Buffet Inc.’s Dish Washer and Manager Positions Essay

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In the episode featuring Buffets Inc. we are presented with CEO Anthony Wedo and his undercover position as a temporary manager at Ryan’s, a subsidiary restaurant that is owned by Buffets Inc. For this paper, I will be examining the job of dish washer with that of the manager of the restaurant. When examining the two positions, it becomes immediately obvious that the job requirements of each are completely different given the tasks and expected outputs. However, these positions were featured prominently in the episode and, as such; they will be the two positions that will be examined.

Job Analysis

Dish Washer

The primary responsibility of a dish washer is to ensure that dishes have been cleaned and dried following company and health department standards. This means all dishes should be clear of any dirt, leftover particles, stains or other such paraphernalia that could possibly harbor bacteria which in turn could cause the patrons at the restaurant to become seriously ill. It is necessary for someone in this position to have a high degree of awareness regarding the necessity of cleanliness and hygiene due to the fact that the plates that come from their station are circulated numerous times a day and a slip up could result in a quick case of food or even chemical poisoning (i.e. from dish soap residue) for the restaurant’s customers (Chater, 2000). Lastly, a dish washer should also be aware that they need to utilize proper care and handling of the restaurant’s dishes due to the finite supply of dishes the establishment has wherein constant breakage could result in a considerable loss of operational capacity.


It is a manager’s job to ensure that all aspects of the establishment are in proper working order. This is includes, but is not limited to, the proper handling and preparation of food, ensuring compliance to standards set by the company and the department of health, making sure that customers are satisfied with the service within the restaurant and doing their best to implement proper employee training so as to prevent any adverse situations which could arise due to a lack of knowledge or skill with a task that was assigned (Fry, 2013).

Information Collection for Job Analysis

The information collection method for the job analysis will primarily be done via a one-on-one interview with the people who currently have the positions that will be examined.

Job Description

Dish Washer

  1. Capable of following instructions related to proper washing, cleaning and disposal of waste.
  2. Must be capable of handling long work hours and large amounts of physical labor.
  3. Knowledgeable about proper sanitary and health safety measures that are needed in order to prevent the transfer of pathogens or harmful chemicals
  4. Capable of handling machinery within the kitchen (i.e. a dish washing machine) without supervision.
  5. Able to utilize proper judgment regarding the current cleanliness of dishes and other kitchen items and whether they are suitable to be used as serving plates.


  1. Has prior experience in handling multiple employees in a management role.
  2. Knowledgeable about the various functions within a restaurant.
  3. Aware of current health and safety standards regarding cleanliness and proper food preparation (Kimes, 2011).
  4. Has the capacity to determine problems in employee task delegation and is willing to immediately address it (i.e. through training or terminating the employee).
  5. Understands the importance of proper customer service and knows how to ensure customers have a great time in the restaurant.
  6. Capable of performing basic accountancy.

Compliance with state and federal regulations

The job analysis and job description focuses on the capacity of the two to adhere to proper health guidelines as well as operational standards as set forth by state and federal regulations. As such, I am sure there are no issues when it comes to its examination through the federal or state inspectors.

Reference List

Chater, A. (2000). For large & small operators: The dish on washers. Foodservice Director, 13(10), 120.

Fry, E. (2013). Serving up the american dream. Fortune, 167(7), 34.

Kimes, S. E. (2011). The future of distribution management in the restaurant industry. Journal Of Revenue & Pricing Management, 10(2), 189-194.

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IvyPanda. (2020, July 17). Buffet Inc.'s Dish Washer and Manager Positions. https://ivypanda.com/essays/buffet-incs-dish-washer-and-manager-positions/

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"Buffet Inc.'s Dish Washer and Manager Positions." IvyPanda, 17 July 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/buffet-incs-dish-washer-and-manager-positions/.


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Buffet Inc.'s Dish Washer and Manager Positions'. 17 July.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Buffet Inc.'s Dish Washer and Manager Positions." July 17, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/buffet-incs-dish-washer-and-manager-positions/.

1. IvyPanda. "Buffet Inc.'s Dish Washer and Manager Positions." July 17, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/buffet-incs-dish-washer-and-manager-positions/.


IvyPanda. "Buffet Inc.'s Dish Washer and Manager Positions." July 17, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/buffet-incs-dish-washer-and-manager-positions/.

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