540 Christianity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Christianity Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Hinduism and Christianity: Comparison and Contrast
    Sufficient knowledge regarding the history and the fundamental values of Hinduism may be the key to sharing Christ with Hindus. Therefore, it is closely linked with the concept of Karma, and Hindus strive to achieve […]
  2. Christian Festivals: Calendar and Events
    Jesus is often referred to as the light of the world and therefore the lit candles are symbolic of him as the light of the world.
  3. Judaism, Islam and Christianity: Differences and Similarities
    Christians also believe in holy trinity, that is, the three personalities of God- the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit.
  4. Negative Effects of Christianity
    So Christians who support the death penalty tend to go against the teachings of the bible which is the basis of the Christians.
  5. The Reasons of the Christianity Decline in Europe
    In this article, I argue that the decline of Christianity in Europe is as a result of the increase of religious radicalism, tolerance, as well as, secular humanism which are the consequence of religious, social […]
  6. Difference Between Islam and Christianity Essay
    On the concept of the deity, Christians believe in the trinity which encompasses three persons in one God, that is, the God the father, the son and the Holy Spirit.
  7. Baal’s Qualities in Christian Demonology
    The increasing interest in the occult world and other rituals linked to diabolical are becoming extensive in a wide segment of the populace, prompting renewed vigor in comprehending their actions. The expression accentuates the Canaanite […]
  8. Christian Louboutin: Brand, Voice, and Guidelines
    The usage of the popular places in the names of the shoe models will contribute to the higher recognition of the brand and association with the particular lifestyle.
  9. History of Christianity
    At that time the development of Christianity was based on the common idea of the virtue and compassion which united the people and gave them the hope for the achievement of happiness and freedom.”Traditional Christian […]
  10. Christianity Impact in Society
    When the church is assimilated by culture then it has to share some of its practices to the culture and still, the culture takes some of the Christian values therefore it means that culture is […]
  11. Christian vs. Muslim Marriages Comparison and Contrast
    A wedding is a civil or religious ceremony conducted in the presence of the family and friends of the bride and groom, to celebrate the beginning of their marriage.
  12. Christianity in the Roman Empire and Its Spread Factors
    Towards the end of the first century, Christianity had spread in the Roman Empire to the extent that the government officials’ attention was drawn by this new religion.
  13. A High-Toned Old Christian Women by Wallace Stevens
    It is the way of poetry which is mentioned in his “A High-Toned Old Christian Women”, poetry which is “supreme fiction” made of “the moral law”.
  14. Christianity and Hinduism: Comparative Analysis
    In Christianity, the Holy Trinity consists of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit while in Hinduism,the concept is analogous to Trimurti.
  15. Turning Points in the History of Christianity by Noll
    The introductory part presents a cogent argument for the book’s organization of the turning points in church history and an admission of the possibility of failing to capture certain milestones.
  16. Life After Death: Christianity and Islam Perspectives
    The afterlife, or the resurrection, is the purpose of most religions. This is the question we ask when we talk of the afterlife and the resurrection.
  17. The Story of Christianity, Volume 1 by J. González
    The textbook, The Story of Christianity, Volume 1, gives a detailed account of church history, including the dominant historical figures and events, such as the Protestant Reformation, and the European socioeconomic forces that affected the […]
  18. Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam
    The three religions believe that, God’s communication to His people is made through prophets as illustrated in the holy books for the three religions, with Christianity, Judaism, and Islam believing in holy bible, Torah and […]
  19. Christian Church Service in Personal Experience
    As I entered the gate to this big building, something inside me told me I was not in the right place.
  20. Decline of Christianity in Europe Since 1675
    The paper shall particularly look at the events that led to the decline of Christianity in the last century. These have resulted to revolutions in the areas of politics, religion and the social lives of […]
  21. Christianity in the Roman Empire
    The subjects of the Empire enjoyed a high standard of living due to the accumulated wealth and the expansionary success of the Empire.
  22. Hinduism and Christianity
    In Christianity, it is believed that, the human soul enters heaven after going through the process of subjective perfection and not pure perfection as in Hinduism. Both religions believe in God who has the power […]
  23. Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling
    The author adds that the counselor needs spiritual maturity in a bid to get the client to the same level of maturity.
  24. ”The History of God” by Karen Armstrong: An Overview of the History of Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism
    “The History of God” by Karen Armstrong is a comprehensive overview of the history of the development of Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism.
  25. Christianity and Islam: The Attitude Toward Wealth
    The Bible is the main source of understanding Christianity and its concepts. In this part of the Bible, God is not viewed as someone who takes the side of the poor and regards attempts to […]
  26. Early Greek, Roman, and Christian Historiography
    The historiography context of the Romans is quite distinct from the Greek one The Greek historiography began with oral tradition whereas that of the Romans was based on annals and pontifex maximus which were recorded.
  27. Christianity: The Making of a Leader by Clinton
    The book narrows down the subject of leadership to the stages of developing leaders and the lessons that one can draw from each of the involved steps.
  28. Magic and Christianity in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”
    Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a story that comprises of the themes of Christianity and magic as they both play an important role in the story.
  29. Judaism and Christianity: The Key Misconceptions
    The remainder of the primary beliefs includes the divine origin of the Torah, its immutability, God’s omniscience and providence, reward and punishment, the appearance of the Messiah, and the resurrection of the dead.
  30. Development of Contemporary Christianity in Uganda
    The prevalence of Christianity within the 19th century stems from Buganda which was an ancient component of the shores of the lake Nalubaale, meaning home of the balubaale gods.
  31. Christology in Matthew’s Gospel
    Thus, the overall purpose of this paper is to examine the image of Jesus Christ as Messiah through the lens of Matthew’s perception as the author of one of the canonical gospels.
  32. Integrating Psychology and Christianity
    The author introduces the topics of the worldview and outlines the four elements of the Christian worldview beliefs, viz.creation, fall, redemption, and the consummation.
  33. The Story of Christianity, Volume 2 by J. González
    He also examines the reformations that occurred in British and French territories, the Swiss Reformation, and the emergence of the Anabaptist movement in the 16th century.
  34. Hellenization and Its Affects on the Birth and Spread of Christianity
    Hellenization is a term that is commonly used in describing the spread of the culture of the ancient Greeks as well as, to a smaller degree, the Greek language in particular.
  35. Greek Mythology and Christianity
    This research paper aims to explore the historical-cultural relationships and aspects of the religious worldview between Greek mythology and Christianity, focusing on three key areas: creation stories, central figures, and divine intervention.
  36. Psychology and Christianity: “Abnormality” From a Biblical Perspective
    The Bible as God’s word is right in all religious teachings within the context of Christian setup. How can the Bible’s guidance inform an individual’s notion of abnormality?
  37. Islam and Christianity: A Comparative Analysis
    Christianity and Islam have one of the main ways of the attitude and worldviews of God. Henceforth, for the Christian religion, there is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who form the concept […]
  38. Religion Impact on Morality in Christianity and Islam
    The fact that discussion still goes on testifies to the importance and complexity of the issue rather than the lack of effort in clarifying it.
  39. Brief Summary of the History of Christianity
    The Roman church under the stewardship of the bishops and popes gradually diverged in beliefs and practices of the church of Constantinople, under the patriarch.
  40. The Spread of Christianity and Islam
    The former was first developed in the 1st century CE by Jesus of Nazareth, while Islam dates back to approximately the 7th century with the help of the prophet Muhammad.

🙏 Good Essay Topics on Christianity

  1. Sperm Donation and Surrogacy in Islam and Christianity
    The baby at birth, therefore, is genetically identical to the intended parents than the surrogate mother, as opposed to traditionally surrogacy where the baby bears attributes of the surrogate mother and biological father. This is […]
  2. Desdemona as a Symbol of Christian Virtues
    She chooses to stay patient when the very light of her life, Othello, accuses her of being a woman of foul character and strikes her.
  3. Christianity and Islam: Service to God and Afterlife
    The structure of this paper analyzes the service to God and the perception of the afterlife, as highlights of the differences and similarities about the Christian and Islamic perceptions of life.
  4. Integrating Psychology and Christianity: The Allies Model of Reflection
    The Allies model proposed by Entwistle enables the merging of the two types of reflection while validating the benefits of both psychology and Christian theology, which aids in developing an open mindset conducive to reflection […]
  5. Christian Worldview Compared to Radical Skepticism and Scientism
    In turn, radical skepticism contradicts the Christian worldview as it denies any knowledge, including religious ones, and states that people cannot evaluate God’s existence as a universal truth.
  6. Problem Statement of Christians
    The general problem to be addressed is the failure of Christians to understand the aim of their work resulting in the inability to serve God’s true commandments.
  7. Christian vs. Non-Christian Worldviews
    In order to get a deeper understanding of the meaning of “worldview,” it is essential to examine the impact it has on the way people sense, think, and act.
  8. Death and Dying in Christianity and Buddhism
    Birth and death are part of everybody’s life: birth is the beginning of living, and death is the end of it.
  9. The Impact of Scientific Revolution on Christianity
    Questioning the supremacy of church as the most powerful institution in the Western society, the scientific advances revolutionized the existing system of knowledge and became an important player in exploring the phenomena of the surrounding […]
  10. Human Nature: The Christian Worldview
    This mission statement affirms the organization’s commitment to a Christian perspective by stating that its activities are driven by a love for God and the spreading of God’s word as found in the Bible.
  11. Comparison of Christianity and Islam
    Christianity is one of the many religious groups in the history of humanity and many believers in the US are affiliated to Christianity.
  12. Christian Missionary Activity on Indigenous African Religion 1800-1900’s
    This was more so when it came to the issue of preaching the gospel with the name of bringing about some desirable changes among the African communities, or rather changing some of the beliefs that […]
  13. Microsoft through the Lenses of a Christian Worldview
    In this context, the current analysis will first explain the main pillars of the mentioned worldview and then illustrate examples of how its impact can be seen in the company’s policy.
  14. Christian Ethics Issues and Abortion
    As for the rights and interests of the mother, when comparing them with the rights and interests of the child, there is a possibility of an axiological preference for the goods of the latter.
  15. The Major World Religions: Islam and Christianity
    The relevance of Jesus Christ in Christianity and Islam also proves to be a major area of divergence in the two religions.
  16. A Religious Visit: How the Christians Worship
    Crowds of people gathered outside the church and many were still arriving as others moved in and out of the church in preparation for the start of the service.
  17. Martin Luther’s Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation as a Historical Document
    His Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation was the call for all German nobles in order to reform the church and prove that the Bible was the only reliable source about Christ, […]
  18. Philosophical Worldview From Christian Perspective
    This philosophical concept proposes to evaluate the set research tasks and allows for pluralism of opinions, which helps expand the boundaries of analysis and, at the same time, assess the infinity of the cognition process.
  19. Christianity in “the Avengers”
    Certain scenes in the movie show some members of the rescue team sacrificing themselves in order to save everyone else and stop the evil force from subjugating the earth. One of the greatest values of […]
  20. Social Work and Its Connection to Christianity
    Many social workers discover that their faith helps them connect with people on a deeper level and provides them with a feeling of purpose and drive in their profession.
  21. Hinduism and Christianity: Comparative Analysis
    Hinduism and Christianity are respectively eastern and western religions that share few similarities and differences in terms of origins, core beliefs and doctrines, historical and geographic, and core rituals and practices.
  22. Spiritual Formation and Christian Discipleship
    Christian spiritual formation is a process led by the person yearning to reflect the image of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
  23. Christianity as a Counterculture
    Generally, it is possible to notice that Christians actually need to be a part of this world and society but stick to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
  24. Spirituality and Ethics: Christian Perspective and Postmodern Relativism
    Christianity authors the belief in the existence of a sovereign God who controls everything in the universe, allowing and disallowing life events.
  25. Combatants: Psychology and Christianity Disciplines
    Moreover, I can learn from the Secular combatants how to defend the opinion I hold, and this can extend to values as well.
  26. Jay E. Adams: A Theology of Christian Counseling
    Due to the fact that man is dependent on his creator, it can, therefore, be concluded that there is significant need for the use of theology in counseling.
  27. The Characteristic of Jesus by Christians
    The second personality characteristic about the kind of person Jesus is which also tends to create some tension is that He only blesses those who obey Him but does not bless or forgive sinners and […]
  28. Christian Lifestyle: Biblical and Personal View
    The Bible is the inherent word of God and forms the bedrock of the Christian faith. The Bible is the manual for any person who wants to live a successful Christian life.
  29. Christian Theism vs. Eastern Pantheistic Worldview
    The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast Christian Theism, with the Eastern Pantheistic worldview, by overviewing the foundational aspects that each stance addresses and analyzing the similarities and differences of the two […]
  30. Buddhism and Christianity
    The privileged persons of society such as presidents and the rich have similar chances in comparison to the destitute persons. Contrary to this, Christians appreciate the existence of God and acknowledge Him as their path […]
  31. Worldview Questions in Christianity and Hinduism
    In turn, Brahman is referred to as the source of everything existent and non-existent, which means responsible for establishing the sky, earth, and atmosphere, and is generally the creator of reality.
  32. Aspects of Charlemagne’s Christian Identity
    Charlemagne and Einhard justify Frank’s conquest and treatment administered to the Saxons and Lombards by stating that these two groups were in a conspiracy against Charlemagne and the Franks. He began his efforts to conquer […]
  33. Aztec and Christian Creationism
    In contrast, Aztec creation stories are based on dismembered gods, and thus the origin of the world is catastrophic violence, which explains why Aztec art depicts divinity as gruesome and awe-inspiring.
  34. Christianity and Globalization – Relationship
    By demonstrating the values behind each religion, globalization leads to greater understanding and tolerance of humanity’s leading religious traditions, one of which is Christianity.
  35. Christian Ministry and Personal Faith
    Moreover, should we want to focus on the Christian Ministry, and any other ministry for that matter, I think we have to get back to the basic teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, and this […]
  36. Salvation Concept in Christian Theology
    Jesus Christ was sent to the Earth to save people’s souls, and give the way to the kingdom of God. Due to this, it is significant to be conscious of the matter and some of […]
  37. Catholicism and Christianity
    However, for other Christians who are non-Catholics, believe that Jesus is the spiritual head of the church. For instance, there is celibacy of the clergy in Catholics where the priests are not supposed to be […]
  38. Christian Marriage Rituals
    From the ancient times, parents of both the bride and groom were the primary parties to the marriage covenant. According to the biblical times, marriage was a legal covenant between the parents of the bride […]
  39. Christianity in the Middle Ages
    The establishment of the early Church and the development of Papacy strengthened Christian faith, leading to the development of obedience to the Church and the Pope.
  40. Rise of Christianity in Medieval Europe
    In the beginning, the Christians tried to change the Jews, but it was only they after opening up to the rest of the world that they started expanding so quickly.

🎓 Simple & Easy Christianity Essay Titles

  1. The Impact of the Reformation and Restoration Movements on Christianity
    The teachings by John Calvin, which emphasized the importance of the scripture, were against the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and led to the split among the churches.
  2. Conflict Resolution Policy in the Redeemed Christian Church of God
    Church administration is the management of the resources and activities of the Church, including its finances, personnel, and programs. The audited financial statements are published in the Church’s annual report and presented to the Church’s […]
  3. Psychological Assessment Tools for Christian Professionals
    This enables the specialist gathering the data to have a bigger picture of the assessee and thus employ the most effective methods in therapy or other help.
  4. St. Francis as a Christian Humanist
    He was crying and praying that the Lord would be merciful to his father, and after one month of the secret life, he found an abundance of joy.
  5. The Holy Spirit: Role in the Life of Christians
    He helps to be free from all the burdens and fulfills God’s plan through the individual, giving them a content and satisfying life. The point is to let the Holy Spirit in the person’s life […]
  6. Christianity as a Religion for the Marginalized
    This is one reason why Christianity was initially considered a religion for the poor, and for the same reason, it later became one of the most accepted and preferred teachings in the world.
  7. Buddhism and Christianity: Comparison and Contrast
    The principal teachings of the religion are on enlightenment which is thought to be attained through a life of self-deprivation. Christianity is evident in the existence of one supreme being who is the creator of […]
  8. Personal Values and Sexuality in Christianity
    As a Christian, I think that there is life after death which means that I will be accountable for the sins I did of fornication and premature sex.
  9. Religious Symbols and Rituals in Christianity and Islam
    The symbols of light and the Sun are ever-present in Christianity, manifesting hope, wisdom, and purity. In this regard, one should remain reverent with Christ’s teachings and the light of Christianity.
  10. Navigating Christian Ethics in Medical Choices
    Moreover, the physician may appeal to the fact that in the Christian narrative, such medical intervention is not regarded as an act against God’s will, as the phenomenon of sacrifice in the name of healing […]
  11. Relationship Between Psychology and Christian Faith
    Truly, I have realized that sincerity is found in Jesus discipleship and the study of persona, but the varying aspects guiding the honesty are the belief in Christ and analytical thinking.
  12. Christianity Social and Historical Impact on Western Culture
    Indeed, some of the Christian traditions are embedded in the formation and functioning of the USA as a nation. The most prominent of the initial effects of Christianity on Western culture was the spread of […]
  13. Lois Lebar: Education That Is Christian
    Instead of teaching the Bible, the teachers of Sunday schools organize different “What-do-you-think?’ discussions to draw attention to the social issues ignoring the power of the Word of God to change the world and change […]
  14. Salvation Concept in Christian Religion
    Salvation is achieved through faith in Jesus Christ and not by the effort of an individual. Thus, faith in the Son of God is absolutely significant in order for one to achieve salvation.
  15. Christianity and Paganism in Byzantium
    It also refers to the eastern Roman Empire and the time that came before the fall of the Western Roman Empire1.
  16. John Winthrop’s Model of Christian Charity
    A Model of Christian Charity is a short sermon that was written to summarize and arrange the ideas relevant to living in the Puritan colony, which wanted to be successful in the ‘new world’.
  17. Psychology and Christianity: Integrative Approaches
    It is a truth that God has revealed in both the bible and in practical life. The aim of integration is for people to apply what they learn from God’s word and works.
  18. Christian Faith: Ancient Religion
    For example, ity teaches that Jesus is the son of God, he is the way to salvation, and he was sent by God to save the world from sin.
  19. Christology in an African Context
    For instance, African Christology is a branch of Christology specific to African nations and their perceptions of the works and person of Christ and Christianity in general.
  20. “Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity” by David N. Entwistle
    The author looks at the history of the two studies as well as worldviews that arise from these two philosophies. This book has increased my knowledge on the approaches to psychology and theology.
  21. The Origin and Definition of Christian Just War Theory
    The factor argues that the benefits to be derived from the use of war must almost be of the same amount in relation to the expected evils.
  22. Modern Christianity View and Perspective on Death and Dying
    Some Christians believe that death is safe to the people of God and that it is a necessity to fit in the complete delight of God.
  23. Religious Prohibition of Images: Beliefs in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
    Another example is based on the history of Christianity when iconoclasts believed that images can lead to idolatry and demotivate believers from expressing the essence of God.
  24. Christian Perspective on Divorce: Sin, Family, and Love
    Divorce on the part of a man is seen as a wrongdoing to those dependent on him his wife and children.
  25. Saint Peter’s Role in Early Christianity and the Church’s Foundation
    Saint Peter the Apostle played one of the critical roles in the establishment of the Christian Church and the dissemination of Jesus’s teachings.
  26. Visualization of Spread of Christianity in Europe
    Others argue that the perspective does not account for the spiritual importance of Jesus and his teachings and undermines faith’s role in spreading the religion throughout the continent.
  27. The Foundation of Christian Church
    The early church was founded in Roman Judea, with the teachings based on Jesus Christ’s teachings. However, the Jewish authorities’ prosecution of Jesus’ followers led to the formation of the first multiethnic church in Antioch.
  28. The Main Purpose of the Christian Education Model: Sunday School
    The main aim of the mission-based model of Christian Education is to develop educational leaders to achieve the mission of Christian Education namely discipleship education.
  29. Personal Christian Ethics Statement
    The choice of action is another imperative which guides my lifestyle based on the doctrines of the Bible as a mother and housewife. The moral content for our actions is imperative of the faculties of […]
  30. Alexander Campbell’s Impact on Christian Religion
    In the early 19th Century, a robust Reformation movement dubbed the Stone-Campbell movement sought to restore the ancient gospel to the whole Christendom. The fractures could be ascribed to the conflicting theological perspectives on the […]
  31. Islam and Christianity Impacts on the Medieval World
    This paper highlights the impact of both religions on the medieval world by showing that the influence of Islam on Medieval Europe was stronger than the influence of Christianity in medieval Asia.
  32. Christian Worldview on Knowledge & Truth
    The scientific method can be used as a way of seeking knowledge and truth especially by the Christians in trying to explain the existence of God who created the heavens and the earth.
  33. Christianity in Frederick Douglass Narrative Story
    This discussion is therefore inclusive of the role of Christianity which is represented in the narrative Frederick story in comparison of both representations by the slaveholders as well as the slaves themselves.
  34. Christianity in the Religious Society
    The strength of the religious societies is amplified by the existence of a relationship with God. Therefore, religion is believe that the society encompass with regards to existence of God.
  35. Idolatry of Christianity
    In the past, people considered idolatry to be the worship of statues and carved images, while modern explanation of the practice considers God’s commandments.
  36. Traditional Uses of Music in Christian Worship Services
    Christians have traditionally used music to encourage the believers to learn lessons on unity, and to challenge them to live as per the words of their songs.
  37. Christianity and Judaism Doctrines
    Although the Jewish people believe in the commandments, their views on what God gave Moses and the extent of including modern religious concepts in their practices varies; hence the current splitting of the early Jewish […]
  38. Christian Management Principles
    In regards to the Christian perspective, management should consider the role of leadership as that of a custodian who stewards resources given to them for the advancement of God-directed goals and to God’s glory.
  39. Christianity and the Social Crisis
    As a Baptist minister, he implores the church to embrace the ‘social gospel.’ This came when the United States of America was experiencing industrialization and urbanization.
  40. The Gospels and the Intertestamental Period in Christianity
    The Gospel of Luke is addressed to the Gentiles, and speaks of salvation for non-Jews, and the manly love of Jesus.

✝️ Good Research Topics about Christianity

  1. Money From the Christian Perspective
    Work in Christian missions is a business and since it affects the relationship between the missionary and the people he is trying to reach, missionary funding is essential.
  2. Islam and Christianity: Influence on Leadership
    The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the contribution of Islam and Christianity to change leadership. The concept of punishment is present in Christianity and Islam and is related to the idea […]
  3. American Justice System and Christianity
    Nevertheless, the legacy of the English government and religion, namely Christianity, which professed most of the immigrants, influenced the creation of the justice system.
  4. Hope in the Christian Metanarrative
    Creation refers to the original period where God created the world and everything that is in it, with Adam and Eve living happily in the garden of Eden.
  5. Christian Methodist Episcopal Church History
    First, the CME Church was challenged by the African Methodist Church over the property that was deeded to the CME Church by the M.E.
  6. The Influence of Evangelical Christianity on American Politics and Culture
    The others are the belief in the supremacy of the bibles authority and the reiteration of the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  7. Biblical Concepts for Christian Counseling
    It is important to underline the issue that the Bible is the background for Christian counseling, while the counseling itself is an integral part of Word ministry.
  8. Heretics and Early Christian Church Fathers
    To the early church fathers any person who denied the deity of Christ, same as whoever identified Jesus and the Father as being the same person was considered heretic.
  9. Gospel Essentials in Christian Education
    First and foremost, God is a part of the world, but he is also above and beyond it, existing outside of people’s ability to envision his person fully.
  10. Socrates as a Christian Thinker
    The third argument that can be employed to discuss whether Socrates was a Christian thinker is the philosopher’s loyalty to his people.
  11. Christianity: Core Beliefs and Holy Books
    The basic belief of Christian religion is that there is only one God, who is triune and is portrayed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  12. “Christian Education: Its Mandate and Mission” by Horton
    The main motivation behind the drafting and publishing of the booklets that would later be compiled in a book was to offer a philosophical justification and direction to the providers of educational materials for the […]
  13. What Is Happening to Global Christianity?
    The author is trying to inform the reader about the future of Christianity. This kind of transition indicates that Christianity is a religion that is one the move.
  14. Christianity: Characteristics of Religion
    Characteristics Religion Christianity Sources Origin of All Things The Creation Story in Christianity is associated with the Jews’ vision of origin of all things. According to the Biblical story, God created the world during six days, and then, God decided to rest during the seventh day of the week. During these days, the nature and […]
  15. Basic Biblical Christianity
    On the fourth day, God created the sun, moon, and the stars to provide light to the earth to separate the day and the night.
  16. The Meaning of Christian Caring
    Although theologians have not yet explored the mysteries of suffering in human lives, one thing is clear to all the people; care is essential to the suffering. Therefore, by caring for the suffering, God demonstrates […]
  17. Christianity: The Sermon on the Mount
    The teachings in the Sermon on the Mount advocate for Christians to live a life geared toward generating harmony with other members of the society.
  18. Child’s Corporal Punishment: Christian vs. Secular Discipline
    Although the justification for the practice lies in the realm of the religion, perpetuators of the practice is a matter which concerns the public policy; therefore, concerns the legislative and the courts.
  19. History of the Pharisees in Christianity
    4 Nevertheless, the group’s rise to prominence was due in part to the spirit of the times when the masses wanted to break free from the oppression of the Roman Empire and the lack of […]
  20. Christianity in Sudan
    The suffering of the Christians in Sudan has been increased by the Muslim dominated Sudanese government. In social matters, most of the Christians in Sudan are marginalized especially those in the south and western parts […]
  21. Religious Leaders and the Spread of Christianity: the Personality of the Greatest Influence
    Over the course of the evolution of Christian religion, it was supported by a number of Christian leaders, who introduced the basic concepts of Christian faith to all those willing to learn about it and […]
  22. History of the Christianity Contributions to the Western World
    It is possible to state that two important contributions made by Christianity to the development of the Western civilization are the accentuation of the significant role of family within the society and the contribution to […]
  23. Understanding of Christian Sacraments
    The next discussion analyses the sacrament as the major symbol in the Christian religion highlighting the importance of the ceremonies. Although the rate of participation of the ceremony of the sacrament is high, the participants […]
  24. Christianity: Theological Themes in Jesus Life
    The sensitivity of the matter have drawn the attention of many theologians to add their views and understanding of the events and circumstance of the life of Jesus Christ and his role as the founder […]
  25. Chronicles of Narnia: Christian Themes Analysis
    In Lewis’s book the chronicles of Narnia, there are several Christian themes that can be identified in the story despite the author’s use of mythology.
  26. Servant Leadership: Qualities, Christian Impact, and Application
    Therefore, it is essential to define what it means to be a servant leader, to identify the concept of servant leadership, to determine whether all believers or Christians are called to be servant leaders, and […]
  27. James’ and Peter’s Teachings on Suffering: Wisdom from Early Christianity
    In an intricate tapestry of ancient teachings, James and Peter, two figures etched into the annals of early Christian history, cast their wisdom upon the ever-relevant theme of suffering.
  28. Glorification in Christian Theology: Redemption, Sin, and Glory
    It will emphasize the role that the expectation of future glorification plays in molding the Christian life and directing the attitudes and believers’ acts.
  29. Core Themes of Christianity: One God, Jesus as the Son of God, and Christ’s Return
    They include Jesus being the son of God and thus God the son, God being one, God caring for the suffering, and Christ returning to restore the world.
  30. Christianity’s Role in Shaping Modern Culture and Morality
    The current form of Christianity can influence the culture and bring new morality to it by using past experiences, contributing to the spiritual life, and stopping of isolating itself.
  31. Christian Art from Early Christianity to the Reformation
    The four images in this challenge are significant pieces of art that shed light on the development of the Christian faith from the early Christian period to the Reformation: Good Shepherd, Orants, and Story of […]
  32. David Burton on Christian Worldview and the American Constitution
    Barton argues that the United States is currently in a profound moral crisis due to the separation of the concept of the state from the idea of the Christian God.
  33. The Role of Christian Values in Forecasting and Decision-Making
    Christian values have great significance to believers as they can improve their lives and help gain confidence in difficult times in order to make the right decisions.
  34. Romans 8:30: Predestination and Free Will in Christian Theology
    In order for the verse to be understood, it is important to provide context to the meaning of the words. On the other hand, predestination is linked to humans being predestined to resemble Jesus, while […]
  35. Peter’s Message of Faith and Righteousness for Early and Modern Christians
    Therefore, Peter urges new believers to change their behavior and follow the example of Jesus to get God’s mercy. Peter urged us to trust the teaching of Jesus in the first place, accept him as […]
  36. Apple’s Christian Influence in Marketing Against Adversity and For Innovation
    The corporation was one of the pioneers of the digital market as it is known today, and an appropriate biblical quotation can be applied to describe such a position for the brand in question. The […]
  37. Reflecting on D. Jacobsen’s “Global Gospel”: Insights into Christianity and Globalization
    The main lesson that can be applied to my life is the continued deepening of knowledge about Christianity in different countries and cultures.
  38. The Experience of God’s Love: Effects and Insights from Christian Practice
    Exploring the love of God, the research highlights both the spiritual and practical effects experienced by different individuals in various settings.
  39. Western Christianity vs. Eastern Buddhism
    The Buddhists have rituals that help them maintain the pattern and the order that they want in life. The story of the creation is relevant to understanding how the earth came to be, and redemption […]
  40. Catholic Christianity Report: Catholic Understanding of God as Trinity
    The first component of the Catholic understanding of God as Trinity is the Father, that is, the beginning of everything. The Most Holy Trinity is a mystery, and it is a mystery that “was revealed […]

🔎 Christianity Writing Prompts

  1. The Development of Christianity Across Continents
  2. Examining Christian Ethics in Light of Virtue Ethics
  3. Christian Thought and Employee Engagement
  4. Uniting Christian Values and Organizational Excellence
  5. Christian Counseling for Anxiety and Depression: Topic Proposal
  6. Christianity: Historical Roots
  7. Christian Economics: Personal Views on the Economy
  8. Christian Faith Impact on Marketing Management Decisions in Wal-Mart
  9. Christianity’s Spread in Europe: Project Reflection
  10. Christian Involvement in Cinematic Arts
  11. The Spread of Christianity in Europe
  12. The Christian Church’s Organizational Chart
  13. Evolutionary Psychology and Christian Worldview
  14. Christianity: Spener’s Proposals Needed More Today
  15. Christian and Jewish Response to Coronavirus
  16. Christian Values and Decision-Making in Health Care
  17. The Importance of Personal Choice for Christians
  18. Understanding What the Christian Worldview Is
  19. Philosophy and Worldviews: Psychology and Christianity
  20. The Rise of Christianity Compared to Hellenistic Judaism
  21. Why Christianity and Islam Are Persistent World Religions
  22. Secular Humanism Worldview: The Christian Perspective
  23. The Rise of American Christian Fundamentalism (the Late 1800s and Early 1900s)
  24. The Afro-Christian Connection and United Church of Christ
  25. Entrepreneurship and Christian World View
  26. Reason and Faith in Christianity
  27. Christian and Muslim World: The World of the Arabian Nights by Thompson
  28. Christian Church: The Action Research
  29. The Significance of Christianity in Treating Mental Illness
  30. How to Be a Christian in the Sciences
  31. Evangelism in Daily Life: Sharing the Christian Faith
  32. The Christian Care Center’s Mission: Speech
  33. How Christianity Faith Influenced Mathematics
  34. A Christian Organization Serving in an Islamic Context
  35. Orthodox Christianity Argument Against Mormonism
  36. Framework Selection for Christian Labor Study
  37. Islamic Worldview Analysis and Comparison With Christianity
  38. Christian Faith and Scientific Disciplines
  39. Christian Worldview in the Amazon Firm
  40. Relativity of Ethical Beliefs in Non-Christian Students
  41. Peter Kreeft’s “Catholic Christianity” Review
  42. Life Within an Early Christian Community
  43. The History of Christianity in Asian Countries
  44. “Origins” by Ruiz de Medina: Christianity in Korea
  45. A Christian Introduction to World Religions
  46. The Survival and Development of Christian Church
  47. Developing a Christian Theology of Religions
  48. The Christian Perception of Women
  49. Business Processes From the Christian Perspective
  50. Promoting Christian Mentorship Using St. Augustine’s Teachings
  51. Mentoring Disciples and Leaders Using Christian-Based Model
  52. Value and Sexuality of Women in Christianity and Islam
  53. Persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt
  54. Christian Faith: Influence on Learning
  55. The Work “Engaging God’s World as Christian Thinkers” by Daniel R. Spanjer
  56. Homosexuality From a Christian Viewpoint
  57. Dreaming in Christianity and Islam
  58. The Responsibilities of Christians Towards Geopolitics
  59. The Candlestick and Christian Living Today
  60. Christian Spirituality: Integration Into Sports Psychological Practices
  61. The Book “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis
  62. The Impact of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes
  63. “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis: Morality as a Natural Law
  64. Interreligious Dialogues of Church and Non-Christian Religions
  65. Christian Beliefs About Jesus’ Identity
  66. The Christian Church at the Council of Nicaea
  67. Implications of the Trends in Christianity in Africa on Purpose of Sport Ministry
  68. Aspects of Christianity and Islam
  69. Christianity During the Roman Empire
  70. “Letter of Discovery”: Christian Language & Imperial Ambitions
  71. Christianity and Islam: The Concept of Godhood
  72. Architeture and Function in Buddhism, Christianity, and Islamic Religion
  73. The Christian Sports International Organization
  74. Christianity as a Bridge Between the Roman and Medieval Worlds
  75. History of Pacifism: A Christian Perspective
  76. Holy Spirit’s Relevance for Modern Christians
  77. Forgiveness in the Christian Texts and the World Today
  78. Christianity Relations With State and Society
  79. Biblical Worldview and Wisdom of Christianity
  80. The Significance of Being a Theologically Informed Christian
  81. Moral Virtues of Stoicism and Early Christianity
  82. Euthanasia in the Context of Christianity
  83. Christian Biblical Narrative and Decision-Making in Health Care
  84. The Jewish Context of Christianity
  85. Metaphors that Help Understand Christian Morality
  86. Moral Rules, Christian Morality and Healthcare Environments
  87. Connection of the Study of Christology to Soteriology
  88. Christian Worldview: Issues and Foundations
  89. Disputes Between Christian and Secular Organizations
  90. Liberationist Christianity: Social Injustice Influence
  91. The Christian Rights and American Foreign Policy: Idealism or Realism
  92. Natural Law and Christian Civilization
  93. Sacred Tales of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
  94. Impact of Hellenism on Christianity
  95. The Meaning of Christian Caring in Nursing
  96. Responsibility of Christians With Regards to Geopolitics
  97. Christians in Communism and Capitalism
  98. Discipleship in Christianity: Giving God Your Best
  99. Wealth and Poverty: The Christian Teaching on Wealth and Poverty
  100. Christianity and Religious Conversions in Viking World
  101. Religious Studies and Theology: Christianity
  102. Religion: Christians’ Belief in God
  103. Christian Faith and Work With Service Members
  104. Views on Female Oppression in Christianity Letter
  105. Christian Ethics: Working With Experience and Working With Reason
  106. How Muslims and Christians Overcome Evil
  107. Fasting in Contemporary Christianity
  108. Christianity Practices, Features, Social Implications
  109. Christianity: The Development of Religion and Its Role in People’s Lives
  110. Free Will in Hinduism and Christianity: Ideologies on Both Religious Practices and Philosophy
  111. How Christians View Abortion
  112. Christian Ethics – Reflecting on Norms and Forms
  113. Christian Ethics: Homelessness in Atlanta
  114. Christian Leadership of John Calvin
  115. Engagement of Jonathan Edwards’ Sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God With the Christian Ideology
  116. Martin Luther’s a Good Friday Sermon on How to Contemplate Christ’s Holy Sufferings Within the Christian Ideology
  117. Christian Thought in Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”
  118. Christianity and Sacred Scripture
  119. Comparing Early Christian and Buddhist Sculpture
  120. Christian Based Outreach Programs Role for the Intervention of Teenage Substance Abuse
  121. Roman Civilization, Christianity, and Judaism
  122. Medicine, Healthcare, and Christian Science
  123. “Knock-Knock” Poem and Non-Christian Allusions
  124. Social Movements. Southern Christian Leadership Conference
  125. Judaism, Christianity and Islam as a Single System
  126. Importance of Bible With Respect to Christian Ministry
  127. Christian’s Experience at the “Pilgrim’s Progress” by J. Bunyan
  128. A Christian Perspective of Health Care
  129. Habits for Effective Ministry in Christianity
  130. Representation of Christianity to Jews
  131. Christianity in South Korea
  132. “Mere Christianity” by C. S. Lewis
  133. Christianity and Judaism Comparison
  134. Psychology and Christianity in Entwistle’s Vision
  135. A Lens to Teacher’s Christian Worldview
  136. Christian & Hinduist Religions and Ecology: Human Life and Its Interaction With the Environment
  137. Christian Worldview. Sire’s “Naming the Elephant”
  138. Early Christian & Byzantine Art: Basilica
  139. Christian Influence on Roman Art
  140. A Christian Denomination – Roman Catholicism
  141. Worldview Analysis. How Philosophy Aids Christians
  142. Pluralism of Christian Message “Jesus as Savior”
  143. How Theologies of Gospel Writers Shaped Their Christology
  144. Western Humanities: Early Roman Empire and Christianity
  145. Christians Holy Orders and Marriage
  146. The Principle of Christian Stewardship
  147. Features of Judaism and Relation to the Christianity
  148. Books-Based Discussion of Christian Worldview
  149. Christian Ethics in Jane Austen’s “Mansfield Park”
  150. Christianity Readings: “Living Religions: Western Traditions” and “The World’s Religions”
  151. Five Moral Principles of ACA vs. Seven Virtues of Christian Counseling
  152. Christianity and the Worldview on Islam

⛪ Christianity Essay Topics for College

  1. Existence Viewed by Modern America, Buddhism, and Christianity
  2. Comparison of Jihad in Classic Islam and Theory of Just War in Christianity
  3. Jihad and the Just War Theory by Christians
  4. Christian Spirituality and Ethical Care
  5. Euthanasia in Christian Spirituality and Ethics
  6. Theology of Christian Marriage in “The Four Loves” by Lewis C.S.
  7. Christian Spirituality: Imago Dei in Healthcare
  8. “The Passion of Christ” as a Christian Movie
  9. Presenting Christianity to Buddhism
  10. Introduction to Philosophy: A Christian Perspective by Geisler & Feinberg
  11. Christianity and Pop Culture: ”The Passion of the Christ” Film
  12. Christianity’s Impact on Continental Philosophy
  13. The Exception by Christian Jungersen
  14. Christianity Religion and Asian World: Social Justice
  15. Religious Studies: The Crusades and Christianity
  16. Philosophy of Evil and Suffering in Christianity
  17. Moral Status of Humans in Christian View
  18. Classical Antiquity and Christian-Based Philosophy
  19. Christian Missions in Japan and China
  20. Christian Missions in Early Modern Japan and China
  21. Religions: Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam
  22. Christian Louboutin Case: Analysis and Synthesis
  23. Interview About World Religions: Christian-Muslim
  24. Buddhism and Christianity: Comparative Religious Analysis
  25. Christian Church as a Social Answer to Human Problems
  26. Holy War in Muslim and Christian Religions
  27. Paul’s Christian Teachings in the New Testament
  28. Human Nature: Christian Doctrine of Original Sin
  29. Wisdom Theory in Various Christianity Periods
  30. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” Christian Poem
  31. Historical Jesus and Paul in Early Christianity
  32. Persecution of Christianity in the Roman Empire Life
  33. Moses Comparison in Christianity, Judaism and Islam
  34. Global South Christians vs. Global North Christians
  35. Christian Compassion in Tutoring English Learners
  36. Women in Ancient Christianity: New Discoveries
  37. Creation in Gnostic and Christian Views
  38. Christianity Beliefs and Science in Smith’s Study
  39. Ethical Theories and Christian Tradition
  40. “Backgrounds of Early Christianity” by E. Ferguson
  41. Christian Doctrine of Sin and Women’s Leadership
  42. Psychology and Theology in Christian Counseling
  43. Materialist Theory of Christianity
  44. Christianity: Reviewing Leadership by Banks and Ledbetter
  45. Wampanoag Christianity: Maori Translation of the Waitangi Treaty
  46. Secular and Christian Worldviews Clash
  47. The Orthodox Church in San Francisco: Christian Experience
  48. The Battle for God: Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
  49. Christian and Worldview Perceptions on Death
  50. Christians Beliefs: “For Us Men and For Our Salvation”
  51. Celtic Christianity and St. Cuthbert’s Contributions
  52. Christian Perspectives in the “Life of Brian” Movie
  53. Zoroastrianism Beliefs in Judaism and Christianity
  54. Christianity and Islam Values
  55. Religious Comparisons: Judaism, Christianity and Islam
  56. Is America a Christian Nation?
  57. Celtic Christianity Evolution
  58. Insights on Post Christianity
  59. Buddhism and Christianity Comparison
  60. Philosophy of “Mere Christianity” by Clive Staples Lewis
  61. The Christian Commonwealth of Byzantium
  62. Christianity, Slavery and Colonialism Paradox
  63. History of Christian Theology
  64. Christian Duty to Care for Homeless People
  65. Christianity and Asceticism in the History of Religion
  66. Water Symbolism in Christianity and Islam
  67. Religion Issues: Christocentric Approach to Christianity
  68. Christianity Effect on Legal and Social Practices
  69. Christianity From the 4th to the 7th Century
  70. Ottoman Empire’s and Christian Worlds Architecture Influence
  71. Christianity in the UAE: Culture and Heritage
  72. Clovis’ Influence on Christianity
  73. The Conflicts and Complexities in the Early Christianity
  74. Impartiality: Richard Bulliet’s Islam and the West in the Case of Islamo-Christian Civilization
  75. Women in Early Christianity
  76. ‘Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling’ by Mark McMinn
  77. “Aimme Semple McPherson and the Resurrection of Christian America” by Sutton Matthew
  78. The Main Problems of “Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief” by John Frame
  79. “Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief” by John M. Frame
  80. Jews and Christians: Missionaries and Marginalized
  81. The Doctrine of the Christian Life
  82. Challenging Concepts for Contemporary Christian Education
  83. Christian Moral Teaching and Money
  84. ”Less Than Conquerors: How Christians Entered the 20th Century” by Douglas Frank
  85. Neutral Curriculum and Christian Approach to It
  86. Mormonism and Their Distinct Practices With Christians
  87. The Development of a Non-Christian Tradition in the United States
  88. The Inclusion of Islam, Christianity and Judaism in Politics
  89. Christianity vs. Buddhism
  90. Contemporary Accounts of Nature and Grace: Karl Rahner’s Christian Theology and Hindu Theology
  91. Prayer in Christian Counseling
  92. The Doctrine of the Christian Life by John M. Frame
  93. Death and Dying in Modern Christianity
  94. Paul as a Christian Worker
  95. Christian Scientists in the USA
  96. Christian Pacifism in the Modern World
  97. Theories about Human Nature: Hinduism and Christianity
  98. Reasons Why Constantine Favored Christianity
  99. Christian Sacraments: Matrimony
  100. The Fall of Christianity in America
  101. Analyzing the Inculturation Process of Specific Historical Moments in the Development of the Christian Faith
  102. Cultural Diversity: Christianity and Others in the USA
  103. Christian Doctrines and Environmental Degradation
  104. History of Celtic Christianity
  105. Forgiveness & Reconciliation: The Differing Perspectives of Psychologists and Christian Theologians
  106. The Messiah and Messianic Prophesy in Jewish and Christian Thought
  107. Relationship Between Christian Faith and Science
  108. God’s Election: Ministry and Christian Development
  109. Ethical and Moral Theory in Christian Worldview
  110. Christian Counseling for Children
  111. Tibetan Buddhist and Christian Symbols of Worship
  112. Religious Communities Respond to Contemporary Issues; Judaism and Christianity
  113. A Systematic Study of Suffering and Death in Christianity
  114. Faith and the Future: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
  115. Christian Theological Entities
  116. Traditions in Eastern Orthodox as a Most Practiced Christian Religion
  117. Two Significant Events of Christianity
  118. The History of the Christian Church
  119. Christianity and Culture in Dialogue
  120. The Christian Crusades: The Barbarism and Wickedness of Crusaders
  121. Orthodox Christianity and Creation Myth
  122. Christianity: Origins, Beliefs and Symbols
  123. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism Perspectives on God
  124. Religion of Christianity and Buddhism – Similarities and Difference
  125. Cultural Conflict Between Christian Western Countries and Islamic Countries of the East
  126. The Judeo-Christian and Islamic Religions
  127. Christianity in Medieval Civilization
  128. How Wal-Mart Reconciled the Demands of Conservative Free Enterprise With Evangelical Christianity
  129. The Rise of Western Christendom
  130. “Jews and Muslims in Medieval Spain” by Dwayne Carpenter: Relations Between the Christian, Muslim and Jewish Communities
  131. Evil in the Theology and Practice of Hinduism and Christianity
  132. Concept of the Jesus Resurrection in Christianity
  133. The Day the Humankind Was Born: Does the Christian Mythology Bring People Closer?
  134. The Experienced Touch at Heritage Christian Home
  135. God Definition by Muslims, Christians, Atheists and Rastafarians
  136. Analyzing the Role of Virgin Mary in Empowering Women in Christianity and Islam
  137. The Relationship Between Native Americans and Christians
  138. Position of the Christian Church on Homosexuality
  139. What Is a Perfect Christianity?
  140. Christianity Versus Judaism
  141. Spiritual Diversity in the Christian Religion
  142. Christianity and Hinduism Religions Comparison
  143. The Fight Against Terrorism by Christian and Islam Leaders
  144. The Heart of Christianity in a Time of Change
  145. Ethical and Christian Worldview Analysis of ”Willow Creek Community Church”
  146. Relationship Between Christians and Jews
  147. The Story of Christian Music
  148. Mary Magdalene: Christian Work of Early Women of the Church
  149. 2012 and the End of the World: Christian and Scientific Predictions
  150. Dialogue Over the Interfaith Christian and Buddhist Perspectives
  151. Rise of Christianity in Europe and Islam in the Middle East
  152. Christian Spirituality in Lewis’s Works About Narnia

🥇 Most Interesting Christianity Topics to Write about

  1. Comparative Analysis of Christianity in Relation to Core Beliefs and the Standard of Care as a Health Provider
  2. A Critique of Christianity’s Views on the Concept of Human Suffering in the Works of Friedrich Nietzsche
  3. The Spread of Christianity in Replacing the Old Warrior Religion and Changing the Way of Life
  4. Different Sections of Christianity About Where the Authority Comes From During the 17th and 19th Centuries
  5. Religious Innovation and Competition in Contemporary African Christianity
  6. Christianity in the English Language Culture and Religious Themes in Poetry
  7. An Analysis of Religion and Christianity in Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery”
  8. Characteristics of the Theories of Marxism and Christianity and Their Comparison
  9. Christopher Columbus and the Forced Conversion of the Natives Into Christianity
  10. Local and Global Perspectives of Christianity in Asia
  11. Christianity: Guidelines, Moral and Ethical Implications on Society
  12. Understanding Christianity: Exploring a Hermeneutical Pedagogy for Teaching Christianity
  13. The Role of Women in the Following Belief Systems of Buddhism and Christianity
  14. Constantine – Main Cause of Christianity Spreading Roman Empire
  15. Dante’s “Inferno” and How It Relates to Paganism and Christianity
  16. Depression and Christianity: Is the Greatest Foe or Closest Friend?
  17. Differences Among English Christianity in the Rule of Elizabeth I and Roger Martyn
  18. Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity: Worldview Issues and Philosophical Foundations
  19. Contextualizing Pain and Remedy in Early Christianity
  20. The Importance of Christianity in the Creation and Expansion of Empires
  21. Christianity and Modernity: Explaining Prohibitions on Homosexuality in Un Member States
  22. Non-salvation and Non-christianity Issues Caused by Weakness of the Christian Faith
  23. How Questions and Conversion of Lifestyle Made Christianity What It Is Today
  24. Spread of Christianity and Development of Trade/Capitalism as Two Significant Contributions of the Middle Ages
  25. The Concept of the Messiah Within Judaism and the Development of the Messianic Tradition Within Christianity
  26. Tracing the Historical Contours of Black Muscular Christianity and American Sport
  27. The Growth of Christianity From Jesus to Its Acceptance as the Official Religion of the Roman Empire
  28. The Historical Context Around the Bible and Its Impact on the Popularization of Christianity
  29. Convergence of Ideas About Christianity and Buddhism in “Living Buddha, Living Christ” by Thich Nhat Hanh
  30. The Importance of Symbols, Artifacts, and Architecture in the Religion of Christianity
  31. The Influence of Christianity and Architecture on the Restoration of the Byzantine Empire
  32. Christianity in “The Chronicles of Narnia”: “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” by C. S. Lewis
  33. The Purpose of Life and Procreation and Rebirth on the Planet Earth and the Beliefs of the Christianity
  34. Comparing the Attitudes of Christianity and Islam Toward Merchants and Trade
  35. The Relationship Between Christianity and the Church in the First Four Centuries of Its Existence
  36. The Significance of the Life and Teaching of Paul to the Spread and Influence of Christianity

✨ Interesting Research Topics for Christianity

  1. How Sacred Texts Provide Understanding of Peace Is Expressed in Christianity and Islam?
  2. Does Religious Pluralism Undermine Central Doctrines Of Christianity?
  3. Does the film ‘Four Weddings and a Funeral’ give a false impression of Christianity or an accurate picture?
  4. How Suffering Is Understood and Practiced Within Christianity?
  5. How the Downfall of Rome in the City of God by Saint Augustine was Influenced by Christianity?
  6. How the Journey to the Magi Can Be Perceived on Many Different Levels of Christianity?
  7. How The Spread of Christianity Replaced the Old Warrior Religion During Ireland’s Golden Age?
  8. Is the Idea of Doctrinal Development Compatible with Belief in the Abiding Truth of Christianity?
  9. What If Paul Had Never Converted From Christianity?
  10. What Imprint Did Rome Leave on Christianity?
  11. What is the origin of Islam In what ways does it differ from Christianity?
  12. Why did Christianity succeed in the Roman empire?

❓ Research Questions About Christianity

  1. Can Cloning and Christianity Coexist?
  2. How Did British Literature Affect Western Christianity?
  3. Are Americans Overinfluenced by Christianity in Society?
  4. How Did Christianity and Paganism Coexist in Beowulf?
  5. Can Evolution Fit Into Christianity?
  6. How Did Christianity Become Popular in the Ancient World?
  7. Are Christianity, Islam, and Judaism Male-Chauvinist Institutions?
  8. How Did Christianity Build Western Civilization?
  9. Does Religious Pluralism Undermine Central Doctrines of Christianity?
  10. How Can Christianity Increase an Individual’s Self-Efficacy?
  11. Did Christianity Cause the Fall of Rome?
  12. How Are Islam and Christianity Alike and Different?
  13. Was Christianity the Key to the Downfall From the Vikings?
  14. How Did Christianity Influence Arts in the Middle Ages?
  15. Was Paul the Founder of Christianity?
  16. How Does Christianity Interact With Other Religions?
  17. What Are the Boundaries of Christianity?
  18. How Did Christianity Become a Major World Religion?
  19. What Are the Similarities and Differences Between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism?
  20. How Did Greek Mythology Influence Christianity?
  21. What Did Christianity Look Like at the Time Before and During the Anglo-Saxon Conversion?
  22. How Did Paganism and Mystery Religions Influence Christianity?
  23. What Does Divine Comedy Reveal About Christianity?
  24. How Can Psychology and Christianity Be Used in Counseling?
  25. What Events Did Contribute to the Rise of Christianity?
  26. How Can Sport and Christianity Actually Be Associated?
  27. What Was Chaucer’s View on Medieval Christianity?
  28. How Did Zoroastrianism Influence Judaism and Christianity?

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IvyPanda. (2025, March 19). 540 Christianity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/christianity-essay-topics/

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"540 Christianity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 19 Mar. 2025, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/christianity-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2025) '540 Christianity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 19 March. (Accessed: 21 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2025. "540 Christianity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 19, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/christianity-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "540 Christianity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 19, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/christianity-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "540 Christianity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 19, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/christianity-essay-topics/.