82 Elections Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Elections Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Power and Social Change in the Election System
    The United States’ election system is more complicated than most countries worldwide because it is a two-party system, and the voters do not directly participate in the governmental decision.
  2. Persuading Young Voters to Participate in Elections
    Contrary to this, in Kenya and many other African countries, only the citizens that live within the borders of the country and have obtained the national identification card are allowed to register.
  3. USA Presidential Election
    The candidates wishing to contest for any post in the government are required to be certified by the Congress as early as in the month of January in the Election year.
  4. Encouraging Voter Participation in Democratic Election Process
    The voting process should be concerned with high voter turnout rather than trust since losing legislatures is responsible for the lack of trust among voters in the entire process.
  5. The 1948 U.S. Presidential Election: Impact on Taxation and International Relations
    The election was a precursor to significant changes in the US, as it highlighted the differences between the Democratic and Republican platforms and demonstrated the power of the people to make their voices heard.
  6. The Evolution of U.S. Elections: Milestones and Challenges from 1870 to 1880
    One critical issue related to elections between 1870 and 1880 was the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment to the US Constitution.
  7. Minnesota Election Policy Persuasion Speech
    In this speech, I will explain the Minnesota Election Policy and persuade you that it is a good policy for ensuring a fair and secure election process.
  8. The 2022 Midterm Elections in the US
    It has been the only instance besides the 1998 and 2002 elections when a party holding the White House managed to keep most of its seats in the Senate and the House of Representatives. The […]
  9. Presidential Election, New Media, and Communication
    The article argues that the success of presidential elections has a positive correlation with the candidate’s use of social media. Finally, the information in the article will be used to support the argument that social […]
  10. Third-Party Challenges in the US Elections
    The author advocates the necessity to reorganize the existing system and argues against the approach preventing the other from struggling with the primary candidates.
  11. Politicians Representing a “First” During Elections
    Further, during the 2008 United States presidential election, he became the first person representing African American identity and culture who was elected as the President of the United States.
  12. U.S. Foreign Policy after the Midterm Elections
    Moreover, regardless of the outcome of the upcoming presidential election in the United States, all of these changes will have a lasting impact on the behavior of other political actors.
  13. Donald Trump’s Election Campaign for 2024
    A few days after the results of the midterm elections for the U.S. According to Trump, his rivals suspended the counting of votes in important states of the country in order to get additional ballots […]
  14. Aspects of the 2024 Presidential Election
    Candidates start announcing their candidacy early in the first few months of the year before the election, that is, two years before the election.
  15. Improving Integrity of the US Election and Youths Participation
    The United States presidential election is a winner take all election, meaning that the loss of an election is always devastating to the contestant and their supporter.
  16. Discussion: Congressional Elections
    The course of congressional elections is mainly guided by the actions of individuals and entities involved in the process, and revealing the importance of all participants for the results is possible when examining their roles.
  17. The Philippines Elections 2016 Cyberattacks
    The scale of the problem of cyberattacks in the modern world is vast, and the case of the Philippines in 2016 demonstrated the vulnerability of even such important databases as those containing information on electors.
  18. Democrats Caught in Election-Year Gambit With Bloated Gas Prices
    These Midterms would be one of the most consequential in history as they will likely decide the political gridlock and demonstrate the voter confidence in the party that wins the majority.
  19. National Polls and Election Forecasting
    The primary goal of such polls is to get an image of an overall nationwide opinion judging by the answers given in the poll.
  20. Zambia’s 2021 Elections: The Success of Opposition
    In the article for the Journal of Democracy titled “How Zambia’s Opposition Won,” Danielle Resnick explores the path that the population of the country had completed before the opposition finally won, symbolizing the drastic turn […]
  21. Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission
    In public administration and elections, the state is obliged to monitor the processes of campaigns to prevent the coming to power, for example, of an ochlocratic leader.
  22. Public-Private Partnerships for Election Systems Cybersecurity
    In public contracts, the private sector provides the service directly to the public and bears all the associated end-user risks. Private parties can use all the gained knowledge and expertise to conduct security assessments of […]
  23. The U.S. Electoral System
    The following presentation will provide an in-depth understanding of the U.S. electoral system by discussing its distinguishing features and processes
  24. Campaigns and Elections Paper
    The second group of individuals that is likely to vote for the candidate is the representatives of minority groups and people coming from low social and economic backgrounds.
  25. Political Science: Constitutions, Political Parties, Elections
    Modern constitutionalism is based on the principle of universal principles, the independence of the judiciary, the separation of powers, the power and freedom of the people otherwise referred to as the sovereignty of the people, […]
  26. Elections in Japan and China
    Both houses must vote in two-round elections to elect the office bearer; however, the votes of members of the House of Representatives are very influential, and even if there is a tie the prime minister-designate […]
  27. United States Presidential Election 2008
    This became a great victory in the fight of the black population of the United States for the vindication of their rights and freedoms.

🤔 Interesting Topics to Write about Elections

  1. Elections and Political Processes
    Argentine legal arrangements governing the organization and control of the electoral process rely on the active participation of political parties at all stages of the process.
  2. 2006 Federal Election in Canada
    Liberals currently have a long way to go, and this gives conservatives the advantage to advance their numbers to the majority in the House of Commons.
  3. The Voters and Election in US
    The German government parties choose the person to run for a parliamentary seat, while in the United States it is the congress that chooses the person to run for the seat.
  4. The Incumbency Advantage in Congressional Elections
    The United State of America consists of a senate and the House of Representatives. The foreign investors may fear the state of a government in maintaining peace, tranquility and the taxes.
  5. Race and Politics at the 2008 Elections
    It is obvious that the rise of the diversity of the population was due to the recent elections, as well. Owing to that, the problem of racism is on the agenda.
  6. 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections
    Born Barrack Hussein Obama Jr, the Democrat candidate was the first child of a white mother, Ann Dunham, and a Kenyan father, Barrack Obama Sr, by his conception; both his parents were young students at […]
  7. 2008 U.S. Election History Review: The First African American Elected President
    The election of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States was a historic event in the life of the American republic.
  8. United States National Presidential Elections
    The voters also choose the electors who will vote in the Electoral College on the day of the presidential general election.
  9. How Conservatives Lost the 1974 General Elections
    However, it is important to note some of these ideas were the same as those of other parties including the Labour Party as the major threat to the Conservative Party.
  10. Libertarians in the US Presidential Election of 2008
    The end of the Gold Standard and the implementation of price controls by President Nixon stimulated the formation of the Libertarian Party.
  11. Racial Prejudice in Urban Elections
    The controversy of Cory Booker and Sharpe James mayoral race of 2002 illustrates the actual position of political life of the African-American population.
  12. Media Coverage of Elections
    This example shows that the role of Media in elections is increasingly important, and it can considerably affect electorate inclinations to vote for a particular candidate.
  13. Presidential Election in the USA: Africans’ Rights
    This is because there has been a gap between the Africans and the whites from the beginning where by the Africans are seem to do nothing on their own and therefore these people even if […]
  14. 2016 Presidential Elections: Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio
    It is paramount to understand that it is a topic that splits voters, and candidates should be careful with the strategies that are chosen, and the opinions of some politicians have been controversial.
  15. Sexism and Presidential Elections in the USA
    Both in the runners up to Democratic Party nomination of the presidential candidate, a woman was in the ticket, Hillary Clinton.
  16. Election Campaign Promises and Population Benefits
    While it may be true that political and economic realities often hinder such promises from being carried out, it is rather interesting to realize that a vast majority of people that have been elected into […]
  17. Campaigns Process and Elections
    It is the democratic right of citizens above the age of 18 years to take part in elections and elect their preferred leaders. It is the democratic right of people to take part in elections.
  18. 2010 US Midterm Elections and Goals in Afghanistan
    The result now means that the Republicans now control the majority of the representation in the House. Coming to the midterm elections, the focus had been on the state of the economy with much pressure […]
  19. The 2011 Canadian Federal Election
    The NDP ranked second for the first time in Canadian history, the Greens party got the first parliamentary seat, more women were elected into parliament, and the Quebec Bloc and Liberal party landed humiliating defeats […]
  20. Presidential Election Campaign Advertisement “Doing Fine”
    The questions that arise from the above discussion of the prevalence of negative campaign is, if the degree of incivility in election campaigns in America has reached a new low or were the foundation of […]
  21. Brexit and Trump’s Election in Online News Media
    The former British prime minister once stated that the internet had the power to ‘excite the attention of hundreds, thousands, millions of people and stirs them to action’. In the end, the side that understood […]
  22. The US Presidential Elections of 2016
    The evaluation of the current political situation and the peculiar features of the current elections should be identified and explained to comprehend the worth of the elections in 2016.
  23. Hindsight Bias for US Political Elections in 2016
    Objective: The study aimed to establish the existence of hindsight bias in elections by analyzing pre and post-election responses from students regarding the 2016 election. The study was carried out in the form of […]
  24. Electoral College Versus Direct Election
    Due to the problems the Electoral College system created during the 2000 presidential elections, people are clamoring to abolish or reform the said system.
  25. Presidential Elections Analysis: Clinton vs. Cruz
    Resting on these facts, it is possible to say that the issue of international relations will become one of the most discussed by different candidates.
  26. US Presidential Election 2016: Hot Button Issues
    The anticipation of a female president is gradually arising among the electorate, and many people feel that it is time to allow a female to be the president of the United States.
  27. Canada Federal Elections: Marketing Campaigns
    Political marketing may be defined as the application of marketing concepts to political campaigns so as to package political activities and messages in a way that appeals to voters.

✅ Simple & Easy Elections Essay Titles

  1. The US Presidential Elections: Candidates in 2016
    In his quest to become the US president, Sheffler has positioned himself as the best candidate for the American people, as evidenced by his allegiance to the American people and not the ideals upheld by […]
  2. Agenda-Setting and the Presidential Election
    The accentuation of the certain issues in the candidates’ campaigns with the help of the mass media can affect the voters’ attitude to the definite problems significantly.
  3. The US and Canada Elections Comparison
    The Court of Florida orders a recount of the votes, and the Supreme Court also upholds a win for Al Gore in the elections.
  4. Who Will Win the 2015 Canadian Federal Election?
    Those who seek to rise to the top of government are those men and women who appear to have the willingness to break the moral obligations that the majority of the people are determined to […]
  5. Historical Event: Barack Obama’s Election
    The United States of America has had a shameful racial history characterized by the discrimination of the non-white citizens in the country.
  6. Problems in Kenya’s Election Process
    Given the fact that the country had gone into the election on the back of political tension, any lapse in the system was viewed as an attempt by one of the competing candidates to rig […]
  7. Kenyan Presidential Elections
    The final results of the exercise were never released after the transparency of the tallying process was compromised. Kibaki and Raila agreed to share power on a 50-50 basis, with the former retaining the post […]
  8. Corporations Should Participate in Elections
    In addition, the right to support a particular political party is extended to corporations, and thus private corporations have the freedom to help any aspiring politician in the campaigns.
  9. Gender’s Role in the Outcome of Elections 2008 in the America
    Analysts observe that the media brainwashed the electorate to believe that gender affects the performance of an individual in executing his or her duties as the head of state. Anita evaluated the role of the […]
  10. Obama’s First Election and Racism
    For African Americans, the march of Barack Obama towards the American presidency was the culmination of a long journey that started in the farmlands of the South during times of slavery.
  11. Ethics in Reporting Political Issues and Elections
    Significance and Implication to Ethics in Reporting The implications of ethical reporting in the nation were the development of cohesion in the society by using the media as a tool for preaching peace and love […]
  12. How Obama’s First Election Has Been Affected by Racism?
    The election of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America heralded the beginning of a new chapter in the country.
  13. Voting Participation in the U.S. Presidential Elections
    In his seminal work on religious identity and the U.S.presidency, Gonzalez found that “the relationship between religion and the presidency impacts both the viability of candidates and the manner in which decisions are made in […]
  14. Two-Party System Relevance: 2010 Australian Federal Election
    The two party systems started back in 1891 in Australia with the rise of the labor party as a political party in 1909 after the protectionist and free traders joined hands to form the party.
  15. The US Midterm Elections in the Light of the Tea Party
    Regarding the growing influence of the Tea Party movement in the United States, the results of the Midterm elections which have been recently held could be predicted with considerable certainty, since the moods in the […]
  16. Of Matrilocality and the Role of Women in a Village Election in Northern Thailand
    It highlights the intertwining of the domain of women in the village cultures of matrilocal and matrilineal kinship. In describing the nature of matrilocal residency and the household’s kin the matrilineal villages, the author cites […]
  17. How the Internet Affects Politics and Elections?
    The speedy expansion of the internet has stimulated claims that huge revolutions in the formation of political power in Egypt and other countries in the Middle east are in the process: the populist assert that […]
  18. Campaigns and Elections
    America is a democratic country; the constitution is the huddle on the way to force people to register as voters and vote.
  19. Jane “Bitzi” Johnson Miller Candidacy and Election Campaign
    As she was born in Texas and lived all her life there, she is very well aware of the matter of things and political atmosphere that is present in Texas.
  20. Citizens Protests and Elections Outcomes
    The protestors accused the government of threatening and bribing opposition deputies and other officials to change their political affiliation and join Fujimori’s Peru 2000 party, the fact that the armed forces recognized Fujimori as president […]
  21. Failure in the Sarah Palin Election in US 2008
    It has been argued that the media coverage she received in the run up to that election was biased and led McCain to lose to President Barack Obama.
  22. Problems Facing the Electoral College in Presidential Elections
    The Electoral College is an electoral system in the United States that was established through the Constitution of the United States; this was subsequently amended through the establishment of the 12th Amendment of the year […]
  23. Citizens United v.s Federal Election Commission
    The decision is premised on the idea that the Constitution and especially the First Amendment give equal protection to individual citizens and to groups of citizens who can form unions, lobbies, or corporations.
  24. Robocalls in Canada Elections
    The announcement was made on2nd May, 2011 by the election agency which went further to inform the public that the automated calls were not made by the agency.
  25. The Influence of News Media on the Outcome of the 2008 US Presidential Elections
    The media has become one of the most used tools of influence in many democratic processes to inspire the public and dictate the behavior of candidates and voters.
  26. Discreditation of Michele Bachmann Actions During the Election
    In this move, the writer points to the audience, as the readers, that politicians like Michele Bachmann are appealing to the voters who are racists.
  27. Presidential Elections of 1804
    The election was notable because of the extremely partisan nature of the election and the vitriolic attacks on former Revolution War friends and colleagues” As Dunn observed “It was particularly important as it resulted in […]
  28. Elections of 1912
    In fact, the outcome of the elections indicated that, the Progressive Party garnered an outstanding percentage of both popular and electoral votes.

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"82 Elections Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 14 Mar. 2025, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/elections-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2025) '82 Elections Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 14 March. (Accessed: 24 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2025. "82 Elections Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 14, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/elections-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "82 Elections Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 14, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/elections-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "82 Elections Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 14, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/elections-essay-topics/.