Writing a persuasive essay can be a challenging task. While it is excellent for improving a student’s critical thinking and rhetoric skills, coming up with a good topic might be difficult.
The easiest way to kickstart the writing process is to find persuasive writing prompts. Are you passionate about some controversial issue? Want to express your opinion? A prompt will help you to start thinking about it critically. It may contain a set of questions or a brief guideline for your discussion.
Our team will help you!
There is plenty of persuasive writing prompts for high school and college that deserve attention. So, we’ve prepared a list of such. Once you choose one to your liking, remember to read a prompt thoroughly. The controversy of an issue is usually apparent. It is crucial to find a prompt that states the main aspects of the topic clearly.
Believe us—writing a persuasive essay is elementary with prompts at your disposal!
🤷 Persuasive Writing with Prompts
Before we dive into the prompts, let’s answer a few vital questions.
What is a persuasive essay?
A persuasive essay is a type of academic writing where you try to persuade your reader using arguments and supporting evidence. You provide facts and examples that explain why your position is the correct one. Describe the issue in the introduction, and express your stance on it in your thesis statement.
Remember to include the other side of the argument in your essay. It is essential to consider different perspectives on the problem. You can find numerous examples of persuasive papers in a free essay database. Not only will it serve as a sample, but can act as a source of writing prompts, too.
What is a writing prompt?
A writing prompt is a short passage that describes an idea for an essay, report, article, or some other piece of writing. It can be as short as one sentence, although it is usually more elaborate.
Some prompts can be presented in the form of an image. The most crucial thing is that they give a clear understanding of the topic.

How does a persuasive writing prompt look like?
The main goal of persuasive writing is to convince the reader that your side of an argument is the most legitimate one. Unlike in expository or descriptive writing, persuasive essay prompts express the duality of a dispute.
Persuasive letter prompts should be pertinent to the audience’s concerns. A prompt should ultimately convey your stance on the subject. Use words like convince, persuade, and why. Avoid using how in a persuasive essay prompt as it distracts from the purpose of such writing.
💡 How to Write a Persuasive Essay Using a Prompt?
Persuasive writing prompts help produce a good quality essay. Here is a list of things you should do to write an essay using a prompt:
- Read it and learn what issue the prompt states. What should you elaborate on? Look out for words that you find especially important or problematic.
- Understand what the prompt wants you to do. See whether you should discuss causes and effects or your opinion. In the case of persuasive writing prompt, it asks you to convince your reader in something. In what? Should you discuss both sides of an argument or state your opinion immediately?
- Divide the prompt. Look deeper into what it’s saying. Write down your initial thoughts on the subject.
- Compose a thesis statement. Outline the question or the situation the prompt states and elaborate on it in one topic sentence.
- Write arguments and supporting evidence. Dedicate one body paragraph to describing the opposing argument. Remember to use transition words to ensure good writing flow.
- Revise if you have time for it. Check with the prompt not to miss anything. That’s why writing drafts is always a good idea. This way, you can change your text without making a mess out of your paper.
⭐ 12 Persuasive Writing Prompts for High School
- Cooking as art — a delicate craft.
- 4-Day work week.
- Facebook vs. Instagram: visual design.
- Winter holidays — a time for friends.
- Is living in a village stressful?
- Beef production.
- Is kindergarten education importnat?
- Hobby as a job is a bad idea.
- High school students and independence.
- Allowance for kids: how much?
- Reptiles as pets — a lifelong commitment.
- Outside classes and fresh air benefits.
✔ 50 Persuasive Essay Writing Prompts
If you have trouble coming up with ideas for writing a persuasive essay, here is our prompts list. Whether you’re in school or college, we’re sure here you’ll find a topic that interests you!

🧒 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Elementary Students
- Your parents should go to bed at 9 pm every day. They say that it’s your time to fall asleep, but why? This way, they get to have a good night’s rest to feel energized the next morning. And your parents need it as their jobs are tedious and stressful. While you would like to have more spare time before going to bed. Persuade your parents that going to bed at 9 pm is perfect for them, not for you.
- We should stop wearing a uniform to school. If not every day, at least once a week, students should be allowed to wear casual clothes to school. Discuss why it is a fun and useful initiative.
- You need to move to another country for a year. Explain why you think that studying abroad is essential for you. Which country would you pick and why? Discuss what made you choose this country.
- Every child needs a pet. Some parents don’t allow animals at home. Explain why it is vital to have a pet in a family. Convince that a pet of your choice is the perfect option for any kid.
- Pupils should select their seats in the class. Your teacher always tells you where to sit in class. Would it be better if you get to pick your place? What is your opinion on that?
- Playing music is an educating activity that is crucial for child development. What musical instrument is the most fun to play? Convince your reader that the music instrument of your choice is the best one.
- The summer break has to be longer. Do you believe the summer holidays are long or short? Is it enough for you to get rest and find the strength to start a new term? Convince your reader that your point of view is the right one.
- The ability to read people’s minds in both the worst and best superpower. Imagine that you get to have this superpower. What are its advantages and disadvantages? When can you use it? Is it ethical? Discuss your opinion in your essay.
- Pupils should select their tutors. In school, you don’t get to choose your teacher. Would it be better if you could? Can students change teachers based on their personal preferences? Discuss why or why not.
- We should manage our budget from an early age. Do your parents give you pocket money? Well, they’re better to start. Some parents think they should give their kids pocket money even if they misbehaved. Others wouldn’t give allowance to their children if they did something wrong. What position do you think is fairer, and why?

🎒 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Middle School Students
- Tutors should wear uniforms to schools, just like students do. Imagine there is an initiative that wants teachers to do so. Some people believe it is a sign of equality and professional attire. Others think that just a formal dress code is enough. What is your opinion on this?
- Every school has to initiate school trips. Some individuals think they are disruptive to the study process. Other people claim that such trips unite students and are an essential part of education. What do you think? Explain your point of view and why it is the right one.
- Students should learn from famous people from time to time. There is an opportunity for one famous person to come to your school with a motivational speech. Who would you want to come, and why? Discuss why your school can benefit if a celebrity of your choice gives a speech there.,
- Single-sex schools are better than mixed ones. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? Talk about your point of view using convincing argumentation.
- Some individuals should lack money. What’s better: enough money to get by or too much money and more problems? Some think that too much money makes you forget about more straightforward and essential things in life. Yes, cash gives more opportunities, but people tend to strive for more money than necessary. What’s the point of millionaires in the 21st century? What is your opinion on this?
- Fast food damages children’s health and should be excluded from the school meal plan. Do you agree or disagree? What are some benefits of having fast food as a meal option at school? Discuss which opinion is more legitimate.
- Educational institutions have to support the arts and sciences more. Imagine there is a new building opening up in your school. The school administration hasn’t decided what is going to be there. It could be an art studio, a new sports center, or a computer class. Explain why it should belong to the arts and sciences. Talk about how such disciplines motivate students to evolve.
- We should study for four days a week. There is a law that considers implementing a more extended weekend. Do you think three days would be too much? Why or why not? Support your point of view with thoughtful arguments.

- Teachers should be required to turn off their mobiles during the classes. You can’t use your phone during the course (or at school). It’s a law in various educational institutions and for obvious reasons. Should teachers be prohibited from using their phones as well? Is it fair?
- It is better to have PE lessons as the first classes of the day. Some people think it is an excellent way to kickstart the day. Others believe that students will be physically tired to carry on with other classes. Which opinion is the right one?
- Plagiarism and cheating should be punished more strictly. Copying others’ works or using crib notes in class is strictly prohibited, yet it happens. Should schools implement more measures to ensure there is no cheating? How can they work?
- Students should select their courses according to their performance. Some people are better at science, while others excel at arts. Would it be better if we were allowed only to study things we are naturally good at? Why or why not? Convince your reader that your opinion is valid.
- You shouldn’t eat in class. Teachers generally think that it interrupts the lesson and distracts other students. At the same time, eating a snack can help you concentrate better and stay energized. Discuss your opinion on this in your essay.
- There should be mixed sports teams at school. Girls often like to play the same sports as boys. Should schools let them play in the same groups? Why or why not? Support your opinion with argumentation.
- Teachers should treat every student equally. It seems like an obvious thing, but the reality is often different. What would you do to make sure everyone is respected? Why?
🖊 Persuasive Writing Prompts for High School Students
- In the US, the 18-year-olds should be allowed to drink alcohol. In the country, driving is permitted after age 16, while drinking becomes legal after 21. How fair are these age thresholds? Statistics show that countries with integrated drinking culture (like France or Italy) have lower alcoholism rates. Would it be better to bring the legal drinking age down to 18? Discuss why or why not, using supportive argumentation.
- The “book of your choice” is fantastic, and here is why. Write a persuasive essay explaining why your favorite book deserves attention. Convince your audience it is worth reading it.
- Time management skill is vital for a successful adult life. It’s what you acquire in school and use for a job. Why is being organized so important? And why should you learn this already in school? Talk about your opinion on this subject.
- What’s more important in school – discipline or an ability to self-express? Some think that you come to school to get knowledge and acquire social skills. However, some students thrive in a less harsh environment. Discuss your point of view and why it is valid.
- Educational institutions should implement anti-bullying policies. School authorities should intervene if a student is bullied by other students, even outside of school. Do you agree or disagree? Convince your reader that your opinion is the most legitimate.

- Parents shouldn’t raise their children the same way they’ve been raised. Some people think there are universal values and principles that parents should teach their kids. While this is true, times change tremendously as generations grow up. What do you think is more just? Discuss your point of view in your essay.
- Your neighborhood requires a renovation. Imagine city authorities are planning on improving your area. What would you change in particular, and why? Write an essay using the appropriate argumentation.
- The importance of community is overrated. Some people are naturally more outgoing and thrive in such environments. Others often feel pressured and may feel out of place. Talk about your opinion on that subject.
- Are fictional books useless? Some people believe fiction improves imagination and teaches empathy. Others consider it a waste of time since there is no actual value in it. Which stance is more valid?
- Life is fair because it is unfair to everyone. Do you think this statement is true? Discuss the issue of class privilege. Do you think modern society gives everyone equal opportunities? Why or why not?
- Community service should be mandatory for high school students. Do you agree or disagree? What kind of activities would be included? Discuss your point of view in your essay.
- Classic literature should be an integral part of the high school curriculum. Should students be required to read old texts like Homer’s Odyssey or Shakespeare’s tragedies? Why or why not?
- You can make a career out of a hobby. True or not? Pick your side of an argument and convince a reader it’s valid.
- It would be better if all countries in the world switched to one currency. There are many aspects to consider when talking about this argument. Which side of it would you support? Why?
- Safety on school property should be a primary concern. Some institutions offer inefficient security services, which can result in tragedies. They may lack funds to ensure their students are safe. Should the government prioritize these issues? Discuss your opinion on this.
🎓 Persuasive Writing Prompts for College Students
- Abortions should be legal in all US states. Some religious communities are vehemently opposed to abortions. People with more liberal beliefs claim that it should be a mother’s personal choice. Discuss your opinion in an essay.
- The military should be voluntary. Military service is a civic duty is some countries. Should it be obligatory everywhere? Why or why not? Persuade your reader that your opinion is the most legitimate.
- Veganism and vegetarianism should become a new norm. They start to gain popularity in Western society. Some people consider it beneficial for health and the environment. Others switch to these diets because good meat is often too pricey. What are the real advantages? Or are they a myth? Discuss your opinion.
- The education system in the Western world has become outdated. Do you agree or disagree? What should be changed to make it more suitable for modern times?
- Your parents shouldn’t be your buddies. What’s better: a parent who is your mentor or best friend? Choose your stance on the subject and defend it using appropriate reasoning.
- Soft skills are more important than hard skills. It is thought that employers often prioritize your personal skills over professional ones at first. Do you think this is the right position? Express your opinion and support it with facts.

- Social media is a major frustrating factor in the lives of many people. Have you ever gotten FOMO looking at other’s picture-perfect lives? Why is it so easy to succumb to this illusion of ideal life? Discuss your opinion on the subject and support your point of view with pertinent facts.
- Democracy has proven to be the most sustainable governmental form. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Express your opinion and use relevant argumentation in your essay.
- United Nations have become inefficient over time. There is an opinion that the UN does not function properly anymore. Would you agree with this statement?
- Are genderless pronouns a good idea? They have become a crucial tool for transgender and genderfluid people to express their identity. Or does society overthink about words instead of actions? Do you agree or disagree?
💯 Persuasive Essay Writing Topics
If you feel more confident and inspired after reading our prompts list, check out some persuasive writing topics!
🎤 Persuasive writing: Music
- Hip-hop music objectifies women.
- Jazz does not exist anymore.
- Music festivals involve too many drugs.
- Classical music is the most sophisticated genre.
- The music culture of other societies does not get enough attention because of Western dominance.
- Musical therapy is not efficient.
- Patriotic songs can have a stimulating effect on people.
- Listening to music can increase one’s productivity.
- Anyone can learn how to sing.
- Humanity cannot imagine itself without the art of music.
- Music is the most influential form of art.
- Rap should be considered a form of poetry.
- Jazz sounds the best at a live concert.
- A piano is the best musical instrument.
- All children should have musical training at school.
- Music can unite people from all over the world.
- Specific lyrics can trigger aggression in people.
- Queen is the most influential band in Western history.
- To some extent, all music reflects a creator’s personal experience.
- Is the bell ringer a musician?
🦙 Persuasive Writing: Animals
- Wild animals should not be kept in a zoo.
- Animal fights should be illegal.

- Hybrid animals are unnatural.
- Agricultural production puts endangered species at more significant risk.
- Slaughtering farm animals for food does not justify their killing.
- Animal hunts should be illegal everywhere.
- There is no better alternative than animal experimentation for some medicine.
- Exotic animals should not be kept as pets.
- Animals should not be treated as objects—they are meant to cohabitate with humans.
- Cow milk is terrible for human health.
- Dolphins are the most intelligent animals.
- Using animals for medical research is unethical.
- There are better alternatives than cosmetic testing on animals.
- Poaching has multiple adverse effects on the economy.
- Farming is a form of animal abuse.
- Zoos can help in preserving endangered animals.
- All makeup brands should switch to cruelty-free policies.
- The use of elephants in the entertainment industry can lead to their extinction.
- Children should be taught how to treat animals.
- A dog is the best animal companion for a human.
🌊 Persuasive Writing: Environment
- Governments should advocate for the use of renewable energy sources.
- Garbage recycling should be obligatory.
- Humanity should take rainforest conservation more seriously.
- Urban areas should implement environment-friendly design and policies.
- There is a connection between waste management and global warming.

- If proper measures are not taken, the loss of biodiversity in coral reefs will be devastating.
- Greta Thunberg is the voice of her generation. The girl’s letter to the UN was one of the most discussed events of 2019. Talk about why her call to enhance environmental protection is more than timely.
- Sustainable clothing is the best fashion trend in 2025.
- Poor farming technologies accelerate climate change.
- Water pollution will soon become a more significant issue than air pollution.
- Environmental conservation is an essential element of economic growth in developing countries.
- First-world countries should implement a carbon tax.
- It is impossible to decrease environmental pollution without severe damage to the world’s economy.
- Weather forecasts are too inaccurate.
- Climate change trends have made the risk of natural disasters worse.
🌽 Persuasive writing: Food
- Parents in America should take better care of their children’s diets. Childhood obesity is a growing concern in the US.
- Healthy eating is more important than exercise.
- Overeating junk food affects mental health.
- Restaurants should be transparent about the nutritional value of the food they serve.
- There is no harm in consuming GMOs.
- Addiction to sugar can be worse than drug addiction.
- The fast-food industry isn’t entirely responsible for consumers’ health. It is up to every individual to take care of their diet.
- Food is not just fuel; it’s a leisure experience.
- Schools must provide students with healthy food options.
- Intuitive eating is the best diet.
- The downsides of sugar substitutes aren’t thoroughly researched.
- Being underweight is more dangerous than being overweight.
- Social and psychological factors have a notable role in obesity development.
- Eating meat is bad for health.
- Food supplements are harmful.
🕹 Persuasive Writing: Video Games
- Violence in video games causes behavioral problems in kids.
- Board games will never go out of fashion.
- Playing computer games can develop one’s cognitive skills.
- Game addiction is a more prominent concern than most of us realize.
- Virtual reality can disrupt one’s social skills.
- Children should have limited access to certain video games.

- There is no place for gaming in education.
- Certain video games can be beneficial for human health and brains.
- Hunger Games should not have been turned into a franchise.
- Gaming will become the most popular leisure activity in 30 years.
- You can earn a fortune by playing online games.
- Video games have multiple adverse effects on children.
- Gaming is just a way to escape reality.
- First-person shooter games improve one’s reaction and reflexes.
- Playing video games too much affects one’s academic and life performance.
🔌 Persuasive Writing: Technology
- Siri is the best example of publicly available Artificial intelligence.
- Computer science classes at school should incorporate beginner-level software engineering.
- Internet is humanity’s greatest invention.
- E-learning in medicine is still too expensive.
- Nowadays, nobody’s personal data is protected.
- If World War III happens, it will be a war of modern technology and information, not nuclear power.
- Genetically modified organisms are science’s big mistake.
- Cloning should be illegal.
- Cell phone addiction will soon become humanity’s worst challenge.
- Cyberbullying leads to drug and alcohol abuse among the youth.
- Robots will never be able to replace humans.
- Technology can help individuals with learning disabilities.

- Drones are an invasion of privacy and should be illegal.
- Apple is the best technology brand on the market.
- Data mining is an essential part of every company’s marketing strategy.
Thank you for reading the article! Leave a comment below to let us know what you think. Share the page with friends who may find the persuasive writing prompts and topics useful.
🔗 References
- 15 Awesome Persuasive Writing Prompts: Thoughtful Learning, K-12
- 200 Prompts for Argumentative Writing: Michael Gonchar, The New York Times
- English II Persuasive Essay [10th grade]: Brianna Johnson, Trinity College
- Writing Prompt (Composition): Richard Nordquist, ThoughtCo
- What Is a Writing Prompt: Karen Frazier, LoveToKnow
- What Makes a Great Writing Prompt: Laura Davis, Kripalu
- Writing Prompts for Middle School: Holt McDougal Online
- Persuasive Essay Outline: Houston Community College Learning Web
- Tips To Write An Effective Persuasive Essay: Melissa Burns, The College Puzzle
- Counterargument: Gordon Harvey for the Writing Center at Harvard University
- Persuasive Essay: EssayInfo, Writing Guides
- Ten Timeless Persuasive Writing Techniques: Brian Clark, CopyBlogger
- 31 Powerful Persuasive Writing Techniques: Karri Stover, Writtent
- A CS Research Topic Generator or How To pick A Worthy Topic In 10 Seconds: Department of Computer Science, Purdue University