123 Forecasting Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Forecasting Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Mcdonald’s Company Capacity and Forecasting
    Capacity and forecasting issues for McDonald’s are heightened by the fact that the business covers a wide area of operation and serves millions of customers around the world. The operations at McDonald’s restaurants are subject […]
  2. Forecasting Importance in Modern Supply Chain Management
    The reason for this is to enable the inclusion of information on the future trends, external or internal environment to give a more accurate forecast. The measure of how close actual demand is to the […]
  3. Highline Financial Services’ 4-Quarter Forecasting
    The management of Highline Financial Services has to determine the demand for the services of this organization during the next four quarters.
  4. Judgmental Forecasting and Cases of Its Application
    The solution of problems by experts, their commenting, the formation of quantitative estimates, and the processing of the latter by formal methods is called the method of judgmental forecasting.
  5. Principles of Forecasting and Forecasting Methods
    Numerous forecasting methods assist decision makers in preparing forecasts. Operations within companies need accurate forecasting to determine outcomes.
  6. Formalized Approach Benefits to Forecasting
    On the same note, the overall productivity of a firm is also dictated by the ability to carry out thorough business forecasting.
  7. Forecasting Methods in Business Environment
    Forecasting forms the basis for planning and budgeting in any business organization. It is also necessary for capital expenditure analysis and analysis of mergers and acquisitions.
  8. The Importance of Financial Forecasting
    The users of financial information are always concerned about the future holding of the firm that what has occurred in the past because the past performance and occurrence are not capable to change the history. […]
  9. Reebok Case Study: Forecasting Demand for Jerseys
    Towards the end of the season, the company can increase inventory to meet the demands of the projected customers. The service level for such jerseys would be low to medium.
  10. Domino’s Pizza: Malaysian Market Demand Forecast
    Price of the good is a significant determinant of demand. The independent variables are price, advertisement, income, price of soda, future price changes, and price of pasta.
  11. Lawn King: Creating a Sales Forecast
    Annual Sales Forecast Since the results of the quantitative analysis were in accord with the informed judgement of sales department, it was decided to use the annual forecast provided in Table 1 as the basis […]
  12. E.T. Phone Home, Inc. Forecasting Business Demand
    It is possible to say that these resources have a great impact on the brand name and market position of E.T.
  13. Demand Forecasting in Revenue Managment in the Hotel
    This is despite the ability of a revenue management system to perform multiple tasks in the process. Revenue management systems also support the integration of human judgment and statistical methods in generation of demand forecasts.
  14. The Importance of Forecasting on Sales Management Decision Making
    The sales forecast helps the manufacturing unit of the business in determining the amount of the product in question to produce in a given time.
  15. Passenger Traffic Forecast for Lufthansa Airlines
    The scope of the paper is to address both the short- and long-term needs for the group’s annual passenger volume projections.
  16. Forecasting in Production and Operations Management
    The forecast process includes the gathering of related data. The perspectives include the reasons for conducting the forecast, choice of forecast methods, and preferred forecast questions.
  17. Etihad Airways’ Forecasting and Ticket Ordering
    In the aircraft industry, productivity is not hard to measure due to the transparency of annual reports and a rather visible impact of the core variables on the success of the company.
  18. Industry Forecasting in Ford Motor Company
    Other economic factors affect the ability of a consumer to afford the product on sale making the economic stability a major determinant of the company’s growth.
  19. Effective Forecasting for Competitive Laptop Manufacturing
    The next step is to analyze the data, which is imperative to determine the best way to study the circumstances and make a further plan.
  20. Steps to Create a Comprehensive Budget Proposal with Forecasting Tools
    Finally, after the investigation, managers write a budget proposal and submit it to the leaders. The effective use of tools and skills is essential for creating a budget proposal.
  21. Confidence Intervals in Inventory Management for Demand Forecasting
    Based on a certain degree of confidence, a confidence interval defines a range within which the genuine demand is anticipated to fall.
  22. The Role of Christian Values in Forecasting and Decision-Making
    Christian values have great significance to believers as they can improve their lives and help gain confidence in difficult times in order to make the right decisions.
  23. Comparing Forecasting Methods: One-Dimensional, Multidimensional, and Judgemental Approaches
    The advantages of these methods include low development costs, rapid creation, and the ability of executives to properly understand the situation. If the data is complete and stable, some of the causal methods can be […]
  24. Selecting a Forecasting Method for Volkswagen AG
    The purpose of this paper is to determine the best forecasting method for the stock prices of Volkswagen AG based on the eight points of data between January 19, 2023 and January 30, 2023.
  25. Forecasting and Demand Models for Business Operations Planning
    In 2021 the company had a total of 511 stores worldwide with a revenue generation of $365,817 million, implying that the increase in the number of stores has a positive impact on Apple Inc.’s revenue […]
  26. Health System Forecasting: Advance Access Scheduling
    First of all, since the change in the scheduling system is related to the principle of receiving clients, the changes affect the schemes according to which the medical organization operates.
  27. Inventory Management and Demand Forecasting
    However, qualitative and causal forecasts are considered to be ineffective as inputs to inventory and scheduling decisions. The ineffectiveness of these approaches in inventory and scheduling decisions can be described by their inability to determine […]
  28. Best Homes: Forecasting Methods
    In the case of Best Homes, the company needs to pay attention to these approaches since, at this stage, they are not yet implemented in the organization.
  29. Forecasting Future Exchange Rates
    The efficient market approach requires that all information relevant to the underlying significance of the exchange rate be integrated into the currency’s value.
  30. Supply Chain Disruptions and Forecasting Failure
    Consequently, TP manufacturers should diversify their supply and distribution chains in the aftermath of the pandemic. Lastly, manufacturers should remember the pandemic experience and prepare for the sudden shift to consumer-grade TP production.

👍 Good Essay Topics on Forecasting

  1. National Polls and Election Forecasting
    The primary goal of such polls is to get an image of an overall nationwide opinion judging by the answers given in the poll.
  2. Analysis of Internet Forecasting Industry
    Late Start = Late Finish of the following activity Late Finish = Late Strat Duration of the project The calculation of LS and LF should be conducted from the end of the diagram network. By […]
  3. Gnomial Functions Inc.’s Sales Forecasting Method
    The weighted moving average used four weights to determine the likely level of sales in the next month. Gnomial Functions Inc.should use the weighted moving average to determine the likely level of sales in the […]
  4. Supply Chain Demand Forecasting and Big Data Analytics
    They also point to the idea that the literature is specifically insufficient on the applications of big data analytics: in the event of closed-loop supply chains and accordingly point out the avenues for future study.
  5. Budget Forecasting Value for a Company
    Consequently, there is a noble chance that the average will indicate costs and revenues in the budget. The situation in the market is unstable, so it is difficult to evaluate and predict costs and revenues.
  6. Sales Forecasting in the Oil Industry
    The first factor affecting sales forecasting for the oil industry is based on the fundamental rule of supply and demand that defines the prices on the market and interactions between sellers and buyers.
  7. Financial Forecasting Overview
    Financial forecasting makes it possible to increase enterprise management level since it ensures the close coordination of all production processes and the nature of relations between the economic divisions of the enterprise.
  8. Fashion Forecasting and Trends
    There are a lot of spring tendencies that are widely awaited; however, the designers are most thrilled about the new bottom silhouette.
  9. Boeing Company: Marketing Forecast
    Boeing plans to add 1,000 engineers over the next two years in Long Beach – expansion targets high growth areas.
  10. Sales Forecasting: Service Demand for B2B and B2C Segments
    The research objective is to identify what issues the company needs to address to improve the quality of its service operations.
  11. Precious Metal and Cryptocurrency: Demand Forecasting
    Modern demand forecasting technologies help to minimize working expenses and achieve maximum value from capital investments.
  12. Financial Forecasting and Budgeting in Business
    Budgeting is a regular required practice where management plans expenses, quantifies expectation of revenues, and ultimately sets the financial direction for a company in the short-term, it is a baseline to which actual results are […]
  13. Forecasting Strategy of Seven Cycles
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the way Seven Cycles utilizes its forecasting strategy and the effect it has on its organizational decisions.
  14. Budgeting and Operations Forecast for Marketing Sony Music
    From the above table, it is clear that marketing of the music system of Sony will cost the corporation a good amount of money at least for the first quarter of its foreign venture.
  15. Deutsch Bank Analysis and Performance Forecast
    The big bonus for banks came in the form of the Securitization Bill, which gave banks and institutions opportunity to recover from bad debts.
  16. BNP Paribas Risk Management and Forecasting
    But during the Great Depression, the financial crisis was mainly concentrated on the United States and Europe In the recent financial crisis, however, the recession has affected even the strongest economies like Germany and Japan, […]
  17. World Bank Mining Industry Forecast
    Therefore, this document will use the data provided by the bank to give a projection of mining, in a global capacity.
  18. Fransi Bank’s Financial Analysis and Forecast
    The financial analysis reveals the financial performance of the bank and the key factors that help the bank to be a leading organization in the industry.
  19. Stock Market Forecasting With Multiple Regression Model
    This is the value on the Y axis, meaning that over the time period for which there is data, the stock market Composite Index takes a value of $206.
  20. Improving Demand Forecasting Models: Recommendations
    First of all, demand forecasting should vary for the products in the different life cycles. The advice to implement different demand forecasting processes for products in different life cycles, thus, seems to be an effective […]
  21. Process of Forecasting Sales for the Company
    Forecasting allows the management of business organizations to identify their chances of making a good profit as well their stands in the market while they assure their stakeholders, including the stockholders, to have the resounding […]
  22. Business Logistics Systems and Forecasting
    If the company has to increase the price of goods in order to balance the profit margin.”It will be to the disadvantage of the company because it will be total loss to the company, which […]
  23. Sales Forecasting: System Operation and Control
    Na ve forecast as the name implies is the simplest form of making the sales forecast. It assumes that the forecast for the next period is the same as that of the last period.
  24. Business Plan Proposal: Financial Forecast
    Also according to the plan the company has designed, the sales of tickets and souvenirs will be the basic sources of funding for the museum.
  25. Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment
    It enables partners to electronically access information about one another’s demand, order forecast, and promotional data to anticipate and satisfy future demand.”The CPFR Reference Model provides a basic framework for the flow of information, goods, […]
  26. The Role of Forecasting for Business
    Therefore, the Delphi technique is useful in cases where the data amount is limited, and the opinion of specialists is the only option for performing a forecast.
  27. Forecasting in Operations Management
    A considerable advantage of quantitative forecasting is that it is highly accurate due to the use of statistical modeling and trend analysis.
  28. Revenue Management Plan and Forecasting Models
    What are the opinions of the dominant political parties towards the new project? Are there any political reasons not to raise taxes in the present circumstances?
  29. Integrating Operations Management: Forecasting
    Additionally, the instability of the international markets and oscillations in central showings introduce a particular uncertainty into the functioning of the majority of companies and corporations.
  30. Forecasting Tools in the Sales Rates Prediction
    Compared to the method of SES, the tool in question is clearly more efficient, as linear regression and the MAPE analysis provide solid premises for making very accurate calculations.

💡 Interesting Topics to Write about Forecasting

  1. Capital Asset Pricing Model for Stock Forecasting
    Although some of the fluctuations of the stock have been in the opposite direction to that of the market portfolio, most of the fluctuations have been in the same direction with the market.
  2. Amazon.com’s Popularity and Users Forecasting
    It should be known that Amazon.com has an active website and this is because it is an online company. The webpage offers various individuals an opportunity to make money online and this is a good […]
  3. Market Forecasting Method: How to Choose?
    The seasonal naive method allows utilizing the previous time of the year’s numbers, and the drift method relies on “the average change seen in the historical data”.
  4. Dr. Pepper Snapple Group’s Sales Forecasting
    Pepper’s sales forecasts on other forecasts, explain the role of exogenous factors in forecasting, and assess prerequisites of good forecasts in the process.
  5. Pinnacle Manufacturing Company’s Financial Forecast
    The net income before tax to sales shows that the company is profitable even though there was a slight decline in the rate of growth.
  6. Business Forecasting in Financial Performance Improving
    Business forecasting is used to provide the senior management with business decision alternatives that are derived from the use of a reliable statistical analysis. Quantitative models which are also referred to as statistical models are […]
  7. Forecasting Models in Business Continuity Management
    Linear regression is a forecasting model that uses the assumption of the underlying factor when it is possible to identify some variable that influences a given variable.
  8. LG and Mitsubishi Conditioners: 2016 Demand Forecast
    The analysis of the data table on the prices and total sales of AC systems shows that there is a pattern of overall sales increase that is not threatened by the increase in the prices […]
  9. AutoNation Company’s Sales Forecast for 2015-2016
    The trend in the automotive industry will be similar to that of AutoNation, which makes it possible to forecast the company’s performance in the next two years.
  10. Market Forecasting and Its Importance
    In both situations, the company ends up losing income, and it is the fault of the people that were supposed to be involved in the forecasting of the market.
  11. Forecasting in Management, Its Role and Methods
    It is majorly concerned with the use of past and present trends in the market to determine what may happen in the future. The main difference between the three types of forecasting is the element […]
  12. Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Company’ Demand Forecasting
    The power utility companies used demand for power that was recorded in the past to determine future demand for the commodity.
  13. Forecasting and Preparing Financial Statements
    A new boutique is not exceptional since it is a profit-making entity, and the financial activities have to be tracked effectively for the business to grow and make a profit.
  14. Making Decisions Based on Demand and Forecasting
    The demand for Pizza in this community is believed to be dependent on the population size, the income per house hold, price of Pizza and the demand of soda.
  15. Budget Forecasting and Its Importance in Planning
    Sales = Variable Expenses + Fixed Costs Management team costs = $5,000,000 Interest expense = 3,000,000 Amortization Costs = $200,000,000/10yrs = $20,000,000 Total fixed costs per year = $28,000,000 Variable Costs per Unit Direct material […]
  16. Forecasting the Most Efficient Decision in Business
    Each of the options had its advantages and disadvantages, but based on the past history, it is possible to forecast the most efficient decision.
  17. Economic Indicators and Company Performance Forecasting
    This information suggests that the cost of living in the United States grew during the last year. It can tell about the purchasing power of the population in the country.
  18. Forecasting Process at Bank of Eureka
    Using the data on the growth rate of Money and inflation, run a regression of the rate of inflation on the rate of growth of the money supply.
  19. Financial Forecasting Process Overview
    Financial forecasting refers to the process of estimating and evaluating the future financial results of the organization based on the current available information.
  20. Theoretical Set of Forecasting for a Business
    In the former case, the difference in data is large and therefore the error is higher and in the latter case the error is smaller.
  21. Monsanto Company 2011-2013 Forecast
    In order to achieve this objective the company management embraced the SWOT analysis technique in the management and running of the company.”SWOT analysis focuses on the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of the organization”.
  22. Various Concepts Used in Decision-Making in Business
    In addition to this, businesses and companies tend to use business intelligence to bring about consistency in decision making, emphasize on incorporation of business information and analytical technique into tactical decisions and strategic processes and […]
  23. Forecast Staffing Requirements and Develop Recruitment Tools
    This is because the process determines to a great extent how the activities and practices in a given organization are undertaken depending on the people recruited in regard to the skills and knowledge they possess.

✅ Simple & Easy Forecasting Essay Titles

  1. Bayesian Time-Varying Quantile Forecasting for Value-At-Risk in Financial Markets
  2. Accurate Short-Term Yield Curve Forecasting Using Functional Gradient Descent
  3. Adaptive Dynamic Model Averaging With an Application to House Price Forecasting
  4. Bayesian Inference and Forecasting in the Stationary Bilinear Model
  5. Aggregate and Disaggregate Sector Forecasting Using Consumer Confidence Measures
  6. Aggregate Diffusion Forecasting Models in Marketing: A Critical Review
  7. Adaptive Learning Forecasting, With Applications in Forecasting Agricultural Prices
  8. Adaptive Order Flow Forecasting With Multiplicative Error Models
  9. Analysing and Forecasting Price Dynamics Across Euro Area Countries and Sectors
  10. Forecasting Movements of the Philippine Economy Using the Dynamic Factor Models
  11. Analyzing and Forecasting Business Cycles in a Small Open Economy
  12. Assessing the Forecasting Power of the Leading Composite Index in Macedonia
  13. Applied General Equilibrium Modelling and Labour Market Forecasting
  14. Approximating and Forecasting Macroeconomic Signals in Real-Time
  15. Assessing the External Labour Market and Forecasting the Supply Situation
  16. Associative Forecasting Model: Sales of Passenger Cars vs Unemployment Rate
  17. Asymptotically Efficient Model Selection for Panel Data Forecasting
  18. Benchmarking Time Series-Based Forecasting Models for Electricity Balancing Market Prices
  19. Boosting and Regional Economic Forecasting: The Case of Germany
  20. Branch Efficiency and Location Forecasting: Application of Ziraat Bank

⭐ Most Interesting Forecasting Topics to Write about

  1. Bridging the Gap: Forecasting Interest Rates With Macro Trends
  2. Bulgarian Stock Market and Market Risk Forecasting Under Long Memory in Returns
  3. Business Cycles: Theory, History, Indicators, and Forecasting
  4. Carbon Price Forecasting With Variational Mode Decomposition and Optimal Combined Model
  5. Categorizing State Economies and Forecasting Differential Economic Growth Rates
  6. Central Banking and Commercial Inflation Forecasting: New Evidence for the USA
  7. Cointegration, Efficiency and Forecasting in the Currency Market
  8. Contemporaneous Threshold Autoregressive Models: Estimation, Testing and Forecasting
  9. Credit Funding and Banking Fragility: A Forecasting Model for Emerging Economies
  10. Crude Oil Prices and the Euro-Dollar Exchange Rate: A Forecasting Exercise
  11. Currency Forecasting Using Multiple Kernel Learning With Financially Motivated Features
  12. Econometric Modelling and Forecasting of Intraday Electricity Prices
  13. Deep Learning for Forecasting: Current Trends and Challenges
  14. Defining Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment Commerce
  15. Description, Modelling and Forecasting of Data With Optimal Wavelets
  16. Drought Forecasting Using Markov Chain Model and Artificial Neural Networks
  17. Dynamic Probit Models and Financial Variables in Recession Forecasting
  18. Econometric Analysis and Forecasting of Latvia’s Balance of Payments
  19. Financial Planning and Forecasting: Introduction and Primary Concepts
  20. Economic Forecasting: Comparing the Fed With the Private Sector

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IvyPanda. (2025, March 14). 123 Forecasting Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/forecasting-essay-topics/

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"123 Forecasting Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 14 Mar. 2025, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/forecasting-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2025) '123 Forecasting Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 14 March. (Accessed: 21 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2025. "123 Forecasting Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 14, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/forecasting-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "123 Forecasting Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 14, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/forecasting-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "123 Forecasting Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 14, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/forecasting-essay-topics/.