306 Colonialism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Colonialism Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. The Effects of Colonialism in Africa Cause and Effect Essay
    The cutting down of trees contributed greatly to negative impacts of the climate in the Africa continent. This has resulted to the wide spread of HIV/AIDs in African States.
  2. Colonialism in “Manifesto to Certain Filipinos” by Jose Rizal
    It must be noted that towards the latter part of his essay Rizal mentions the need for reform and education, research into the 333 years of Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines shows that while […]
  3. Colonial Discourse in “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe
    Achebe’s book centers on the life of a village ‘superstar’ by the name Okonkwo and the arrival of white missionaries at the fictional village of Umuofia.
  4. Colonialism: ”Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell
    While he does not take any lengthy journeys outside of his familiar region, the narrator of “Shooting an Elephant” relates an incident in which he found himself forced to shoot an elephant by the limitations […]
  5. British Colonialism in Malaysia and its Effects on Modern Malaysia
    In the course of the initial years of the 20th century, there was extending of the British influence over the Malaya states in the north.
  6. Chile Before, During, and After Colonization
    It borders Argentina to the east, Peru to the north and finally Bolivia to the northeast. Before the landing of the Spanish colonizers during the 16th C, the Inca governed northern Chile while the indigenous […]
  7. Social and Cultural Aspects of Pre-Colonial Africa in Chinua Achebe: Things Fall Apart
    The novel emphasize on the encounters of the pre-colonial Africa and the effect of British colonialism during the 19th century. Gender disparity is clear in this village and the crimes are identified with gender where […]
  8. Post-Colonial Theory in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    We further analyze the individuals and how their actions and activities affect the society’s social culture in relation to the post-colonial society of today.
  9. Decolonization Process Analysis
    The Second World War precipitated the process of decolonization because the American president had declared that the war aimed at liberating all people in the world.
  10. Algeria During the Colonial Times: “The Guest” by Albert Camus
    The setting of the Novel is in Algeria during the colonial times of the republic of France. The Arab prisoner is the third and final character who is a rebellious, rude and murderer and one […]
  11. How Did Religion Affect the Pattern of Colonization in America and Life in Those Colonies?
    When the Europeans begun their exploration and subsequent colonization in North America, their religious beliefs and practices were a significant tool in how they conquered and approached the local natives, although majority of them already […]
  12. “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe: Post Colonial Theory
    The white men tried to spread the gospel but “the arrival of the missionaries had caused a considerable stir in the village…”..
  13. Colonialism in the Short Story “An Outpost of Progress” by Joseph Conrad
    By connecting this ‘abode place’ of ‘the gentleman who had observed the commencement of all this’ slept to the residence of the white men which neatly built of reeds, with a balcony on both the […]
  14. British Colonialism and Its Impact on Indian Culture
    Though the Indians resisted Britain’s rule they were unable to overcome the British soldiers’ tactics and weapons hence the British East India Company took the region as its colony for trading and governance purposes. Britain […]
  15. The Critical Journal: Scotts’s “The Onondaga Madonna” and Veracini’s “Settler Colonialism and Decolonization”
    Portraying the woman as belonging to the rebellion and violent nation, Scott stresses on the opposition between the civilized and religious Christian world of the Westerners and the pagan and violent world of the Indians.
  16. European Conquest and Colonization of Africa
    The Europeans initially considered African land as worthless, however, by the end of the 19th century their perception about Africa had changed due to the changes in Europe making them move to Africa for rescue.
  17. African Nationalism as Colonial Legacy
    The oppression of rural areas and production and the prioritization of the urban population has become the main reason for the spread of poverty among the African population.
  18. Nascent Colonialism in Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver
    The age of the Renaissance and The Restoration, in simple words, was the age of a new dawn of human civilization.
  19. The Impact of Colonialism on Indian Education
    The colonization contributed to significant changes in the education system, negatively impacting the life of the indigenous population, as shown in numerous studies, providing quality information about the missionaries, boarding schools and reduction of superstitions […]
  20. “Shamanism, Colonialism and the Wild Man” by Michael T. Taussig
    In the book “Shamanism, Colonialism and the Wild Man”, Taussig explores and explains the atrocities committed by the early-20th-century rubber traders in the Putumayo Valley by studying the phenomena of terror and shamanic healing in […]
  21. Travelogue or Travel Narrative in Post-Colonial Time
    In the works of this direction, there was a frequent change of scenery around, and the character, who most often was the author, traveled to different lands and told about the peculiarities of everyday life, […]
  22. William Bradford as a Colonial American Writer
    The book’s attempt to explain the difference between the two and the encouragement to alter one’s bad habits were some of the reasons why the book was highly esteemed.
  23. Colonialism: Features, Goals, and Consequences
    The term “colonialism” is used to characterize the system of domination of the developed countries of Europe and the USA. At the end of the XIX century, the dependent territories and colonies came under the […]
  24. Conrad’s ”Heart of Darkness” as Post-Colonial Western Canon
    The protagonist of the novel, captain Marlow, observes that the suffering of the native people under the yoke of bureaucratic officials is extremely tough.
  25. English Colonization of America in Hakluyt’s View
    Hakluyt is a firm believer of colonization owing to the nationalistic, social, and economic benefits it might bring to England. In essence, he argues that both the economic and social ambitions of England can be […]
  26. Colonialism in the ”Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
    The main theme of the story is colonialism and its effects not only to the Africans but also to the whites/colonizers.
  27. A Comparison of Colonial and Modern Institutions of Higher Education
    At the present moment, institutions of higher education form a strong basis of the economy and culture of the United States.
  28. Post Colonial Literature: Poetry and Prose
    On post colonialism, Judith Wight talks of how both the whites and the black natives have lost in terms of culture and property then she proposes forgiveness and unity of the two groups as the […]
  29. Jules Ferry: On French Colonial Expansion
    He is known for some of the strategies that were developed at the time of his services, such as the strategy of secular education and that of France becoming a colonial empire.
  30. Benefits and Drawbacks of European Colonization
    Consequently, I think that the cons of colonization outweigh the pros of the process, and the world might have been in a better state.
  31. Architecture in Colonialism and Imperialism
    The aim was to mark the cities of Algiers and Casablanca as French territories by displaying sufficient architectural design that would also convince the conquered of the power of the conqueror8.
  32. Colonialism in Cameroon: Impact on Education and Employment
    Upon reviewing the role of colonialism in the development of Cameroon’s education and employment in current studies, the investigator noticed a research gap in the connection between the insufficiencies of the educational system, bilingualism, the […]
  33. Colonialism and Racism in Foe by J. M. Coetzee and Small Island by Andrea Levy
    This paper will try to expound on the relevance of real-life politics, of colonialism and racism, with regards to two popular works of fiction that used as themes or backdrop colonialism and racism.
  34. Colonialism Role in the “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
    A lot of coined description had been made out of the character of Kurtz the captain of the ship, Director of the Companies that sailed and explored a part of Africa for ivories in the […]
  35. India and Indochina: Colonization and Decolonization
    France considered the colonization of Indochina as a political opportunity to increase its authority and influence in the region and compete with the expanding influence of the British Empire in the region.
  36. Imperialism, Colonialism, and Nationalism
    The concepts of imperialism, colonialism, and nationalism were particularly prominent and essential in the 19th and 20th centuries. In conclusion, imperialism, colonialism, and nationalism played a key role in the course of the 19th and […]
  37. The Decolonization in Asia and Africa in the Post-WW2 Period
    According to Tignor et al, WW2 resulted in the following – the war itself left the unresolved issues of WW1 and heightened them, such as plans of Germany and Japan to expand their political impact […]
  38. The First Frontier: Life in Colonial America’ by Miller
    This essay seeks to investigate the History of Americans in the colonial era, the ways of life and the interrelationships between the colonial subjects and masters.

✅ Good Research Topics about Colonialism

  1. Colonization of Australia Review
    The focus of this paper will cover the initial stages of the development of the Australian colony of New South Wales in the period between 1788 and 1792.
  2. The Issues of Orientalism and Post Colonialism
    Originally, Orientalism is the division of philosophical, historical, cultural and political studies, that relate the place and the role of the Eastern countries in the world politics, and the lives of the other countries all […]
  3. Race: The Power of an Illusion in Colonial America
    The race helped to resolve the moral contradiction between the equality of all individuals and the system of human bondage in the following way.
  4. Alcoholism and the Impact Colonization Has Had on Aboriginals
    Once alcohol had become a part of the community, there was a gradual shift in the health of the people and they succumbed to illnesses.
  5. Korea During the Colonial Period
    In addition, the history and synopsis of Korean colonization is still important in the history of the world bearing in mind that it later shaped global political history of the major powers as they are […]
  6. American History: Colonial Backcountry Folkways
    The settlements in North Carolina were considered significant parts of the frontier, or backcountry, and became formally included in modern Mountain and Piedmont regions.
  7. Systems of Taxes During the Era of Colonialism
    As a result, the history of taxes is inextricably linked to the nation’s progress and influence since the colonial period. Individuals in the UAE are not subject to income tax.
  8. Spanish vs. English Colonization
    In their efforts to colonize the Americas, the Spanish and the British opted for polarly different approaches, with the methods of the latter showing to be more effective and prosperous in the long-run.
  9. Decolonization of Africa. Britain and France Influence
    This statement was a part of the Atlantic Charter and the reason for African colonies to request their independence from European countries.
  10. Colonization and Residential Schools
    Most of the practices, way of life, and cultural values of the aboriginals seemed uncouth in the eyes of colonialists. The government made significant steps towards decolonization to allow the indigenous communities to understand the […]
  11. Hybrid Colonial Architecture in Southeast Asia
    It was the period when the traditional Southeast approaches to architecture developed under the impact of the Eastern cultures were influenced by the European traditions and provided the unique hybrid colonial architecture of the Southeast […]
  12. The Effect of Colonization and Dispossession
    Warwick Anderson additionally states that the history of aboriginal health requires understanding of both the impact of colonization and the beginning of white nation-state.
  13. ”Dances With Wolves” Movie: Colonialism and Post-colonialism
    Defined by Loomba as “the conquest and control of other people’s lands and goods”, colonialism is in reality much more than this succinct definition can tell about, and the tragedy depicted in the Dances with […]
  14. Personal Experience of Living in the Colonial Period
    We used to take our baths in the springs and also water which was used for drinking, cleaning, and cooking was transported from the springs to our home.
  15. Solar System Colonization in Science Fiction vs. Reality
    Mars, also known as the Red Planet, the fourth in the distance from the Sun and the seventh-largest planet in the Solar System, is a favorite destination for colonization of science fiction authors, and the […]
  16. “Discourses on Colonization” by Aime Cesaire
    For example, he says the goal of Europe is to deliver good to the colonizers at the expense of the resources of the colonized class; Cesaire maintains that it only serves to decivilize the colonizers.
  17. Capitalism and Colonialism
    These features are: divergence in wealth and technology of the West and the “Rest”, “transformation” of trade relations between colonies and empires and the very nature of this trade, appearance of new “settler-monopoly” and creation […]
  18. Aimé Césaire’s Discourse on Colonialism
    Imperialism led to the rise of colonialism in various parts of the world. According to Cesaire, European imperialism led to the rise and spread of colonialism in the world.
  19. Identity, Belonging and Masculinity as Presented in The White Teeth and My Beautiful Launderette
    At the same time, there exists a set of theories and arguments in relation to these subjects as presented through the available literature like Bhabha’s, The Other Question, Stereotype, Discrimination and the Discourse of Colonialism […]
  20. Beginnings of British Colonization of America
    However, the settlers gained the influence to grab the territories from the natives and took over the entire leadership, collecting taxes and decreeing at their dispensation.
  21. America’s Westward Movement and Colonial Aspirations
    The success of the American colonies was due, in part, to the various motivations behind the westward movement and colonial aspirations of the early United States.
  22. Impact of Religion and British Colonialism on India
    Thus, the implementation of the “Mountbatten plan” only confirmed the significant influence of the religious factor in determining the political and socio-economic future of India.
  23. Colonialism in the Case of Conflict Between Wet’Suwet’en and Coastal GasLink
    The example of the conflict between Wet’suwet’en and Coastal GasLink is indicative of the ongoing colonization of indigenous settlements in Canada.
  24. The End of Colonization Era in Historical Examples
    It led to social class war between the rich and the poor, soldiers against the native, and those in power against their citizens, and led to fear in most regions.
  25. The Historical and Modern-Day Colonialism of Indigenous People in North America
    With the declaration of independence in the United States of America, leaders of the United States and other top government officials began their superiority over the Indigenous people with various attempts to ensure that the […]
  26. American Colonial Rebellion: American History
    Moreover, by winning the war, the British thought that they had gained a higher authority over the colonies, and the best way to do this was by exerting more power.
  27. Settlers’ Colonialism and Anishinaabe Treaty
    The goal of settler colonialism was to completely uproot and eradicate indigenous cultures, replacing them with the values and institutions of the colonizers.
  28. Researching and Analysis of Colonial Times
    Of particular interest during the examination of books by Brown and Locke was the topic of the correlation of strength, gender, and race.
  29. Colonialism in Africa from Historiographical Viewpoint
    3 A breakdown of the events after the Berlin conference, reasons for European’s interest in Africa, colonial administrative styles, the concept of imperialism, and how the rule benefitted Africans form the basis of this paper.
  30. Condition of African Slaves in Colonial Virginia
    At that time, this act was one of the first to oppress the position of the black population. In addition, the act provided for the organization of detachments that were supposed to return the liberated […]
  31. Colonial Style and Post-Colonial Ethnic Conflict in Africa
    Colonization of Africa is a historically formed process, the purpose of which was the development, conquest, and use by the colonizers of the entire territory of the continent.
  32. Africa’s Development Under Impact of Colonialism
    This journal discusses the motives, challenges, and impact of the colonial transport system used in Africa during the colonial period. This article will be helpful when writing an essay on colonialism in Africa since it […]
  33. History of Colonial Latin America
    In colonial Latin America, it is possible to observe the segregation of the population by the caste systems. With Indians at the bottom, Africans slightly above, and Spaniards at the top, the caste system resembled […]
  34. Africa’s Colonization and Alien Races’ Contribution
    4 At the stage of the ancient world and antiquity, the conquests did not end, but only served as the beginning of a long chain of colonization of the mainland.
  35. Settler Colonialism and Its Current Tendencies
    The important feature of settler colonialism is that it is associated with the elimination of the indigenous population and its substitution by settlers.
  36. Native Women in the Times of the Colonial Conquest of the Americas
    Chapter 5 of the book talks about the condition of native women in the times of the colonial conquest of the Americas.
  37. British Colonial Racism for Aboriginal Australians
    Precisely this colonial racism and genocide can be considered to be the cruelest in the history of the world and may have influenced the ideas and plans of Adolf Hitler, who got inspired by the […]
  38. The Blackfoot Indigenous People: Pre-Colonial, Colonial, and Current Situations
    The traditional residency of the Blackfoot people was in Alberta and Saskatchewan in Canada and in the northern parts of Montana in the United States.

💡 Most Interesting Colonialism Topics to Write about

  1. European Colonization and the Columbian Exchange
    With the expanding European colonization and increasing trade between the ‘Old’ and ‘New’ worlds, both realms experienced significant changes in their diet and lifestyle.
  2. The Legacies of Colonialism in Bolivia
    The period of colonialism forever changed the history of Latin America and the lifestyle of its inhabitants. Therefore, the children have to work, although in the majority of countries, children’s labor is prohibited.
  3. The Colonization Impact on Indigenous Society
    It has affected my family and me so that the descendants of the native Cherokee Indians are forced to live and work on the reservation.
  4. The Status of Women in Colonial America
    Thus, for women, the lives of women in colonial America were strictly limited to housekeeping and family prosperity, while men actively participated in society’s political and economic life. The role of women in such a […]
  5. Settler Colonialism in the Caribbean
    Settler colonialism results in the repudiation of the history and culture of the colonized location. The elimination of mentioned challenges is carried out through the elimination of the indigenous community and the assertion of the […]
  6. Decolonization in Canada: What Does Decolonization Mean?
    To the country, colonization means the process of conquering the territory and the country’s lands. It becomes clear that colonizers attempted to take advantage of the country’s resources, which is one of the primary reasons […]
  7. American Colonization Society
    According to Robert Finley one of the members of the ACS, the black people would never be fully integrated into the American society.
  8. Colonialism in Africa and Its Sociocultural Impact
    Conversely, the aftermath of WW1 saw drastic changes in Europe, and as such, it led to the socio-cultural revolution in the African continent pioneered by the missionaries and local leaders.
  9. Decolonization Effect and IT Development on Today’s Word
    Moreover, thanks in no small part to the mass familiarity of Indians with the language of the colonizers, English, India today has become the world’s center of offshore programming. Finally, it is worth talking about […]
  10. Settler Colonialism and Canada’s Indigenous History
    It dates back to the enactment of the Indian Act in 1876 by the Canadian regime to approve the Indian Status Administration.
  11. Indigenous History in Canada & Settler Colonialism
    1 One of the most significant personas, a key figure in the fight for the independence of the Indigenous race, was Gabriel Dumont.
  12. White Indentured Servitude in Colonial New World
    The institute of indentured servitude existed in the 17th and 18th centuries, forming the core of the labor force in the British Colonies.
  13. The United Nations in the Decolonization Process
    The united nation has been also advocating for the acceleration of globalization, which strategies to meet the target of full decolonization in non-Self-Governing countries by the end of the period of the decolonization process.
  14. The Colonial Situation and Anti-Colonial Struggle
    The colonial states’ main goal was to utilize the new territories’ land and labor to satisfy the needs of the rapidly industrializing European economy.
  15. Colonialism and the End of Internal Slavery
    The Atlantic slave trade was considered among the main pillars of the economy in the western region between the 16th and 19th centuries.
  16. The Colonial Legacy of the Offenses Against the Person Act in Jamaica, West Indies
    This paper will examine the impact of the legislation on Jamaica, West Indies in the social context of abortion by tracing the colonial history and outlining both past and present abortion laws on the island […]
  17. The Colonial Trade and Slave Entrepreneurship
    The significance of the Akan Drum can be examined in the political and economic context of the colonisation, slave trade and slavery in the Americas.
  18. Colonial Institutions and Prosperity
    The author of this essay believes that the cause of the difference is in these states’ usage of the institutions left behind by the colonizers.
  19. The History of Sugar Cane: A Currency Standard for Colonial Merchants
    The discovery of the Americas and the Caribbean islands significantly changed the sugar market. Slavery became the versatile and cost-effective way to ensure the survival of the Caribbean and American sugar plantations, and the sugar […]
  20. Colonial History of the United States: Puritans and Quakers
    Many of his ideas became a part of the constitution of the new United States. The idea emerged that England was ignoring the rights and liberties of the colonists.
  21. Colonialism Critique in the “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad
    The main idea of the novel is based on the determination of the roots of people evil, the impact of the surrounding environment on people attitude to the norms of ethics and moral as well […]
  22. Transatlantic Slave Trade and Colonial Chesapeake Slavery
    Most of the West African slaves worked across the Chesapeake plantation. This paper will explore the various conditions and adaptations that the African slaves acquired while working in the Chesapeake plantation.
  23. European Colonialism and Its Effects on African Crises
    Currently, there are different points of view concerning the impact of European colonialism on African countries though most researchers agree that the invasion has led to the deterioration of the economic and political conditions. In […]
  24. The History of Colonialism. Argument the Social Cohesion in Countries of Africa
    The history of colonialism, as described by Thompson, bases its argument on the social cohesion in countries of Africa. During the early twentieth century, literacy began to gain weight and value among the inhabitants of […]
  25. Colonialism and the Aboriginal People: John Batman’s Treaty
    Such were the Aztec and Mayans in the Americas; such were the Indian tribes and the many native tribes of Australia.
  26. Colonialism Questions: George Washington and Monroe Declaration
    He believed that the US was in danger if it would entangle itself in the foreign affairs of other nations particularly those from Europe. The convention of 1800 saw an end to all the treaties […]
  27. Religion in Real-World Colonialism and in the Sparrow
    This paper is dedicated to the study of the role of religion in real-world colonialism and in the novel through manifestation of the connections between the history of Spanish colonization of Americas and the colonization […]
  28. Socio-Cultural Consequences of Colonization
    The Americans and Africans suffered the most negative effects of colonization because they were the subjects of the European colonialism. This is to mean that while the Americans and Africans were suffering socially and politically, […]
  29. The Latin American Colonialism and the Further Resistance
    What the Latin Americans differ from the Native Americans is that they tent to treat their culture like something that is slowly slipping through their fingers, and they are trying to hold the rest of […]
  30. Colonial Traditions Inc: Key Elements
    The key elements of the issue are improper treatment of Colonial Traditions Inc with the Townsends. Besides, the delay of making of the order due to some external factors of the manager is terrible.
  31. Profile of Colonial Sugar Refinery Company in Australia
    The company was incorporated in the era that the business of sugar was highly politicized and took 75 years for the company to establish itself internationally.
  32. European Colonialism Affect on the Media Development in India and Africa
    The paper also covers how the pre-colonial and post-colonial government has interfered with the operations of the media. Due to the high rates of illiteracy among the traditional folks, not much was achieved in terms […]
  33. Colonialism in the Work of Some Artists
    In the second half of the past century, the American art world shattered the traditional views on the tradition to passively depict the objects.
  34. Latin America, Asia and Africa: Impact of Colonialism
    The Europeans considered the strange ways and religious practices of the natives as barbaric and considered it to be their moral duty to ‘civilize’ the ‘sub humans’ that they had subjugated leading to a superiority […]
  35. Colonial Resistance to European Domination: 1765-1775
    The belief that the American revolution and resistance to the British rule brought about freedom and democracy conflicts with the historic claim that the former colonial rulers exercised the “most democratic governance in the British […]
  36. Colonial Economy of America: Poverty, Slavery and Rich Plantations
    This topic deals with life in the colonial economy of America and the approach of white people towards black people. Mainly through natural production, the people became wealthy and they led a typical way of […]
  37. Colonization of the American Continent From James Town to Boston
    The British were encouraged to move to the American continent by the explorations made by the French and Spanish. The English captured the city from the Dutch in 1664 and renamed it the city of […]
  38. Post-Colonialism in Contemporary Australian Society
    The scholar strives to explain the logic and fallacies of the authorities who adhered to the belief that British colonizers were better prepared to raise aboriginal children.

🔍 Interesting Topics to Write about Colonialism

  1. Japan and Colonialism: History
    In most of the colonies, the missionaries were the first to go and spread Christianity in readiness for the colonialists to take over.
  2. The Colonial Period of the USA
    The colonial period of the USA refers to the history of the land that was going to become the US in the future, and lasts from the beginning of European settlement to the very independence […]
  3. Impacts of Colonialism on Africa
    In this, it suffered the fate of “imperialism,” which after 1900 was adopted by critics of European expansion to serve ideological purposes and used imprecisely to suggest both the annexation of territories and their subsequent […]
  4. Indian Invasions and Colonization of America
    Discussion and evaluation of the diplomacy, warfare, and the politics of negotiating relationships between Indian Nations and European Invaders need much attention on the history of colonization of the American continent and the natives.
  5. Colonial History: Bacon’s Rebellion and Freedom
    The ultimate outcome of these events has been the reorganization of the relationship between the elite and average whites which resulted in a strengthening of the notion of freedom.
  6. Somalia: The Role of Colonialism
    The rampant increase in the pirate related cases is due to the lack of a stable government in the country since independence.
  7. Greece and Egypt: Colonialism and Interaction
    Ancient Greek civilization has been immensely influential on the language, politics, educational systems, philosophy, art and architecture of the modern world particularly during the Renaissance in Western Europe and again during various neo-classical revivals in […]
  8. Choctaw and Southeast Nations’ Multidimensional Colonial Relations
    The influence of the western colonizers on the culture of the Chickasaw came through many dimensions including the multidimensional cultures that existed between the other Northeastern nations as well as the exchange of cultures between […]
  9. Classifying Immigrants in Colonial America
    Colonial America refers to the history of the United States or the history of the territory that would become the United States from the start of European settlement to the time of independence from Europe.
  10. Ghana: The Consequences of Colonial Rule and Slavery
    One of the reasons for this dependency is that the country had been the foothold for the slave trade for about four centuries.
  11. Colonialism & Expansionism Literature: Blake’s Poem
    At the time when it was written, the trade of slaves was a usual thing, especially trade of black people. His difficult fate of a slave began at the age of eleven, because of kidnapping.
  12. The History of Colonial Period and the Puritans
    This active settlement by Puritans influenced the developing history of the United States of America, with the aftereffects of the Puritan history of the country being felt even nowadays.
  13. Comfort Women as a Chapter in Japan’s Colonial History
    To some extent, the lack of verifiable data related to women in general contributes to the proliferation of the comfort women debate.
  14. Colonialism and Knowledge in Feminist Discourse
    Power imbalances affect human societies in multiple ways, and one of the phenomena that are important from this perspective is the intersection of colonialism and knowledge. From the perspective of colonization, the intersection of colonialism […]
  15. China and Colonial Administration in Inner Asia
    The paper “China and Other Colonial Empires” by Peter Perdue is devoted to the in-depth investigation of China during the Qing dynastys rule and elements that can evidence the imperialistic or colonial character of this […]
  16. Colonial Life in Orwell’s “Burmese Days”, Rizal’s “The Reign of Greed”, Binh’s “The Red Earth”
    These accounts help to realize that each author demonstrates his own attitude to the process of colonization and the reactions of the people on the demands of the government: Orwell underlines the impossibility to avoid […]
  17. Colonialism Manifestations in the Caribbean
    The relationship between the torturer and the tortured through regression deconstructs the primary basic unit of human civilization in the inner world of the individual.
  18. Japanese Colonial Rule and Korea’s Modernization
    The analysis of Japan’s colonial rule in Korea varies depending on the speaker and the period discussed. The history of the human rights movement in Korea was a perfect illustration of the shift from traditional […]
  19. Japanese Colonialism Impact on the Korean Culture
    For instance, Faker and Ryang consider the effects that the Japanese culture has had on the Korean one, while Schmidt and Lim deal with the ways in which Korea accepted colonialism and how the country […]
  20. The Origins of Racial Hierarchy in Colonial America
    Ta-Nehisi Coates suggests that people would not be conscious of their racial differences if they are not taught to see others as being different, and perhaps inferior.
  21. Peasant Uprising in Tokugawa Japan and Colonial India
    In this case, therefore, the peasants were more likely to rebel and protest after the landlords, and even the government had taken away most of their subsistence resources in the form of rent and taxes […]
  22. Japanese Colonialism in Taiwan vs. Korea
    Due to the strong resistance encountered by Japan in Korea as compared to Taiwan, the Japanese rule of Korea was very brutal and harsh.
  23. Colonialism by North American Regions
    This was the case due to the ongoing division of territories by the European nations. As a result, the wars for the balance of powers in North America led by European nations forced Indian tribes […]
  24. Colonization of America by Settlers From Europe
    The fact that the native population was, for the most part, illiterate and nowhere near to inventing anything like the advanced technologies of the settlers made the latter believe that their culture was superior and […]
  25. American Economic History Since Colonial Period
    There was high demand for slaves in the North to work in farms. In fact, a lot of changes in colonial America were influenced by the English colonizers.
  26. European Colonization of the New World
    The Spanish administration strained to limit the trade between the American colonies that belonged to them and Europe sternly to the flotilla of Spanish vessels.
  27. Holocaust vs. Japanese Colonial Era in Korea
    The Holocaust in the history of Jewish people, as well as Japanese occupation in the history of Korean people, was one of the greatest tragedies.
  28. English Colonization in America: Religion and Economics
    It also played a role in helping people in America to survive As for economic interests, they led to the establishment of new colonies.
  29. North American Colonization Process in Retrospect
    By considering the ideas and principles that it was founded on, the American society will be able to address some of its most complicated ethnic and racial issues successfully.
  30. Internal Colonization and Slavery in British Empire
    The act of alienating Ireland in the development process brought the distinction in the collaboration. Slave trade contributed to the growth of the economy of the British Empire via the production of the raw materials […]
  31. English vs. Spanish Colonial Settlements
    If we look back into the history of the 16th-17th centuries, it becomes evident that, no matter how different the foreign policy of all the European countries was, the ultimate goal of the monarchs was […]
  32. Colonial Revival Gardens: Phenomenon Features
    Thus, the contribution of the given style to the creation of a recognizable image of the American countryside and its impact on the cultural heritage preconditioned the stable interest to this approach.
  33. Indo-Saracenic Revival Architecture in Colonial India
    The Indo-Saracenic style appeared in the period of strengthening positions of Great Britain in India and resulted from attempts of British architects to create a style aimed to demonstrate the power of the British Empire […]
  34. Native Americans, Colonial Militia, and US Military
    The Native American Timeline shows how the Native Americans suffered in the hands of both the American colonialists in the 1600s before the country gained independence and in the hands of the United States military […]
  35. Nationalism and Colonialism in Arab Literature
    In brief, the narrative mainly starts as a “love and romance story” that portrays the life of Muhsin, his love with Saniya and state of jealous in his family.
  36. Latin America Colonization Period
    The arrival of Europeans changed the lives of the indigenous population through many ways; for example, there was a massive decline in the population of the indigenous people due to numerous European diseases that they […]
  37. Middle East Nations Creation During Colonial Rule
    On the one hand, the colonial rule contributed to creating states and nations because of proposing the fundament for administering the newly formed political entities and because of accentuating the role of nations in the […]
  38. Japanese Colonial Rule and the Allied Powers
    It is hard to argue with the fact that it was not an easy task to forget years of brutality and unfair treatment, but it needs to be said that exploitation was not a single […]

⭐ Colonialism Writing Prompts

  1. Social Effects of Colonization on the Aboriginal People
  2. Colonial Process in Korea and Its Effects
  3. Decolonization and the Politics of Culture
  4. Regional Geography After Colonization and Slave Trade
  5. The Process Conquest and Colonization in Latin America
  6. Chesapeake Colonization and Development
  7. Economic Inequality and Colonialism
  8. Colonization of the Chesapeake
  9. The Concept of Race in Colonial America
  10. Indentured Servitude in Colonial America
  11. Colonial Period of Australia’s History
  12. First Generations: Women in Colonial America
  13. Servants Treatment in Colonial Virginia
  14. Christianity, Slavery and Colonialism Paradox
  15. Early Americans and Easter Island Colonization
  16. Belgian and British Colonial Practices in “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe
  17. The Post-Colonial Theory of the Large European Empires
  18. Indochina and Colonization: French Colonial Empire
  19. Post-Colonial Theory in “The Epic of Gilgamesh” and “The Tempest”
  20. Students in Colonial Times vs. Today’s Students
  21. European Colonization Impacts on the Native American Population
  22. Is EU’s Development Policy a Neo-Colonial Project?
  23. The Scar of Colonialism and Ongoing Post-Colonialism
  24. Technology and Colonization: Columbus Discovers the ‘New World’
  25. Colonial Development as Regrettable Phase in Africa’s Development
  26. Native People and Native-European Colonialism: 1880-1920
  27. Fanon’s Decolonization: Violence to End Colonial Aggression
  28. Colonial Development in Sub-Sahara Africa
  29. Cultural Interaction and Colonialism in India
  30. The Colonial War in Southwest Africa
  31. Racial Capitalism and Colonialism
  32. Racial Capitalism and Colonialism in African Diasporic Culture and Western Culture
  33. Colonial Portuguese Brazil: Sugar and Slavery
  34. The Role of South Asians in Colonial Societies
  35. Conquest and Colonization of America by Europeans Countries
  36. Paradise or Hell? Conflicting Images of the Post-Colonial World
  37. Freedom Degree in Colonial America
  38. Some of the Consequences of Colonial Thinking About Aboriginal Women’s Sexuality for Aboriginal Women Themselves

✍️ Colonialism Essay Topics for College

  1. An Analysis of the Impact of British Colonization
  2. Colonial Women’s Freedom in Society
  3. Women’s Participation in Trade During the Colonial Period in America
  4. Colonial Period of the 19th Century
  5. Post-Colonial and Contemporary British Muslim Artists
  6. How Did the Gold Rushes Change Colonial Australia?
  7. Racism, Colonialism and the Emergence of Third World
  8. Local Crime Prevention Program: Colonial Heights’ Senior Citizens Crime Prevention
  9. Depiction of Immigrant and Post-Colonial Conditions in Works by Duncan Campbell Scott ”The Onondaga Madonna” and George Copway ”Kah-GE-GA-Gah-Bowh; Ojibwa”
  10. Tribal Cultures, Colonialism & Orientalism
  11. Suffering and Redemption in Puritan and Early Colonial Literature
  12. How and Why Indigenous Literature Approaches Decolonization
  13. Colonization: Why Africa Suffers
  14. Spanish and Chinese Colonialism
  15. Colonialism in North America
  16. Colonialism and Economic Development
  17. Gezon and Kottak’s Visions of the Concepts of World System and Colonialism
  18. Comparison Between Chinese and Spanish Colonialism
  19. The Importance of the Process of Colonization and the Formation of Unique Cultures in America to the Formation of the United States
  20. The Era of Colonialism in Europe 1870 to 1914
  21. Colonization and Aboriginal People’s Loss of Connection to the Land
  22. Impact of Industrialization and Colonization on Both the British and Indian People
  23. The Economy of the 13 Colonies; Religion and Colonization; The English & the Indians
  24. Concepts of Angola & Colonial Rule
  25. Native Americans and Colonization
  26. Development of the Atlantic Trade Triangle a Colonial Capitalism (Mercantilism)
  27. Contribution of Slaves in Colonial America
  28. The Role of Colonial Women in Work
  29. The Lightly Heavy Load: Women in Colonial America
  30. Decolonization or Nationalistic Self-Determination Movements
  31. David Birmingham’s “The Decolonization of Africa”
  32. A Closer Look at the History of the Colonial America
  33. The Question of African Agency in Colonial Courts and Social Conflict
  34. American History During the Colonial Times

📌 Simple & Easy Colonialism Essay Titles

  1. The Colonialism And Imperialism In China In The 19th Century
  2. The Influence of Colonialism and Spanish Settlers on Society in America
  3. The Rise of Colonialism and its Impact on Modern Society
  4. The Relationship Between Capitalism, Slavery, Colonialism And Apartheid
  5. Religion Played An Integral Role In The Development And Culture Of European Colonialism In The New World
  6. The Nasty of Colonialism and Imperialism in Center of Night by Frederick
  7. The History and Impact of Colonialism in Different Parts of the World
  8. The Relationships between Capitalism, Colonialism and the Libratory Struggles
  9. The Sociological Understanding of Agency, Identity, and Colonialism
  10. The Impact of Colonialism in the Development of the Middle East
  11. The Revolution Continues Against Occupation and Colonialism in Palestine
  12. The Effects and Consequences of Colonialism and Decolonization
  13. The Political Economy of the Raj: The Decline of Colonialism
  14. The Residue of Internal Conflict and Colonialism on Sri Lanka
  15. The Theme of Colonialism in Shakespeare’s Tempest
  16. The Negative Effects of Neo Colonialism throughout the World
  17. The Horrors of Colonialism and Imperialism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
  18. The Lasting Effects Of Colonialism On Modern Day American Indians
  19. The Effects of Colonialism on Women of Color in the Caribbean
  20. The Role of White Supremacy and Colonialism in Issues Related to Cultural Adversity in the United States of America
  21. Racism Colonialism and The Development of the Third World
  22. Wars of National Liberation and the End of Colonialism
  23. The Negative Effects of Colonialism on the Colonized Country

👍 Good Essay Topics on Colonialism

  1. The Effect of the Prospero-Caliban Relationship on Dehumanization in Colonialism
  2. The Effect of Colonialism in V.S Naipaul’s Miguel Street
  3. The Psychological Impact of Colonialism on the Victimization of Africans
  4. Western Colonialism And Post-Colonialism In The Poisonwood Bible
  5. The Effects Of Colonialism And The Impact Of Imperialism
  6. The Key Role of Colonialism and Capitalism in the Society of Canada and Australia
  7. The United States Of America: Consequences Of Colonialism In California
  8. Prospero’s Relationship With Caliban And Colonialism In The Tempest
  9. Western Feminism Is Promoting Colonialism In The Third World
  10. The History of Colonialism and Ambiguous Rule in Puerto Rico
  11. The Issue Of Slavery Due To Colonialism In Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko
  12. The Cruelty of Colonialism in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
  13. The Changes in Gender Roles in East Africa Due to Colonialism
  14. The Darkness of Colonialism in Jospeh Conrad’s The Heart of Darkness
  15. The Vietnam War Was The Result Of Anti Colonialism
  16. The Effects of Post-Colonialism and Hybridity in a Culture
  17. The Effect of Colonialism in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
  18. The Problem of Colonialism in Classical Political Economy: Analysis, Epistemological Breaks and Mystification
  19. The Economic And Economic Impacts Of European Colonialism
  20. Suppressed Horror: Conrad’s Western And Achebe’s African Revelations On Colonialism
  21. The Height Of Colonialism Between The 18th And 20th Century
  22. The Evil of Colonialism and Imperialism in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

❓ Essay Questions on Colonialism

  1. What Are the Linguistic Consequences of British Colonialism?
  2. What Does Colonialism Mean in Simple Terms?
  3. What Is the Role of Colonialism in the Formation of American Identity?
  4. What Was the Main Purpose of Colonialism?
  5. How Did Africa Change After Colonization?
  6. What Impact Did British Colonialism Have on the World?
  7. Does American Colonialism Still Affect the Native American Identity?
  8. Which Country Colonized the Most Nations?
  9. How Did British Colonialism Influence the Formation of Pakistani Culture?
  10. What Are the Main Features of Colonialism?
  11. How Did Colonialism Impact Agriculture in Africa?
  12. What Are the Reasons for Colonization?
  13. Does Colonialism Still Exist Today?
  14. What Is Colonialism and How Did It Start?
  15. What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Colonialism?
  16. Which Country Has Never Suffered the Humiliation of Being Colonized?
  17. What Are the Positive Effects of Colonialism?
  18. What Do Nationalism and Colonialism Have in Common?
  19. Which Colonial Power Had the Most Influence in the Middle East?
  20. What Are the Successes and Failures of Patriarchy in Colonialism?
  21. How Did Africa Function Before European Colonialism?
  22. What Are Kipling’s and Kincaid’s Views on Colonialism?
  23. What Are the Impacts of Colonialism on East and Southeast Asia Countries?
  24. Who First Colonized a Country?
  25. What Is the Role of Race in Colonialism?
  26. What Are the Characteristics of the British System of Colonialism?
  27. How Did Colonization Lead to Apartheid?
  28. What Policy Led to the Creation of European Colonies in Africa?
  29. How Did Colonialism Affect African Education?
  30. How Is Colonialism Reflected in African Literature?

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 306 Colonialism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/colonialism-essay-topics/

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"306 Colonialism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/colonialism-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2024. "306 Colonialism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/colonialism-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "306 Colonialism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/colonialism-essay-topics/.


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