103 Loyalty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Loyalty Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Ancient Civilizations: Odysseus’ Loyalty to Penelope
    Homer, in his epic The Odyssey tells the story of the heroes of Trojan wars and the most enchanting of all the themes of the classic work is the loyalty of Odysseus to his wife […]
  2. Examples of Loyalty in Khaled Hosseini’s “The Kite Runner”
    After all it is after having proven his loyalty to Hassan by the means of bringing his son Sohrab to the U.S.that the novel’s protagonist Amir was able to attain inner peace hence, providing a […]
  3. Zara Fashion Retailer: Brand Awareness and Loyalty
    Discussion: This chapter of this study will organise considering the research question, such as it will describe Zara’s marketing strategies to develop brand awareness and customer loyalty; Conclusions: Finally, the chapter six will scrutinise all […]
  4. Recommendations to Enhance Coffee Bean’s Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
    Given that majority of the consumers are young, hence own computers that they use to study and work while in the cafes, the customer relationship department has to move swiftly and employ a fulltime specialist […]
  5. Loyalty Imagery in “Patriotism” by Yukio Mishima
    This highlights the theme of loyalty, as the soldiers are ready to obey orders well aware of the dangers involved. The author continues to explore the symbol of compliance and selflessness by explicating how soldiers […]
  6. Customer Loyalty
    Contingent on the type of business the organization conducts, the company is likely to sell more products to a loyal customer than to ten first-time customers.
  7. UK Beauty Industry’s Quality and Customer Loyalty
    According to Reason, irrespective of the market segment that a firm serves in the beauty industry, service quality is increasingly becoming an important factor that these firms must consider when delivering their products to the […]
  8. Truth vs. Loyalty: Tinkov’s Ethical Dilemma
    Moreover, his pacifist text and critique of the Russian aggression and dictatorship made Tinkov’s life unsafe. He chose truthfulness and freedom from greed over political loyalty and the well-being of his business.
  9. Customer Loyalty in the Gas Manufacturing Industry
    Players in the oil and gas industry, thus, face the threat of losing customers to organizations involved in the production of clean energy.
  10. A Research on Store Loyalty Card
    In order to do so, the nature of the research to be conducted will seek to answer the following questions; 1.
  11. “The Mismanagement of Customer Loyalty” by Reinartz & Kumar
    The researchers point out that it is believed that loyal customers tend to pay more, to require less attention and to be word-of-mouth marketers.
  12. Store Loyalty Cards and Their Effects on Retailers
    The second last section of the report focused on the shortcomings of loyalty cards to consumers and they included gradual price increases, a phenomenon of exclusivity, and disincentives for consumers.
  13. Loyalty in “Hard Times” by Charles Dickens
    For instance, the author ridicules this blind loyalty to Gradgrind’s philosophy and outlines various ways it has affected the lives of his children and people that surround him.
  14. Behavioural Brand Loyalty Requires Deep Attitudinal Attachment to the Brand
    To attain brand loyalty, a company must ensure its products are differentiable in the market; this call for high quality good and making brand salience, the brand should be on top of a consumers mind […]
  15. Airline Revenue Management and Customer Loyalty
    The issue of extra earnings has led to the generation of excess airline miles that exceed demand. Airline revenue management’s aim is to discourage sales of vacant seats or redemption of miles strategies; in return, […]
  16. McDonald’s Brand and Customer Loyalty
    The structure of the organization is quite large which spreads over a network of branches and that is the reason why the organization focuses a lot on marketing and promotional activities.
  17. Brand Loyalty as the Ultimate Marketing Goal
    Brand Loyalty is not a very difficult concept to understand, a person becomes loyal to a brand when he/she is completely satisfied with the performance of the brand. The factor which matters the most is […]
  18. The Impact of Brand Loyalty on New Product Launches
    The marketing team will have to devise a problem statement that defines the unmet needs of the market in the given product category and the advantages that will accrue to consumers, emotionally and physically, by […]
  19. Strategies for Increasing Web Traffic and Building Brand Loyalty for Cortez Creations
    In the digital age, search engines play a critical role in driving web traffic and helping to build a brand for a business. Second, advertisers can choose specific keywords and demographics to ensure their ads […]
  20. Starbucks Loyalty Program for Customer Engagement and Loyalty
    They, in turn, can influence what people think about the organization and how much they are willing to spend money on it.
  21. The Power of Surprise and Delight in Building Customer Loyalty
    A surprise and delight strategy can be applied to multiple elements of the Customer Experience framework to impact the customers positively.
  22. Company Loyalty and Business Ethics
    Company loyalty refers to a concept of the willingness of employees to sacrifice for the benefit of the company, which means performing beyond the job description specifications.
  23. Fiduciary Duty of Care and Responsibility of Loyalty
    On the other hand, the duty of loyalty requires directors to act in the company’s and its shareholders’ best interests, not to put their interests ahead of the company’s.
  24. The Analysis of Tesla’s Brand Loyalty
    The sophisticated customer personalization levels that Tesla provides result in the highest customer satisfaction. Apart from that, Tesla leads the industry in terms of integrated data.
  25. Unlocking Growth and Loyalty: Analyzing the Strategic Roles of Uber’s Paid Ads
    Thus, the analysis of Uber brand’s paid ads defines that the main strategic role of ads for the company is to expand the company by attracting new drivers.

📌 Simple & Easy Loyalty Essay Titles

  1. Loyalty Ladder: Online Brand Analysis
    The loyalty ladder is the structural model that implies the different levels of customer engagement in the selling process of a company’s products.
  2. Loyalty Cards and Privacy Relations
    According to them, it is virtually impossible to guarantee that the data in question will not be stolen, and the only way to mitigate the risks is through digital privacy education.
  3. Is Having a Store Loyalty Card a Good Choice?
    The utilization of the correct business model leads to the creation of value for the customers. Finally, the use of the correct business model can lead to the creation of the appropriate financial components that […]
  4. Customer Loyalty in Fast Food Industry Under Current Economic Crisis
    The objective of this research is to evaluate different customer loyalty programs offered by companies operating in the UK Fast Food Industry to induce more sales and assess their effectiveness amid of the current economic […]
  5. Employee Retention: Salary and Loyalty Among Systems Analysts
    Although starting salaries are in a fairly narrow band, D&Y wonders whether they have anything to do with retention.
  6. Careem’s Differentiation: Customer Loyalty
    In this way, the central recommendation for Careem is to build a company that would become a brand associated with services of exceptional quality one of a kind.
  7. Marketing: Customer Loyalty
    One of the most discussed issues in the financial services sector around the world is the improvement of the services that are given to customers.
  8. Factors That Influence Fan Loyalty in Sports
    The author explained in detail the choice of the research strategy, the research methods, the research approach, the methods and instruments of data collection.
  9. Employee Loyalty and Engagement in the UAE Public Sector
    The background elucidates the need to improve performance in the public sector due to the high rate of development in the United Arab Emirates, which is relevant to the research study.
  10. Potential Loyalty: The Most Valuable Employee Criteria
    This means that, in this jet age of ours where most people are chasing bigger salaries, bigger perks, and a lot more, employees jumping ships to new jobs or companies seems to be the order […]
  11. Loyalty Programs Encouraging Buying Behaviors
    Grab and go shoppers can be shown by the time spent in the stores by a customer. In the other countries it should be such that one point is collected for an amount equivalent to […]
  12. Brand Loyalty Is a Myth: Factors and Examples
    In the marketing world, the term brand loyalty can be defined as the commitment of customers to continue using or repurchase a particular brand and this is normally portrayed by repeated buying of a good […]
  13. Customer Loyalty in Prepaid Cell Phone Industry
    The main business focus should be on customer retention and continuous buying by customers, hence in the end organizations will ensure customer satisfaction.
  14. Customer Loyalty and How Marketers Can Use It
    It is necessary to understand, that the retail seller cannot affect the degree of loyalty of the consumer to the trademark of the goods.
  15. The Effects of Online Shopping on Customer Loyalty
    For example, the study by Afrashteh, Azad, and Tabatabaei Hanzayy is dedicated to the concept of online shopping and the use of this electronic marketing technique to influence customer loyalty in conditions of the state […]
  16. Airline Companies’ Loyalty Programmes and Market Share
    Dreze and Nunes pay attention to the method of differentiating travellers by status and argue that “the influence of tier size” can have a positive effect on interest in a certain company.
  17. Subaru Analyzes Customers’ Loyalty and Devotion
    The present case study pursues two goals: to define the role that the marketing research plays in Subaru’s operation and to identify the management-decision problem the corporation faces when assessing the consumers’ needs.
  18. Customer Loyalty and Premature Marketing
    Some of the key issues addressed in this chapter include the expectation of customers in regards to services being offered and the perception of customers.
  19. Customer Loyalty Programs for Business Benefits
    I agree with Jacqueline that a successful loyalty program always adds value to the primary business of the company and is consistent with its brand and vision.
  20. Loyalty or Reward Program and Its Aspects
    It is critical to inform the customers about the upsides of becoming a loyal client and expose them to the real value of being a part of the rewards program.
  21. Loyalty Programs in the Airline Industry After 2008
    As such, this paper will attempt to answer the question: are loyalty programs still an effective method of maintaining consumer patronage in the current airline industry?
  22. Service Quality and Customer Loyalty in China’s Hotels
    The primary aim of the proposed study is to critically analyze how service quality affects customer loyalty and customer repeat intentions in hotel settings in China.
  23. Tourism Satisfaction and Loyalty: From UK to Shanghai
    One of the theories applied in the study is the theory of reasoned action, which focuses on the prediction of behavioral intentions, which result from the attitude one develops towards a destination and the intention […]
  24. Price Management for Customer Loyalty
    In the MSNBC interview with Bob Prosen, the concept of the methodological price increase was discussed. The given example illustrates the importance of open communication and trust in the workplace.
  25. Workplace Loyalty Improvements
    The usual assumption by the management is that if the company is successful enough, the employees are happy to be a part of it.
  26. Loyalty in “The Gift” by Rosario Ferre
    In general, loyalty is considered to be a state or a feeling of devotion and faithfulness that is oriented to a particular person, a group of people, cause, or country, etc. Exclusionary one presupposes that […]
  27. Emirates Group App’s Influence on Clients’ Loyalty
    Therefore, the primary target of this research is to assess the extent of the impact the introduction of progressive mobile apps has on the clients’ loyalty.
  28. Shoppers’ Satisfaction Levels and Store Loyalty
    The objectives of the research included: Defining the correlation between the store attributes and shopping behavior and customer satisfaction. Finding out if the satisfaction factors contribute to the loyalty ones.

💡 Most Interesting Loyalty Topics to Write About

  1. Airline Loyalty Programmes in Customer Patronage
    The first is the benefits that can be obtained through the frequent flyer loyalty program of airlines while the second is the affordability that low-cost carriers offer.
  2. How Does Internal Public Relations Impact the Employee Productivity and Loyalty in Saudi Arabia?
    This study therefore intends to synthesize the issue of internal public relations and how it impacts the productivity and loyalty of employees in Saudi Arabia.
  3. The Concept of Loyalty
    The aim of the paper is to understand the effect of customer satisfaction and brand loyalty specifically in case of Starbucks.
  4. The Effectiveness of Loyalty Programs
    The accents on the advantages in the form of rewards and discounts for customers are the direct way to contribute to the customer loyalty in relation to the definite hotel and increase the company’s profits […]
  5. Behavioral Patterns, Trust and Loyalty-Building In China
    Among the issues appearing to cause variations in the purchase of clothing and apparel by online platforms included the price, discount, sales volume, size, styles and designs, user recommendations, product authenticity, changes on the actual […]
  6. “Value, Satisfaction, Loyalty and Retention in Professional Services” by Trasorras, Weinstein, and Abratt
    Thus, the purpose of the research is to state the absence or presence of the relationship between the value and customer retention, loyalty, and satisfaction in the context of professional services.
  7. Public Relations and Customer Loyalty
    When a firm has a strong brand image in the market, the perception of the public would always be influenced positively towards the firm, and this will increase loyalty of the customers towards the firm.
  8. WeChat Users’ Motivation, Satisfaction and Loyalty
    H3: Satisfaction has a positive impact on WeChat users’ loyalty Motivation Just like in the case of any other media platforms, users of WeChat ought to have a positive attitude and the desired motivation for […]
  9. How Can Brand Awareness & Customer Loyalty Stimulate Customer Involvement: Zara
    One of the fundamental priority areas that have been targeted by companies in the fashion industry as a matter of urgency is the creation of brand awareness among customers and the reinforcement of customer loyalty […]
  10. Telecommunication Company: The Effect of Brand Image on the Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction
    Thus, the researcher will be in a position of criticising the academic literature on brand image, with a focus on the role of customer satisfaction and loyalty in the in the industry.
  11. The Importance of the Customer Loyalty and the Ways to Increase E-loyalty
    The rapid development of the principles of retailing and the active usage of the innovative technologies and the Internet resulted in the fact that today it is possible to use the notion of the customer […]
  12. Purchasing Intentions and Customers Loyalty Towards Michelin in China
    The latter was found to be necessary in the new market in order to boost the performance of employees and overall brand image of the company in the new competitive and dynamic market.
  13. Various Internal and External Stakeholders and the Duty of Loyalty to Them, on the Example of the Hospital
    As the president of the facility, the doctor has important obligations to all the stakeholders. The president has the responsibility to present progress reports and attend to the demands of the board of trustees.
  14. Implications of Loyalty Program Membership and Service Experiences for Customer Retention and Value
    Another excellent example of the application of loyalty programs in the service industry includes the co-branded credit card program that has been launched by General Motors, a program that seeks to allocate 5 percent of […]
  15. Ways of Screening Employees for Security and Loyalty
    The loyalty and security checks instill a lack of trust in the employees and this is likely to affect the performance of the employees.
  16. Heineken Marketing Mix: Achieving High Sales and Brand Loyalty
    The pricing of the product is a key component of the marketing mix because the price affects the perceived value that the consumers have on the product.
  17. Customer Loyalty and Relationship Management
    The goal of the report is to present the research findings on the issues surrounding loyalty programs and an analysis of the Southwest Airline rewards program.
  18. The Effect of Retail Service Quality and Product Quality on Customer Loyalty
    The link between product quality and customer loyalty is evident: when a product satisfies customer’s needs, and thereafter, a customers communicates the positive aspect of that products to others, thus showing a high degree of […]
  19. The Challenges Facing Marketing Managers Who Have the Strategic Intent to Increase Customer Satisfaction, Trust, and Loyalty
    That is because of the stiff competition in the world of business, in the world of selling whatever there is to sell.
  20. Japanese Americans: Loyalty and Betrayal
    Following this attack, the United States of America in retaliation, placed all Japanese Americans in internment camps popularly known as ‘War Relocation Camps.’ Nevertheless, the aftermath of this exercise presented one big irony of all […]
  21. Earning Loyalty and Trust
    Leadership should also ensure that what it expects the employees to accomplish is made clear to the employees and that they are empowered to do that.
  22. Marketing Research: Customer Loyalty at Al-Marai Company
    This is given the fact that customer loyalty is one of the features that defines this company in the market. The following are some of the assumptions made in the study together with the scope […]
  23. The Question of Loyalty and Patriotism
    Considering the fact that the alien country, is where one lives and has accumulated most of her/his wealth, it becomes reasonable to show loyalty to the country though this action can also result into negatives […]
  24. The Effect of Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction and Switching Costs On Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Study Of Hypermarkets In Taiwan
    This is a summary of the article “The Effect of Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction, and Switching Costs on Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Study of Hypermarkets in Taiwan, by the authors Tsai, Ming-Tien; Tsai, Chung-Lin; Chang, […]
  25. Loyalty Motivation in “Best Places to Launch a Career” by Tanaka
    It is based on such factors that a company needs to take into consideration the changing face of workplace loyalty in order to make the appropriate type of hiring decisions and to understand the necessity […]

❓ Questions about Loyalty

  1. Are Customer Loyalty and Online Grocery Shopping Linked in Anyway?
  2. What Drives Consumer Participation in Loyalty Programs?
  3. Can Customer Loyalty Programs Really Build Loyalty?
  4. Does Advertising Overcome Brand Loyalty?
  5. What Kind of Loyalty Is Most Important?
  6. Can Ethical Business Strategy Influence Consumers Buying Behavior and Loyalty?
  7. Does Blowing the Whistle Violate Company Loyalty?
  8. What Influences Satisfaction and Loyalty in Public Transport?
  9. How Can Organizations Build Employee Commitment and Loyalty?
  10. Does Brand Loyalty Segmentation Work All the Time?
  11. Is Loyalty Important for Success?
  12. How Do Corporate Reputation, Quality, and Value Influence Online Loyalty?
  13. What Is a False Sense of Loyalty?
  14. Does the Institutional Loyalty Hypothesis Really Work?
  15. Whether Service Quality Determinants and Customer Satisfaction Influence Loyalty?
  16. How Can Customer Loyalty Be Increased?
  17. Does Technology Acceptance Change the Way From CRM to Customer Loyalty?
  18. Why Should Customer Loyalty Influence Marketing Strategy?
  19. How Does Brand Loyalty Affect the Performance of a Company?
  20. Does True Loyalty Really Exist in Relationship Marketing of the Airline Industry?
  21. Why Don’t Male and Female Shoppers See Mall Loyalty Through the Same Lens?
  22. How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Create Customer Loyalty?
  23. Why Is Loyalty the Most Important Virtue?
  24. How Does IKEA Generate Customer Loyalty?
  25. What Are the Factors Influencing Customer Loyalty Towards Online Shopping?

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"103 Loyalty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 15 Mar. 2025, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/loyalty-essay-examples/.


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IvyPanda. 2025. "103 Loyalty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 15, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/loyalty-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda. "103 Loyalty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 15, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/loyalty-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda. "103 Loyalty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 15, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/loyalty-essay-examples/.