The sixth aim is to provide all people with clean and safe water by eliminating dumping, reducing pollution, and minimizing the release of dangerous materials and chemicals.
It could be that it was due to the honesty of her delivery and the innocence of her views that helped to heighten the impact beyond that of the slightly monotone manner in which she […]
Political nature of the General Assembly and the Security Council hinder the effectiveness of the United Nations in fostering international peace and security.
The united nations MDGs were ratified by member states to the United Nations and this signified the beginning of a journey to improve living standards by the end of 2015.
The need to replace the League of Nations with the United Nations was largely inspired by the failure of the League of Nations to prevent the outbreak of war among nations.
After World War II, the then president of the US, Franklin Roosevelt, drafted the Declaration of the United Nations, alongside the British Prime Minister and the leader of the Soviet Union, as an attempt to […]
The rules and policies produced by the United Nations are not centered on a global involvement in de-weaponizing countries, as everyone is full of fear that a group of terrorists will be able to overtake […]
The discussion led to the signing of the UN Charter, which has 193 nations as member states, with some nations including Japan, the United States, India, China, Israel, Jamaica, Pakistan, and Algeria.
The UNICEF senior management is responsible to reveal the annual report of the initiatives and results to the member states and the information on all the activities of UNICEF is accessible to the public.
The organization was formed by the four nations that had waged war on the Axis Powers the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, China, United States and Great Britain.
It is important to understand that the signing of the Peace Treaty of Westphalia was predetermined by the objective laws of history, concerned with the fact that the course of a continuous social, cultural and […]
Traditionally, capitalism has been defined as “the ownership and control of the means of production by a class of “capitalists” and an economic and political system that favors this”. The modern meaning of socialism is […]
This conflict tended to be a struggle between Iraq and the United Nations in which Iraq struggled to break out of the controls and sanctions the UN established as part of the cease-fire in the […]
The UN SDGs state that the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are a global and essential program that has assumed the development of the entire world for decades.
After the Second World War, the initiative was to create the United Nations to foster world peace and security. The UN peacekeeping missions are responses to situations in the hopes of quelling threats through peaceful […]
Although the UN addresses this issue through the Policy Concerning Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, and Abuse of Authority, it failed to protect females’ rights in distinct African regions, increasing the necessity to establish new policies.
The UN’s goal of implementing the targets of climate action cannot be achieved by 2030 due to the omnipresence of restricting factors and the delays in accomplishing the planned efforts.
The policy of the Republic of Estonia during its membership in the UN Security Council was strong. During official speeches, Estonia has repeatedly pointed to the need to include the division of regions in the […]
Moreover, another vital factor that contributes to the evaluation of the article is the audience. The article ends with a description of the overall situation in Mali and expresses concern.
The mission statement of the organization, “for every child” is clear of the desire of the organization, stating clearly that their ambition is to ensure the right of every child, in all corners of the […]
As for the latter, often not socially acceptable forms of sexual desires and the search for lower prices serve as the sufficient driving force behind the sex slavery market.
The current environmental issue of waste management will shape the future operations of UNEP under the gradient of recycling and use of biodegradable materials as the core sustainable initiative to eradicate the negative impact of […]
The purpose of the paper is to address the failures and successes of the organization’s peace initiatives in an effort to evaluate its ability to ensure greater global security.
The most significant resemblance of the New Laws of The Indies and Human Rights Law of the United Nations is the obligation to consider human rights as the primary basis for establishing the local regulations.
This is the basis for both the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods, popularly referred to as the UN Sales Convention and the Uniform Commercial Code.
It is believed that the nuclear development of this country, which significantly increased during the Cold War, is a major threat to the security of the United States.
In this report, I will aim to discuss the discursive significance of UNCRPD, to identify the qualitative aspects of how UNCRPD relates to the themes and motifs, contained in the ‘Labor of love’ video, and […]
Some of its powers in enforcing military actions are stipulated in article 39 of the UN charter; but, before the body can exercise its authority, it has to determine certain elements like the threat to […]
Charted in 1945 by 51 countries, the intent of the United Nations was to provide a forum for the nations of the world to congregate as a means to promote world peace.
In this respect, it is easier to adjust the laws of the country to the international requirement if a country is a member of the United Nations Organization.
In particular, the Charter of the UN requires the Secretary-General to inform the Security Council about any issue that is perceived to threaten the maintenance of global tranquility and security. The position of the UN […]
One of the most important indicators of the activities of international organizations is the activation of their participation in the development, transfer, and diffusion of the most modern technologies for progress.
Though the issues expressed by the founding fathers of the organization are not the same as of the 21st world century, there is a need to reform the UN to have a realignment of its […]
The United Nations Security Council is the main body of the United Nations that has powers to pass obligations about peace and security that are binding to the 193 member states.
International law aims to create the general picture of the world, and the more states integrate into the area of international law, the easier it gets to cooperate with other countries.
In this paper, the attention is paid to the history of the United Nations, the establishments of UN agencies in the world, and the UN’s efforts to deter conflicts regarding its main objectives such as […]
To improve the effectiveness of the response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis, the UNOCHA was founded. The UNOCHA pursues the same goals as the Department of Humanitarian Affairs and the Office of the United Nations […]
The UN must recognize that China has emerged as a major power in the world. Thus, the UN must understand the role China will have in the world if it emerges as a superpower.
However, the key limitation of the given measure is that the UNO has not yet come up with the strategy of classifying the effects of the climate change and whether UNO is able to embrace […]
Speaking about the wars and conflicts which had a great impact on the country, it is possible to admit the role of foreign countries and United Nations in the attempts to make the compromise and […]
✅ Interesting Topics to Write about United Nations
Despite the fact that UNHCR has in the recent past executed its duty in the best interest of all the refugees across the globe, the agency faces some setbacks and failures that need to be […]
Nevertheless, individual negotiators are more likely to influence the outcome of the negotiations in the choice and decisions made. Similarly, the 1992 UN Conference on Water and the Environment held in Dublin brought together stakeholders […]
However, in the discussion of the role that the UN plays in international relations through the worldwide system, it is important to identify the differences between the international system and international society.
The success of UN transformation will depend on the extent of the aspects of its system – its formal structure, information flows, reward and the recruitment process help in defining the new face of the […]
The operations were instituted in December of 1992 to help in the enactment of the harmony accord involving the administration of Mozambique and the opposition faction RENAMO.
The essay examines as to whether or not the founding of the United Nations represent a radical departure from the system of international law and/or international society prior to 1945.
But in the 21st century many companies are aware that the bottom-line is not the only requirement to success, business organizations like IKEA must learn to develop sustainable practices that will benefit not only the […]
Aliano explains the implications for any business that wishes to operate within the countries that have not agreed to the United Nations Conventions on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
It would take a committed effort from each country in the world to help deal with the global issue of climate change and adequate preparations have to be made.
In response to these attacks, the United Nation’s Security Council passed resolutions 1816 and 1838 in 2008, to facilitate the international community to aggressively take part in the management of security in the Horn of […]
The Security Council is one of the most important organs of the United Nations and it has the mandate to safeguard international peace by ensuring that there is enough security in the world.
The United Nations Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental organization and an organ of the United Nations; all members of the United Nations members are members of UNHRC, the council seat, however, has a membership […]
The Namibian peacekeeping mission was successful due to “interests of the powerful states in the security council, the situational difficulty of the Namibian civil war and the ability of United Nations Transition Assistance Group to […]
The origin of the United Nations resulted from the effects of the World War II and the need to establish a new and stable world order by the world governments and the common people affected […]
In this regard, an international body such as the UN must address the conflicts of justice and order before deciding on the side that it will be taking.
Hewlett Packard, in its undeterred ambition to providing cutting edge technology to the populations all over the world became a member of the United Nations Global Compact initiative in a bid to be in support […]
Development of the UN is a reflection of the development of humanity. It is necessary to note that the positive changes within the organization are due to the activities of different UN state members.
While the initial proposals to elevate Human rights to the status of a “principal organ” on the same footing with the Security Council, the General Assembly, and ECOSOC were not realized, the Human Rights Council […]
He challenges the international community to enact laws that categorizes the misuse of power ‘which leads to poverty’ as a crime against humanity. The persistence of poverty can be attributed to poor governance and ignorance.
❓ Research Questions on United Nations
Is the United Nations an Effective Organization?
Why Do Some People Hate the United Nations?
When Was United Nations Founded In?
Should the United Nations Provide Global Standards for Media Freedom?
Is the United Nations Becoming a Failure?
How Do You Think the United Nations Should Be Reformed?
Who Runs the United Nations?
Which United Nations Efforts Are Considered Successes?
How Much Do United Nations Volunteers Get Paid?
Will the United Nations Destroy Religion? Why or Why Not?
What Were the Goals of the United Nations When It Was Established in 1945?
Why the United Nations Can’t Be Powerful Force to Get the Global Peacefulness?
How Many Countries United Nations Have?
Does Pakistan Deserve a Permanent Security Council Seat in the United Nations?
What Is the Future of the United Nations?
What Is the Intended Purpose of the United Nations?
What Three Countries Are Not in the United Nations?
Is the US Still a Part of the United Nations?
Is North Korea a Member of the United Nations?
Should the United Nations Be Disbanded?
What Happens if the US Leaves the United Nations?
Does the United Nations Need a Standing Army?
Which Country Left the United Nations Recently?
Can the United Nations Be a World Government?
Where Are the United Nations Headquarters Located?
How Powerful Is the United Nations?
Which Is the Most Powerful Organ of the United Nations?
Can the United Nations Declare War?
Why Did Indonesia Leave the United Nations?
What Would Happen If the United Nations Didn’t Exist?