The Issue of Gay Marriages: Meaning, Importance and Cons Essay

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Unlike the previous generations, the modern world is faced with a host of issues ranging from economical to social, both of which have significant impact on people’s day-to-day lives. From financial crises to same sex marriages, world leaders have had to confront these issues through decisions and stances, which will forever affect our society.

It is true that several decades ago, the issue of same sex marriages seemed to be like a mirage to many, as no one imagined how such culture would become accepted and assimilated in the world.1

However, things have changed; instead of wondering how gay marriages could be accepted, the world is tasked with protecting the rights of gays and lesbians, as the practice has become acceptable in most parts of America and the rest of the world. As the world is torn in between legalizing same sex marriages or not, many people have constantly sought to understand the point at which, human beings deviated to accept what was initially condemned as sin.

Does this mean that the definition and meaning of marriage has changed with time to recognize the union between people of the same gender? If this trend is being accepted by some religious leaders, does it mean that the God who deemed it important for a man to unite with a woman in marriage has changed? Is same sex marriage right or wrong?

Indeed there are manifold questions, which linger in the minds of people while discussing the issue of same sex, with some states taking the step of legalizing such unions and ensuring that the rights of homosexuals are protected.

On the other hand, same sex has been accorded hostile reception in various parts of the world, with strong laws criminalizing unions of this nature. This paper explores the issue of gay marriages, with reference to the meaning of marriage, its importance, the cons of same sex marriage, and why some people support gay marriages.

What is Marriage?

Definitions of marriage widely vary, depending on the context in which the issue is being discussed. For instance, religious people have a different view of marriage as compared to the civil society and legal practitioners. Importantly, the definition of marriage is essential in understanding the importance of marriage and why gay people are getting accepted in the world today.

By viewing marriage in the context of love, some people argue that marriage is a step of love aimed at publicizing a relationship and cementing it to become legally recognized and eternal. Even though marriage is supposed to last as long as the two parties are a live, the bond is commonly broken by other factors, with divorce being the leading terminator of marriage unions.2 In fact, it has been argued that the rate at which marriages break is almost the same as that at which people wed.

During the stage of marriage, people change as they learn one another and accept who they are regardless of their shortcomings and abilities. The mysterious thing about marriage is that two people who were once strangers become the best friends ever and swear to stick together forever. Marriage as an institution is usually recognized by the state and federal governments, through legislations, which define the union.

Besides the legal understanding of marriage, religion equally defines the institution from God’s intention and position. According to Christians, marriage was instituted by God through the intention of establishing an everlasting relationship between a man and woman. In the book of Genesis Chapter one, the bible explains how God created everything, including human beings, who were created on the second last day of creation.

In the same book, it is recorded that God chose to create human beings in His own image and likeness, by creating them male and female. This depicts the fact that human beings are a special creation of God for they resemble Him and represent His presence on earth.3

This is one of the major differences between human beings and the rest of the creation. Unlike other animals, God breathed life into man after forming him from the ground, which He had previously formed. This exemplifies man as special and unique, as he was to perform various tasks on earth, including having dominion over the rest of the creation.

Another important aspect of Christians’ view on creation is the fact that God never intended man to be alone. God created the first man, Adam before creating Eve. In other words, He saw the need of creating Eve after realizing that life would be unbearable for Adam if he was to be left to stay alone.

This narrows down to the fact that God created the woman and the marriage institution as a way of completing humanity. It is worth noting that God had a clear intention of creating Eve and not by imposing her to Adam. It was evident that Adam needed companion; a suitable helper who could support him in fulfilling God’s task on earth.4

The creation story, which gives the foundation of marriage, is further recognized by Moses. The bible states that a man and woman get united in marriage by leaving their parents for the sake of becoming one body (Genesis 2:24).5 It therefore serves as a reference point in defining primary principles of marriage. This verse is equally important in understanding divorce cases and circumstances under which a person is allowed to remarry.

From the creation story, God created marriage in the same manner He created male and female. Thus marriage was not designed by individuals who found themselves to be male and female and chose to get united. Additionally, marriage is usually made in the presence of God, regardless of the parties involved, know the existence of God or not. Marriage between a man and a woman is also recognized by Jesus in the New Testament, based on the fact that it is God who joins a man and a woman in marriage. 6

From this foundation of the institution of marriage, the relationship of homosexuals has been excluded. God does not acknowledge the union of people of the same sex, but allows a man to get united to his wife to become one flesh and live to accomplish His purpose for them.

In other words, same sex marriages are considered as perversions of the covenant, which God ordained from the beginning.7 The formal commitment between a man and woman to live together is what separates couples who cohabit from those who have legally been joined together in accordance with the word of God.

Importance of Marriage

From a Christian point of view, the institution of marriage would not have been created if God saw it to be useless. After observing Adam, God noted that he was not going to perform his duties effectively on his own. He therefore needed a helper to stick by him. On this basis, marriage is meant to achieve human completeness.

When people get married, they become more responsible.8 Thus one is expected to be more organized after marriage because of the presence of another person who offers a hand in every circumstance. This organization gives a person emotional stability, which is necessary in performing day-to-day tasks, without giving up.

It has been argued that marriage plays a major role in civilizing men. In other words, the union between a man and a woman has the potential of detaching them from immoral behaviors and self-centered activities. This is to say that married people become more committed to the needs of the family as compared to single people who are driven by their personal needs and wants.

As a result, married men are less likely to be caught in criminal activities like fighting and drinking, which are common among their single counterparts. Most married men are involved in intimate relationships with their family members, say children and wife, better than those in illegal relationships like cohabitation. This aspect is important in making men and women to become more responsible even as they grow up into adults.

It is also important to note that marriage helps one to void forbidden sins like homosexuality and incest. In most religions, homosexuality is highly condemned and victims are expected to ask forgiveness from the maker or face the punishment established in the land.9

Many single people get involved in fornication and other related actions, thus exposing themselves to the risk of being infected with diseases like HIV/AIDs or unwanted pregnancies. Men who engage in homosexual activities are at a higher risk of contracting the disease through anal intercourse. This therefore puts gay people at a higher risk compared to heterosexuals.

Based on the religious foundation and understanding of marriage, many people have failed to comprehend the arguments for same sex marriage and why the world has given it more attention instead of outright condemnation as witnessed before. What is the theology of homosexuals? Is there a way that the world can be made to understand gay marriages? Does it mean that the foundation of marriage is outdated and does not apply in the 21st century?

Same Sex Marriages

In recent years, the battle for gay rights has been reenergized even though gays were initially suppressed and remained unheard in the society. Many groups are pushing for equal rights with traditional heterosexual marriages.

In some cases, those who have declared same sex marriage as sin have faced immense criticism from the public since people who engage in these actions are normal and members of the wider society.10 There is no doubt that gay activists have continued to progress, as some states have ratified gay rights to eliminate rampant discrimination against homosexuals.

Liberals View on Same Sex Marriages

According to the liberals, there is need for the world and the church to reconsider its position on same sex marriages. On this basis, it has been argued that soon people will realize how they have been misled to believe that same sex marriages are evil.

In fact, a section of bishops concur that Christianity is not defined by our views towards issues of marriage but rather a common relationship in Christ, characterized by major elements like repentance, Holy Spirit, faith, and baptism.11 Some liberals affirm that the Old Testament scriptures, which condemn homosexuals, have long been discarded by most Christians in order to accommodate the rights of gays and lesbians in the society.

Same Sex Blessings

Liberals have been on the frontline in supporting the blessing of same sex unions. From the very beginning, God is described in Trinity: God the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. By the fact that human beings have been created in the image of God, they have been created to be in love with God and other people in the world.

Importantly, these relationships take varying positions, including marriage, which was instituted by God in the Garden of Eden when man was still innocent and free from sin.12 According to Christians, marriage symbolizes the union between Christ and His Church, whereas traditionalists support marriage on the basis of procreation, mutuality, and sexual satisfaction.

Pro same sex marriage theologians affirm that such unions fulfill the primary intentions and purpose of marriage. For instance, same sex couples uphold self-sacrifice, faithfulness, fidelity, and mutual support among other pillars of marriage. In essence, gay marriages are practiced through sanctification, and couples are able to witness to the entire community with regard to how such unions are fruitful and beneficial to the married couples.

While many supporters of heterosexual marriages favor it for the sake of bearing children, theologians argue that there are countless heterosexual couples who do not have children because of various reasons like impotency, advanced age, or disability.13 However, these shortcomings do not limit them from remaining married and fulfilling God’s purpose and intension for marriage.

Some couples undergo medical procedures to allow them to conceive or impregnate, yet they are blessed in the church without being undermined. Moreover, same sex marriages equally provide safe homes, which provide love and safety for raising children. This therefore does not make same sex marriages different from traditional marriages, where child-rearing is highly revered.

Supporters of same sex marriages argue that the position held by Christians who only recognize heterosexual unions is inadequate. By extending these boundaries to accommodate gays and lesbians, it would be easier to connect the church with the love of Christ for everyone. As much as the world has always known that marriage only takes place between people of the opposite sex, it is worth noting that this might not be always true.

For instance, a person may be of the opposite sex but appears different to his or her partner, a case which undermines marriage.14 When married people do not see one another as members of the opposite sex, the scenario is likely to lead to infidelity and divorce instead of maintaining high standards of faithfulness and truthfulness. In other words, same sex marriages present a better picture of the love of Christ.

Furthermore, there is more satisfaction in same sex marriages as compared to opposite sex unions. Under normal situations, gays and lesbians can enjoy satisfaction without necessarily being in marriage even though members of these unions practice high levels of sanctification.

In fact, people in heterosexual marriages need sanctification just like those who have covenants to marry a person of the same gender.15 Moreover, self-expression does not depend on marriage among gays and lesbians; they only require marriage for the purpose of self-donation, and experiencing daily challenges and rewards of appreciating one’s neighbors.

The question, which many people are confronted with, revolves around changing one’s sexual orientation to fit the demands of the state or society. Such attempts are considered to be unethical because it goes against one’s integrity and creates room for betrayal of relationships, in which we are recognized as witnesses.

On his part, God endeavors to heal, transform, covert, and change sinners to allow them to enter into a spiritual relationship. If the church is not interested in promoting these unions by destroying orientation, then it is misguided. This means that we do not need scientific theories and discoveries to explain the existence of varying sexual variations among members of the society.16

From a genetic point of view, the sexual orientation of a person starts in the womb during all the development stages. Importantly, it is God who knows people when they are still in their mothers’ wombs, just the way he knew Jeremiah.

The Church is therefore supposed to help people understand themselves better and know how these gifts are consecrated by God, before a person is born. In addition, churches should be concerned with nurturing relationships, to allow parties in these unions to offer themselves for God’s service. This can only be achieved if marriage is extended to recognize gays and lesbians, who were also known by God before they were born.17

Christian Stance

Even though there are Christian bishops and priests who support same sex marriages, these unions remain sin before God because He created male and female and joined them in marriage. God was pleased with everything He created, including human beings.18

Additionally, a godly marriage between a man and a woman is supposed to depict the ultimate relationship between Christ and the Church. This therefore excludes same sex unions from the holistic definition of marriage. Referring to such partnerships as marriage is illegal, and outright dishonest before God.

The bible also carries countless verses, which denounce homosexual behaviors. In fact, God only allows believers to engage in sexual activities within the confines of marriage. Gays and lesbians therefore undermine the true identity that was created in defining human sexuality.19


In general, the issue of same sex remains debatable, since there is no consensus on the true definition of marriage and God’s perspective towards homosexuals. While Christians hold that marriage was ordained by God for men and women, liberals argue that it is God who creates homosexuals with different sexual orientations.

Like the sons and daughters of God, homosexuals are known and named in their mothers’ wombs before being born. This means that the true love of Christ to the church can only be realized if marriage boundaries are extended to accommodate homosexuals.


Busenitz, Irvin. “Marriage and Homosexuality: Toward a Biblical understanding.” The Master’s Seminary Journal 19 (2008): 203-216.

Good, Deirdre. “The Liberal Response.” Anglican Theological Review 93 (2011): 101-110.

Haldane, John. “Against Erotic Entitlements.” First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion & Public Life 222 (2012): 19-20.

International Bible Society. NIV Bible. Colorado: Hodder, 2008.

Jost, Kenneth. “Gay Marriage.” Congressional Quarterly 13 (2003): 721-748.


1 Irvin Busenitz, “Marriage and Homosexuality: Toward a Biblical understanding,” The Master’s Seminary Journal 19 (2008): 204.

2 Ibid.

3 International Bible Society, NIV Bible (Colorado: Hodder, 2008).

4 Ibid.

5 Ibid.

6 Ibid.

7 Ibid.

8 Ibid.

9 Ibid.

10 Kenneth Jost, “Gay Marriage,” Congressional Quarterly 13 (2003): 721.

11 Ibid.

12 International Bible Society.

13 Deirdre Good, “The Liberal Response,” Anglican Theological Review 93 (2011): 105.

14 Ibid.

15 Ibid., p. 106.

16 Ibid.

17 International Bible Society.

18 Ibid.

19 John Haldane, “Against Erotic Entitlements,” First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion & Public Life 222 (2012): 19-20.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 13). The Issue of Gay Marriages: Meaning, Importance and Cons.

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IvyPanda. 2019. "The Issue of Gay Marriages: Meaning, Importance and Cons." April 13, 2019.

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