Welcome to our list of topics about teens! Here, you will find everything you need to write an essay on teenagers: topics, samples, and a free teenagers topic generator. Sounds interesting? Check it out!
🏆 Best Teenagers Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
- The Influence of Media Advertising on Teenagers – EssayNegative influences of advertising on teenagers include embracement of unhealthy eating habits, lack of self-esteem and confidence, perpetuation of violence and stereotypes, propagation of drinking and smoking, enhancement of teenagers’ propensity to risk, and development […]
- Do Curfews Keep Teenagers Out of Trouble?This paper shall argue that curfews are beneficial to society in regard to the role they play in improving the lives of teenagers, and maintain social order. They help parents to monitor their children’s activities […]
- Should Teenagers Have Mobile Phones? EssayThis paper will address the negative impacts that mobile phones are having on teenagers’ school life. Campbell confirms that most teenagers have the desire to upgrade their phones in order to fit in with their […]
- Sports Impact on Teenagers: Rhetorical AppealsParticipating in any form of sports is of great significance as it helps to utilize, maintain, and improve an individual’s physical capabilities and develop advanced skills in that particular game.
- Communication Between Parents and TeenagersCommunication between parents and their children, especially teenagers, is an ongoing process that can be developed and modified in order to create a sense of openness and support that will become a basis for the […]
- How Do Teenagers Deal With Problems and Consequence Without Parent’s Support?This is because the parents are not in a position to be of good guidance during the period of the problems and they are not reliable and therefore teenagers tend to rely on themselves.
- Is Cyber Bullying Against Teenagers More Detrimental Than Face-To-Face Bullying?Social networking has also contributed greatly to the issue of cyber bullying especially in making it more harmful as compared to face-to-face bullying.
- Technology Impact on US Teenagers’ Reading HabitsSince the turn of the century, numerous changes in the type and amount of material teenagers are reading in the United States have been witnessed.
- Social Media and Teenagers’ Mental HealthThis book highlights the impact of social media on adolescent mental health and offers several solutions to this problem. 1, 2020, pp.
- Volunteering: Troubled Teenagers and Healthy CommunityI would get experience in guiding young people and making them a part of something bigger. I would try to show the kids the other way out, and they would make me a better person.
- Freaks, Geeks, and Cool Kids: American Teenagers, Schools, and the Culture of ConsumptionThe first part of the book is titled “The Puzzle and the Tools”. The author of the book clearly states that it is not the American schools that make the teenagers behave in this manner.
- Relations of Parents and TeenagersThis is although the children may be extremely proud of their parents and would like to take grow up to be just like them.
- Online Gaming and Its Effects on TeenagersViolent online game operational definition: The number of hours teenagers are exposed to violent online gaming in a week. Aggressive behavior operational definition: The frequency at which a teenager shows aggressive acts, including shouting at […]
- Effects of Underage Drinking on the Academic Development of TeenagersIn effect the question which is posed in this research seeks to investigate the severity of the effects of alcohol abuse on the school attendance of the teenagers.
- Sources of Conflict Between Parents and TeenagersOne of the recurrent themes linked to dress codes and the conflict between parents and adolescents is the adherence to cultural norms.
- Arab Culture and TeenagersWith this approach, the parents have managed to mould their teenagers into the right path that is to stick to their culture.
- Phones and Teenagers’ Mental Health ConnectionThis essay aims to discuss the connection between phones and teenagers’ mental health and explain why the use of smartphones is merely a reflection of problems that children would face either way.
- “Are Smartphones Really Destroying the Lives of Teenagers?” by FloraBy showing the inconsistencies in research results, the author suggests that the use of smartphones on its own is not a dangerous behavior, but how teens use smartphones could play both a positive and a […]
- Group Therapy for Pregnant and Parenting TeenagersIt is important for the girls to understand that life still has meaning in spite of their circumstances. If the girls are able to develop a positive perception of life, they will be motivated to […]
- Birth Control for TeenagersThis is exactly the reason why the idea of using birth control should not be given to teenagers. The third reason why birth control should not be advocated for teenagers is that there are more […]
- Mobile Culture: Texting Effects on TeenagersGiven the abilities of smartphones to access the Internet and social media platforms, teenagers have turned their smart devices to tools of socialisation and communication in which texting is the most preferred mode of communication.
- Academic Stress and Its Impact on TeenagersAnother possible solution is raising awareness about the harms of stress to human health to educate students and their parents on the risks associated with stress.
- Cause and Effect of Teenagers Crazy DrivingThey have to acknowledge that they are the childhood role model for the kids and this includes being the indirect driving teacher of the child.
- Smoking Among Teenagers as Highlighted in ArticlesThe use of tobacco through smoking is a trend among adolescents and teenagers with the number of young people who involve themselves in smoking is growing each day.
- Gang Involvement of TeenagersThe risks involved to members of a gang will vary based on the kind of activities the gang is involved in.
- Social Media Damages Teenagers’ Mental HealthThus, the selected social group that could help improve teenagers’ mental health is sports coaches and organizers of sports activities in schools.
- Effects of Internet Addiction on Family Relationships Among TeenagersIn the modern society, cyber bullying refers to the instances where the individual uses the internet to interfere with the rights and freedoms of others.
- Factors Affecting Teenagers during Adolescence Development StageThis is because it provides parents with the knowledge they need to support their children during the period and aids teens in understanding their own physical and psychological development.
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among TeenagersThe thesis statement is: “Conviction is a better way to reduce drug and alcohol addiction among teenagers in the United States”.
đź‘Ť Good Essay Topics for Teens
- An Opinion on Contraception for TeenagersWhat is the significance of providing birth control to adolescents without a prescription? What are the repercussions of not administering birth control to adolescents?
- Sexual Education Among TeenagersThe changes are evident in different spheres, such as the widening of the chest and the deepening of the voice in boys.
- Tobacco Addictions Among TeenagersThis makes it urgent to fight all forms of tobacco and nicotine use in order to preserve the health of adolescents.
- Bulimia in Teenagers: How to Make a ChangeThis paper hypothesizes that to make a change a complex of psychological measures should be taken that includes the use of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, formation of the right attitude to food and body weight, and building […]
- Drug Addiction in Teenagers: Smoking and Other LifestylesIn the first part of this assignment, the health problem of drug addiction was considered among teens and the most vulnerable group was established.
- Anxiety Issues Amongst TeenagersOne of the most notable stress sources is a feeling of anxiety a state of mind characterized by negative mood and overall tension.
- Substance Abuse in TeenagersThe essay presents the issues and the causes of substance abuse among adolescents. Despite significant legislative and social communication efforts in the field, the prevalence of drug use remained relatively unchanged for the commonly used […]
- Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Among TeenagersThe third question is, does the race of the teenagers affect the lack of testing? Evaluation of the performance of a point-of-care test for chlamydia and gonorrhea.
- Peer Pressure and Smoking Influence on TeenagersThe study results indicate that teenagers understand the health and social implications of smoking, but peer pressure contributes to the activity’s uptake.
- Dietary Intervention in Teenagers With ObesityThe sensitive topic of weight and diet is greatly influenced by a social factor of body image and deceptive objectification of the human body and healthy weight parameters.
- Discussion of Body Shaming Among TeenagersThe concept of body positivity was presented as well, and it was pre-assumed that it is an appropriate variant to address body shaming among teenagers.
- Planning Program: Decreasing Cases of DWI Among TeenagersIt is important to acknowledge the role authorities will play in implementation and success of any plan like the one outlined above. Authorities will also play an important role in providing legislative support to successful […]
- Using the Mobile Phone by TeenagersThe aims and objectives of this study were; To find out the purpose for which the mobile phones are used in the everyday lives and how long the mobile phones are used during the day.
- Effects of Human Trafficking in Teenagers: The Present-Day SituationIn this case, the inclusion of the additional factor, the type of human trafficking, will contribute to a better understanding of the problem and develop a solution.
- Aftermath of Human Trafficking in Children and TeenagersThe major part of the available research is concentrated on the victims of sex abuse and the applied means of their treatment.
- Negative Effects of Multitasking on TeenagersAnother reason the students multitask is that they simply do not see the negative impact it has on their coursework. That is the reason why multitasking is a poor practice for students.
- Effects of Social Pressures on Teenagers TodayOn the other hand, the “midriff” is used to represent the teenagers that are ready to always make sure that they purchase the products that are currently in the market.
- Why Teenagers Must Be Allowed to Use Birth Control?It is the purpose of this paper to underscore why teenagers should be given the opportunity to use contraceptives. These findings point to the importance of contraceptives in solving the problem of teenage pregnancy in […]
- Should the Teenagers Be Tried as Adults or Juveniles?Thus, it is logical to treat these teens as adults and the judicial system should proceed in accordance to the procedure enlisted in the case of an adult.
- Abortion in Teenagers: Proposal ArgumentIn the overwhelming majority of cases, the teenager who has encountered such problems is inclined to violate the law, which often leads her to illegal and sometimes unsafe abortion. According to WHO, it is the […]
- Teenagers in the UK and Carrying KnivesThe number of teenagers in the UK carrying knives for use on each other has slowly been increasing during recent years and the media is not publishing stories about knife crimes out of the blues; […]
- Influence of Modelling in Teenager’s Eating DisordersThe body types required for the models to have demand of them to maintain their body shape and sizes. The models influence on the teenagers is considered too great to cause eating disorders in them.
- Healthy Behavior Barriers Among TeenagersThe primary purpose of the study conducted by Zhai et al.was to explore the link between perceived family and peer gambling and binge drinking and problem gambling.
- Teenagers’ Suicidal Thoughts and Contemporary IssuesTo screen for suicidal thoughts in the given age group, it is necessary to focus on the manifestations of this problem and related external stressors when asking questions.
- Parental Divorce and Its Impact on TeenagersIn their article, Gustavsen, Nayga, and Wu use the results of the Add Health survey to study potential links between the experience of parental divorce and the likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors.
- Teenagers With Autism DisorderAutism is seen as a spectrum disorder since its severity and symptoms vary greatly among affected individuals – from mild and occasional to persistent and interfering with all aspects of life.
- Crimes That Teenagers Do Not CommitHowever, the most common reason for the specified age group to confess to the crimes that they never committed is the lack of techniques for questioning teenagers that can be observed in the modern legal […]
- Sharp Teenager Recreation Center’s Business PlanThe facility will be operated as a club, with teen members having the opportunity to suggest the programs of their choice, and the management being the final decision-making organ.
- Health Promotion: Depression Awareness in TeenagersIn addition to community sensitization and promoting the expression of melancholic emotions by adolescents, the DAP program will include depression screening days in schools.
- Cyberbullying in Teenagers: Offenders and OffendingAs the contemporary teenagers are a population group that is characterized by very frequent use of digital technologies and the internet on a daily basis, they are just as likely to become victims of cyberbullying […]
đź“Ś Most Interesting Teenagers Topics to Write about
- Cyberbullying Impact on TeenagersThe proposed research will be a qualitative review of the recent literature covering the issue of cyberbullying in teenagers for the purpose of identifying the prevalence and trends of this phenomenon.
- Suicide in Teenagers: Health Policy ResearchTherefore, the evaluation of regulations and strategies and the factors that contribute to the positive outcomes in the administrative process is essential to the achievement of better policy effectiveness.
- Problem of the Depression in TeenagersDespite the lack of sufficient data on the variation of depression among young adults over the last 10 to 20 years in the US, from the literature review, the research identifies an increasing trend of […]
- Giving Birth Control to TeenagersIt is paramount to say that it is a significant problem that needs to be addressed because the number of cases of teenage childbearing is one of the highest in the United States compared to […]
- “Let Teenagers Try Adulthood” by Leon Botstein – Youth IssuesAt the beginning of the article, the author explains the reasons for removing the so-called high school elite because this group does not contribute to the development of students’ personality.
- Suicide in Teenager 14-18 Years OldAlthough the statistics show that there has been a considerable reduction in the number of the reported cases of suicide, the current rates are still worrying.
- Getting a Teenager to Clean His/Her RoomThis will teach Jimmy to be responsible and it may also make him understand that a tidy room is a norm and it is a great convenience.
- Community Education Forum on Drug Use Among TeenagersThe organizer can enlist the participation of volunteers to support the noble initiative. The organizer can provide leadership in communication and delegates other roles to volunteers.
- Bullying and Suicide Among TeenagersSpecific objectives Analyze the causes of bullying among teenagers in the country Analyze the effects of bullying among victims, perpetrators and by-standers Analyze the relationship between bullying in school and suicide among teenagers in the […]
- Literature Review and Research Methodology Draft: Effects of Internet Addiction on Family Relationships Among TeenagersThe focus of the literature review will be to find information on effects of the internet on family members and also to determine the current state of research as regards to the effects of the […]
- “The New Gay Teenager” by Ritch Savin WilliamsHe explores how the concept of being gay is slowly changing as a result of pop culture influences brought about by the media which in effect has created a whole new generation of gays completely […]
- The Effect of Cellphones and Internet on TeenagersFrom one point of view, it is possible to see that texting and using other features of a cell phone have become detrimental, but at the same time, there are some advantages to the communication […]
- Peer System: How Adolescents Perceive Popularity?In order to characterize the attitude of youths to the concept of popularity and to determine the dependence of their attitude on such factors as age or social status, the authors used a survey method.
- Peer Pressure as One of the Main Teenagers ProblemThe introduction of a healthy social and psychological environment in schools is a program that will be implemented to help curb negative effects of peer pressure.
- Doctors’ Reluctance to Prescribe Birth Control Pills to Early AdolescentsThese are some of the proposed solutions that could help solve the problem of doctors not prescribing birth control pills to teenagers.
- The Sex Life of TeenagersThere are various reasons that can be behind the increase of adolescent sex in our society and this is what needs to be looked at.
- Does TV Increase Violence Among Children and Teenagers?With the increase in media freedom, the media has brought a number of issues that have influenced on the life of a people, they have sometimes aired programs, and music and news that can reign […]
- The Effects of Media on TeenagersConclusively, from the above study, it is apparent that over reliance on internet as a means of communication negatively affect face-to-face interaction among family members, friends, and society for teenagers.
- Effects on Teenagers: Dysfunctional Families and Family ViolenceAt the center of all this is the important relationship between parents and the kind of kind of treatment the parents give to the child.
🔎 Research Topics for Teens
- How Screen Time and Social Media Impact Teen Mental Health
- Risk Factors for Bullying and Cyberbullying Among Teens
- Drug and Alcohol Use Among Teenagers
- The Influence of Peer Pressure on Teen Decision Making
- Relationship Between Adolescent Sleep Patterns and Academic Performance
- The Prevalence and Consequences of Dating Violence in Teenagers’ Relationships
- Technology Use and Digital Citizenship Among Teenagers
- Challenges and Opportunities during Teens’ Identity Development
- Body Image and Eating Disorders Among Teens
- The Effects of Media and Advertising on Teenagers’ Consumer Behavior