103 Communism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Communism Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. The Communist Manifesto: Rhetorical Analysis
    In the exordium, the authors introduce the text with a hook by stating, “A spectre stalks the land of Europe the spectre of communism”.
  2. Similarities and Differences Between Communism and Democratic Socialism
    This is because, according to the proponents of both ideologies, in Capitalist countries, the majority of ordinary citizens are denied the right to have a fair share in the national wealth.
  3. Karl Marx and the “Communist Manifesto”
    He outlined a framework of the future course of events on which he based prescriptions for a strategy on the part of those who wished to change the nature of society.= The Communist Manifesto was […]
  4. Communism and Capitalism Through the History
    In this system, the means of product and service production is mainly carried out and owned by the individuals instead of the government while communism also known as fascism is contrary to this where production […]
  5. Rhetorical Analysis of the Communist Manifesto
    A famous philologist and linguist Bakhtin described the use of language in its relation to the particular circumstances and he emphasized the process of subject formation: “pre-empts the phenomenological theory of the subject by producing […]
  6. Socialist Market Economy and Communism in China
    A socialist economy is defined as an economy whose main objective is to create equality and ensure that the means of production in the market is owned by the working class of the state. The […]
  7. The Reasons behind the Success of the 1949 Communist Revolution in China
    The emergence of the state of Communist China in 1949 was one of the most significant events of the 20th century and the Communist Revolution which led to its emergence is hailed as one of […]
  8. Human Nature in Marx’s “The Communist Manifesto” and Dostoyevsky’s “Notes From Underground“
    In such an arrangement, there is a tendency to have the opinion that the development of one individual is a benchmark for the development of another, which eventually leads to laxity among some individuals.
  9. How Realistic or Desirable Was Marx’s Idea of Communism?
    This was to be made possible through nationalization of the means of production and putting them under the control of the workers; the individuals who he viewed to be the major producers of wealth.
  10. Capitalism Versus Communism
    In the case of capitalism this comes in the form of the widening gap between the rich and the poor while in the case of communism this comes in the form of economic stagnation due […]
  11. Communism and Nazism
    Additionally, the two doctrines Nazism and Communism assert that, it is the economy, which is responsible for all goods and services, and therefore, the public should plan, control and own these goods and services through […]
  12. The Communism History: Red Scare and McCarthyism Facts
    The quote means that the world was afraid of a new World war to happen; this is why the most powerful states of the planet became very suspicious of each other.”The climate of fear and […]
  13. Gorbachev’s Ideas: Communist Society and Economy
    Lack of support from the commoners and the leaders led to very slight changes in the economy. In conclusion, not all of Gorbachev’s efforts to improve the country’s economy bore much fruits.
  14. The Anti-Communist Movements’ Impact on the US
    The first was in 1917-1920 and was associated with the fear of revolution in the United States. In the second wave, despite some warming of relations between the USSR and the U.S.in the 1930s, back […]
  15. Nazism in Germany and Communism in the Soviet Union
    In particular, it is essential to note that they were characterized by totalitarian thinking as one of the distinguishing features of the first half of the twentieth century and the times of faith in science […]
  16. McCarthyism and Anti-Communist Campaigns
    Hence, 1917 was the starting point and impetus for the development of communism and movements against the “Reds,” when the number of strikes in the United States increased against the background of the Russian Revolution.
  17. Boyer’s The Historical Background of the Communist Manifesto
    The central argument of Boyer is that Marx wrote this Manifesto during the “hungry”1840s, years when there was a collapse in the economic sector, and communism was well thought of during the coming up of […]
  18. The U.S. Reforms Against the Spread of Communism
    Though the U.S.did not manage to protect South Vietnam from communist forces, its spread to the rest of Southeast Asia was blocked, and it is possible to consider this reform effective.
  19. Successful Anti-Communist Foreign Policies
    This allowed the U.S.to maintain a capitalist presence in Berlin and convinced Western Europe that the new enemy was the communist U.S.S.R.
  20. Impact of Communism on the Plot Development
    First of all, it is necessary to mention that the political theme in the novel is represented as the background of the main theme and the main occasions of the plot.
  21. Christians in Communism and Capitalism
    After viewing the video “The Cold War in Context,” the role of Christians in analyzing the war and the concepts of capitalism and communism can be clarified.
  22. Fully Automated Luxury Communism
    It is often presented as a more humane alternative to capitalism and the ultimate solution to most problems caused by the system.
  23. Education in Marxism: The Communist Manifesto
    Karl Marx is the founder of new doctrine and the author, together with Friedrich Engels, of the Communist Manifesto, one of the most influential documents in the history of humankind.
  24. World History in The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx
    Communism is the political and economic teaching which goal is to abolish private property and a profit-based economy and introduce public ownership and communal control of the resources instead.

👍 Good Essay Topics on Communism

  1. End of Communism in Eastern Europe
    This was followed by the Marxist facts in Europe that de-Stalinized the Soviet Union and led to the easing of the cold war in the 1950’s.
  2. Communism and Totalitarianism: Political Ideologies Comparison
    As much as this is a good policy for the good of the larger population, it hinders the development of the agriculture sector of the economy that is the backbone of most economies especially in […]
  3. Reasons for the Collapse of Communism
    These economists believed that the problems encountered in society today are due to the unequal distribution of wealth and resources and hence to bring an end to this, the gap between the rich and type […]
  4. Historiography of East, West Frameworks on Eastern European Women During Communist Era
    While discussing women’s roles in the communist era of the Eastern Europe, Peto shows that in the post-communist there developed a feminist side of history, but before which history was grossly dominated by patriarchal views.
  5. Capitalism and Industrialization in the “Communist Manifesto” by Marx
    In fact, the Communist Manifesto is clear in indicating that industrialization was a process that led to the overall improvement of society in doing away with the hardships of the majority of the population.
  6. Communism in the Soviet Union
    In order to understand the processes which occurred in the Soviet Union and led to its disintegration and collapse, it is necessary to consider the development of the state, form of government, the state regime, […]
  7. Post-Communist Russian Politics
    Then throw is the challenge of having to establish a new platform that would aid in the promotion of cordial relationships between on the one hand, the military personnel and on the other hand, the […]
  8. Communism of Karl Marx and the Soviet Union
    The seizure of Winter Palace by the Bolsheviks gave birth to the communist movement in 1917, when and died in 1989, with the fall of the Berlin Wall and in 1991, when the Soviet Union […]
  9. Overview and History of Communism: New Socialist System After 1917
    It contributed to the decline of the empires of the European powers while giving a tremendous boost to the influence of the united state of America; it led to the overthrow of Russian tsarism and […]
  10. Effects of Fall of Communism in Russia
    The elevation of Mikhail Gorbachev as the successor of Stalin brought about “perestroika” program whose aim was to restructure the political system of the Soviet Union.
  11. Different Aspects of Socialism and Communism
    After the collapse of the largest country in the world, the USSR, covering almost half of the continent, with the regime performing within this country, people tend to analyze the mistakes, which were made by […]
  12. Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto Analysis
    The class-consciousness in the capitalist society like United States, according to Marx was instilled in the minds of feudal and capitalist bourgeoisies and not in the working class proletariat.
  13. The Result of Western Capitalism Fueling Communism
    The paper starts with the history of China and elucidates the entry of western capitalism into China in different stages, including the historic opium wars.
  14. “The Manifesto of the Communist Party” by Marx & Engels
    They voiced their discontent with the capitalist mode of production instead of focusing on the possibilities of adapting a political theory that will favor collectivism in a classless society. In the third chapter of the […]
  15. Communism Versus Organic Solidarity
    The article presents a brief overview of the meaning of the terms communism and organic solidarity and compares and contrasts them with respect to societal interactions.
  16. Economy of Capitalism, Communism, Fascism and Socialism
    Government structure: the structure of the government in the two countries, involves federal governments that are led by the political elites in the countries. The government has the duty of formulating policies that regulate the […]
  17. “The Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
    Since the political views of the leaders were shaped in a different social environment and by the time Marx and Engels were coining The Communist Manifesto, European economy and society had undergone considerable development, there […]
  18. The Documentary “The Lost World of Communism”
    Romania was no exception, and the period from the 1960s to the 1980s is known as an epoch of the Ceausescu dictatorship. It reveals the dreadful truth about the power of the Ceausescu family and […]
  19. Communism and Its Worldwide Impact
    The idea was to redistribute the wealth of the upper class among the poorer cohort of the population in order to achieve this equality, but it was also vital to communism that all manufacturing be […]
  20. History in Marx’s Manifesto of the Communist Party
    The Manifesto of the Communist Party is a powerful source of information about the most crucial force in history that is the attention to social and personal interests, the peculiarities of the bourgeoisie with its […]
  21. The Communist Manifesto and Japan in 20th Century
    The industrialization process in this country was contributed by many individuals and groups due to the communist’s way of governance in the country.
  22. “The Manifesto of the Communist Party”
    The authors of this manuscript provided their own explanation of the nature of the society, the gap between classes as its ever-present historical characteristic, and the predicted development and failure of the capitalist way of […]
  23. US Anti-Communism in “Memories of the Red Decade”
    The intended audience of the article includes historians and scholars interested in this subject, ideological sympathizers of the author, and the students of History Departments willing to study the inside of Communist moods and movements […]
  24. Chinese Communist Party and Authoritarian Regime
    According to Pye, “the turmoil of Cultural Revolution in China and the subsequent crisis of legitimacy…have been central features of traditional Chinese political culture”.
  25. The Chinese Communist Party
    The country’s contentious politics contribute to the stabilization of the authoritarian regime, which has eased political transition to the extent that the country has failed to achieve democratization.
  26. Communism in Eastern Europe
    Therefore, when the call of solidarity was made, there were a lot of people ready and willing to be part of the movement. To them, solidarity was a way of fighting against the evils in […]
  27. Communism Collapse in the USSR
    The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was one of the earliest communist societies to embrace the ideologies of communism. The collapse of communism in the USSR began in 1989 after the fall of the Berlin […]
  28. Communist Manifesto, Time and Social Issues
    The primary issue of the manifesto is the vagaries in which the bourgeoisie subject and subjugate the proletariat, all in the struggle for private property.
  29. The United States Confrontation to Communism
    By 1962, the Russian premier maintained the same uncertainty on the nuclear potential of the US, who were a prime threat to the Soviet Union.
  30. The Cultural Revolution in China and the Chinese Communist Party
    The need to address Mao’s interests in the rivalry with his opponents was disguised in the fight for the preservation of socialism in China through the Cultural Revolution.
  31. Afghan Communism and Soviet Intervention
    The purpose of this paper is to get a better perspective and understanding of Afghan communism and the Soviet intervention by critically analyzing the communism ideology and how it aided the Soviet Union to join […]
  32. Equality to All? Karl Marx’s “The Communist Manifesto”
    In many western nations, the classical movement was driven by the quest to transform the economy and the political philosophy. The intention was to meet the needs and aspirations of the colonial powers.
  33. Communism in the 20th Century China
    Although the Japanese remained in control of the cities, the people of China started to view the communists as the probable force behind China’s liberation.
  34. The Communist Party in Russia
    Brief Historical Overview The collapse of the Soviet Union initiated the decline of the Communist party with the decline reaching an ultimate following the outlawing of the party by Boris Yeltsin.

💡 Most Interesting Communism Topics to Write about

  1. Communism in China and Its Effects
    Consequently, the stretch of communism in the region resulted into the establishment of the People Republic of China in the fiscal nineteen forty-nine.
  2. The communist Party in the Soviet Union and China
    This paper explores some of the factors that may account for the failure of the communist party in Russia, as well as factors contributing to the success of the Communist party in China2.
  3. Triumph at Kapyong: Canada’s Response to Communist Attacks
    The book focuses on the Battle of Kapyong, a minor group of hills in the northeastern part of Seoul and Bjarnason as well uses most of his story to explain the incidents which resulted to […]
  4. Global Culture: Communism Ideologies Relative to Arjun Appadurai’s Argument
    Appadurai argues that the complexity of global culture is due to economic, political, and social disjunctures that exist in the modern world.
  5. Socialism and Communism after Marx
    However; Karl Marx failed in his Marxism theory as a result of the establishment of the middle class. Following Karl Marx’s demise in 1844, Friedrich Engels who was became the narrator of the Marxism theory […]
  6. How Does Revolutionary Communism Compare With Democratic Socialism?
    Revolutionary communism holds it that the capitalism would never let go of their hold on community and political power and as such, only a violent revolution can result in the changes that communism calls for.
  7. Influence of Nationalism and Communism on the Non-Western World
    In countries like Japan, class mantra was the order of the day in the areas that were controlled by communists, the CCP which was the main political party was against agrarian radicalism and hence abandoned […]
  8. Love and Marriage during the Era of Mao in Communist China
    In the Mao era, the law did not allow polygamous marriage in the Chinese community and through such, the sale of young females within the society ended.
  9. How Capitalism Beat Communism/Socialism
    This is exactly the reason why USSR was doomed to collapse in just about every society, the functioning of which is being concerned with the observance of Socialist principles, the prolonged continuation of social, cultural […]
  10. Journey into the Whirlwind: A True Story of an Ordinary Communist Woman
    She is often at the death’s doors, but she manages to stay alive “to spite them” as she is “consumed by the desire to survive the tragedy”. In spite of her lasting imprisonment and all […]
  11. The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx
    Marx predicted the persistent demo of commoditization and additional escalating growth of the capitalist bazaar as one day pursuing the bourgeoisie above the facade of the world.

❓ Questions About Communism

  1. Why Is the Transition From Communism So Difficult?
  2. Has Communism Been Good for Cuba?
  3. Why the Vietnam War Was an Unsuccessful Effort by the United States Against Communism?
  4. How Did Albania Change From a Communism to Democracy?
  5. Why Was the USA Unable to Defeat Communism in Asia Between 1965-1973?
  6. Was Mikhail Gorbachev Responsible for the Fall of Communism in Russia?
  7. How Did Australia Respond to the Threat of Communism in 1950?
  8. Was Americas Main Aim to Stop the Spread of Communism in Europe?
  9. How Did Communism Influence the US Foreign Policy After WWII?
  10. What Caused the Clash Between Communism and Capitalism During the Cold War?
  11. How Did Communism Succeeding in China Affect U.S. Foreign Policy?
  12. What Does Animal Farm Tell Us About George Orwell’s Attitude to Communism Under Stalin?
  13. How Did Modern Communism Fail?
  14. What’s Wrong With Communism?
  15. How Far Was Fear of Communism the Main Reason for the Rise to Power of the Nazi Party?
  16. What Was Life Like Under War Communism?
  17. How Did the Anti-communism Cold War Undermine Some U.S. Freedoms?
  18. When and Why Did Communism Emerge?
  19. How Did the United States Attempt to Stop the Spread of Communism Post-WWII?
  20. Who Was the Man Behind Communism?
  21. How Did the United States Contain Communism in the Cold War?
  22. Why Did Communism and the Soviet Union Collapse by 1991?
  23. How Was America Affected by the Fear of Communism Between 1945 and 1960?
  24. Why Did North Vietnam Embrace Communism?
  25. How Was Cuba and China Lost to Communism?
  26. Why Does Communism Work for China but Not for Russia?
  27. How Was Soviet Life During Communism?
  28. Why Did Karl Marx Think Communism Was the Ideal Political Party?
  29. What Is Socialism and How Is It Different From Communism?
  30. Why Is Communism Considered as Evil (Like Fascism and Nazism) In the United States?

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 21). 103 Communism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/communism-essay-topics/

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"103 Communism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 21 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/communism-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2024. "103 Communism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/communism-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "103 Communism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/communism-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "103 Communism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/communism-essay-topics/.