180 World War 2 Essay Topics & Examples

Looking for good World War 2 topics to explore? Look no further! In this list, we’ve collected the best topics of WW2 for middle school, high school, and college students. No matter what aspect you’re interested in, you will definitely find here something for yourself.

In addition to WWII topics, we’ve also included some helpful tips and essay examples. Check them out below!

🤫 Secrets of Powerful Essay on World War 2

From diplomacy and espionage to battlefield events and the fate of nations, World War 2 essay topics are broad in range and require their writer to have an in-depth knowledge of various details.

Thus, writing a World War 2 essay may seem daunting due to the weight of the necessary historical analysis. However, writing an excellent paper is as easy as keeping in mind a few minor but cornerstone circumstances.

WWII Topics: Important Events

Everyone knows about the Atlantic and D-Day, but World War 2 essay prompts go further than the standardized level of knowledge. Paying due attention to the topic of the Eastern Soviet front, the French Vichy government, and the Blitz over Britain should be essential centerpieces of your essay.

All Ally members, just like all Axis partners, had their crucial moments and roles to play, and focusing on standalone countries does a disservice to a war that involved more than 30 countries.

Even if your central theme centers on a single country, you can gauge the independence of their politics and tactics per its allies. Remember that all events are interconnected and each action creates a reaction!

Creating a timeline, or finding one, will help you understand the continuity of the war’s narrative.

You should frame for yourself the time between events, the countries affected by them, and their outcome. Doing so, regardless of the problem you are tackling, will make your paper flow smoothly from one subject to another, touching upon interconnected ideas.

Topics of WW2: Prominent Personalities

When writing about World War 2, most essayists focus only on Adolf Hitler’s adverse role and outright criminal actions. However, you can and should go beyond even Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, and Winston Churchill.

Focus on the country that you are tackling; find what connections it had, and what tactics it pursued, and note its leader.

For example, if you are writing about the Eastern front, then mentioning the characters of Zhukov for war-related events, Molotov for diplomacy, and Kalinin for internal affairs will illustrate that you have a comprehensive knowledge of various interconnected topics.

Do your research keeping in mind the essentiality of the personal factor, even in worldwide affairs.

WW2 Topics: The Positive and Negative Consequences

Even today, there are demographic implications and political repercussions of the war. Thus, World War 2 essay questions should demonstrate all consequences of such an event, if possible with vivid examples.

Use quotations, studies, and book and journal titles to support the information you are presenting.

From the accounts of the event’s contemporaries to photo materials and recordings, there are millions of sources on the circumstances of World War 2, many of which are readily available online.

Let your bibliography be representative of your academism and include relevant, credible, and varied sources in it.

Paper Structure

Creating an outline for your paper in the pre-writing stages will help you overview the planned working process and see its weak aspects. Doing so includes seeing what themes are underdeveloped and which you have overpowered with information, as well as correcting this issue promptly.

Furthermore, doing so gives you an understanding of excellent World War 2 essay titles, which are pivotal in getting your readers interested in your work.

If you feel like your paper is lacking something, structurally or informatively, then you can read sample essays on similar issues and judge for yourself what you can apperceive from them.

Does your paper still feel daunting? Let IvyPanda give you some inspiration! Get motivated, writing, and graded “excellent”!

🏆 Best World War 2 Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Miscommunication Problems: the US and Japan in World War II
    At the beginning of 1945, the leaders of such countries as the United States, the United Kingdom, and China offered the document that outlined the conditions of the Japanese surrender under which Hirohito could stay […]
  2. The World War II Propaganda Techniques
    All the parties to the war, including Germany, the Soviet Union, and Britain, invested many resources in propaganda, but the present essay will focus on the United States’ effort. Furthermore, propaganda messages were created to […]
  3. Propaganda During World War II
    The Second World War was a complicated time for both the general public and the authorities since while the former worried for their safety, family, and homeland, the latter needed to maintain the national spirit […]
  4. Shintoism and World War II in Japan
    The impact of religions on the world throughout history is undeniable, it can be seen how different religions include in their teachings all of the life aspects and affect them in a way or another.
  5. The World War 2 Positive and Negative Repercussions
    The Effects Of The 2nd World War: The fall of world major powers: The war did not just end, but it had some positive and negative effect to the countries both involved and those that […]
  6. World War II Propaganda Posters in America
    The imagery of the boot stepping on the American church is not just a threat to the religious ideals of the country but a threat to freedom itself as the church often doubled as the […]
  7. Could the US Prevent the Start of World War II?
    Some believe that the United States of America could prevent the outbreak of the war. Therefore, it is possible to assume that the USA could not have prevented the start of the Second World War […]
  8. How Cars Changed the United States After World War II
    The national rail network allowed the farmers to become part of the national economic recovery that started at the beginning of the Second World War and continued throughout 1960.
  9. World War 2 Consequences
    The major causes of this Great War were the unresolved issues that resulted from the World War 1. Another thing that led to the World War 2 was the failure of the League of Nations.
  10. World War II Innovations
    Named as the Manhattan Project during World War II, the nuclear program of the Allies led to catastrophic consequences for the Axis forces, particularly in the context of the bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which […]
  11. Battle of Kursk: Germany’s Lost Victory in World War II
    Although the fighting efficiency of the Nazi troops decreased due to a decrease in the number of available equipment and the transfer of auxiliary units to the front, it was still a formidable force.
  12. World War II, Causes and Outcomes: Lesson Plan
    It includes the key concepts, objectives, materials, and the description of the activities that teachers can use to introduce new material to the students in the 11th and 12th grades.
  13. Causes of World War II
    Therefore the desire by the Germans under Hitler to conquer other countries and the desire by the Japanese to expand their territory was the key cause of the war in Europe and subsequently the World […]
  14. World War II: A Very Short Introduction
    The questions addressed in the book were not very often discussed previously, as the author states in the introduction; Weinberg examines Germany’s responsibility for World War II, the reasons behind the eventual victory of the […]
  15. The Bonds or Bondage World War II Poster Analysis
    The current paper explores an example of a poster created in the early years of the war. During WWII, tax increases did not cover the military spending enough, and Henry Morgenthau, Jr, Secretary of the […]
  16. Dwight D. Eisenhower: World War II Hero and U.S. President
    In addition to his leading role as a peace and desegregation crusader, prior to his election as the 34th American president and even after his rise to the top seat, Eisenhower was a well known […]
  17. The Neutrality of Vatican City During World War II
    Despite the moves made by the Pope Pius XII for the Vatican City to remain neutral in the World War II, the actions he made were seen as a great violation of stance.
  18. The Role of Propaganda During World War II
    The poster encourages men to enroll in the army to protect the peaceful lives of women and children. By manipulating emotions and feelings, propaganda influenced people to enroll in the army or work harder.
  19. “The Second World War: A Short History (Struggle for Survival)” by Robert Alexander Clarke
    The author traces the cause of the war from the Europeans and the Germans who were the key participants in the crisis.
  20. Critical Analysis of “Walking Since Daybreak: A Story of Eastern Europe, World War II, and the Heart of Our Century” by Modris Eksteins
    The author presents a story of a people mixed with fear, anxiety and hope as the main characters of the book are caught in the traumatic experience of the war.
  21. World War II Propaganda and Its Effects
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the confrontation between the German and the Soviet propaganda machines during the period of the Second Patriotic War, outline the goals and purposes of each, and identify […]
  22. Causes of WWI and WWII: Comparing and Contrasting
    In the following paper, Kenneth Waltz’s levels of analysis will be used for the comparison and contrast of causes of WWI and WWII. The second similarity refers to the distribution of power and the division […]
  23. Women in World War II
    The involvement of women in the war was quite significant to the women as they were able to have a strong arguing point after the war and this made it possible for the women to […]
  24. The Causes and Consequences of World War Two
    Some studies reported that the war caused around 62 to 80 million deaths, and this made it the deadliest fighting in the global history in terms of reported number of deaths compared with the world […]
  25. Development Theories After Second World War
    Consequently, the rate of growth and development could be measured by the level of savings and investment in physical capital in the country. This theory has included changes in technology into the model of growth […]
  26. The Impacts of the Second World War on Asia
    The period after the Second World War saw the emergence and expansion of the world economies. Countries such as Japan and China started rebuilding their economies so as to compete with the rest of the […]
  27. Canada’s Role and Experiences in World War II
    The book emphasized the painful experiences the victims of the soldiers went through and the traumatizing memories they had. In the accompaniment of readers, the authors describe strategic bombing as a series of military activities, […]
  28. The World War II: Impact and Consequences
    The Allies and the Axis were reluctant to follow any line that risked running into the antagonism of the other for fear of alienating their ally and therefore endangering one of the precepts of their […]
  29. Culture and Customs of Japan After WWII
    It must be admitted, however, in the interests of truth, that the traditional mode of living and ways of thinking, both good and bad, are deeply rooted in the life of the Japanese people of […]
  30. The Influences of Neutral Countries in WW2
    The validity of this suggestion can be illustrated, in regards to what historians know about the influences of the mentioned countries on WW2: Sweden Up until the year 1944, Sweden used to be in the […]

👍 Good Essay Topics on World War 2

  1. Effects of the Pact of Steel Agreement on World War II
    He was a strong believer in the strength of the people as the backbone of the country and not the strength of the individual.
  2. World War 2 Leaders Comparison: Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler
    World War 2 remains one of the most significant and historically important events in the entire world because the United States of America, Japan, and the majority of European countries were involved in it.
  3. Civilians as Victims of World War II
    The aim of this paper is to explore the suffering of civilians in the pursuit of victory in World War II.
  4. WWII History: How Hitler Died
    From the onset of the war, Hitler proved to be a trustworthy leader. In the US, tests done on a part of the skull purported to be Hitler’s have given unconvincing results.
  5. Nationalism in World War II
    Another critical “nation-statehood making” is the break of the Soviet Union and the end of cold war between Soviet Union republic and the United States.
  6. World War II: The Tragedy of Civilian Casualties
    The war was characterized by the indiscriminate bombing of cities, the massacre of civilians, and the displacement of millions of people.
  7. The Dunkirk Pullback in World War II
    Churchill used the Dunkirk evacuation as a rhetorical device in his speech to boost the spirits of the British people and inspire them to continue the battle against the Germans.
  8. V-2 Rocket and Its Impact on World War II and Today US Army
    The V-2 rocket was influential not only in the Second World War but also shaped the concept of the future of the US Army and is the prototype for many modern weapons.
  9. US Holocaust Policy During World War II
    However, the anti-Nazi campaign was not successful, and the main reason for this was the harsh foreign policy of the USA.
  10. German Strategy During the Beginning of WWII
    The German’s use of the Nine Variables – Elements of Strategy aided them with great success at the beginning of the war from 1939 – 1941, and the failure to accurately access the Nine Constants […]
  11. The Office of Strategic Services Operational Groups in World War II
    The study of the importance of O.S. To investigate the impact of O.S.
  12. World War II and the US Decision to Stay Out
    The United States was not involved in the war until 1941 since it had a Neutrality Act which established limits to the sale of weapons to fighting parties.
  13. Wartime Conferences of World War II
    The wartime conferences of World War II were genuinely significant in deciding the strategy undertaken by the Allies but also helped shape the world order during and in the aftermath of the world.
  14. South Africa During World War II Years
    Clark’s topic is the impact of World War II on the independence of South Africa. The main point of the author is that South Africa’s history during and immediately after World War II is underresearched.
  15. Contribution to World War II of Chinese and Native Americans
    Despite the dire conditions many of them lived in and white Americans’ discrimination against them, they used the war as the opportunity to prove themselves as loyal patriots.
  16. The Role of the United States in World War II
    The policy worked under the terms that the United States could sell arms provided that the buyer could pay in cash and seek their means of transportation.
  17. Doing Academic World War II Research
    Researchers can use the information on the authors at Britannica to determine the reliability of the information provided on the website.
  18. The Use of Radio in German Propaganda During the World War II
    One of the techniques used by the Nazis to persuade German people and shape their worldview was the use of such media as radio.
  19. Arguments Against the Use of Nuclear Weapons in World War II
    The firebombing campaign was against the use of atomic weapons in the form of nuclear bombs as it was aimed at urban centers and completely discriminatory.
  20. The European Theatre of Operations in WWII
    The Eastern front fought against the Western front, demonstrating various air and land campaigns. Battle of the Bulge.
  21. The Significance of the Iron Curtain at World War II and the Cold War
    Churchill encouraged the US and the UK to unite and ensure that they ended the actions that the Soviet Union was exercising.
  22. Soviet and American Perspectives on World War II Through Movies
    The theme is the same to show the rise and fall of the German Nazi empire. The first remarkable feature of the movie is the humor with which Mikhail Romm, the director of the movie, […]
  23. Winston Churchill, a Leader During the World War II
    He faced this disorder before the development of effective medication, and hence had to live with untreated Bipolar Mood Disorder throughout his life.
  24. The Decolonization in Asia and Africa in the Post-WW2 Period
    According to Tignor et al, WW2 resulted in the following – the war itself left the unresolved issues of WW1 and heightened them, such as plans of Germany and Japan to expand their political impact […]
  25. Kurt Vonnegut. Wailing Shall Be in All Streets and Slaughterhouse-Five. Reflections on World War II
    The two literature pieces under consideration in the following paper can be acclaimed as a strong attack to the motives of those participating in the World War II along with the use of powerful irony.
  26. Women in Canada During World War II
    The analysis of the role of Canadian women in the most devastating war of the century presents special interest for us due to nontrivial results concerning the place of women in history that can be […]
  27. World War II and Germany’s Invasion Plans
    The invasion of Great Britain was important to Adolf Hitler because in this way the great air force power of Great Britain would have been destroyed.
  28. Women’s Role in World War II
    The significance of this event is not only due to the destruction and the great number of people that were killed in the said conflict but also the numerous precedents that help changed the course […]
  29. Anti-Japanese Propaganda During World War II
    The content of propaganda was much the same as that of broadcast propaganda: emphasis on the Allies’ growing war potential, ridicule of the more preposterous assertions of the National Socialists, evidence of self-contradictions in the […]
  30. American Economic History After World War II
    In the beginning, it’s been the United States displacing Great Britain as the world’s largest economy and in the end it’s the globalization that made the biggest noise.

🥇 Most Interesting World War 2 Topics to Write About

  1. Issue of World War II Regarding Comfort Women
    In 1991, the issues regarding comfort women exploded in the public when a woman from South Korea came out to the public and testify the issue regarding comfort women.
  2. Impacts of the Pacific War and World War II in Japan
    Japan surged with the inversion trend undeterred, in 1937, it launched a large-scale inversion of China and four years later in 1941, it attacked the US, triggering the entry of America to the Second World […]
  3. Could the World War II Have Been Avoided?
    First of all, arguing on the matters of the inevitability of World War II it is necessary to point out, that the causes of it take the roots at the end of World War I, […]
  4. Shifting Images of Chinese Americans During World War II
    Therefore, it is important to elaborate on the history of relationships between Japanese Americans and Chinese Americans in the period between 1920 and 1940. Thus, the tendency for the distinguishing and distancing of the Chinese […]
  5. World War II and Its Impact on Asian Americans
    In general, most Asian Americans benefited from war as the Filipino, the Chinese, and Indians were wartime allies of the United States.
  6. Atomic Bomb as a Necessary Evil to End WWII
    Maddox argued that by releasing the deadly power of the A-bomb on Japanese soil, the Japanese people, and their leaders could visualize the utter senselessness of the war.
  7. The Marshall Plan’ Effects on Post WW2 Design
    To, some extent, the impacts of the Marshall on design can be explained by the economic situation in Europe at that time, and especially the necessity to reduce the costs of production.
  8. Deindustrialization After the World War II
    The battle for equality in different working environments led to the passage of the Fair Employment Practices Commission. The tightening labor market in the country also resulted in new employment patterns.
  9. World War II in “Slaughterhouse-Five“ Novel by Kurt Vonnegut
    To make a detailed description of the expressed opinion and to prove it, we should consider the characteristic features of the heroes and the general perception of novels which are directed at the description of […]
  10. Racism in the United States: Before and After World War II
    The U.S.government went from supporting racism against African Americans in the New Deal era to fight against racism by the 1960s because of World War II.
  11. Roosevelt’s New Deal and Joining World War II
    It led to the restructuring of the American economy and the establishment of the new model of relations between business, labor force, and the state.
  12. American Homefront During World War II
    The people who remained at home also had to change their lives to suit the war. On the same note, the people left at the homefront had to work together in order to survive.
  13. Child Labor, Great Depression and World War II in Photographs
    The impression is of isolation and yearning for daylight, freedom, and a childhood foregone, in the midst of a machine-dominated world.
  14. American Women in World War II: Oral Interview
    In fact, the participation of women in the event was prepared during the First World War. Interviewee: Yes, I will give you any information that you may want because I was part of the historical […]
  15. World War II in “Our Secret” by Susan Griffin
    The details she provides about various events and the manner in which she chooses her words clearly points out that this is not a work of fiction.
  16. Japanese Americans Internment During the WWII
    Besides, the treatise reviews the historical dynamics that allowed for the internment of Japanese Americans and the impacts of internment in the Japanese American communities during and after the end of WW II.
  17. The Life of a Freedom Fighter in Post WWII Palestine
    As World War II was coming to an end, the Zionist Movement leaders were hopeful that the British government would amend the White Paper policy, allow the Jews to migrate to Eretz, Israel, and govern […]
  18. Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Role in World War II
    That is why historians and the public pay much attention to the discussion of the role in this war of those personalities who persistently led the Western anti-Hitler coalition to the victory over Nazi Germany […]
  19. The Post World War II Nuclear Arms Race
    Costs The nuclear arms race led to a monumental increase in the military expenditure of the US and the Soviet Union.
  20. Peace and Normalisation Treaties Signed After World War II
    The treaty that was signed by Japan and Taiwan and the one between Japan and Korea had the same specificity. Treaties signed between Japan, Korea, Taiwan and People’s Republic of China each have unique characteristics […]
  21. The Art of Being Lonely: A Portrayal of the Lives of Chinese Women of the Post-WWII Generation. Wang Anyi’s “The Song of Everlasting Sorrow” Analysis
    Because of their being not ready for the shift from a WWII to the post-WWII environment and the change in values, Chinese women were highly susceptible and extremely vulnerable to the lures of the “New […]
  22. WW II and Hitler’s Army
    After the massive defeat and deaths of the German army in the war that took place in the eastern side, it was evident that the traditional groups of the army were no longer working as […]
  23. Was the American Use of the Atomic Bomb Against Japan in 1945 the Final Act of WW2 or the Signal That the Cold War Was About to Begin
    Therefore, to evaluate the reasons that guided the American government in their successful attempt at mass genocide of the residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, one must consider not only the political implications behind the actions […]
  24. Japanese Soldiers in the World War II
    Japanese recruits were forced to torture and maim their victims by their seniors to display their commitment and loyalty. Japanese soldiers thought they were highly respected by other Japanese civilians because of their willingness to […]
  25. United States – China Relations During World War II
    The war involved the greatest number of nations with all the major countries in the world playing a role in the war.
  26. Military Fascism in Pre-WWII Japan
    The military fascism was a way of expressing the Japanese economic, power and policy dissatisfaction by the west, and it hence contributed in some ways to the rise of World War II.
  27. Motivation in Combat: The German Soldier in World War II
    Omer Bartov’s Hitler’s army: Soldiers, Nazis, and war in the Third Reich represents a good example of such a literature, because in it, the author had made a point in trying to reveal the conceptual […]
  28. “The Blitzkrieg Myth: How Hitler and the Allies Misread The Strategic Realities of World War II” by John Mosier
    In order to present a clear picture of German participation in the war and the reasons, which provoked these people to fight and kill, it is necessary to concentrate on various sources and perspectives and […]
  29. Role of WWII in Shaping America’s History
    Boost to the Economy The entry of the United States into WWII was a major boost to the economy that was still reeling from the effects of the Great Depression of 1930.
  30. Controversies of World War II
    It is believed that Roosevelt wanted to engage Japan in war and the only way to achieve this was by allowing Japan to attack the Harbor.

🔎 Simple & Easy World War 2 Essay Topics

  1. World War II History
    The consequences of the war had an impact on the political affairs of the world and resulted in a major change of the course of the history of the world.
  2. World War II as the Most Devastating War in World History
    The devastation of the war was mainly due to the advanced military weapons used, from the infantry on the front line to the ships in the sea and the planes in the sky, these weapons […]
  3. The Role Played by Texans in World War II
    Involvement in the war was expected because the US was against Japan’s entry into Middle East, and colonization of Africa and certain regions of Europe by Germany and Italy. The US was greatly perturbed after […]
  4. World War II and Humanism
    Considering the problem of the effects of the World War II in the long term period it is also possible to find the remnants of the humanistic effect, if it was, or to come across […]
  5. The Second World War Unrest
    The Second World War was the greatest world unrest in the history of humanity. The war came at the time in which the global economy was recovering from a deep depression.
  6. European History During World War II
    This concept was crucial in the Second World War in Europe as there was a “large-scale mobilization of state resources for war to anticipate the modern concept of total war that was typically associated with […]
  7. The Major Powers of the Second World War
    After the First World War, the victors stated that they would do everything to preserve peace in the world. The countries that resisted Hitler’s ambition were referred to as the Allies of the Second World […]
  8. The Effects of the Second World War on US
    The war provided Americans with an opportunity to take control of the world and stamp authority in regions that belonged to other world powers.
  9. Analysis of Some US Documents in the Second World War
    The importance of this speech is in the statement of the reasons of the war, the development of the USA before its intrusion in the war and the betrayal of Japan which attacked the USA […]
  10. United States and the Second World War
    According to article 25-1, the attack on the Pearl Harbor was one of the reasons that forced the US to join the war.
  11. America in World War II – Experiences and Impacts
    During the World War II, aggression of Adolf Hitler and Nazi party led to persecution of Jews who lived in Germany.
  12. American History During World War Two
    The Nazi under the leadership of Hitler is ready to kill all the Jews as witnessed in the atrocities against them.
  13. Use of Arts in the Second World War by Nazi
    The films featured several themes such as the virtue of the Nordic or Aryan, the strength of the military and the German industry, and the evils of those who were perceived to be enemies.
  14. Second World War in U.S. History
    Studies on the Second World War have yielded varied perspectives; according to Erdelja, “there is no other experience that was more crucial to the development of the U.S.and Europe in the 20th century than the […]
  15. Pearl Harbor in the World War II
    Pearl Harbor is very significant in the history of the World War II because it is the place where the war started. This was another factor that contributed to the World War II, which began […]
  16. Political Causes of WWII for America and Germany
    This paper is an examination of the causes of involvement of America and Germany in the WWII. He is, in fact, said to be the person responsible for the start of the war.
  17. Thinking Government: Conservatism, Liberalism and Socialism in Post World War II Canada
    This leads to the second implication which was summarized by political scientists in the following statement: “nothing can be guaranteed in life and that all individuals are also free to fail, to stumble to the […]
  18. Challenges and Suggestions That British and American Government Faced After the Second World War
    In order to overcome these problems, the British politician insists on the necessity to singly out clearly the purposes, to grant simplicity of the decisions made, and declare the human rights and freedoms on the […]
  19. Foreign Policy: What Has Been the Main Emphases of America’s Foreign Policy From World War 2 to the Present Day?
    The main emphases of the foreign policy of the United States from World War 2 to the present day have been the containment of the Soviet Union and its allies, military domination, expansion of economy, […]
  20. Baby Boomers After World War II
    The government is campaigning for extension of retirement age, as this would boost the capacity of the social security trust fund to pay retirees.
  21. The Bombing of Dresden in World War II
    The first planes from the Royal Air force started the journey from 1,100 kilometers away and they were tasked with the role of identifying Dresden and releasing Magnesium flares to light up the areas that […]
  22. Developing Economy in Russian Federation After World War II
    Despite the presence of the war, Russia was able to sustain production in parts that were not affected by the war and this trend continued even after the war.
  23. Japanese Internment in the US During World War II
    The Japanese moved fast to occupy the territories previously in the hands of the US, and the more than 110,000 people of Japanese ancestry in the west coast raised issues for the president’s cabinet.
  24. War Crimes During the World War II
    It is clear that the holocaust was a war crime by the fact that, these were innocent civilians who were targeted specifically because of the hatred that Hitler had for them.

❓ WW2 Essay Questions

  1. Was the Second World War Necessary?
  2. Why Did the British Government Decide to Evacuate Children From Britain’s Major Cities in the Early Years of the Second World War?
  3. Was London Prepared for the Outbreak of the Second World War?
  4. What Role Technology Played in the Second World War?
  5. How Far Did the Aims of Nazi Propaganda Change During the Course of WW2?
  6. Was the Second World War Inevitable and What Caused the Second World War?
  7. How the Relationship Between Australia and Japan Changed After WW2?
  8. Why Did the United States Fail the Second World War?
  9. Was Hitler Primarily Responsible for the Outbreak of the Second World War?
  10. How Did the Treaty of Versailles Help Contribute to the Start of WW2?
  11. How the Great Depression Ended by United States Entry Into the Second World War?
  12. How Did WW2 Affect American Society?
  13. How Did Germany Lose WW2?
  14. How Did WW2 Start?
  15. Was the Holocaust Planned During the Second World War?
  16. What Were the Cold War Fears of the American People After the Second World War?
  17. How Responsible Was Hitler for the Outbreak of WW2?
  18. Why Did Germany Lose WW2?
  19. What Were the Cold War Fears of the American People After the Second World War?
  20. How Did the Second World War Affect America?
  21. Why Did Germany Lose the Second World War?
  22. Was the Second World War a Consequence of Appeasement as an Aggressive German Foreign Policy?
  23. How Did WW2 Impact Canada?
  24. Were Japan and Germany Treated Differently by the United States During the Second World War?
  25. Was the Cold War in Europe the Direct and Logical Outcome of the Second World War?
  26. Which Factor Was the Most Important in Causing the End of the Second World War?
  27. How the United States Got Involved in WW2?
  28. How Did the First World War Set the Global Stage for the Second World War?
  29. How Did the Second World War Affect Family Life in Britain?
  30. How Did the Roles of Women Change During WW2?

✅ World War 2 Research Topics

  1. Women’s Contributions to World War II
  2. Battles and Strategies in the War Against Japan
  3. The Complex Factors That Triggered World War 2
  4. How Technology Impacted Warfare and Military Strategies in WWII
  5. The Holocaust and Its Horrific Consequences
  6. How the Battle of Stalingrad Became the Turning Point of WW2 on the Eastern Front
  7. The Atomic Bomb and Its Impact on the Second World War
  8. The Nuremberg Trials and the Post-War Pursuit of Justice for War Crimes
  9. The Role of Propaganda in Shaping Public Opinion During WW2
  10. The Home Front and Civilian Experience During World War II

✍️ World War 2 Topics for a Project

  1. Resistance Movements and Underground Networks during World War II
  2. The Global Economic Consequences of World War II
  3. The Strategies of Allied Commanders
  4. The African-American Experience in World War 2
  5. Espionage and Intelligence in World War 2
  6. The Scientific Legacy of Technology Transfer During WW2
  7. World War II and the Birth of the United Nations
  8. How Did Civilians Survive the German Air Raids?
  9. Post-War Reconstruction of Europe and Japan
  10. The Impact of World War 2 on Art and Popular Culture

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 29). 180 World War 2 Essay Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/world-war-2-essay-examples/

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"180 World War 2 Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda, 29 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/world-war-2-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '180 World War 2 Essay Topics & Examples'. 29 November. (Accessed: 19 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "180 World War 2 Essay Topics & Examples." November 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/world-war-2-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda. "180 World War 2 Essay Topics & Examples." November 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/world-war-2-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda. "180 World War 2 Essay Topics & Examples." November 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/world-war-2-essay-examples/.