Biologically Programmed Memory Term Paper

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The brain, which carries the memory of the species, is a complex and delicate organ believed to carry the functions of the species. The process is called the reuptake process as expressed by Arnold (2005). The cardiac clock is believed to be involved in memory formation at night which is based on the “circadian modulation of long term memory formation” and “Long term Regulation of Glutamate Uptake in Aplysia” (Christopher, 1997). Myths in our society make people believe that the human brain has unlimited capacity for knowledge acquisition and storage, but this is disputed and psychologists explain that people can store only some information for a particular time, and the ability to change the contents of the memory over this time is limited. This paper will discuss the question of whether memory is biologically programmed and how it can be improved.

Researchers indicate that synapses in a young child’s brain, used in brain formation disappear if not used, making it harder for children to learn, for instance, language. The age of 10 is crucial in the development of attitudes of people, groups, or things (Nicole, 2009). Scientists have found ways of writing directly to memory in a living brain, this is by seizing control of brain circuits and creating a memory of an experience that has never occurred, but this was successful in insects but the human brain is complex and it is hard to do so. The human brain when monitored (neural activities), working out what is going on in the mind in terms of perceptions, actions and understanding make it a complex affair (Page, 2009).

To maximum use of the brain, one needs to combine or make the right side of the brain (right hemisphere) and the left side of the brain (left hemisphere) work together. The left hemisphere is responsible for words, logic, numbers sequence, linearity, analysis, and listing. The right hemisphere is responsible for rhythm, spatial awareness, imagination, daydreaming, color, and dimensions (Arnold, 2005). Generally, the human mind is difficult to predict since it is not fed with any information at birth, the brain is fed with the information as it grows. Programming the memory may be hard since it would involve changing the biological system of the brain which may result in distortion of the memory already stored.

Many experiments carried out are done on non-human species; this is because there is an assumption in biological psychology that organisms share biological and behavioral similarities which make it enough to give a conclusive summary across species. This is also similar to neuron -psychology which has a huge reliance on the study of human behaviors with the nervous system dysfunction. The biological memory of humans is complicated, unlike animals which have less complexity. Understanding the behavior of animals especially insects is done so that the memory of the insects can be programmed; the best thing is that by monitoring the social, behavioral, and functions of the insects the brain capacity can be established.

The memory of such animals is subject to change since they generally follow the same routines daily. This has been seen when flies are subject to fear certain odors when their mind is programmed (Page, 2009). The close observation of a species perception and behavior through direct manipulation of the brain in controlled experiments will enable an individual to program the species so that it can change its routines. The question is whether memory can improve.

In the experiments that establish behavior connected to the brain, one of the variables should be biological, i.e. the nervous system is partially or permanently stimulated or affected. Lesions are the methods used to stimulate or affect the nervous system to induce performance. Lesions are categorized into three coordinates; electric lesions, where the neural tissue is affected by electric shock; chemical lesions, where neurotoxins are used; and temporary lesions, where neural tissue is affected by the use of anesthetics. There are other stimulations which are Trans-cranial magnetic stimulations which are induction of magnetic waves. The induction of the neural system is followed by monitoring other species’ behaviors including sensational, metabolic and emotional thus enhancing the scientists’ ability to establish the biological memory through this monitoring of behavior (Bertelson, Eelen, & Ydewalle, 1994 p. 9). The change of the behavior is widely used to biologically change the species brain memory, but the human species may be complicated as discussed earlier.

Theories have been put forward to express the survival, of the fittest, which indicates that the environment will bring up factors that will eliminate the less fit in the society. Generally, the factors that affect most species in the environment have a great influence on biological functions. The brain of the species is supposed to come up with the best form of survival tactic in order to survive the experience. To enable complete definition of an organism, then one has to describe the social, biological and physiological being of the species. Brain memory can be generally altered by the scientist to suit the environment which the species is located. The ecology of the species’ surrounding affects much the biological and physiological factors. Once the species is in an environment then the memory acts according to surrounding. This gives the scientist an upper hand to determine the memory of the species and can induce the brain to work in a different ecological environment (Arnold, 2005).

Biologically programmed memory is introduced to the environment when a species is born. Therefore, changing the species environment will automatically feed the memory of the species with details of survival in the new environment, and though it may take time for the specie to adopt and high mortalities may be noted, it will come to adopt new survival mechanisms be it biological, physical or social. Such memory of the specie may be said to be a biologically programmed memory. There are methods which directly affect the brain to change the memory of the specie, like neuro-chemicals which change the brains formations of the memory but to date; no chemical has been discovered to improve memory (Nicole, 2009). The use of cognitive science allows scientist to link behavior and brain functions and retrieve the information processed. One uses the reaction time, psychophysical responses and visualization.

Biologically programmed memory is very easy to understand since it will use biological factors that make the specie; the genetic part of the memory makes it more difficult to alter. Memory capacity is genetically passed from the paternal to the offspring. Hence one can change the memory biologically but the capacity remains the same. The input is different when it comes to change the capacity of the brain of any specie. In human the intelligence quotient (IQ) differs from one person to the other hence describing the genius community and the dull minds.

Biological programming of the mind may affect the well-being of the society either positively or negatively. It makes the species change in character, biologically and physically. This makes it more adaptive to the environment, socially and it improves its survival skills (Christopher, 1997). Though this change can be positive on one side, it is disastrous on the other; the specie will end up changing its form and losing its original specie characteristics. This affects diversity of species as well as the environment where the specie changes the food chain, making the energy flow in the environment to imbalance; this will create problems to the feeders and the members of the food chain above the specie. The diversity caused by the biological programming of the memory can be used to treat social disorders that are developed when development is not achieved totally, therapy is given using biological memory techniques to ensure that the social experience is gained for persons with social malfunctions e.g. shyness.

The answer to the question of biologically programmed memory is seen by the statements of Nicole (2009) that the brain has nothing during birth but it is fed with information which enables the specie to make critical decisions. Hence, the content of the memory of any individual species is filled with the contents of survival, environmental factors, physical and the general information, this is subject to change whether they are young or old. It is subject to improving by the monitoring of the individual and trying to improve the information in it. The changes made in the memory of individuals’ impacts may not be maintained but one can make sure that species are preserved in order to preserve diversity. Human scientist monitor the language, reasoning capacity, decision making and consciousness of the person but so far, the human brain can not succumb to the changes of programming.

There are various ways that mitigations can be applied to counter the above mentioned negative effects. The effects of these negative effects can be narrowed down to either controlled biological memory programming on any species, or scientist can form bodies to look at the programming giving light on the worst and effective biological programs which will have economic value. Decisions will be made following the said researches, hence informed decisions. Species should be maintained in museums for future generation just incase they disappear especially those that are already biologically modified. Leaving the species un-programmed is not an option for scientist since they will never discover the new worlds, thus giving the best technology to advance their skills is a better option. For energy cycles interruptions, they should be countered by introductions of other species to cover the gap.

Improving a species is better for its well being. Generally, improving memory will help individuals to improve their living standards, and the ethics of science should apply in all aspect when biological change of the memory of a species. It should be humane so as to minimize further effects to the species. Generally, not many studies have been carried out on human being, may be due to inadequate resources or the delicate and complex nature of the human mind. There should be a successive experiment in order to make the conclusions made in insects on biological memory experiments be transferred to man’s memory.

In conclusion, given the technology, involved people may say there is no need to bother the human mind and involve the already created improved memory of the computer (How You Can Unlock the Secrets, 2009), but people can do better if they have concrete information about the human brain (Page, 2009). Whether it affects the short term or long term memory, biological programming should be done with environmental and ecological factors in mind. Improving the memory of the individual may mean engaging in much of mental exercises daily. This will change our lifestyle and this can be achieved by giving the brain enough sleep, a good diet, avoiding drugs and avoiding life stresses.


Bertelson, P. et al. (1994) International Perspectives on Psychological Science: Leading themes. London, Psychological Press. Web.

Christopher, F. (1997). Programming on an already full brain. Web.

How You Can Unlock the Secrets to a Perfect, Computer like Memory in Just 5 Minutes a Day. (2009). How You Can Unlock the Secrets to a Perfect, Computer like Memory in Just 5 Minutes a Day. Web.

Nicole, S. (2009). A case for foreign-language programming in our elementary schools. Web.

Page, L. (2009). Write directly to memory’ of living brains: Implant false memories by ‘seizing control of circuits. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, November 24). Biologically Programmed Memory.

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"Biologically Programmed Memory." IvyPanda, 24 Nov. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Biologically Programmed Memory'. 24 November.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Biologically Programmed Memory." November 24, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Biologically Programmed Memory." November 24, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Biologically Programmed Memory." November 24, 2021.

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