106 Hispanics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Hispanics Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Discrimination Against Hispanics in America
    Today, Mexicans and all other Hispanics are still victims of the stereotypes and inequalities faced by their people in the US over a hundred years ago.
  2. How Cybersecurity Can Benefit from the Hispanic Community
    Engaging and empowering Hispanic communities in cybersecurity efforts promotes diversity and inclusion in the field and improves cybersecurity outcomes for all individuals and organizations.
  3. Gender Roles and Family Systems in Hispanic Culture
    In the Hispanic culture, amarianismo’ and amachismo’ are the terms used to determine the various behavioral expectations among the family members.
  4. Hispanic American Culture and its Impact in America
    Impact of Hispanic Americans culture in American is evident. Hispanic Americans are the most culturally influential minority cultural and ethnic group in United States today.
  5. “In the Heights”: A Depiction of Hispanic Immigrant Experience in the United States
    In many cases, immigrants form or join the closed communities, and the people, who live there, are often not adjusted to the environment of the main population. Nina Rosario is the daughter of two hard-working […]
  6. Communicating With Hispanic Patients
    The Hispanic populace in the United States is strongly assorted having starting points in Mexico, Central and South America and the Caribbean.
  7. Norms, and Characteristics of African American and Hispanic Living in Florida
    The two minority groups selected for my research are African American people and Hispanic groups with whom I am familiar from my locality.
  8. Hispanic Culture and Health Care in the U.S.
    To make pleasant connections and maximize the potential of this educated and hard-working population, it is essential to understand Hispanic culture, society, and health care.
  9. Cultural Stress, Daily Wellbeing, and Internalizing Among Hispanic Students
    The article is subdivided into an abstract, introduction, cultural stressors, externalizing and internalizing symptoms, well-being, the present study, results, discussion, limitations, conclusion, and references. Moreover, the authors try to understand the relationship between well-being and […]
  10. Cardiovascular Health Disparities Among Hispanics
    At the same time, we need to realize the existence of this issue for efficient response as all people have a right to adequate health care for proper well-being regardless of their ethnicity.
  11. Cardiovascular Disease Among Hispanic Americans
    The prevalence rate of CVD between the subgroups differs due to factors such as genetics, the rate of smoking, and cholesterol.”However, the prevalence rate of the Hispanic subgroups is lower compared to the non-Hispanic group […]
  12. Cardiovascular Disease Among Hispanic Adults in the US
    Most minorities in the United States are Hispanic and have a disproportionate number of socioeconomic disadvantages and risk factors for CVD. A, & Rodriguez, C.J.
  13. Type 2 Diabetes Among Rural Hispanic (Farmworkers)
    In the United States, the prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes are higher among Hispanics than in the general population. M, Coronado, G.D.and Thompson, B, Having a Diagnosis of Diabetes Is Not Associated With […]
  14. Genogram Family Analysis in Hispanic Culture
    The purpose of this paper is to explain the concept of family in the Hispanic culture through an analysis of a family genogram while also providing the writer’s insights on the knowledge gained from the […]
  15. Asian American and Hispanic Identities in the US
    This is especially true of immigrants from Laos, who may not feel a strong sense of belonging to the greater Asian American group because they come from different cultural and historical backgrounds.
  16. Preventing Obesity Among the Hispanic Population
    The first factor within the dimension of relationships and expectations is associated with the perception of health-related values, beliefs, and attitudes that create a basis for an individual to engage in healthy behaviors.
  17. Epidemiology: Type II Diabetes in Hispanic Americans
    The prevalence of type II diabetes in Hispanic Americans is well-established, and the search for inexpensive prevention methods is in the limelight.
  18. Obesity Among Black and Hispanic Adults
    In conclusion, obesity is a health issue that is likely to be faced by black and Hispanic adults following poverty, lack of health education, and cultural beliefs.
  19. COVID-19 Among Hispanics in the United States
    Since the findings demonstrate that the condition is significant for the selected population, it seems reasonable to conduct another study to investigate the epidemiology of COVID-19 among Hispanics living in the United States.
  20. Expanding Knowledge of Hispanic Culture
    In a family, the men are the ones who are expected to provide for that family and as well be the individuals in charge of that family.
  21. Obesity in Adolescent Hispanic Population
    According to Kemp, “the percent of Black and Hispanic teens with obesity increased significantly over the past decade, but the prevalence of obesity remained unchanged for non-Hispanic White adolescents and young children, according to data […]
  22. Reduction of Obesity in the Adolescent Hispanic Population
    According to Kemp, “the percent of Black and Hispanic teens with obesity increased significantly over the past decade, but the prevalence of obesity remained unchanged for non-Hispanic White adolescents and for young children, according to […]

👍 Good Essay Topics on Hispanics

  1. “Diabetes Prevention in U.S. Hispanic Adults” by McCurley et al.
    This information allows for supposing that face-to-face interventions can be suitable to my practicum project that considers measures to improve access to care among African Americans with heart failure diseases. Finally, it is possible to […]
  2. Hispanic American History: Importance and Impact
    The study of the complex interrelationships and general trends of Hispanic-American economic, political, and social developments helped deepen and understand the features of the people, which is helpful for professional activities.
  3. Hispanic Americans and Immigrants
    The people of Hispanic origin account for a considerable part of the population of the United States. More specifically, the Hispanic population of the country has surpassed sixty million by the year 2019, and this […]
  4. Addressing the Needs of Hispanic Patients With Diabetes
    Similarly, in the program at hand, the needs of Hispanic patients with diabetes will be considered through the prism of the key specifics of the community, as well as the cultural background of the patients.
  5. Hispanic and Black Community Injustice
    Moreover, in the letter to environmental organizations, people of color demanded to include them in the ruling positions of unions and to raise funding in the polluted areas.
  6. High Blood Pressure Management in Hispanic Patient
    These symptoms are complemented by heavy snoring and the lack of pain except for the headaches, which are becoming more frequent and last for a couple of hours.
  7. Anxiety and Depression in Hispanic Youth in Monmouth County
    Therefore, the Health Project in Monmouth County will help Hispanic children and adolescents between the ages of 10 and 19 to cope with anxiety and depression through behavioral therapy.
  8. Hispanic Migrant Workers’ Community
    The primary language spoken by Hispanics in the United States is Spanish as in the case of the farm workers of Mexican origin or Latin American nationalities.
  9. Nursing in Different Cultures – Hispanic Cultures
    Cultural conflicts can occur when nurses acknowledge the influence of their values on global health. Cultural values are the lasting belief systems, which a society focuses on.
  10. Community Health Advocacy Project: Diabetes Among Hispanics
    It will be important to evaluate the performance of the intervention plan in order to determine how appropriate it is in addressing the identified problem.
  11. Rates Diabetes Between Hispanics Males and Females
    An increase in the period that one spends in the US correlates with the chances of developing the disease. In this context, all the levels would be used to address the high prevalence rates of […]
  12. Hispanic Americans Opinion Takeyuki Tsuda
    The book Immigration and Ethnic Relations in the U.S.speaks on the theme of reshaping the face of the United States during the period of the past few decades.
  13. A Portrait of Hispanics Living in California
    The originality of the Hispanic population in the US can be traced to different ethnic groups comprising of Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cubans.
  14. Hispanic Culture in “Como Agua Para Chocolate” by Laura Esquivel
    The subject matter of the book is Hispanic culture and traditions, particularly the cuisine and the family traditions in Mexico. They have a special term “machismo” which is associated with the responsibility of a man […]
  15. Educational Disparities: Non-Hispanic Whites vs. Blacks
    The segregation set up the course for disparities in the education sector because the black schools mainly in the south were poor and thus could not afford to provide adequate facilities for the students.
  16. Hispanic Males in the 19th-21st Centuries
    This change in the family setup has led to the change in the role of the Hispanic male. The family’s security was in the hands of the Hispanic male while the woman acted as the […]
  17. African Americans and Hispanics in New Jersey
    In fact, “African-American history starts in the 1500s with the first Africans coming from Mexico and the Caribbean to the Spanish territories of Florida, Texas, and other parts of the South”.
  18. Hispanic American Diversity and Conventions
    According to the analysis in these countries majority of these people are catholic, that is 70 %, the Protestants are 23%, and 6% have no affiliation.
  19. Immigration, Hispanics, and Mass Incarceration in the U.S.
    This article evaluates the effect of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, that led to the legalization of approximately 3 million immigrants had on the crime rates in the U.S.
  20. Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Hispanic Women
    The study is justified because establishing the level of HPV, cervical cancer, and HPV vaccine knowledge among Hispanic women would pave the way for the formulation of strategies on patient education on the issue.
  21. National Association of Hispanic Nurses: Importance of Involvement
    The official website of the organization, http://nahnnet.org/, stipulates that the primary purpose of the organization is to unite the nurses and make sure that they provide the Hispanic population with adequate care.
  22. Hispanic Women’s Stereotypes in the USA
    Importantly, the single-story related to Hispanic females refers to the representatives of the entire continent since people pay little attention to the origin of the Latino population.

📌 Most Interesting Hispanics Topics to Write about

  1. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Reduction in Hispanic Women
    Its purpose is to reduce STI’s Gonorrhea/Chlamydia among Hispanic women in Michigan and to plan a culturally appropriate intervention to address this area of health. The final data is also inclusive of the ethnic and […]
  2. Anti-Obesity Program for Hispanic Children
    It is expected that the successful implementation of the program will lead to a subsequent 15% drop in the levels of obesity among Hispanic children in the target community.
  3. Hispanic Student’s Cultural and Ethical Issues
    Unfortunately, there is a lot of evidence supporting the fact that the educational experience for Hispanics in the United States is one of the most pressing problems.
  4. Hispanic and Asian Americans’ Mobility Factors
    As for me, I believe that the level of discrimination and assimilation have a critical impact on the socioeconomic flexibility of the immigrants due to the ability of the society to create stereotypes while the […]
  5. Obesity in Hispanic Adolescents and Fast Food
    Most of these, however, describe the relationship existing between the prevalence of diabetes in the population and the consumption of fast foods.
  6. Hispanic Patients and Dietary Approaches (DASH)
    As to sugars, the DASH diet limits the sweets intake to the daily servings of fructose from fruit and additional 5 servings of sugar per week.
  7. African, Caribbean, Hispanic, Pakistani, Dutch Cultures
    In addition, Nigerians are believed to speak their own Nigerian pidgin, which is not true since the official language of the country is English, and many people speak it fluently.
  8. Counseling and Mentorship Program for Hispanic Children
    The purpose of the mentorship program was to educate and widen their learning skills of the targeted children. The program also targeted to inform these individuals about the relevance of schooling in the Hispanic society.
  9. The Hispanic Project” by Nikki S. Lee
    One of the most complicated and at the same time the most essential problems of the modern world, the racial segregation, and the racial hegemony is to be considered because of the growing number of […]
  10. Hispanic Childhood Poverty in the United States
    Importance of the Problem The problem of childhood poverty in Hispanic groups in America is important to this study and to the social studies in America.
  11. Hispanic Americans: Racial Status
    Starting the discussion with the identification of the Hispanic Americans and their place in the population of the USA, the author says that some cities inhabit more Hispanic Americans than Americans.
  12. The US Ethnic Groups: the Hispanic Americans
    Of all the Hispanic Americans ethnic groups in the US, the Mexican is the largest, followed by Puerto Ricans, and then Cubans. The population of the Hispanic Americans has increased rapidly and is now the […]
  13. The Role of Hispanic Americans in Counseling
    Family structure and gender roles Family commitment in different cultures is an indispensable characteristic, which involves loyalty, a strong support system, the behavior of a child, which is associated with the honor of the family, […]
  14. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Sexuality in the Hispanic Culture
    Men are the breadwinners of the family, a duty that requires men to play the father figure role in the family.
  15. Overview and Analysis of Hispanic & Latino Theology
    The Hispanic theology is shown as a representation of the religious and theological inflections of the Hispanic people staying in the United States.
  16. Assessing the Challenges in Treating Substance Abuse Among Members of Hispanic Families
    In this respect, it is necessary to define the peculiarities of Hispanic culture in terms of family structure traditions, gender role distributions, and influence of family problems on members’ substance abuse.
  17. Mexican American, Chicano, Latino, Hispanic Cultural Variations in Childrearing
    Most of the Mexican Americans lived in areas in the USA that once belonged to Mexico that is areas such as California, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and others and in the regions that they […]
  18. Immigration bias on Hispanics in North Carolina
    Immigration bias against the Hispanics has been witnessed in the State of North Carolina based on implementation of Section 287 of the Immigration and Nationality Act.
  19. The Hispanic Population in the United States
    The Hispanic population represents the largest minority group in the United States. Around one half of Hispanic residents in the United States were born in a foreign country.
  20. Economic and Social Inequalities in the United States Between Whites, Asian Americans, Hispanics and African Americans
    Although, there are similarities in the wellbeing of whites and Asian American, Asian Americans are still seen as foreigners. However, to further isolate them, they are indentified with a tag inclined to the origin of […]
  21. The Aspects of Hispanic History and Culture
    S history emphasize on how the British colonies of North America were found and their subsequent growth, their gaining of independence in 1776 and the east to west growth of the U.S.
  22. Annotation Of: Hispanics and the Death Penalty
    It also identified several manifestations of racial discrimination between the whites and non whites by comparing Asian Americans and Hispanics marriages with the whites and discovered that the Asian Americans and Hispanics had higher chances […]

📃 Interesting Topics to Write about Hispanics

  1. African Americans and Hispanics of Mental Health Facilities
  2. Assimilation and Health: Linked Birth Records of Second and Third-Generation Hispanics
  3. Background Knowledge Immigration Hispanics From the United States
  4. Blacks, Hispanics, and White Ethnic Groups: Are Blacks Uniquely Disadvantaged?
  5. Bragging About Online Purchases: Comparing Consumer Word-Of-Mouth Among Hispanics and Non-Hispanics Groups
  6. Brain Amyloid Burden and Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Late Middle-Aged Hispanics
  7. Cancer, Respiratory and Cardiovascular Diseases: Mortality Rates Among African-Americans and Hispanics
  8. Gender Disparity in Automobility Among Hispanics in the U.S
  9. Child Sexual Abuse Among Hispanics and TF-CBT
  10. Comparing Modernity Between Hispanics and Tibetans in Baltimore
  11. Considering the Economic Status of Black Americans and Hispanics
  12. Contextual Factors and Weight Change Over Time: U.S. Hispanics and Other Groups Comparison
  13. Diversity Analysis: The Impact of Hispanics in the Workplace
  14. Domestic Violence Against Hispanics and Latinas in Louisiana
  15. The Problem of Domestic Violence Among Hispanics
  16. Educational Disparities Among Black and Hispanics
  17. Racial Discrimination and Hispanics in the United States
  18. Ethnic Stratification, Prejudice, Discrimination: Hispanics
  19. Overview of Healthcare Disparity Among the Hispanics
  20. The Case of Direct Marketing Advertising for Hispanics

🔍 Simple & Easy Hispanics Essay Titles

  1. The Problem of Teenage Pregnancies Anong Hispanics
  2. Hispanics and the American Dream: Analysis of Hispanic Male Labor Market Wages
  3. The Problem of Alcoholism Among Hispanics
  4. Hispanics and Their Contribution to America’s Human Capital
  5. Analysis of Hispanic Health Care Issues in Texas
  6. Hispanics, Black, Substance Abuse, and Multicultural Counseling
  7. Legal and Social Justice for Hispanics and Women
  8. Looking Through the Eyes of Undocumented Hispanics in the United States
  9. Hispanics’ Habits and Attitudes Towards Drinking
  10. Marital Assimilation Among Hispanics: Evidence of Declining Cultural and Economic Incorporation
  11. His Panic: Why Americans Fear Hispanics in the U.S
  12. Mind, Body, and Culture: Somatization Among Hispanics
  13. Minority Groups: African Americans, Women, and Hispanics
  14. Mortality Among Elderly Hispanics in the USA: Past Evidence and New Results
  15. Operant Conditioning and Parenting Practices Between Hispanics and North Americans
  16. Police Brutality Against Hispanics and African Americans
  17. Racial and Ethnic Inequality of Hispanics in the USA
  18. Self-Selection, Prenatal Care, and Birthweight Among Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics in New York
  19. Racial Prejudice and Bias Against Hispanics
  20. Police Brutality: Hispanics, Asians, and African American

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"106 Hispanics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 14 Mar. 2025, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hispanics-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2025. "106 Hispanics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 14, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hispanics-essay-topics/.

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IvyPanda. "106 Hispanics Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 14, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/hispanics-essay-topics/.