85 Death Penalty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Death Penalty Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Argumentative Paper on the Pros of the Death Penalty
    The survival of any civilization hinges on the establishment of laws and codes of conduct and the subsequent obeying of the same by the society’s members.
  2. Death Penalty: Utilitarian View on Capital Punishment
    Another significant benefit offered by the death penalty to the society is that it leads to the permanent incapacitation of the convicted person.
  3. Death Penalty and Ethics
    The arguments for the capital punishment as explained earlier are also extremely weak and the practice of death penalty is morally wrong.
  4. Death Penalty: Why the Death Penalty Should be Abolished
    The gist of Nicole Smith’s argument is that the death penalty or capital punishment is necessary because it deters murder, thereby saving the victims’ families and friends the pain of losing loved ones.
  5. The Death Penalty, a Just Punishment
    The principles of the criminals should be used against them, consequently, the death penalty is the best way to give humanity to realize the horror of death and the fear of being killed.
  6. Is the Death Penalty Effective?
    For a while now, Saudi Arabia has remained one of the global nations that strongly believe that punishing by death is one of the ways of giving justice to victims of crime and one of […]
  7. The History of Death Penalty
    The death penalty became legal in America in 1776 during the revolutionary war. The US Supreme court ruled the death penalty as unconstitutional in 1972.
  8. The Death Penalty: Can It Ever Be Justified?
    Nevertheless, such a claim is questionable because it is the same constitution that has a bill of rights indicating that it is the right of every citizen to be protected and to live.
  9. Sould the Death Penalty Be Abolished?
    This sentence assumes that there are sufficient reasons to kill a criminal and that there is no possibility that the case can be readdressed.
  10. Death Penalty From the Point of Religion
    Secondly, the impacts of the death penalty are too severe on the lives of the victims’ families and close kinsmen and on the settlement of the case.
  11. The Death Penalty in the Modern Society
    The cost of maintenance of the convicted individuals is also one of the reasons that necessitate the death penalty. The reaffirmation of the death penalty is also attributed to the teachings portrayed by most religions.
  12. Atkinson’s Death Penalty Article: Rebuttal Argument
    Regardless of unrealistic and irrelevant assertions about therapeutic jurisprudence, the death sentence is an efficient deterrence and punishment mechanism when seen within the context of vigilante justice and as a part of the current legal […]
  13. Green Mile as a Statement Against the Death Penalty
    The movie is a story of John Coffey, African-American who is accused of the murder of two girls and has to be punished by the death penalty.
  14. Death Penalty: Critical Thinking and Arguments
    The execution sermons of the early colonies were full of warnings against following in the footsteps of the condemned, and executions were public events designed to instill fear and reverence for the law in the […]
  15. The Impact of the Federal Death Penalty Legalization
    Arguments are given for the increase in crime amidst the abolition of executions and the years of research by criminologists analyzed in the article.
  16. Deterrence Theory and Death Penalty
    This article will be beneficial for future research both due to its causal approach to attitudes toward the death penalty and the contrast between the American and European systems.
  17. Death Penalty Discussion: Law and Equality
    The position of the death penalty as a contributing factor to retributive justice is an issue, as this type of justice does not meaningfully contribute to the betterment of society.
  18. Restorative Justice and the Death Penalty
    Draft thesis: The death penalty, when viewed under the retributive justice framework and as a part of the existing justice system, is an effective deterrent and punishment measure irrespective of impractical and irrelevant restorative justice […]
  19. Capital Punishment and the Death Penalty
    Furthermore, the defense and, in the United States, the prosecution has the right of vexatious challenge, which allows it to confront several participants without providing a reason.
  20. Death Penalty: Arguments For and Against
    The area of the current research concerns the death penalty and whether it might be abolished in the future. Another reason to cancel the death penalty is the unnecessary brutality of the process.
  21. The Legality and the Processes of the Death Penalty
    This is because it not only works to punish the crime but also perfectly buries the possibility of that person causing a similar harm in the future.
  22. Racial Disparity in the Application of the Death Penalty
    The race of the offender and the race of the victim have been observed to be subjective in the delivery of the death penalty.
  23. Death Penalty: Juveniles and Mental Disabilities
    Consequently, the Eight Amendment should dismiss the death penalty for this category and state laws must implement recommendations of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the American Psychological Association, and the American Bar Association that […]
  24. Reasons to Abolish the Death Penalty
    It is also the obvious reason why the United Nations urges the countries of the world to limit the use of the death penalty to the bare minimum and only employ it for the most […]
  25. Is the Death Penalty Discriminatory?
    This paper identifies the paucity of research on the death penalty and preliminarily investigates the discriminatory course of justice when the death penalty is applied in any jurisdiction.
  26. Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished in China?
    The aim of this research paper is to advocate for the eradication of the death penalty in the People’s Republic of China, based on both human rights as well as practical deterrence grounds.
  27. Crimes Against the State: Terrorist Attacks and Death Penalty
    This essay is a critical analysis of the controversial provisions of the Anti-Terrorism and Death Penalty Act of 1996. The first controversial provision of the Anti-Terrorism and Death Penalty Act is title I and its […]

✅ Simple & Easy Death Penalty Essay Titles

  1. The Death Penalty: Importance and Benefit
    Many of the people who are not in favor of such an act believe that hanging a person till death is not the only solution, so I say question them “what could be the other […]
  2. Capital Punishment Debates: Death Penalty
    The capital punishment has been practiced in almost all the societies and all epochs in the development of the mankind. The author educates the society as a whole on litigious issues of the death penalty […]
  3. Sangmin Bae on the Death Penalty
    While majority of the countries have abolished the death penalty, America continues to remain a prominent protagonist for the death penalty.
  4. Death Penalty: Alternatives and Abolition
    In addition, the NC network is of the opinion that the death penalty system lacks the much-needed efficiency in the criminal justice system.
  5. Death Penalty – Criminal Law
    Costs of the death penalty show that instead of the death penalty leading to a decrease in the cost of administering justice, it has led to an increase in the cost incurred when compared with […]
  6. Death Penalty Role in the Criminal Justice System
    The question posed by Cynthia Tucker in the article is whether the criminals in America deserve the death penalty or not. Many people believe that the death penalty is the best punishment for people perceived […]
  7. The Suitability of the Death Penalty
    This is an effective way of punishing capital offenders and deterring other criminals from committing similar crimes due to the following reasons.
  8. Death Penalty: Ryan Mathews Case
    It is the innocence of some of the convicts in the death row that has created a crisis in the system.
  9. Death Penalty Ethics: Opposed Positions
    Death penalty is a crime in many reasons, the most strong of them are as follows: the death penalty is to be prohibited as a person suffers emotionally because he/she knows time, place and the […]
  10. Ethics of Death Penalty
    One of the strongest arguments that support the death penalty is that it satisfies the need for retribution. The death penalty is a violation of the most basic right the right to life.
  11. The Death Penalty in the US Criminal Justice System
    Due to this, the Supreme Court overturned the decision of an Oklahoma court by explaining that the execution of the minor violated the eighth amendment statute.
  12. Death Penalty and Discrimination
    Since the dawn of civilization, it has actually come to the realization of many that, the just capital punishment of criminals is injustice in entirety.
  13. Death Penalty Debate All Over the World
    However, it is again important to note that the essay on history of The American death penalty has not addressed some issues that are addressed by the essay on the sow death.
  14. The Death Penalty Debate in the United States of America
    The punishment is believed to have been there even at the time of the earlier colonies of the United States; it as well continued to be in force within the states that came to form […]
  15. Arguments in Favor and Against the Death Penalty
    It should be noted that opposing the death penalty does not mean that people are oblivious of the magnitude of the crimes committed by this criminals.
  16. Death Penalty: Every For and Against
    By passing the death penalty, the judge ensures that retribution is served to the victim of the murder. A claim made by opponents of the death penalty is that this is a barbaric form of […]
  17. The Application of the Principle of Utilitarianism in Explaining the Death Penalty
    However, the theory supports a form of punishment when the level of suffering is so high that it is beneficial to society.
  18. Death Penalty: James a Inciardi Perspective
    The author thinks that the death penalty does not play a role in the rehabilitation of offenders. The proponents of the abolition of the punishment have also used their knowledge of the fact that states […]
  19. The Death Penalty: Can It Ever Be Justified?
    What it means is that, contrary to the assumption that by executing this kind of criminals, the state simply strives to appease the victims’ relatives, the actual aim of the application of the death penalty, […]
  20. The US Should Abolish Death Penalty
    In fact, death penalty is an old way of dealing with crime, which the US has borrowed despite the presence of the knowledge that death penalty is an archaic and barbaric technique.
  21. Argument for Death Penalty as a Fair Punishment
    This practice gains insight from both biblical phases of the Old Testament and the Islamic Quran, which embraced the use of the death penalty in ensuring dispensation of justice.
  22. Fundamental Right to Live: Abolish the Death Penalty
    Whatever side of the debate we explore, it is plain that the death penalty is a denial of the basic human rights as it contravenes the right to life as stated in the Universal Declaration […]
  23. Death Penalty for Young People
    This raised the question as to whether death penalty was the suitable punishment for such criminals or whether they actually reduce crime.
  24. The Practice of Death Penalty
    Ulcepo noted in his article that though capital punishment continues to be practiced today in several countries like the USA, my feeling is that pleas calling for the abolishment of the death penalty should be […]
  25. Facets of the Death Penalty
    The proponents of the death penalty are of the view that several gains are bound to be achieved at the institution of this penalty.
  26. Debates on Death Penalty in the United States
    The first documented death penalty was of George Kendall who was a captain and was executed by a firing squad in the first decade of the 17th century.
  27. Annotation Of: Hispanics and the Death Penalty
    It also identified several manifestations of racial discrimination between the whites and non whites by comparing Asian Americans and Hispanics marriages with the whites and discovered that the Asian Americans and Hispanics had higher chances […]
  28. Acceptance of Death Penalty in the United States
    The efficiency of the penalty ought to depend much on the type of the felony committed as well as the psychological state of those who commit it.

❓ Questions About the Death Penalty

  1. Which Countries Still Have Death Penalty?
  2. How Did the Death Penalty Start?
  3. How the Death Penalty Changed Over Time?
  4. What States Still Have the Death Penalty in 2022?
  5. Why Should the Death Penalty Be Re-Introduced To Australia?
  6. How Is the Death Penalty Against Our Human Rights?
  7. Why Should the Death Penalty Be Available for Juvenile Offenders?
  8. Who Got the Death Penalty but Was Innocent?
  9. What Is the Legal Process of the Death Penalty?
  10. Why Do Some People think That Death Penalty Is Unfair and Unacceptable?
  11. Who Was the First Person to Receive the Death Penalty?
  12. How Can Death Penalty Prevent Repeat Offenders?
  13. How Might the Death Penalty Prevent Crime?
  14. What Role Does Race Play in the Death Penalty?
  15. Who Was the Youngest Person to Get the Death Penalty?
  16. Do People on Death Row Get To See Their Family?
  17. How Many Death Penalties a Year?
  18. What Crimes Are Charged With Death Penalty?
  19. What Effects the Death Penalty Causes on Society?
  20. What Countries Allow Death Penalty for Children?
  21. How Objective and Justifiable Are Our Reasons for Enforcing the Death Penalty?
  22. Is the Death Penalty Revenge or Punishment?
  23. Is the Electric Chair Still Used 2021?
  24. Why Is the Death Penalty Appropriate for Cases Where Defendants Have Mental Retardation?
  25. Can a Woman Get the Death Penalty?
  26. Why Must Death Penalty Be Abolished?
  27. What Is the Psychological Impact of the Death Penalty?
  28. How Does the Death Penalty Affect the Family?
  29. Why Was the Death Penalty Made Constitutional?
  30. How Many Females Have Gotten the Death Penalty?

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 23). 85 Death Penalty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/death-penalty-essay-topics/

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"85 Death Penalty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 23 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/death-penalty-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '85 Death Penalty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 23 November.


IvyPanda. 2024. "85 Death Penalty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 23, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/death-penalty-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "85 Death Penalty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 23, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/death-penalty-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "85 Death Penalty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 23, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/death-penalty-essay-topics/.