117 Illness Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Illness Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Bipolar Disorder in the Muslim and Discrimination of People With This Mental Illness
    However, the largest proportion of Muslims believes that there is a significant association of mental illnesses like bipolar disorder and evil spirits.
  2. Illness-Wellness Continuum: Definition and Importance
    The health continuum, also referred to as the illness-wellness continuum, is an important concept that allows health professionals to educate their patients on the importance and the ways of monitoring and improving their health.
  3. John Keats: Life, Illness and Poetry
    The death of his mother led to his grandmother taking the role of taking care of him and his siblings. In 1814 at the age of 19, John fought his master that resulted in a […]
  4. Rolland’s Model on the Phases of Illness
    Through this model, coping and adaptation are made possible thus improving the quality of life of the cancer patient as well as the family dealing with the challenges.
  5. Mental Illness as a Theme of The Yellow Wallpaper
    As it appears from the novel, the reason why the narrator and her husband John decided to spend their summer vacation in a secluded mansion is that this proved beneficial to the narrator’s mental condition.
  6. Mental Illness and Effective Treatments
    Causes of Mental Illness Generally, the causes of several mental illnesses have not been established and remain unknown.”However, research into the issue has established that in many cases, the condition develops as a result of […]
  7. Spirituality and Understanding of Illness
    First, we must examine our understanding of some issues surrounding the illness. As our first step, we must think about some core issues that help us understand the illness.
  8. Mental Illness: Jessie’s Case Analysis
    In particularly this is seen to be helpful for Jessie in helping her accept her history and develop a more positive view of herself.
  9. Death and Terminal Illnesses
    Some of the diseases under this category are heart diseases in the advanced stages and to some extent cancer.”In popular use, terminal conditions indicate diseases which will end the life of the sufferers in a […]
  10. Mental Illnesses History and Treatment
    Mental illness is mainly the disorder of the brain that interrupts with a person’s thinking and the ability to relate to others.
  11. Care Coordination for Individuals with Chronic Illnesses
    This is due to the increased likelihood of chronic diseases with poor management among people without access to healthcare. In conclusion, the care coordination quality gap is a significant problem for people with chronic diseases.
  12. Illness Theories: Nightingale’s Environment Nursing and Mishel’s Uncertainty
    Nightingale’s experiences with war victims compelled her to reexamine the role of the environment in the healing process. This philosophical underpinning would support the creation and promotion of the environment theory of nursing.
  13. Health-Illness Continuum and Patient Experience
    The concept is relevant to the human experience in healthcare since the use of the health-illness continuum allows encouraging patient participation in the process of wellness improvement. To sum it up, the health-illness continuum is […]
  14. Mental Illness and Homelessness in the United States
    Hence, there is a need to establish elaborate policies for addressing the problem of mental illness among homeless people in all regions in the US.
  15. Trends in Public Stigma of Mental Illness in the US, 1996-2018
    It is essential to decrease the rates of discrimination against mental disorders and address the negative effects the social stigma has on these patients.
  16. Chronic Illnesses and Physiological Changes
    The output of the cardiac slows, blood pressure rises, and the development of arteriosclerosis. A decline in the density of bones and size weakens them and makes them more prone to fracture.
  17. Linking Quality and Spending to Measure Value for People With Serious Illness
    Hence, the needs to be a balance between the payment structures and quality improvement measures, as the increase in spending does not affect the increasing effectiveness of care or patient outcomes.
  18. Medical and Sociological Models of Mental Illness
    For effective treatment of mental disorders and improvement of patients’ lives, it is necessary to provide direct medical care and solve systemic problems that become the causes of the development of mental illnesses.
  19. Assessment of Children At-Risk for Mental Illness
    Among the most apparent challenges when it comes to the assessment of children and adolescents at-risk for mental illness is a lack of attention to risk factors and comorbidity.
  20. Mental Illness Emergencies and Police Response
    According to Dempsey et al, the roles of law enforcement agencies and the police when dealing with individuals with mental illness are to assess the situation, intervene, provide support, and connect individuals with mental illness […]
  21. Mental Health and Illness Stigmatization Manifestations
    She was unable to contain her sobbing and trembling as a direct result of the symptoms of her mental illness, which included her anxiety about being judged and rejected. The diagnosis was unexpected and challenging […]
  22. Diagnosing Mental Illness: Recovery in Mental Illness
    The definition of mental illness can vary depending on the source, but it generally refers to conditions that affect a person’s ability to function in daily life.
  23. The Case of Mental Illness as Depicted by Poe
    According to Poe’s story, treatment seeks to maintain the client in insanity in order to dispel their delusions.”The remedy was to stress the reality and accuse the client of idiocy for not understanding it as […]
  24. The Impact of Chronic Illness on Patients
    It indicates the presence and acceptance of the problem and that it should be considered in the diagnosis and treatment process.If N.J.has indicated the presence of this disease in the questionnaire, he may experience discomfort, […]
  25. Cerebral Palsy: A Neurodegenerative Illness
    People with cerebral palsy may acquire new skills and discover methods to carry out regular duties more smoothly with the aid of occupational therapists.
  26. Juvenile Delinquency: Impact of Collective Efficacy and Mental Illnesses
    The perception of collective efficacy can be defined as the consideration that the people in a neighborhood are trustable and can do their part to partake in social control to benefit a specific community.
  27. Populations Affected by Mental Illnesses
    Thus, the population with psychiatric disorders needs additional help: in particular, the accumulation of data on disorders and ways to prevent them.
  28. The Significance of Christianity in Treating Mental Illness
    From this reading, I have learned a valuable lesson about the importance of community and the effectiveness of the combination of faith and reason for better interpretation of psychological disorders’ causes, treatment, and prevention.
  29. Injury and Illness Prevention Program
    Some policies and procedures are implemented to ensure compliance with the office of IIPP. An office communication system is crucial for intercourse among the employees concerned with health and safety policies and procedures.
  30. Self-Management of Epilepsy and Mental Illness
    The group used the analysis of variance to investigate changes in depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms, as well as the quality of life over time.

👍 Good Essay Topics on Illness

  1. Cold Respiratory Illness: The Case Study
    In other words, the patient’s illness is due to the development of a pathogen in the respiratory tract, but careful attention should be paid to the accompanying signs of illness to determine the nature of […]
  2. National Alliance for Mental Illness Group’s Analysis
    Leaders in this support group need to therefore ensure that the sizes of groups are small for effectiveness to be achieved.
  3. How Heavy Use of Social Media Is Linked to Mental Illness
    The purpose of the study is to find out how social media overuse is linked to mental illness and the most appropriate ways of managing the exposure.
  4. Psychotic Illness and Safe Nursing Intervention
    In cultural safety, more emphasis is beyond the ethnic background of the patient and calls upon the health experts to have a self-reflection of their cultural identity.
  5. Is Mental Illness Really an Illness?
    Midwives provide care and moral support to the expectant mother before childbirth, assist in the process of childbirth, and provide assistance in the postpartum period.
  6. Mental Illness Diagnosis Research
    The study can contribute to the analysis of the connection between the physical and mental conditions of children. This work contains a comprehensive summary of the quality of life and social skills of children and […]
  7. Relation Between Guns and Mental Illness
    The author also raises the question of gun ownership and its procedures now that a significant section of the population suffers from one form of mental illness.
  8. Technology Barriers in Care Coordination for Individuals with Chronic Illnesses
    These include the seriousness of the patient’s condition, the availability of specialists, accessibility to healthcare facilities, and the willingness of each of the stakeholder to collaborate with the aim of gaining the optimal result.
  9. The Florida Red Tide: Neurological Illnesses
    But the red tide in Florida is caused by the pollution of the water, which creates a ferile environment for a massive bloom of Karnia Brevis.
  10. Emotional and Psychological Impact on Illness Outcomes
    Consequently, special care, necessary support, and increased attention to the situations of a sick person will help to some extent eliminate factors such as stress and depression.
  11. Assisted Suicide for Individuals With Severe Mental Illnesses
    The pillars of these arguments and debates are inclined toward the broad fundamental principles of duties to society and oneself, together with the central question of the value of life.
  12. Body, Health and Illness in Popular Culture
    Alternatively, the sickness may come from the influence of a negative supernatural creature, such as a witch or a demon, that exists in the direct opposition to the divine.
  13. Environmental Health: Seven-Year Respiratory Illness
    The fact that the illness appeared not shortly after she started to work in an old house makes us suppose that the cause of the health issue lies in the environment.
  14. Modern Illness Indicators and Data Collection
    The first group consists of people who are not sick yet and deprived of the risk factor but are predisposed to the disease. The study reveals the exposure of both groups and how it affected […]
  15. Impact of Chronic Illness on Families
    For the parents of a child diagnosed with such a condition, it can lead to anger, worry, denial, and general dejection.
  16. The Stigma of Mental Illness in Primary Health Care Physicians
    On the other hand, perceived stigma denotes how patients view the stigma that impacts the ability to cope with the emotional and physical effects of the disorder.
  17. Over-The-Counter Drugs vs. Prescription Drugs in the Treatment of Mental Illness
    It is challenging to determine which class of drugs supersede the other as there is minimal clinical evidence of the safety of OTC drugs.
  18. Alternative Treatments for Mental Illnesses
    Since mental health problems are particularly related to the psychological state and the abilities of individuals to maintain their feelings, emotions, and behaviors, an abundance of complementary or alternative treatments proves effective.
  19. Psychedelics Treatment for Mental Illnesses
    The main goal of this therapy is to involve the depressed patient in actions that please them and give them a sense of their competence.
  20. Collecting Quantitative Data for the Treatment of Mental Illness
    In conclusion, this essay has examined sampling as a quantitative research method rationally and its influence on generating conclusive data for the treatment of mental illness.
  21. The Meaning of Health and Illness in Religion
    The concept portrays man as a being showcasing the likeness and nature of God. On the other hand, educated people define health and illness as products of metabolic processes.
  22. Promoting Health and Preventing Illness in London
    The discussion will outline some of the key barriers to healthcare and assess the medical demands of an adult citizen. This knowledge will form the basis of this discussion and describe some of the best […]
  23. Depression: The Implications and Challenges in Managing the Illness
    At home, these people lack interest in their family and are not be able to enjoy the shared activities and company of the family.
  24. From Exceptional to Chronic Illness: New Challenges in HIV Prevention in the UK
    The current paper is an attempt to analyze the shift in the perception of HIV from an exception to a chronic illness and the new challenges experienced in HIV prevention in the UK.
  25. Chronic Respiratory Illness, Pneumonia and Indigenous Health
    The IHCWs partner with non-indigenous health professionals such as nurses to improve the health care and minimize the impacts of communication barriers in the performance of their duties.
  26. Hmong Healing Practices Used for Common Childhood Illnesses
    From the study, it is evident that the researchers provide an objective account of the Hmog’s immigrants’ perceptions of their traditional healthcare practices and beliefs about western medical care based on a critical review of […]
  27. Mental Illness Relationship to Crime
    In spite of this background research on ADHD, it is vital to carry out a more thorough character evaluation of a child diagnosed with the mental condition.
  28. Public-Service Bulletin for Food-Borne Illness
    The most common cause of food poisoning in the United States is the bacterium going by the scientific name Campylobacter jejuni.
  29. Alcoholism and Depression: Intervention Strategies
    The intention of the research paper is to assess if indeed there is an association between alcoholism as manifested by Jackson, and a case of depression.
  30. Quality of Life in Chronic Leukemia Patients
    This causes the associated symptoms of the chronic disease like anemia, frequent bleeding episodes which is hard to stop due to lack of platelets, and persistent infections as a result of the low immunity status […]

💡 Most Interesting Illness Topics to Write about

  1. Nature of Health and Illness: Social Determinants and Globalization
    Due to a variety of factors, the nature of health problems that plague modern day societies have become more of a chronic case as compared to the acute cases of the past.
  2. Nature of Health and Illness: Biological Psychology
    No one can deny that the social influence on health is significant, where the better health and higher quality of life of community members depend on the level of their participation in the social networks, […]
  3. Does Husband Abuse Cause Mental Illness in Women?
    And again out of this number 165 of them were abused by their husbands 38 of who had a common disorder. Of the 128 who had a common disorder, 38 of them were abused by […]
  4. Asthma: Leading Chronic Illness Among Children in the US
    Ample communication was to be provided to the family, Head Start personnel and the Child’s physician in relation to the asthma. A great reduction was seen in the asthma symptoms and emergency.
  5. Advanced Care Planning for Patients With Terminal Illnesses
    However, the lack of a framework for nurse-patient communication is by far the greatest problem along with the lack of health literacy in regard to the issue of palliative care and advanced care planning.
  6. Poetry: Meeting Illness with Empathy
    Thus, healing can take the role of art, with such forms as poetry being used to transcend the traditional understanding of healing and treatment.
  7. Understanding the Lived Experience of Chronic Illness
    I was born and raised in Greece, in the city of Egaleo, and when I was 30 years old, I was lucky to find work in Melbourne with only my school education.
  8. Psychological Aftermath of Illnesses and Injuries
    For instance, when a trauma patient with depression poses a risk of harm to others or him/herself, he/she might be physically restrained to ensure the safety of medical personnel and other patients.
  9. Causation and Causal and Etiologic Factors of Mental Illness Differences
    Mental illness is considered to be a genuine medical phenomenon and its causes are explained from the medical point of view.
  10. Mental Illness: Behavioral Health and Community
    The article ‘Community health mental principles: A 40 year case study’ deals with the principles of CMHC and its goals, the article ‘All roads lead to community based care highlights the importance of community based […]
  11. Psychology: ”Recovery From Mental Illness” by Anthony
    The community-based mental treatment system, as the article proves is based on the new comprehensive approach to the issues of psychological health, which puts forth not only the consequences of the illness but its deeper […]
  12. The Anorexia Nervosa as a Mental Illness
    While tracing the history of the disease, many authors have come to the conclusion that the disease is to some extent due to the living styles that people have adopted over the years and also […]
  13. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Minor Psychiatric Illnesses
    However, the severe obsessive-compulsive disorder may lead to major incapacitation adversely affecting the life of the victims. When an individual exhibits or complains about obsession or compulsion or both to the extent that his normal […]
  14. Comorbidity of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness, Associated Complications, and Approaches to Care
    The authors have found that the highest comorbidity is between S.A.and schizophrenia, and the lowest was in S.A.and depressive illness. Thus, it is viable to conclude that the incidence of mortality is alarmingly higher in […]
  15. Cardiovascular Illnesses: Guidelines on Screening Procedures
    There are several screening guidelines for the condition; for example, the American College of Cardiology Foundation recommends the use of a checklist to assess the risks of heart disease.
  16. Art: The Illness Narrative of Invisible Disability
    The aluminum foil is attached to half of the page and represents that the artificial limb is attached to half of the usual limb, such as a lower leg prosthesis.
  17. Cannabis as a Probable Cause of Lung Illnesses
    However, the failure to create a strong logical connection between the presence of THC in vaping devices and the associated health issues causes the immediate disconnection from the article’s main argument.
  18. Psychological Complications of Illnesses
    By educating the patient, her family, and loved ones about the existing stigma, one can make them more aware of the problems that the individual with cancer can encounter.
  19. Gender and Illness in Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”
    Additionally, the main form of psychological imprisonment was the character’s obedience to her husband who did not believe in her sickness and did not allow her to think that it was something more than a […]
  20. Mental Illness Within the Ranks
    Continuing on the symptoms manifested in the behavior of the new commander, it is necessary to highlight that he fails to control his emotions according to the information reported by his subordinates, he is unable […]
  21. Mental Illness in Children and Its Effects on Parents
    The highest percentage of the participant will be students and parents who are victims of this situation. Most of the participants involved in this study are students from the university and their parents.
  22. Incidence of Mental Illness in Australian Workplaces
    The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare is endowed with the responsibility of collecting data relating to mental illnesses in various companies across the country in order to determine the influence that the illnesses have […]
  23. Imprisoned Customers With Mental Illness
    As a conclusion to the case study, one may suggest that interrelation of social stigma and psychological behavior is closely tracked through the example of the inmate, imprisoned for murdering his own daughter.
  24. Assessment of Adolescents with Chronic Illnesses
    The objective of the article is to examine the transition process and the experiences of patients and to identify the factors that could contribute to the successful development of the process with the help of […]
  25. The Mental Illness and Gun Violence Analysis
    The analysis of criminality and people’s mental health contains not only the effect of inflicted harm on one’s mental stability but also the potential predisposition of people with mental illnesses towards violent behaviour.
  26. “Intoxicated by My Illness” by Anatole Broyard
    It is instead time to think about the essence of a happy and full life and gather as many pleasant and unforgettable moments as possible.
  27. Advertising Impact on Children and Related Illnesses
    In the contemporary world, advertising is one of the most lucrative businesses. The world is currently in the age where the majority of the population has access to information.
  28. Illness and Quality Health Care
    The third explanation is that the treatment of diseases is a positive indicator of a sustainable health sector. This is the case because some diseases are unknown in terms of pathophysiology and etiology.
  29. Terminal Illness and Occupational Therapy
    The medical history of the patient shows that she was previously diagnosed with a terminal illness high-grade borderline mucinous tumour, which presents a case of the recurrence of the condition.
  30. Mental Illness in the Creative Mind
    Ironically, the content of his character that acted as a source of his depression provided him with the tools he needed to save the nation.

✅ Simple & Easy Illness Essay Titles

  1. Mental Health Nursing: Health and Illness
    My definition of health therefore, is the spiritual well-being of an individual or a community whereas illness is the physical outcome or the manifestation of the spiritual poor being of the community or an individual […]
  2. Athletic Trainers Role in Illnesses and Diseases Recognition
    Emergency services should be provided to a victim of the lightning strike. They should also ensure that they have the right equipment to offer protection and emergency treatment to victims of lightning strikes to avoid […]
  3. Social Construction of Illness
    The social construction of illness relates to various perceptions and attitudes that define how people react to its existence in contemporary society.
  4. Children Mental Illness and Its Effects on Parents
    There is a dearth of research on the effects of childhood mental illnesses on the parents. In this view, the impact of childhood mental illnesses on the lives of the parents appears to be underestimated.
  5. Medical Issues: Mental Illness
    The second effect of mental illness diagnosis is psychosis; this refers to the experience of a patient to lose contact with the aspects of reality.
  6. Psychiatric Illness: Trisomy 18 or Edwards Syndrome
    Due to issues with muscle tone and abnormalities with the nervous system, the motor skills of such individuals may be affected.
  7. Moral Treatment of the Mental Illness
    Before the 19th Century confinement and use of mechanical restraints was prevalent mode of treatment for the patients who were mentally ill in many parts of the world.
  8. Bipolar Illness and Creativity
    People should remember that bipolar disorder can be a very dangerous illness that is more likely to harm the creative capacity of an individual, rather than promote it. First of all, the author believes that […]
  9. How the Media Influence Society’s View on Mental Illness
    According to Francis et al, the observed developments in media framing of mental illness in Australia reflects deep-seated concerns with the nature of perceptions generated from reporting cases of mental illnesses in both broadcast and […]
  10. How Do People Labelled With a Mental Illness Deal With Their Stigmatization?
    There are five presumptions of the important to understand basically a biological issue, the problems of the disabled are because of the disability, the disabled individual is victimized, the disability is a core concept in […]
  11. Illness of the Mind
    This also comes from the fact that Bartleby think very highly of himself, and being the person that he is, others must understand him and love him as he is.”Torquemada at the Stake” is also […]
  12. Comparing of the Rate of Injuries and Illnesses in the Three Facilities of Eyeglass Manufacturing
    The researchers also compare the rate of injuries and illnesses in the three facilities and the rest of eyeglass manufacturing plants.
  13. Concept of Terminal Illness in Medicine
    Modern developments in therapeutic and care options in trying to alleviate the effects of terminal illness have contributed a lot in the rise of the quality of health care given to diagnosed patients.
  14. Approaches to Human Illness From a Biomedical Anthropology Perspective
    In a sense, the biocultural view fronted by Stanford and company can be used to explain the article’s main theme of inequality and human illness as it recognize the fact that both our evolutionary and […]

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 20). 117 Illness Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/illness-essay-topics/

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"117 Illness Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 20 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/illness-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2024. "117 Illness Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 20, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/illness-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "117 Illness Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 20, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/illness-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "117 Illness Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 20, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/illness-essay-topics/.