101 Marxism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Marxism Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. A Reflection of Marxism in the Modern World
    This is often done in the form of a dogmatic proclamation of Marxism as an all-powerful doctrine: “Marxism is one of the most influential intellectual movements in the history of ideas”.
  2. John Lennon’s Imagine and Marxism
    At the same time, the following question will be answered: 1) Why has this song become so popular and why does it have a great appeal on listeners; 2) Is it possible to build and […]
  3. Schools of Political Economy: Marxism, Liberalism and Mercantilism
    It seeks to understand the driving forces of the economy and the key actors in the world economy. Governments and economic actors are the key elements in the economy, according to liberalism.
  4. Liberalism versus Marxism
    Marxism isolates the predispositions and laws of capitalism so as to understand the direction of capitalism; and in this case the direction of capitalism is in four phases which include the beginning, maturity, decline and […]
  5. Marxism Theory in Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
    The current paper looks at how the theory of Marxism can be used to explain the novel due to the rejection of aesthetics and commodification by focusing on societal structures and hegemony.
  6. Marxism as a Sociological Theory
    The bourgeoisie is the social class that is associated with the “ownership of the means of production”. This is based on the fact that the output of the proletariats was “valued in terms of the […]
  7. Application of Marxism Theoretical Perspective in ‘To be taken with a Grain of Salt’
    Symbolically, the notion of interactions of the dead and the living developed by To be taken with a Grain of Salt perhaps exemplifies the differences in the classes of people.
  8. The Ideas of Marxism: Marxism, Religion and Emancipatory Politics
    The essence of man, according to Marx, is formed in the relation of man to man and the relation of man to nature.
  9. Discussion of Marxism Impact on News
    This article reports the recent attack on the church in southern California by David Chou, a member of the China-backed organization that supports the idea of annexing Taiwan. The view of propaganda is consistent with […]
  10. Capitalism, Black Marxism and Social Balance
    Thus, capitalism and racism developed as a consequence of the evolution of Western society, while Black radicalism was a response to this process.
  11. Education in Marxism: The Communist Manifesto
    Karl Marx is the founder of new doctrine and the author, together with Friedrich Engels, of the Communist Manifesto, one of the most influential documents in the history of humankind.
  12. Religion and Marxism in Metropolis
    Speaking about the way the film addresses religious topics the characters of Maria and John Frederson, the story of Babylon, and the idea of Mediator is to be mentioned.
  13. Poverty by Anarchism and Marxism Approaches
    It is important to note that the very different ways in which social scientists approach the study of social phenomena depend to a great extent upon their particular philosophical view of the social world, a […]
  14. Marxism and Health Economic Inequalities
    Tackling health inequalities is a top priority for this Government, and it is focused on narrowing the health gap between disadvantaged groups, communities and the rest of the country and on improving health overall.
  15. Political Realism in Light of Marxism and Idealism
    The reason for the above statement is because the underlying principle behind this theory is that politics is rational and that there is a reasonable explanation for the actions of states in politics.
  16. Minimum Wage According to Marxism
    Analyzing the issue from the Marxist viewpoint, it can be concluded that increases in the minimum wage are beneficial to the working class but not to capitalists.
  17. Marxism Philosophy of the Nineteenth Century
    The Marxism philosophy is the brainchild of Karl Marx with the assistance of Friedrich Engels in the mid-nineteenth century. One of the core ideologies behind the concept of Marxism is that of social reality.
  18. 19th-Century Marxism with Emphasis on Freedom
    As the paper reveals through various concepts and theories by Marx, it was the responsibility of the socialists and scientists to transform the society through promoting ideologies of class-consciousness and social action as a way […]
  19. American and European Legal Histories and Marxism
    The key ideas of Marx regarding the law were laid out in his collaboration with Engels, the Communist Manifesto, in which the authors criticize the entire institution of government being subjected to the rule of […]
  20. Has Post-Marxist and Critical Theory Strengthened Marxism?
    The theories look at the philosophies which shape the relationships between nations and the key interests of the nations which participate in international relations.
  21. Structuralism, Neo-Marxism, and Neo-Liberalism: Economic Development Theories
    The policies are in the form of direct or indirect government intervention through the creation of tariffs and local industry protection, among others.
  22. Marxism Perspective in Production
    According to Marx, economic systems deal with the development of strategies and policies that govern the behavior and employment of the means of production.
  23. The Best Political Philosophy is Marxism
    It is also important to note that these group of theorists also believed in the fact that people are selfish. On the contrary, Locke believed in a rational man, even though he could be selfish […]
  24. Marxism in Development Geography
    Marxist Geography is critical in nature, and it utilizes philosophy and theories of Marxism to look at the spatial relations of human Geography.
  25. Why Marxism is Scientific
    The second section illustrates that the history of the development of Marxism is scientific and it conforms to the progressive development common to the development of scientific knowledge.
  26. Human Rights: Universalism, Marxism, Communitarianism
    Marxist and Communitarian do not believe in the existence of human rights. In fact, having and exercising human rights will not benefit the members of the society.
  27. Relationship Between Institutionalized Racism and Marxism
    The owners of the means of production utilize their power to subjugate and dominate the inferior class, which is the minority race in the US.
  28. Contribution of Marxism and Imperialism in Shaping the Modern International Political System
    Therefore, the postulated concepts of class struggles, materialism, and the surfacing of a capitalistic world market incredibly provide a point of alignment of the Marxism concepts and theories of international relations.
  29. Income Inequality in Marxism, Structuralism, Neoliberalism, and Dependency Theory
    The peculiar features of every country’s development should be discussed from the point of the character of the economic relations within the country and from the point of the country’s position within the global economic […]
  30. What Does Marxism Tell Us About Economic Globalisation Today?
    Though, crises are known to be more in the developed countries of today, Marxism reckons a time, based on today’s observations of capitalism, when the globe will be industrialised, a situation that will render the […]
  31. History paper, Marxism theory
    The formation of this class, which controlled the wealth of the entire community, formed the basis of Marxism theory of the minority wealthy individuals at the expense of the majority poor people.
  32. Marxism will not return as a major ideology in the 21st century
    Initially, the ideology was first introduced in Canada by the British intellectuals and as a result, it ended up dominating the ideals and major principles of the socialist parties in the country.

📌 Most Interesting Marxism Topics to Write About

  1. The Various Stages of Development That a Society Goes Through from a Marxism Perspective
  2. A Comparison of Philosophies in Socialism, Marxism, and Communism
  3. Development Models; Isisbter’s Modernization, Dependency, and Marxism Theories Applied to Bangalore in India
  4. The Main Ideas of Marxism, Functionalism and Internationalism
  5. Marxism and the Revolutionary Tradition
  6. Comparison of Marxism and Feminism
  7. Vladimir Lenin and His Revisions to Classical Marxism
  8. The Role of Intellectuals in The Rise of Marxism History
  9. The Importance of Marxism in Literature and Critical Theory
  10. The Fundamentals of Marxism and Economic Liberalism
  11. The Application of Marxism Theory in Looking at the Cause of the American Civil War
  12. The Poisonwood Bible: Marxism and American Arrogance Towards Congo
  13. The Highlight Reel of Marxism in American Football
  14. The Horizons of Theory: Jameson, Marxism, and Poststructuralism
  15. Assess the Contribution of Marxism to Our Understanding of the Role of Education
  16. The Evolution of Marxism in Regards to Feudal Mode of Production
  17. How Does Cloud Atlas Offer an Interpretation of Marxism in a Highly Tech
  18. The Distinction Between Animalism and Marxism in Orwell and Maryx
  19. The Concept of Power Between Conservatism and Marxism
  20. The Juxtaposition of Platonism and Marxism

👍 Good Research Topics about Marxism

  1. Marxism Through Galileo Common People
  2. Contributions and Drawbacks of Marxism
  3. The Philosophy of Liberalism and Marxism
  4. The Great Depression Summarized by Marxism in Carson Mc Cullers Novel, the Heart is a Lonely Hunter
  5. The Problem with Work: Feminism, Marxism, Antiwork Politics and Postwork Imaginaries
  6. The Influence of Marxism on Darwin’s Origin of Species
  7. The Poverty of Radical Theory Today: From the False Promises of Marxism to the Mirage of the Cultural Turn
  8. The Theory of Marxism: Marxism, Marxist, Politics, and Ideology
  9. Understanding Functionalism, Marxism, and Liberalism
  10. Marxism Literary and the New Criticism Theory
  11. Analysis of Alasdair MacIntyre’s Marxism and Christianity
  12. The Social Perspectives, Functionalism, and Marxism
  13. Assumptions of Marxism: Contradiction and Conflict
  14. The Democratic Firm as a New Perspective for Marxism
  15. Liberalism and Marxism in Global Political Economy
  16. The Ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Giving Way to the Ideology of Marxism-Leninism
  17. Understanding Marxism in Relation to Communist Ideals
  18. Dehumanization: Marxism and Modern Era
  19. The Evolution of Marxism and the Fate of Capitalism

❓ Research Questions about Marxism

  1. What Are the Concepts of Marxism and Feminism?
  2. What Should You Know About Marxism?
  3. How Important Was Marxism for the Development of Mozambique and Angola?
  4. Does Marxism Adequately Explain the 1917 Russian Revolution?
  5. Does Neo-Liberalism or Neo-Marxism Provide the Most Credible Account of International Politics?
  6. What Role Does Culture Play in Western Marxism?
  7. What Is the Difference Between Functionalism and Marxism?
  8. What Is the Connection Between Great Expectations and Marxism?
  9. What Are the Class Conflict and Marxism?
  10. How Did Marxism and Socialism Challenge the Status Quo in Russia at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century?
  11. What Is the Difference Between Liberalism Marxism and Corporatism?
  12. What Was the Marxism?
  13. Why Has Marxism Been So Popular Among Latin American Intellectuals?
  14. How Does Marxism Explain the Role of Education in Society?
  15. What Is the Connection Between Marxism and the Fall of Willy Loman in Death?
  16. How Did Lenin Revise Marxism?
  17. What Were Lenin’s Views on Marxism?
  18. What Does Marxism Tell Us About Economic Globalization Today?
  19. Who Followed Marxism More? Stalin or Lenin?
  20. How Does Cloud Atlas Offer an Interpretation of Marxism in a Highly Technological Society?
  21. How Did Lenin Add to Marxism up to 1905, and What Were the Consequences?
  22. Has Post-Marxist and Critical Theory Strengthened Marxism?
  23. Why Has Marxism Been Neglected for International Relations?
  24. Can Feminism and Marxism Come Together?
  25. What Walrasian Marxism Can and Cannot Do?
  26. Why Did Western Europe Never Fully Envelope Marxism?
  27. What Is Cultural Marxism?
  28. How Much Did Stalin Deviate from Marxism?
  29. What Is the International Political Economy Interpreted Through Nationalism, Liberalism, and Marxism?
  30. How Did the Russian Marxism Movement Evolve in the Period?

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 21). 101 Marxism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/marxism-essay-examples/

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"101 Marxism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 21 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/marxism-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '101 Marxism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 21 November. (Accessed: 22 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "101 Marxism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/marxism-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda. "101 Marxism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/marxism-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda. "101 Marxism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 21, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/marxism-essay-examples/.