91 Infrastructure Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Infrastructure Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Infrastructure Finance: Emirates Stadium
    The costs depend on not provision of the public funds for a new stadium but threats of losing the right to host the matches of the team to other places.
  2. Cold Chain Logistics and Its Infrastructure
    Cold chain logistics is the maintenance of a constant temperature of products throughout the demand-supply chain right from the time of harvesting to when the product reaches the consumer.
  3. Virtual Case File: FBI It Infrastructure Failure
    One of the greatest reasons leading to failure is due to lack of initial assessment of the system and the implications it will have on the organization.
  4. Corruption in Infrastructure of the Democratic Republic of Congo
    The mining companies are negatively affected by rampant corruption and a culture of everyday transactions, which has resulted in the misappropriation of public funds.
  5. Comparison of Logistics Infrastructure in India and China
    In comparing the logistics capabilities of India and China, it is evident that China has the best logistics infrastructure compared to India; this is due to China shifting from an export-led economy and focusing on […]
  6. Public Key Infrastructure: Concepts and Applications
    Optimal security is sought to be provided in the storage and transmission of data by the PKI and, in spite of some flaws in the system, it is a distinct improvement over previous security control […]
  7. Transport Infrastructure in Kenya
    However, such issues as the high poverty level in Kenya and the low level of education do not contribute to the development of the transport infrastructure in the country.
  8. It Isn’t So Simple: Infrastructure Change at Royce Consulting
    This was a good move for Royce consulting, as it allowed the company to prepare its workers psychologically for the new changes by making them feel as part of the decision-making process.
  9. Digital Infrastructure Development to Facilitate Road Traffic
    The primary purpose of this analysis is to investigate the need for the city budget to invest in the development of digital infrastructure to ease traffic in the city significantly.
  10. Critical Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security
    Challenges in critical infrastructure associated with the supply chain can be solved by ensuring that the organization has trusted internal operators to design and maintain the systems.
  11. Infrastructure in Capitalism and Socialism Systems
    The Garden City concept, based on building around the decentralized plant, does not reduce the pressure on the central part of the city and the growing population of the modern world.
  12. Å Energi IT Infrastructure and Strategic Solutions
    The company aspires to expand its operations in the Eastern and Southern parts of the United States of America to serve the local population.
  13. Critical National Infrastructure Protection
    In addition, the national importance of these facilities is determined by the fact that Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates, the main city of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, and the […]
  14. The Agriculture, Energy, and Transportation Infrastructure: Main Threats
    Thus, the purpose of the work is to analyze the food/agricultural, energy, and transport sectors of critical infrastructure in terms of physical, cyber, or natural disaster threats.
  15. Cyber Security: Critical Infrastructure Protection
    Objects of forensic science are storage mediums that are not part of other devices and which fulfill the function of information storage as the main one.
  16. Vulnerability Assessment of Critical Infrastructure Assets
    On the other hand, fuel suppliers face hiked prices and fuel depletion, both man-made and natural threats. Hospitals face man-made and natural threats; for example, the novel coronavirus is a natural threat that imminently impacts […]
  17. Cybersecurity: Critical Infrastructure Control Systems
    The most vital stages of this nature include the analysis of the situation, the assessment of goals to make sure that they are realistic, and the expected effectiveness of implementing new policies.
  18. Electric Vehicle Charging System Infrastructure Support
    The main goal of the company is to reduce the time it takes to charge and expand the available options for consumers with EVs.
  19. Farcargo’s Information System Infrastructure
    The company prefers to use a dynamic infrastructure for its ability to be highly responsive to the end-users and to meet its needs to use cloud computing to enhance speed and agility.
  20. Healthcare Infrastructure and Private Finance Initiative
    The need of the stakeholders was to feed the process in a way that was performance-oriented and methodical, which was never realized by the integration of the PFI in service delivery.
  21. International Dimension of Critical Infrastructure
    The United States is a member of the Critical 5, a collaboration that involves five countries, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. The collaboration involves connecting and speaking the […]
  22. The Components of the Public Health Infrastructure
    The present essay describes the components of the public health infrastructure that contributed to the progress in public health outcomes and explains which of them are the most important.
  23. Neighborhood Assessment: Healthcare Options, Leisure, Entertainment, and Infrastructure
    Therefore, the specified aspect of the community can also be seen as a major advantage that contributes to the well-being of the aging people living in it.
  24. Greece’s Economic Measures and Physical Infrastructure
    The unemployment rate is one of the lowest since the Greek financial crisis in the early 2010s. The Euro is one of the most popular currencies globally and the second most crucial reserve currency after […]
  25. Critical Infrastructure: Emergency Services
    In other words, law enforcement is an essential branch of the emergency services sector, which preserves order and law through a series of critical measures.
  26. Digital Government Security Infrastructure Design Challenges
    However, the practice has the same purpose in all sectors of application; evaluation and analysis of potential dangers that are likely to be realized in those settings and presenting the right strategies to combat the […]
  27. American Public Infrastructure System
    In the United States, the relevant agencies and departments continue to ignore the realities associated with the nation’s aging infrastructure system. The consideration of effective actions will address this problem and make it easier for […]
  28. Developing Robust Security Measures to Protect Critical Infrastructure
    The topic of this research proposal is investigating the strategies used by organizations to combat identity theft by hackers and enhance cybersecurity in critical infrastructure.
  29. Transportation Infrastructure and Its Challenges
    Natural disasters and unexpected occurrences are a frequent factor in the field, and the need to account for the unforeseen is recognized by many.
  30. Critical Infrastructure Protection: The US Approach
    The concepts of “critical sectors,” “critical industries,” and “critical infrastructure” appeared in the United States at the beginning of the last century and were used most often in the context of the proper organization and […]

👍 Good Essay Topics on Infrastructure

  1. Natural Disasters and Infrastructure Damage
    Together with the destruction of the mobile network and the ruin to most of the cables, Puerto Rico was practically deprived of the benefits of civilization.
  2. Melbourne Airport Infrastructure Plans for the Airbus A380 Aircraft
    Having commenced in the year 1970, the airport has evolved to become the only exclusive international airport that serves the metropolitan area.
  3. Architecture, Landscape, and Infrastructure
    In his thesis “Designing Wilderness as a Phenomenological Landscape: Design-directed Research within the Context of New Zealand’s Conservation Estate”, Mick Abbott tries to converge wilderness and landscape architecture.
  4. Sydney Airport Infrastructure Plans for the Airbus A380
    The government in coordination with the Airport’s management is planning to launch major commercial flights at the airport and therefore there is need to expand the facility in order to accommodate commercial flights such as […]
  5. Communication and IT Infrastructure in London, New York, Paris and Tokyo
    London New York Paris Tokyo Technological History London’s history of telecommunications remarkably starts with the development of telephony and telegraphy. Famous inventor Alexander Bell introduced his devices enabling people to communicate at distance (Huurdeman 159). Telegraph technologies started the invasion in 1868 and were marked with the creation of the Indo-European Telegraph Company. (Huuderman 127). […]
  6. Infrastructure for IT Security Policy: Remote Workers
    The purpose of the research paper is to analyze the security policy for remote workers in Dubai, define its requirements and methods of protection, and give recommendations regarding the existing security holes.
  7. Critical Infrastructure Vulnerability and Protection
    In this session-long project, the topic of interest is the critical infrastructure protection (CIP) of information and communication in the United States. Specifically, the report will assess and analyze the overall development of the US’s critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP). Internet technologies during its existence have created both a host of new opportunities for economic […]
  8. Panera Bread Store and Bangkok Infrastructure
    As Panera Bread is a chain of bakery-cafes, it is reliant on transportation and infrastructure to deliver fresh produce daily to supply the bakeries with the necessary goods to keep the production of fresh baked […]
  9. The Impact of Global and Regional Conflicts on Infrastructure in the US
    Critical infrastructure sectors are assets and systems needed by the government to ensure the proper functioning of the economy and society.
  10. Technical Communication: Public Key Infrastructure
    In case of data leak or loss, the company is squarely responsible for it as there are key staff assigned to monitor and control the data. In conclusion, data and information security are key and […]
  11. Finance for Drinking Water Infrastructure
    Financial analysis of the proposed construction of the proposed two-way canal is important in ensuring there will be sufficient funds for construction and maintenance of the project.
  12. The Problem of Obesity: Public Health Infrastructure
    On the other hand, the burden is severe in poor countries as a result of high cost incurred to import drugs and equipment.
  13. Landscape Eements of Today’s Infrastructure in Europe
    These roads, as elements of today’s European infrastructure, are indeed modern- to suit the mountainous landscape. Thus, it was stated after a study of the modern European landscape infrastructure that roads, highways, and super-highways, modern […]
  14. Network Infrastructure Upgrade: Selection Process
    As one of the top management team members, I was involved in advertising a job for a suitable company to write a proposal report and present to us so that we could evaluate them and […]
  15. It Network Infrastructure Basics
    Originally, it is the very heart of information management, while the information itself is the very key to success. It is regarded to be one of the most time-taking parts of the work.
  16. Amazon Inc.’s Infrastructure and Security
    In order to explain the rationale for upgrading the logical and physical layout of the network, it is necessary to look at the current system to help identify the weaknesses that need to be addressed.
  17. Libyan Agricultural Infrastructure Analysis
    The telecommunications network in Libya is in the process of being modernized. The development of agricultural infrastructure has played a big role in alleviating poverty in this nation.
  18. Disadvantages of Demutualization of Financial Market Infrastructure
    Demutualized exchanges are sensitive to the issue of transferability of shares, particularly in situations where the shares of a listed exchange are freely transferable. Restriction on shareholding is imposed to inhibit the concentration of the […]
  19. Disney Corporation’s Information Technology Infrastructure Library
    Although the implementation of ITIL might require significant changes in the work of organizations, the example of the Disney corporation demonstrates that the adoption of the framework is associated with many benefits, like improved customer […]
  20. Infrastructure: American Society of Civil Engineers
    The ASEC believes that the energy infrastructure is especially critical for the economy. American society makes the following suggestions to enhance the country’s infrastructure: The federal leadership in infrastructure is required.
  21. Provision of Health and Education Infrastructure
    It is also imperative to note that the development of health care facilities was largely influenced by the health problems accrued by villagers as a result of the Ok Tedi Mining activities.
  22. Cloud Storage Infrastructures
    Their initial capacity was several hundreds of megabytes; contemporary optical disks can store tens of GBs. First flash drives had the minimal capacity of several hundred MBs; contemporary flash drives can store hundreds of GBs.
  23. Public Key Infrastructure and Certification Authority
    Digital certificates, on the other hand, can be considered the core of a PKI because they are used to create a linkage between the public key and the subject of a given certificate.
  24. Ford’s Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructure
    The network will eliminate the reliance of a human driver on the roads to enhance the efficiency of the communication between the cars.
  25. India’s Road Infrastructure and Economic Development
    The government has therefore been focusing on the problem of infrastructure in order to support the growing economy. The past one decade has been characterized by numerous challenges and obstacles due to the inefficiency of […]
  26. Critical Infrastructure Protection Initiatives
    To begin with, the CIP approach offers specific functions that can be undertaken to support the integrity of different systems and critical infrastructures.
  27. Energy Infrastructure and Competition in Europe
    To balance out the lack of competition in Europe’s energy market, there is a need to liberalize the energy industry in the region by ensuring equal access to the energy infrastructure.
  28. Public Key Infrastructure System
    The primary purpose of the paper is to evaluate the significance of implementation of the public key infrastructure in the working process and discuss strength and weaknesses of the system.
  29. Manufacturing of Communication Infrastructure
    The hierarchical and centralised structures of the internet are limiting human interactions despite the massive forms of change being experienced in the world.
  30. Dubai World Trade Center: International Relations and Infrastructure Development
    Taking all these facts into account, it is possible to suggest that the Middle East will obtain more and more popularity as one of the main areas of interest for the majority of leading international […]

💡 Most Interesting Infrastructure Topics to Write About

  1. Infrastructure-as-a-Service Concept
    In Infrastructure as a Service, the provider is the owner of the storage and equipment which they lend to the user companies for a certain payment, which is assigned based on the resources used.
  2. Financial Economics for Infrastructure and Fiscal Policy
    The first objective related to the purpose of the research is to explore the relationship between sukuk and the monetary policy with the focus on differences between expansionary monetary policy and contractionary monetary policy.
  3. India and Singapore’s Hard and Soft Infrastructure
    The country has one of the highest numbers of technically skilled graduates in the world. The Singapore Port is considered one of the most efficient and busiest in the world.
  4. “Homeland Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection” by Collins & Baggett
    In the introductory chapters, precise arguments are made on the background of the US’ department of homeland security with an in-depth analysis of the process of evolution of the US’ security infrastructure.
  5. Petroleum Segment of the Energy Infrastructure
    Some of the traditional ways of determining the presence of oil is the detection of oil or natural gas seeps on the surface of the earth.
  6. Public Transport Infrastructure in Australia
    The positive changes, which the inclusion of the key economic principles into the city infrastructure in general and the system of transportation in particular will supposedly be delivered, also concern the transparency of the financial […]
  7. Critical Infrastructure Protection
    With the passing of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, the DHS was officially formed and as part of its remit, its aim was to co-ordinate and streamline efforts of the nation’s assorted security and […]
  8. The Infrastructure of Cloud Computing as a Service
    Typically, the entire system of cloud computing drawing from its definition provides the infrastructure for organizations to offer clients services dynamically responding to their needs based on the pay-as-use basis, and the economic benefits which […]
  9. Knowledge Worker Information Systems-Infrastructure and Layers
    This stage enables the system to extort information from the data emanating from the workers. However, knowledge workers are vital to the development of this system.
  10. Energy Infrastructure and Security U.S.
    As the country addicted to oil, the U.S.has to develop the new ways of its production and supply from the different regions; therefore, the U.S.foreign and military policies are driven by the increasing needs for […]
  11. The benefits and risks of private sector involvement in infrastructure
    Increased involvement of the private sector in the provision of urban infrastructure in Australia has a host of benefits. Cannadi and Dollery assert that private sector involvement in the provision of public sector infrastructure services […]
  12. Moomba Festival in Melbourne: Event, Significance of the Place, Infrastructure, and Effect on the City Image
    The reason for the event includes a number of factors that reflect the events that were held in the early 1950s and predestined the start of the festival.
  13. Cloud Computing and Corporate IT Infrastructure
    It is important to recognize that the application of cloud computing has led to the development of new security threats. The organizations must consider the possibility of engaging the services of technical and experienced IT […]
  14. Information Technology Infrastructure Library
    The major advocacy for ITIL is that the IT should be in line with the business needs. The last one, operate phase ensures efficiency in the operation by monitoring the services deployed to ensure effective […]
  15. Is Aging Infrastructure Slowing the U.S.?
    The deteriorating state of infrastructure has been linked to the current economic crisis that is being experienced in the United States of America.
  16. Infrastructure in Lebanon
    The aftermath of the Lebanese Civil war led to a considerable damage to the rail network and interfered with the transportation system that gradually ceased.
  17. Role of Alternative Energy Resources in Reshaping Global Transportation Infrastructure
    In this regard, it will emphasize on the invention and use of electric cars to achieve environmental conservation. This is major concern as in the case of purely electric cars.
  18. Helping the Private Sector to Achieve and Maintain Infrastructure Security
    Thus, the main purpose of the research is to consider the main security strategies the private sector uses in the relation to the protection of critical infrastructures.
  19. Gas Infrastructure: Liquified Natural Gas
    It is important to note that, this type of fuel is a fossil fuel and is composed of hydrogen and carbon compounds; hence it is categorized as a hydrogen carbon fuel.
  20. Condition of the America’s Infrastructure in Modern Days
    The American Society of Civil Engineers released the latest infrastructure report card in 2009 giving the US a mean grade of D.

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"91 Infrastructure Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 20 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/infrastructure-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '91 Infrastructure Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 20 November. (Accessed: 22 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "91 Infrastructure Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 20, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/infrastructure-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "91 Infrastructure Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 20, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/infrastructure-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "91 Infrastructure Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 20, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/infrastructure-essay-topics/.