3i Group plc and 888 Holdings plc: Annual Reports Essay

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Annual report is a very important part of work of each company or corporation. It is a document which describes a companys activity throughout the whole year. It is made and published for customers to see what important processes occur in the company and to decide whether to continue commanding its services. That is why, companies are interested in creating bright and informative annual reports for people to chose them.

Taking it into account, it is possible to analyze annual reports of the 3i Group plc and 888 Holdings plc and to compare the main ways of its organizing and methods to draw readers attention.

At the first gaze, it becomes obvious that the report of the 888 Holding is brighter and, as a result, more attractive for a common reader. First pages are made in a very provocative manner, with a lot of colors and images. That is why, it is possible to say that this annual report is richer in visuals, than the report of the 3i Group, though there are also a lot of images in it but they are not so bright and striking.

Both these reports are filled with information. However, it is presented in a simple manner, with a lot of graphs, diagrams and tables for a reader to see it more distinct. The report of the 3i Group contains more graphs and diagrams than the second report, however, each portion of the information presented with their help is explained and a clear summary is given (3i Group plc, 2013). That is why, statistics is clear and understandable there.

Moreover, one more fact should be mentioned. Both reports are easy to understand. The language is simple and friendly. The main purpose of these reports is to engage a reader to use services of the company, that is why simplicity of language is one of the main remedies for a customer to understand the message of the report.

It should also be mentioned, that some unpleasant moments are presented in the way which can confuse a reader and make him consider these phenomena to be positive. 888 Holdings is the most popular online gaming entertaining company that is why, it is obvious that there are some risks of losing money while using its services. However, the report presents this fact like one of the main advantages of this company, stating the fact that money can be lost only while playing, but not because of some drawbacks in the work of the company (888 Holdings plc, 2013).

Both reports being rather clear, it should be said, however, that the report of the 888 Holdings is easier to understand. It is mainly due to the character of services which both companies provide. 3i Group is a financial company and it is obvious, that the information connected with finances is more difficult to understand. Moreover, this fact also influences the level of interest of the reports. The issue of games and entertainment is more interesting to investigate and analyze. Taking it into account, it is possible to say that the report of the 3i Group would be more interesting for people which have knowledge in the field of finances, while the second one is interesting for a common reader.

Having read these two annual reports, it is possible to say that the information is presented in a very clear and understandable way and they are both rather convincing. They promote services of the companies in a proper way.


3i Group plc. (2013).2013 annual report of the 3i Group plc. Web.

888 Holdings plc. (2013). 2013 annual report of the 888 Holdings plc. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, July 5). 3i Group plc and 888 Holdings plc: Annual Reports. https://ivypanda.com/essays/3i-group-plc-and-888-holdings-plc-annual-reports/

Work Cited

"3i Group plc and 888 Holdings plc: Annual Reports." IvyPanda, 5 July 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/3i-group-plc-and-888-holdings-plc-annual-reports/.


IvyPanda. (2020) '3i Group plc and 888 Holdings plc: Annual Reports'. 5 July.


IvyPanda. 2020. "3i Group plc and 888 Holdings plc: Annual Reports." July 5, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/3i-group-plc-and-888-holdings-plc-annual-reports/.

1. IvyPanda. "3i Group plc and 888 Holdings plc: Annual Reports." July 5, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/3i-group-plc-and-888-holdings-plc-annual-reports/.


IvyPanda. "3i Group plc and 888 Holdings plc: Annual Reports." July 5, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/3i-group-plc-and-888-holdings-plc-annual-reports/.

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