🏆 Best Steve Jobs Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
- Steve Jobs Commencement Speech AnalysisIn his speech, Jobs demonstrates the virtuous use of the rhetoric appeals in the development and presentation of one of the most persuasive commencement speeches in order to draw the students’ attention to the significant […]
- The Speech “How to Live Before You Die” by Steve JobsHe has full control of the direction of the speech and strong mastery of the subject. The last story narrated by Steve is on the sensitive topic of death.
- Steve Jobs as a Successful EntrepreneurAs Steve got older and went to college, he encountered the same problem as in school and so he went off to search for the “meaning of life” in India.
- Steve Jobs’ Speech “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” AnalysisLet us have a closer look at the parts of the speech namely the introduction, the main body consisting of three stories from Steve Jobs’ life and the conclusion which is rather an appeal to […]
- Steve Jobs: A Charismatic LeaderDuring the period that he was out of Apple, Steve used his knowledge and charisma to draw a team of staff close to him, which helped him to enhance his knowledge in the production of […]
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Steve Jobs: ComparisonIn the case of Martin Luther King Jr, his commitment to non-violent resistance as a way of effecting social change was informed by his Christian upbringing and study of Mohandas Gandhi’s philosophy.
- Steve Jobs: Persistence and InnovationsIt has been reported that at once stage Steve was relieved of his position as the CEO of his the company he started and owned, thanks to the dynamics of corporate governance.
- Speech Analysis: “How to Live Before You Die” by Steve JobsIn the first part of his speech, Jobs told the story of how his life’s experiences started to make sense in the end, even though that when he was young, Jobs was often unable to […]
- How Steve Jobs Changed the WorldHis was the first computer to have icons mouse and computer graphics features that made it be loved by many.iPad, iPhone and iPod Jobs came up with the ideas of these gadgets and which have […]
- Steve Jobs: The Life and Times of the Great EntrepreneurThroughout his life he was able to face hurdles which were some kind of a stepping stone towards success, manifested through the empire and legacy that he built with the aim of improving the life […]
- “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” by Steve JobsIn order to analyze gender perspectives in a speech, it is of essence to appreciate type of the audience, purpose of the expression, position of the speaker, and gender.
- Steve Jobs’ Stanford Speech Rhetorical StrategiesSpeaking of the goals which Steve Jobs pursued when having a public speech in front of the students of the Stanford University, one has to mention that these goals had nothing to do with Jobs’ […]
- On Personality and Qualities: Why Do I Admire Steve Jobs?Following his heart and intuition, the co-founder of Apple is the most remembered for his speeches and presentations where the projects he presented were more based on the paramount customer needs and concerns.
- Steve Jobs’ Impacts on the WorldAfter the continued poor performance in Apple, the CEO was fired and Steve appointed chairman of the board and CEO of Apple.
- Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement SpeechHe was also able to relate the topic to the concerns of the graduates and finally he was able to link himself to the subject.
- Steve Jobs’ Public Speaking EvaluationJobs was dressed the same as the graduates, therefore contributing to his confidence and the gravity of his words. His speech was well-organized, and Jobs talked of every point stated in the outline in the […]
- Steve Jobs’ Presentation at the Worldwide Developers Conference 1997The Worldwide Developers Conference 1997 featured a question-and-answer conversation between Steve Jobs and a developer audience, which was a watershed moment for the firm.
- Steve Jobs Speech AnalysisIt is imbued with the spirit of creativity and cleverness of a man who has seen and experienced so much in his life.
- Presentation Techniques Used by Steve JobsThis makes it easier for the audience to follow the speaker’s story. For instance, one should not forget that their work is to offer value to the listeners and not market themselves.
- Steve Jobs’ 2005 Commencement Speech AnalysisThroughout the speech, the presence of the character is evident due to the moderate tempo of speech, volume, and tone of speech.
- Steve Jobs on Hiring and Building Apple Inc.In addition, Steve Jobs talks about the importance of values: he notes that when a company develops, it is easy to lose what it was created for.
- Steve Jobs: Leaders Create Vision, the Meaning Within Which Others Work and LiveA leader with a vision is one who has the ability to see the present as it is and formulate a future that grows out of and improves upon the present.
👍 Good Essay Topics on Steve Jobs
- Steve Jobs’ vs. Indra Nooyi’s Leadership ComparisonHe thinks that leadership is a process and a personal expression of the people we are that it is the ‘…authentic self-expression that creates value’ Cashman.
- Intelligence and Creativity: Steve Jobs’s ExampleIntelligence is a construct for which there have been plenty of definitions; these usually refer to a person’s ability to perceive information, process it, keep it in the form of knowledge, and use it for […]
- Steve Jobs’ Unconventional Leadership StyleThe success attained at Apple Inc.was clear proof that Steve Jobs did not use traditional or conventional styles of management to meet the goals of the company.
- The Art of Public Speaking: Steve Jobs and His MessagesWhile one must give credit to the groundbreaking ideas that the innovator introduced to the audience, the delivery of the information also played a significant part in the success of the performance.
- Steve Jobs’ Influence on Tech Education and CareerHe therefore developed interest in electronics leading to development of his career. He called his friend to help him to reduce the size of the chips and it worked out successfully.
- “Steve Jobs” by Walter IsaacsonThe first thing outlined in the book is that Steve Jobs loved to do things in the right manner. As an entrepreneur, it will be necessary to focus on innovations and ideas that can transform […]
- The Phenomenon of Business Celebrities: Steve JobsIt might consist of a more traditional analysis wherein you take the author to task by criticizing his/her argument. The critique should be complex and original; it goes beyond the obvious.
- Steve Jobs and His Romantic IndividualismIt is possible to note that the two articles in question focus on the way people’s views and values affect the development of society.
- Steven Paul Jobs as an Exceptional Leader of AppleMost of the definitions stress the principal position of the leader in the team or organization, his range of tasks, as well as the most likely outcomes in the case when the leader is successful […]
- Jia Yueting’s Use of Steve Jobs’ Vertical IntegrationJia Yueting attempts to emulate the same formula, however, his foray into the “electric vehicle” industry raises a lot of eyebrows, because it seems like it is pushing the idea of vertical integration into the […]
- Steve Jobs as a Historical Figure in MarketingHe was a person of vision and action who managed to make Apple one of the leading companies in the world.
- Entrepreneurship: “Steve Jobs” by Walter IsaacsonThe book is very captivating because it is a discussion about one of the greatest men in the world of technology.
- Contemporary Leadership Models: Larry Pages and Steve JobsLarry Page, the co-founder, and CEO of Google is the leader who drives the change and enables his company to remain one of the top operators in the world.
- Steve Jobs and Tim Cook Leadership Styles ComparisonThe objective of the research is to establish the explicit value of strategic and innovative leadership application in the success of a multinational corporation.
- Steve Jobs’ Leadership StyleHe was a leader with an exceptional intellectual aptitude and believed in his ability to influence sustainable change in the world through development of innovative products and services.
- Steve Jobs Speech Summary and AnalysisAt the time Steve Jobs had been giving his commencement speech at Stanford University he was at the middle adulthood stage of the life development cycle. It was at this time that he went on […]
- The Charismatic Leadership of Steve Jobs at AppleIn this form of leadership style, leaders have full control over the operations of an organisation and have clear visions that they communicate to their followers. In conclusion, ethical leadership is necessary for the success […]
- Nature and Effectiveness of Steve Jobs LeadershipHis leadership style comprised of a mix of qualities and strategies that aimed at improving the operations and status of the organization in order to achieve the set goals and objectives of Apple Inc.
- Critical Factors of Executive Success: Steve JobsBusiness leaders are the main strategists of business programs that define the success of the firm in the industry and the economy in which it operates.
- Characteristics of Business Leadership: Steve JobsMost of the success in these businesses is associated with the leaders of the business. In the year 1974, Jobs started the ‘Revolutionary Macintosh’ of which he ushered to the market.
- Steve Jobs’ Role at AppleThe main purpose of this paper is to highlight whether the loss of Steve Jobs would lead to the decline of the Apple Company.
- Steve Jobs: Quest for Perfection and Total ControlThis paper will discuss the biography of Steve Paul Jobs, well-known as a co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc.for investigating Jobs’ case and the balance between his quest for perfection and total control in their […]
- Steve Jobs’ Greatest Product: Apple IIThis means the Canadians’ priority of Apple II is at the essence of their classical approach from personal computers to iDevices thus their emphasis still remain gripped within their first experience with the Jobs Apple […]
- Do Investors Care if Steve Jobs Is Healthy?The article by Koch, Fenili and Chebula tries to investigate the impact Apple’s founder Steve Jobs health has on the profitability of the company through an analysis and evaluation of stock/share price and market capitalization.
❓ Questions About Steve Jobs
- What Was Steve Jobs’s Cause of Death?
- Was Steve Jobs Ever the Richest Man in the World?
- Why Is Steve Jobs Famous Today?
- How Did Steve Jobs Get So Rich?
- Who Is Richer Than Steve Jobs?
- Who Is Richer, Steve Jobs, or Mark Zuckerberg?
- What Was Steve Jobs Worth at Death?
- Does Steve Jobs Still Own Apple?
- What Was Steve Jobs Slogan?
- What Was Steve Jobs’s Biggest Problem?
- Why Did Steve Jobs Not Get Treatment?
- What Was Steve Jobs’s Personality Type?
- What Did Steve Jobs Have a Fear Of?
- What Does Steve Jobs Say About the Most Important Thing in Life?
- What Was Steve Jobs’s Diet?
- How Long Would Steve Jobs Fast For?
- Why Is Steve Jobs So Inspiring?
- What Was Steve Jobs’s Most Famous Speech?
- What Lessons Can We Learn From Steve Jobs’s Life?
- Was Steve Jobs a Toxic Person?
- Did Steve Jobs Ever Cry?
- Was Steve Jobs Emotionally Intelligent?
- How High Is Steve Jobs’s IQ?
- What Was Steve Jobs’s Greatest Skill?
- Why Is Steve Jobs the Most Influential Person?
- Why Is Steve Jobs a Great Leader?
- Why Is Steve Jobs Your Role Model?
- Was Steve Jobs the Best CEO Ever?
- What Is Steve Jobs’s Impact on Society?
- Why Does Bill Gates Respect Steve Jobs?