62 Third World Countries Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Third World Countries Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Nestle’s Baby Formula and Third World Countries
    This was one of the company’s major faults which led to the international scandal and boycott of Nestle’s products in Third World countries.
  2. The Third World: Concept and Controversy
    The Third World, which is popularly referred to the countries of the south or developing countries, consists of many states in Africa, Caribbean, South America, Asia, and those in Central America.
  3. Third World Feminism and Its Challenges
    As a conclusion, Sa’ar states that “it is rooted in the code of familial commitment, which is primarily masculine and includes women only secondarily,” which makes it difficult for women to commit to the family, […]
  4. The Third World Countries: Development and Communication
    This paper examines the problems that prevent the development of the third world countries and the reasons why the western countries continue to progress on the other hand.
  5. History of Sovereignty of Third World Countries
    Thus, the first meeting- Bandung of the people of color in the history of humanity occurred in Asia after World War II.
  6. Global Education as the Key Tool for Addressing the Third World Poverty Issue
    Global education leads to improvements in the state economy and finances. Global education helps resolve the unemployment problem.
  7. “Preventable Health Issues in Third World Countries”: Drivers of the Problem and Possible Solution
    The documentary also reveals the poor conditions of the healthcare systems in the Third World, where people have to ride a horse or walk on foot to reach the doctor.
  8. Development Programs Effectiveness in the Third World Countries
    The foundation of this critique is the disillusionment regarding the effectiveness of the development programs offered to the third world countries in earlier periods.
  9. Globalization and Imperialism in the Third World
    In the face of globalization, communication as in the use of language and style in music, speech and art form the primary material for intercultural transmission in various forms of the media.
  10. Third World Women and Men
    Some of these practices are unethical and “inhuman”, the purpose of this research paper, therefore, is to discuss how bias some of these practices are and how the affect the millions and millions of third […]
  11. Humanitarian Aid in Third World Countries
    One does not have to hold a Ph.D.in psychiatry to realize that people’s continuous commitment to promoting the idea that Western countries have a “moral obligation” to provide humanitarian aid to citizens of Third World […]
  12. Economic Development and the Third World
    But to understand them more properly it is important to consider the definition of development as it is and see the basic features that are typically attributed to the concept of development in the modern […]
  13. Small Medical Business in Third World Countries
    To identify the health care problems specifically in expensive medications, in a sample of person who have been in the third world countries. To identify the traditional and herbal medicines that enhances the small business […]
  14. The Mystery of Capital in the Third World
    The dominance of the West has grown since its victory in the Cold war and today, it controls most marketplaces to the disadvantage of most economies.
  15. Third World Countries: Legal System Implementation
    Their fight for capitalism has failed due to the rulings that find them guilty of trying to manipulate the written law of the country.
  16. Product Dumping in Third World Countries
    Even if there are no rules, regulations or bans in the countries these products are exported to, allowing the sale and export of goods that have been proven to be dangerous are to become complicit […]
  17. Third World Countries Development: Pieterse and Escobar Views
    Both Pieterse and Escobar are in agreement when it comes to the “crisis of development” in Third World countries. Pieterse argued that it is time to question the goals, agents, and methods of development.
  18. Globalization Effects on the Economies of the Third World
    This means that it affects the growth of the country in a number of ways given the fact that foreigners are allowed to invest freely. Dollar observed that the living standards of the poor in […]
  19. Agricultural Modernization in Third World Countries
    Due to underdevelopment in third world countries, the state considered the need for integrated rural development to reduce poverty in rural areas.
  20. Education in the Third World
    The meeting led to development of a framework for the achievement of education for all. Prior to allocation of resources to third world nations, donors often analyze the political will of the concerned government and […]
  21. Third World Countries and the Barriers Stopping Them to Escape Poverty
    The phrase Third World was initially used in the Cold War period to represent those countries that were neither on the West NATO nations referred to as the first world countries, nor on the East-Communist […]
  22. Cuban Model as a Solution to Economic Problems in the Third World?
    Its form of sidelining capitalists/capitalism is a detriment to it The model should undergo a restructuring so as to be effective and efficient in Third World countries.
  23. Sweatshops and Third World Poverty
    When discussing about the role of multinationals in developing countries and the way they treat the economies, the writers are of the opinion that to avoid negative outcomes and promote the spirit of international corporation, […]
  24. Racism, Colonialism and the Emergence of Third World
    According to Strong the superior race is the Anglo-Saxon, a race formed by the interbreeding of the Americans and the English people.
  25. Modernization, Postmodernism and the Third World
    In addition it holds the reality of being dependent on the interested parties and the nature of those interests. The argument for the significance of the term implies that there has been establishment of decentralization […]
  26. Analysis of the Third World Debt Crisis and Its Causes
    Much as the developed nations and the international donors are to blame for the problems facing the developing countries, third world countries also share the blame due lack of proper debt management policies.

👍 Good Research Topics about Third World Countries

  1. The Poverty Demography Trap in Third World Countries: Empirical Evidence from Tanzania
  2. Third World Countries Religion And Democracy
  3. The Corporate Obligations When Operating in Third World Countries
  4. Third World Countries Major Problems
  5. Nestle’s Baby Formula and Third-World Countries
  6. Third World Countries Globalization Economy
  7. The Roots of Equality in Third World Countries
  8. How Globalization Effects Third World Countries
  9. Third World Countries and Problems of Trade
  10. Climate Change In Third World Countries
  11. The Serious Hunger Problem of Two African Third World Countries Ethiopia and Sudan
  12. How Has The 2008 Recession Affected Third-World Countries
  13. The Personal and Societal Benefits of Missionary Trips to Third World Countries
  14. Fair Trade and Coffee in Third World Countries
  15. How International Monetary Fund Has Assisted in the Underdevelopment of Third-World Countries
  16. Crime and Injustices against Women in the Third World Countries
  17. Faith and Religious Extremism in the Third World Countries
  18. Sources and the Nature of Ebola Virus and Reasons for its Prevalence in Third World Countries

📌 Most Interesting Third World Countries Topics to Write About

  1. Social Networking and Third-World Countries
  2. Endemic and Epidemic Diseases in Third World Countries
  3. Evaluation Islamic Bank’s Internet Cards in Third-World Countries
  4. Socially Responsible and Ethical Marketing Decisions: Selling Tobacco to Third World Countries
  5. The Problems and Solutions of Developing Research Culture in Third World Countries
  6. The Controversy Surrounding the Production of Nuclear Weapons in Third World Countries
  7. Multinational Corporations Responsibilities Toward the Third World Countries
  8. How Are Third World Countries Depicted in Contemporary Advertising
  9. Ethnocentricism and Its Effects on Third World Countries
  10. The World Bank’s Role In Developing Third World Countries
  11. Modernity and Third-World Countries
  12. Health and Environmental issues in the Middle East and Third World countries
  13. The Challenge and Solutions of the Rapid Growth of Shanty Towns in Third World Countries
  14. Marketing Decisions: Selling Tobacco to Third World Countries
  15. The Major Factors Contributing to the Rise of Poverty in Third World Countries
  16. The Moral Necessity And Biblical Mandate Of Providing Special Education Programs In Christian Schools In Third World Countries
  17. The Problem with Western Perspectives on Child Labour in Third World Countries
  18. The Problems Facing Third World Countries’ Politics

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 30). 62 Third World Countries Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/third-world-countries-essay-topics/

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"62 Third World Countries Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 30 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/third-world-countries-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '62 Third World Countries Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 30 November.


IvyPanda. 2024. "62 Third World Countries Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 30, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/third-world-countries-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "62 Third World Countries Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 30, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/third-world-countries-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "62 Third World Countries Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 30, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/third-world-countries-essay-topics/.