepts of BuddhismAt the age of twenty-nine, he left the comforts of the palace and went out to seek the real meaning of life.
- Comparison of Buddhism and the Baptist ReligionsThe other structure in the Temple is the vihan which is the place where the members of the Temple assemble for prayers.
- Paths to Enlightenment in Hinduism and BuddhismThis paper will compare the paths to moksha with the Four Noble Truths and argue that raja yoga would best utilize the Buddhist method of the Eightfold Path.
- Buddhism and Hinduism: A Comparative StudyWhile in the case of Hinduism, samsara is the cyclical rebirth of the soul that remains unchanged, Buddhism teaches that samsara is the transformation of a person into something else.
- Buddhism and Hinduism: A ComparisonBoth of Hinduism and Buddhism have shared beliefs but they are different in the practice of duties, worshipped, the founders of the religions.
- Wu Wei in Daoism and Zen BuddhismTherefore, the original ideas and thoughts of Taoism are believed to have influenced the development of Zen Buddhism in China. This discussion shows clearly that emptiness in Buddhism points to dependent origination as the true […]
- Nagarjuna’s Buddhist Philosophy InvestigationAdditionally, it is possible to say that it is not just a religion, however, it is the way of life and philosophy.
- Buddhism: Religion or PhilosophyBuddhists believe in a higher power and life after death, they have a moral code of ethics, and they perform rituals; these things are the definition of established religion.
- Buddhism and ChristianityThe privileged persons of society such as presidents and the rich have similar chances in comparison to the destitute persons. Contrary to this, Christians appreciate the existence of God and acknowledge Him as their path […]
- Reflection on Self in Buddhism and HinduismThe specificity of the Buddhist concept of the human self lies in the acceptance of the distinction between self and general in a spiritual aspect.
- The Comparison of Buddhism and Taoism PhilosophiesIn Taoism the aim is attain Tao while the Buddhists strive to reach the nirvana and adhere to the four noble truths.
👍 Good Essay Topics on Buddhism
- Death of the Historical Buddha in Zen BuddhismThe hanging scroll Death of the Historical Buddha is a perfect example of an idiosyncratic subgenre of the nirvana images, which permeated Japanese art in the sixth century after the adoption of Buddhism.[4] The composition […]
- Buddhism: The Concept of Death and DyingLife is permanent but death is the transition of a human soul to either one of the six Buddhist realms. The purpose of this paper is to explain the concept of death from the Buddhist […]
- Medicine Buddha: The Role of Thangka Art in Tibetan BuddhismIn the Buddhist tradition, the art of Thangka plays a central role in depicting the divine and the natural based on the cultural vision of Tibetan Buddhists.
- Ethics in the Buddhist TraditionThe concept of ethics and morality is one of the perfection followers of Buddhism must strive to achieve enlightenment. Techniques include entering into the flow and control of the senses, understanding the practice of return, […]
- Philosophy of Confucius Compared to That of BuddhismThis due to the fact that only the aspect of ethics in the Buddhist philosophy can be significantly likened to the Confucian philosophy.
- Buddhist Allegories in “The Monkey and the Monk”The Monkey and the Monk is not an ordinary story with a list of characters with the ability to develop particular relationships, grow in their specific ways, and demonstrate necessary lessons to the reader.
- Daoism’s Influence on Chan Buddhism in ChinaTo comprehend the connection between Daoism and Buddhism and the possible influence of the former on the latter, it is expected to identify the main concepts of Taoism in Chinese philosophy and culture first.
- Four Noble Truths as Buddhism FundamentalsThe first noble truth in Buddhism teachings is the truth of suffering that is frequently referred to as Dukkha. The last interpretation of the Dukkha is the expression of suffering that is inevitable.
- History: Women in Hinduism and BuddhismFor instance, one of the main problems that arise when examining the situation of women in Karimpur is the fact that there is a considerable level of disparity in the survival rates between male and […]
- Role of Brahmanism in the Decline of BuddhismIn addition to this, the persecution of Bramanical Kings together with the anti-Buddhism propaganda was a heavy hit to the Buddhists.
- Western Christianity vs. Eastern BuddhismThe Buddhists have rituals that help them maintain the pattern and the order that they want in life. The story of the creation is relevant to understanding how the earth came to be, and redemption […]
- The Concept of Karma in Hinduism and BuddhismIn conclusion, it is essential to say that karma has a strong foundation in Hinduism and Buddhism and governs most aspects of the lives of believers.
- The Fundamentals of Buddhism and the Belief in ImpermanenceFor example, the story of the Life of Gautama Buddha, concerning the questions of the believer and the atheist regarding the existence of God, reveals the importance of impermanence in religion.
- Deities and Devotion in Mongolian Buddhist Art: Online ExhibitionIt was curated by the staff of the Kruizenga Art Museum, who have made the Tantric Buddhist religious life in Mongolia the center of the exhibition.
- Tibetan Buddhism: Beliefs and HistoryTibetan Buddhism focuses on the techniques, teachings, and vows of the Theravada and the cosmology and philosophical content of the Mahayana.
- Aspects of the Buddhist CosmologyCorrespondingly, they are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the cessation of suffering, and the truth of the path to the cessation of suffering.
- Myanmar Buddhism: Between Controversy and EcumenismFirstly, the formation of a Buddha through the ritual performance by placing and identifying within a person’s body the traits of the Buddha that, in turn, become the Buddha.
- Buddhist Meditation’s Impact on HealthMy goal is to determine whether Buddhist meditation can help an individual find a sense of mental, emotional, and spiritual balance in their life.
- Mahayana Buddhism: Growth and Development of BuddhismThe Mahayana elaboration of this concept is unusual in that it uses the term “bodhisattva” to refer to anyone who has the desire to become a Buddha and does not require that this desire be […]
- Distribution Features of Confucianism and BuddhismConfucianism is more a philosophical doctrine than a religion, and its connection with the East is strong due to the specifics of the Asian mentality.
- Health Beliefs in Buddhist ReligionMoreover, the body and mind are interdependent; thus, Buddhists consider greed, anger, and ignorance as the main aspects affecting the deterioration of human well-being.
- Buddhism and Christianity: Comparison and ContrastThe principal teachings of the religion are on enlightenment which is thought to be attained through a life of self-deprivation. Christianity is evident in the existence of one supreme being who is the creator of […]
- Buddhism and the Definition of ReligionOn the one hand, the concepts of ‘laukika’ and ‘lokottara,’ which can be roughly translated as ‘of the world’ and ‘not of the world,’ more or less corresponding to Western ideas of profane and sacred.
- Why Was the Silk Road So Important in the Spread of BuddhismThe fundamental importance was the spread of Buddhism from India to the rest of the world. Trade development along the Silk Road resulted in the expansion of Buddhism to Eastern Asia and China.
- Hinduism, Buddhism, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Ramayana in the News MediaIt also implies that the government of the country where Hinduism is the predominant religion is concerned because of the mistakes revealed by mass media.
- Architeture and Function in Buddhism, Christianity, and Islamic ReligionIn Buddhism religion, various architectural structures like Stupas which are oldest in Buddhism and Pagodas which are major form of architectural structures in Buddhism have been used for long time up to date.
- Buddhism: Ancient Wisdom and Modern TimesThe problem of wanting more and more is often the main reason why people fail to follow the Five Precepts of Buddhism, resort to violence, get lost in indulging themselves, and defy moral principles.
- Healthy Grief: Kübler-Ross, Job, and Buddhist Stages of GrievingThe author also recognizes the fact that the five phases of grieving do not necessarily manifest in the same order in everyone. In the ‘anger’ stage, people begin to comprehend the reality of the situation.
- Soul Concept in Islam and BuddhismAnd since this pursuit is ever continual, the soul is therefore eternal.’The Soul’ in Buddhism: One of the most distinct concepts of Buddhism is the assertion that there is no soul.
- Religion. How Buddhism Views the WorldEvaluating the general information about this religion, it appears that Buddhism is seen as one of the most popular and widespread religions on the earth the reason of its pragmatic and attractive philosophies which are […]
- Animal Ethics From the Buddhist PerspectiveIn biomedical research and ethics, one of the most frequently debated issues regarding the use of animals in healthcare research is the concept of animal rights.
- Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism in America: A Country of Many ReligionsThis paper aims to explore the impact of Islam, Hindu, and Buddhism on the diversity in America today and answer the question what role they are playing in the society.
- Buddhism in China: Yogācāra BuddhismHowever, the logical structure of the Yogak ra was not mere speculation, and the ultimate scopes of tradition remained the attainment of the Buddhahood and liberation from the Sams ra.
- China Impact on Transformation of Buddhist TeachingsThe unique Chinese Buddhist tradition was formed under the impact of the long-established worldview of the Chinese culture on the original ideas of Buddhism.
- No-Self or Anatman Concept in BuddhismIn his teachings, the Buddha used the idea of no-self to disprove the logical consistency of seeing people as creatures that are independent in terms of perception and knowledge.
💡 Easy Buddhism Essay Topics
- The Unexamined Life and the Buddhist Four Noble TruthsOne is happy to see healthy grandkids playing in the green backyard of the beautiful house because the life goals are met and this brings happiness because there have been so many questions and uncertainties […]
- Comparing Early Christian and Buddhist SculptureDuring his reign, the territory of the Byzantine Empire expanded significantly, having become the largest during the whole history of the Byzantine Empire; it is possible to say that the cult of Justinian existed in […]
- Nirvana in Buddhism and Atman in HinduismThe Mantras which is the text of the Vedas are the personification of the Brahman and are divided into two forms which are the karma-Kanda and the Jnana-Kanda.
- How Tibetan Buddhism Is Represented by HollywoodLITTLE BUDDHA is a well-represented film by Hollywood that tells the story of Jesse Conrad and has a major parallels story of a prince Siddhartha in which the story talks about the birth of Buddhism.
- The History of Buddhism in Korea: Origin, Establishment, and DevelopmentThe Koryo dynasty’s era witnessed the creation of the Korean Tripitaka, this is a collection of all of the Buddhist sacred books or the scriptures and era of the spread of Buddhism also the period […]
- Buddhism. “The Burmese Harp” Drama FilmWhen the Japanese troops are supposed to surrender and a soldier is sent to other Japanese troops to tell them to drop their guns, they deny the orders and continue to fight and thereby, continue […]
- Ways in Which the Hindu and Buddhist Philosophy Criticize the Body as a Source of Suffering Yet Use It as Path to EnlightenThe level of how weakness and sensibility to pain, adversity is discouraged is shown when the lord Krishna makes it a point to elaborate to Arjuna, that in his position as a warrior he has […]
- Buddhism and Greater Peace: Conflict, Visions of PeaceThe main reason for this Buddhism teaches is that by encouraging people in the communities to live in peace with neighbors, chances of conflicts would greatly be diminished.
- The Feminine Aspect of Tibetan BuddhismOne of the inspiring stories of the first of enlightened females in the literature is of Princess Yeshe Bawa who was a follower of the Buddha of her time and was determined to become enlightened.
- Existence Viewed by Modern America, Buddhism, and ChristianityHumans of all generations and historical periods seek to find the answer to the cause about the cause of life, the destiny and the role of each human in the life of others.
- Karuna Part of Spiritual Path in Buddhism and JainismThe purpose of this paper is to study the concept of karuna in Buddhism and its relevance to the two major sects in that religion namely Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism.
- Buddhism in Koryo AnalysisAlthough some of the concepts similar to the teachings Buddhism had spread to Paschke and Koguyo, the places inhabited by the Koryo people, the religion preached by Buddha could not be firmly established in two […]
- Meeting of Buddhist Monks and NunsThe stupa became a symbol of the Buddha, of his final release from the cycle of birth and rebirth – the Parinirvana or the “Final Dying,” the monk explained. He explained that the main Buddha […]
- Presenting Christianity to BuddhismA Buddhist can therefore relate to the phrase ‘kingdom of God’ as the process of living and discovering the heaven that is located within a person’s heart.
- Three Jewels of Buddhism and Their RoleThe three jewels of Buddhism which are the main ideals at the heart of Buddhism are together identified as the Three Jewels, or the Three Treasures.
- Buddhism and William James’ Theory of ReligionsIt can also be learned from the theory that philosophy is the head of emancipation, and the proletariat is its heart.
- Formation and Development of Tibetan Buddhist CanonKangyur means “translations of the word” of the Buddhas and consists of sutras, tantras, and the root texts attributed to the Buddhas Buddha Shakyamuni and later enlightened beings, like Guru Padmasambhava.
- Buddhist Teachings Allegory in “Monkey” by LamportThe Monkey is one of the masterpieces of literature that contains the ethics, morality, religion, and culture of the Eastern world.
- Monkey Novel as an Allegory of Buddhist TeachingsThe purpose of this paper is to explain why Monkey is an allegory of Buddhist teachings in the selected novel. The reader also observed that Tripitaka is a representation of the physical outcomes and experiences […]
- Buddhism. Allegory in “The Monkey and the Monk”In The Monkey & the Monk: an Abridgment of the Journey to the West, the Monkey is one of the main protagonists of the book, as is apparent from its title.
- Buddhism Spread as Globalization of KnowledgeModern Buddhism has been integrated as a key part of the globalization movement, and it explains why the faith has spread throughout different parts of the world. The correlation between Buddhism and globalization stems from […]
- Buddhism in Different Historical RegionsHe became Buddha and gathered disciples in the valley of the Ganges who spread the knowledge and contributed to the scripture.
- Nirvana and Other Buddhism ConceptsDifferent regions have adopted specific ways of being religious that have been influenced by the cultural attributes of the people, influence from other religions, and the ideas associated with various Asian philosophies.
- Buddhism in the 19th and 20th CenturiesThe 19th and 20th centuries brought challenges and opportunities for Buddhism, as a religious sect, which underlined the need for change from an amorphous and disorganized outfit to the formation of institutions of governance and […]
- Changes to Buddhism in Modern TimesBuddhism originated in the middle of the first millennium BC in northern India as an opposition to the religion of Brahmanism that dominated in those days. Tolerance of Buddhism undoubtedly contributes to its attractiveness in […]
- Religion in Japan: Buddhism, Shintoism, and DaoismUnlike in different European and American nations, the citizens of this country uphold unique ideas informed by the concepts of Buddhism and Shintoism.
- The Tibetan Buddhism LectureOn the journey to Nirvana, traditions of donation of money and donation of the body are important, as charity is said to benefit those around you and make the journey easier. Tibetan Buddhism is very […]
- World Religions: Confucianism and BuddhismBirth as the first stage of human life is supported by rituals that have to protect the woman and her child.
- Religions: Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and IslamIn the Bhagavad Gita, three yogas, or paths to liberation, are outlined: jnana yoga, which liberates one via knowledge; karma yoga, which liberates one via actions; and bhakti yoga, which liberates one via devotion.
- Buddhism and Christianity: Comparative Religious AnalysisThe wiremen’s interpretation of the dream was that there was going to be born a son to the royal family. Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, Siddharta was a son to the Queen.
- Buddhism Practices, Theories, Teachings, RitualsThe author provides the evolution of Buddhism and the main religious figures that influenced the formation of the Buddhist vision of the world.
- Religious Rituals in Judaism and BuddhismThis whole process causes the religious follower to learn that the sacred or the spiritual is a vital part of the human world.
- Filial Piety in Zen Buddhist Discursive ParadigmNevertheless, there appears to have been a phenomenological quality to the development in question, because during the initial phase of Buddhism’s expansion into China this concept used to be commonly regarded contradictory to the religion’s […]
- The Role of Meditation in Indian and Tibetan BuddhismSome of the claims in the article sound farfetched, but it is apparent that one of the characteristics of the Tibetan Buddhists is the mystical powers possessed by some of the individuals.
- Confucianism and Daoism Influence on Zen BuddhismThe concept of “emptiness” and “nothingness” is often mentioned and discussed in Zen philosophy. Together with the concept of ephemerality, Zen and Daoism explain that reality is conceived rather than seen.
⭐ Buddhism Research Paper Topics
- Descartes’ and Buddhist Ideas of Self-ExistenceIt is the assumption of this paper that Descartes’ perspective and the teachings of Buddha on the self are inherently incompatible due to their different perspectives on what constitutes “the self”.
- Buddhist Traditional Healing in Mental HealthTo understand the traditional healing in Buddhist culture in mental health, it is important to start by understanding the origin of Buddhism as a religion.
- Buddhism as the Most Peaceful ReligionHe is mainly spread on the East of our planet, that is why it is not surprising that it is one of the most popular and recognized religions all over the world, as the majority […]
- Four Noble Truths in Buddhist TeachingThe Buddha said that there is dukkha, there is an origin of dukkha, there is an end of dukkha and there is a path that leads to the end of dukkha.
- Zen Buddhism Religion in Japanese CultureThe uniqueness of Zen is in rejecting the importance of doctrines and emphasizing the role of the spiritual growth of the person through the practice of meditation.
- The Highest Good of Buddhism: ArahantshipThis state of awakening is the highest good that a human being can achieve, and all Buddhists are urged to aspire to achieve it.
- Buddhism Studies in the Far EastThis emanates from the fact that the religion is only popular in one part of the world. Woo writes that it is possible to have many misconceptions about a belief, a religion and a practice […]
- Asian Religions in Practice: Buddhism, Islam and SikhismThis school of thought claims that salvation is possible through believing in the power of Amitabha and the desire to be reborn in a gracious place. This means that it advocates for people to be […]
- Religious Teachings of Buddhist DoctrineTo substantiate the validity of his opinion, in this respect, Nagasena came up with the ‘parable of the lamp.’ According to the monk, just as it is the case with the flame of a burning […]
- Bhagavad Gita: Buddhism and Ancient Indian PhilosophyFirst of all, it should be said that Bhagavad Gita is a part of the great epic of Mahabharata, which is known to be one of the greatest literary works of Ancient India.
- David Hume’s and Buddhism Self Concepts CorrelationHume’s philosophy is based on the ideas that all the knowledge of the world is gained from the interaction of human’s experiences and the thoughts.
- Women and the Buddhist ReligionAccording to Arvandi Sharma, ancient Indian women chose to become Buddhists nuns purely due to the influence of Buddha’s positive ways, teachings and the Buddhism doctrines.
- India’s Women in Buddhism’ ReligionRegarding the place of women in Buddhism, it is interesting to note that Buddhism is not attached to any gender despite the fact that Buddha himself has historically been a man.
- Buddhism and Christianity ComparisonIn Buddhism, the ultimate goal is the acquisition of the Nirvana state, a state in which one is relieved of egos, desires, and cravings and saved from the suffering experienced due to reincarnations.
- Buddhism Religion History in ChinaThe differences between the two regions of China led to the advancement of the northern and southern disciplines hence the emergence of the Mahayana Buddhism.
- To What Extent Was China a Buddhist Country?The religion was associated with super powers and the potential to prosper, and thus many people were challenged to learn and experience it since it had compatible aspects with the Chinese Daoism.
- Buddhism Religion in the East Asian SocietiesThis paper explores an argument whether Buddhism was a change for better or worse for the East Asian societies and concludes that even though Buddhism created a lot of discomfort during the period of introduction, […]
- Religious Studies: Morality in BuddhismIn this case, much attention should be paid to a collection of restrictions or taboos that should govern the decisions or actions of a person. This is one of the issues that should not be […]
- Buddhism Characteristics and AttributesThe readings under analysis focus on the main characteristics and attributes of Buddhism, as well as on schools of thought that emerged due to the spread of this teaching.
- The Comparison of Buddhism and Daoism PrinciplesThe foundational spiritual beliefs of Daoism are the idea of Tao as the search for the right way in order to achieve the universal harmony, the idea of reincarnation and eternal soul, and the principle […]
- Dalai Lama and Buddhism TraditionDalai Lama did not seem to care for the consequences that would follow as a result of his engagement in political activities, and was ready to engage in extremely risky activities for the sake of […]
- Anapanasati: As a Method for Reading the Buddhist GoalThe third state of this method is primarily related to the emotions of a person. This is one of the main aspects that should be considered by scholars and people who are interested in Buddhism.
- Buddhism in a Post- Han ChinaHowever, the influence of Buddhism was because of the collapse of the Han dynasty in 220 AD. After the fall of the Han, most of the scholars in China abandoned the Confucian philosophy that had […]
- Buddhism Believer’s Practice: MeditationThe basic practices in meditation are taught according to the original teachings of the historical Buddha. The practice of meditation in Buddhism is primarily divided into two categories: insight and tranquility.
- Buddhism Psychology in Changing Negative BehaviorsThe concept of the bad habit is nonexistent if the intention to do harm to self or others is not manifested. In Buddhism psychology, the action of intention is not immediately established from an individual […]
- Buddhism on Animal TreatmentFollowers of Buddhism adhere to a strict code of ethics when it comes to the treatment of animals. Another prominent belief in Buddhism is the practice of releasing animals into the world.
- How Zen Buddhism Has Influenced the Development of Tea CeremonyThis tea is served in a tranquil environment and involves a set of practices which hold a lot of relevance to all those who participate in the ceremony.
- Thich Nhat Hanh’s Engaged BuddhismInterreligious dialogue is a conversation and exchange of valuable ideas between religions and faiths for the purpose of discussing the subject of love, non-violence, and solutions to problems and ills of the present world.
- Christianity vs. BuddhismOn the other hand, Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The use of statues is common in Buddhism while the Catholics and Orthodox are the frequent users of statues in […]
- Buddhism: The History of Development3 Perception of the world among Buddhists One of the staunch belief systems of the Buddhists is attached on the notion that solution to problems can be caused through suffering.
- Siddhartha Gautama and BuddhismThe knowledge is summarized in the four noble truths, which include life means suffering, the cessation of suffering is attainable, the origin of suffering is attachment, and the path to the cessation of suffering.
- Asian Studies: Confucianism and Buddhism in ChinaFor this reasons, Buddhism is popular followed in China and has contributed to the growth of the Chinese culture up to date.
- Morality in BuddhismThe purpose of this paper is to expound on the concept of morality in Buddhism, and how the various Buddhist teachings, such as the Four Noble Truths, have enhanced my morality in me and in […]
- Tibetan Buddhist and Christian Symbols of WorshipThis paper is an in-depth exploration of the symbols used in Tibetan Buddhism and Christianity and their respective meanings. Some of the symbols of Tibetan Buddhism include the stupa, the wheel and the lotus.
- Buddhism, Sikhism and Baha’ismIt teaches about the Gurus; the Sikhs believe in God referred to as Waheguru that is wonderful Lord and the creator of all things.
🔎 Buddhism Writing Prompts
- The Zen Temple as the Place of Worship in Japanese Zen Buddhism
- Buddhism in Canada
- Buddhism and Its impact on Japan
- Newspaper Response on Buddhism
- How Does Mahayana Differ From Early Buddhism?
- Buddhism in China: Origin and Expansion
- Religion of Christianity and Buddhism – Similarities and Difference
- Anger Emotion and Buddhism
- Padmasambhava’ Effects on Buddhist Beliefs
- Buddhism as a Sacred Tradition
- Buddhism’s Things and Ideas
- Buddhism: Analysis of the Religion’s Faith and Practices
- The Confluence of Buddhism and Hinduism in India
- The Origin of Buddhism
- Misconceptions About Buddhism
- Zen Buddhism and Oneida Community
- Dialogue Over the Interfaith Christian and Buddhist Perspectives
- Buddhism & Hinduism: Comparisons and Contractions
- Buddhism and Hinduism
🥇 Most Interesting Buddhism Topics to Write about
- A Brief Comparison of Native American Religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Confucianism, and Taoism
- A Biography of Buddhism Born From a Single Man Siddhartha Gautama the Buddha in Factors in Achieving Enlightenment
- A Comparative Study between the Teachings of Two World Religions: Islam and Buddhism
- Affirmative Action Confucius Buddhism And Taoism
- An Analysis of Buddhism in Women and World Religions
- A History of Buddhism and an Analysis of the Teachings of the Buddha
- A History of the Influence of Buddhism and Hinduism on the South Asian Culture
- An Analysis of Buddhism First Sermon Which Should be Treated With Circumspection
- The Concept of Buddhism and the Figure of Buddha as a Central Symbol and Reality for Buddhist Monks
- Convergence of Ideas About Christianity and Buddhism in Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hanh
- Early Life of Buddha, His Enlightenment, Founding of Buddhism and the Buddhist Literature
- An Analysis of Impermanence, Selflessness and Dissatisfaction on Buddhism as a Religion Nor a Philosophy
- Life and Teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), the Founder of Buddhism
- An Argument in Favor of the Quote Life is Dukkha and Explanation of My Opinion on the Goals of Buddhism
- An Examination of Asian Philosophy and the Different Philosophical Schools: Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism and Confucianism
- An Overview of the Selflessness in Buddhism and the Works by Buddha in Contrast to the Monks
- Buddhism And Pop Culture Details The Comparison Between The Movies The Matrix And Fight Club And Buddhists Beliefs
- Buddhism: The Discipline and Knowledge for a Spiritual Life of Well-Being and the Path to Awakening the Nirvana
- Enlightened Revolutionary How King Asoka Entrenched Buddhism into Indian
- Reincarnation as an Important Part of the Teachings of Tibetan Buddhism
- Religion and Homosexuality: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Growing Popularity of the Tibetan Buddhism and the Suspicion of the Non-Believers
- Zen Buddhism And Its Relationship To The Practical Psychology Of Daily Living
✅ Controversial Buddhism Topics for Essay
- How Buddhism Reflect The Human Understanding Of God?
- How Does Buddhism Relate And Help To Formulate A Local Understanding Of Transsexuals In Thailand?
- How Climate Change is Affecting Human Civilization and the Relationship Between Buddhism and Climate Change in Today’s Society?
- How Buddhism Has Interacted With Nature And Environment?
- What Role Does Karma Play in Buddhism? Who Does It Affect, and How Does It Affect Them in This Life, the Afterlife, and the Next Life?
- What do Buddhism and Christianity Teach About the Significance, Purpose And Value of Human Life?
- What Are The Core Beliefs Of Buddhism? How Do Buddhists View Craving?
- Why Are Experiences of Stillness and Reflection (Meditation) Important to Buddhism?
- Why A Key Part Of The Beliefs Of Tibetan Buddhism Is Reincarnation?
❓ Research Questions about Buddhism
- How Applied Buddhism Affected Peoples Daily Activities?
- What Is the Influence of Shen Hui on Chinese Buddhism?
- How Buddhism and Hinduism Share a Belief That Life Suffering Is Caused by Desire?
- What Are the Similarities and Differences Between Buddhism and Jainism?
- How Has Tibetan Buddhism Been Incorporated Into Modern Psychotherapy?
- What Are the Key Differences Between Christianity and Buddhism?
- How Is Japanese Culture Related to Buddhism?
- What Parallels and Deviations Can Science Learn From Buddhism?
- Precisely How Zen Buddhism Gives Influenced the Progress of Tea Services?
- Why Did the Rise of Buddhism in Britain Come About?
- What Are Buddhist Beliefs and the Role of the Dalai Lama in Tibetan Buddhism?
- How Did Chinese Culture Shape a New Form of Buddhism?
- What Significant Overlap Between Buddhism and Neuroscience Research Work?
- How does Buddhism Affect Chinese Culture History?
- What Is the Middle Way According to Mahayana Buddhism?
- How Did Buddhism Appear and Spread?
- What Are the Similarities Between Buddhism and Christianity?
- How Did Buddhism Spread in Southeast Asia?
- What Are the Differences Between Hinduism and Buddhism?
- What Is the Impact of Buddhism on Western Civilization?
- What Are the Beliefs and Values of Buddhism?
- How Do Buddhists View Craving?
- What Are the Core Beliefs of Buddhism?
- What Does Buddhism Teach?
- Why Did Buddhism Become So Powerful in Ancient History?
- What Role Did Zen Buddhism Play in Shaping the Art of Japan?
- What Role Does Karma Play in Buddhism?
- When Buddhism Was the Dominant Tradition in India?
- Who Were the Founders of Buddhism in Japan?
- Why Did Buddhism Fail To Take Hold in India?