If you’re willing to explore the pros and cons of mobile devices, you need to find a good cell phone topic. Read this list of ideas for argumentative essays, research papers, and speeches prepared by our team.
🏆 Best Cell Phone Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
- Are Cell Phone Dangerous?Among the first ideas to consider, the one that manifests the use of cell phones as the most logical phenomenon and the key feature of the XXI century is the fact that cellular communications are […]
- Economic Analysis of the Cell Phone OligopolyGenerally, the ability of the firm to dominate the market and have probability of control is determined by the economies of scale.
- Analyzing Smart Blackberry Cell PhoneThe quality of services it renders the users and the advancement of its features will form the feasibility study in the aim of trying to compare it with related computerized mobile devices.
- The Cellphone: The History and Technology of the Gadget that Changed the WorldThis paper reviews the book The cellphone: the history and technology of the gadget that changed the world by Guy Klemens.
- Technology Impact: 24 Hours Without My Cell PhoneI use my laptop extensively as I am a student and do most of my academic work with the help of this tool.
- Effects and Causes of Cell Phone Usage Among MaleIt will specifically determine the various factors that may cause the use of cell phones among the male students, and how the use can affect the students in the several possible ways ranging from psychological […]
- Cell Phone Use and Driving: Mian vs. City of OttawaHowever, the judge considers the disclosure of the disciplinary records to be irrelevant to the case. However, the Crown specifically stated that the disclosure of these records is not relevant to the case without O’Connor’s […]
- A Literature Review on Night Cell Phone Use in AdolescentsIn that regard, the problem lies in listing confirmed adverse health outcomes of night cell phone use and linking them to a potentially helpful intervention of cell phone use restrictions.
- Importance of Development of the CellphoneIn the process of product development, it is highly recommended for MM distribute cell phones among a small group of potential consumers and ask them to provide feedback on it.
- Cell Phone Information and InvestigationIn conclusion, cell phone data can give a lot of information to the investigator about the cell phone owner, who can then simplify the investigation process.
- Cell Phone Privacy and the ConstitutionIn this chapter, the authors investigate the concept of privacy and whether government employers’ warrantless searches may be considered reasonable and justified.
- Cell Phone Industry: Apple, Samsung, and HuaweiMost significantly, the model culture at Huawei reveals the broad global culture practiced in the company internally and across all its various offices and locations. The regulation of the system comes from the people and […]
- Go Kase: Cell Phone Cases Distribution ChannelsOn the other hand, the amount of advertising is so significant now that it is challenging to reach the required customers and get them to buy a product.
- Cell Phone Unlocking in the USAPhone unlocking is now a thing of the past in the United States of America. If the infringement of this law was done for commercial gain, it is considered a criminal act and is associated […]
- Cell Phone Use and Our Ability to Build Quality Interpersonal RelationshipsTo be more precise, using a cell phone may have a positive effect on many relationships but, of course, only if the cell phones are not used inappropriately or excessively.
- What Makes Ultimate Cell Phone Cover Different From Other Products?The device is conveniently clear which makes it possible for the user to browse the different features of the device with ease.
- Customer Loyalty in Prepaid Cell Phone IndustryThe main business focus should be on customer retention and continuous buying by customers, hence in the end organizations will ensure customer satisfaction.
- Prepaid Cell Phone: Design and Development for AT&TAs per field experts, a product is an item that can be put up for sale in the market for grabbing the attention, achievement, utilization, or consumption and would be capable of meeting the needs […]
- Cell Phone Trends in China, Japan, the USIn the research for the demographical differences for the substantial usage of technology in China, Japan, and the United States, it will be necessary to ask the question: “what are the driving forces that entice […]
- Trends in Cell Phone Market: Data CollectionIn the constitution, the act of law provides the right of privacy, which may be used to bar data collectors from data access.
- Cell Phone Use While Driving: Policy AnalysisTherefore, in a public policy debate, proponents of regulation would argue that per capita healthcare savings and resulting QALY measures are significant enough to justify a ban on the use of private cellphones in driving […]
- The Supreme Court Saves Cell Phone PrivacyFrom the article, it is clear that the government advanced an argument that police officers need to be given the power to search cellphones because of the long-established exception to the Fourth Amendment, which makes […]
- Digital Cell Phone Inc.’s Regression AnalysisBy taking a look at the trend in sales of the past 36 months I was able to apply the least square regression method and come up with the following equation which would allow me […]
- Cell Phone Radiofrequency Signal’s Health EffectsTherefore, the authors of the study come to the conclusion that there is no connection between the risk of the development of tumors and the exploitation of cell phones.
- Cell Phone Use in Driving and Recommended PoliciesAuditory, when on phone, drivers shift their focus to the sound of the phone instead of listening to the adjoining atmosphere on the road.
- Technologies: Amateur Film vs. Cell Phone PhotographyAn analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the two forms of photography concludes the paper. Cellphone and film cameras have apertures that regulate the quantity of light passing to the sensor and film, respectively.
👍 Good Cell Phone Essay Topics
- Cell Phone as an Indispensable CompanionIt has brought a variety of innovative things for the user and to a substantial extent affected the way people relate in the globe.
- Cause and Effect of Cell Phone Usage Among High School Students from U.S. and Middle EastA stratified random sampling will be used to divide the classes into strata from which a simple random sample of 20 students will then be selected from each class following the respective classes’ register which […]
- Innovations in the Cell Phone Industry and SustainabilityThe cell phone industry makes products that are friendly to the environment and develops mobile applications that can help in enhancing environmental sustainability.
- “The Cellphone: The History and Technology of the Gadget That Changed the World” by Guy KlemensIn order to bring the reader into the same level of understanding, the author has tackled the introductory topics on the bandwidth and radio systems and how the latter two concepts influenced the development of […]
- The Effect of Cellphones and Internet on TeenagersFrom one point of view, it is possible to see that texting and using other features of a cell phone have become detrimental, but at the same time, there are some advantages to the communication […]
- Cell Phone Magnifier MarketCell phone manufacturers are now taking advantage of the exploding market of the aging Baby Boomers. Cell phone magnifiers are meant to cater for the needs of a special segment of the mobile phone users.
- Use of Cell Phones in Public Schools and Should Cell Phones Be Allowed in Public SchoolsThe following themes are included: the patterns of cell phone use in public schools; the benefits and drawbacks of using cell phones in class; the Massachusetts cell phone policy; and possible methods to solve the […]
- Why Some People Choose Not to Carry CellphonesThus, most of the times people who do not want to be victims of robbery go about their daily activities without their cellphones in order to limit their vulnerability to robberies.
- Is Using Cell Phone Dangerous?Research has further shown that “the side of the brain that is exposed to the ionizing radiations from the cell phone metabolizes more glucose than other parts that are not exposed to it”.
- Banning Cell Phone Use in Moving VehiclesOf course, some people will disagree and say.”Use of cell phones while driving is the same as talking to a passenger in a car”.
- A Theoretical Analysis of the Act of Cell Phone Texting While DrivingThe past decade has seen the cell phone become the most common communication gadget in the world, and the US has one of the highest rates of cell phone use.
- Drivers of Automobiles Should Be Prohibited From Using Cellular Phones While DrivingWhen a driver is utilizing a hand-held or hands-free cellular phone at the same time as driving, she or he should dedicate part of their concentration to operating the handset and sustaining the phone discussion […]
- Should People Be Banned From Using Cell Phones When Driving? Why or Why Not?Many people have blamed the cell phones to the current high increases in the number of road accidents witnessed worldwide, while others argue that the use of mobile phones while driving is not wholly to […]
- The Dangers of Using Cell Phone While DrivingThe authors further note the subsequent increase in the count of persons conversing on cell phones while driving unaware of the risks they pose to themselves and their passengers.
- An Analysis of the Use of Cell Phones While DrivingThe first theory is the theory of mass society, and the second theory is the theory of the culture industry. The theory of mass society states that, popular culture is an intrinsic expression of the […]
- The Use of the Cell Phone While DrivingIndeed, many of the culprits of this dangerous practice are teens and the youth, ordinarily the most ardent expressers of popular culture in a society.
- Should Drivers of Automobiles Be Prohibited From Using Cellular Phones?Although all have the right to utilize the technology to the maximum, the situation or the environment that one is in significantly determines whether he/she has the right to use it. Use of cellular phones […]
- On Becoming a Cell Phone JunkieAlthough I must admit that cell phones have earned their merits as essential tools of existence in the new millennium, I do not subscribe to the idea that my life should depend on it.
❓ Questions About Cell Phones for Research Paper
- How to Control Mobile Phone Addiction?
- Why Is Cell Phone Radiation Harmful?
- Should Cell Phone Usage Improve Our Social?
- Why Has the Cell Phone Become a Staple in Modern World?
- How Do Cell and Cell Phone Impact Modern Education?
- Should Cell Phone Use Be Allowed While Driving?
- Are Cell Phone Laws in the U.S. Effective in Reducing Fatal Crashes Involving Young Drivers?
- Why Is Cell Phone Ban a Bad Idea?
- Should You Worry About Cell Phone, Cellular Antenna, and WI-Fi Device Radiation?
- How Did Cell Phones Have to Impact the World?
- Does Cell Phone Make People’s Lives Bring Lots of Harmful?
- How Has Cell Phone Use Become a Subculture?
- Are Handheld Cell Phone and Texting Bans Effective in Reducing Fatalities?
- How Might Cell Phone Money Change the Financial System?
- Are Modern People Computer and Cell Phone Addicted?
- Can Cell Phone Cause Brain Tumors?
- Should Cell Phones Be Allowed to Use in Classroom?
- What Does Cause Cell Phone Radiation and How Does It Affect Your Body?
- When Will Society Hang Up on Cell Phone Rudeness?
- Why Banning the Use of Cell Phones Should Be Mandatory Nationwide?
- Is It Possible to Have a Negative Impact of Mobile Phone Use on the Average per Capita Share in the Short Term?
- How Does 4G/3G/2G Switching Work?
- What Is the Relationship Between the Mobile Phone Usage Pattern and Financial Decision?
- How to Measure Mobile Phone Radiation in Poultry?
- What Are the Mobile Phone-Based Applications Useful for Agricultural Research?
- Are There Any Adverse Effects of Radiation From the Mobile Phone Towers?
- How Are Students Using Mobile Phones for Learning?
- Are We Becoming a Mobile/Smartphone Driven Nation?
- Can Mobile Phones Transmit Diseases?
- What Are Some of the Problems Caused by Mobile Phones?