Can Personal Identity Be Changed? Essay

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A person’s personality is a unique combination of spiritual and physical characteristics based on personal and behavioral tendencies. Changing one’s personality is a complex and irreparable process, but nonetheless achievable. In practice, there are many ways to change a person’s personality based on their goals, desires, and needs.

Personality is a combination of many traits, including feelings, thoughts, behavior, and opinions. Sometimes our traits change on their own or due to causes beyond our control. For example, we may change our habits due to a new job or family (Noonan 89). But this does not mean that we can completely change our personalities.

In fact, it is possible to change one’s personality, although it takes a lot of time and effort to do so. Some linguists believe that we can change our personalities by using certain techniques. For example, techniques such as thought transformation, behavior modification, etc (Verhoeven et al. 42). All of these techniques can help a person transform their personality.

For example, if you want to change your personality, you can try new things. You can visit new places, try new types of food, etc. These new experiences will help you acquire new habits and can change your thinking patterns. Additionally, you can study new topics and observe the behavior of others (Noonan 208). These actions will help you learn the behavior you want to emulate.

One of the most effective ways to change one’s personality is self-development. A person needs to take responsibility for their personality and begin to work on their development. They need to understand what changes they need to make to their personality to reach their goal. It is important to understand that self-development should become a habit (Verhoeven et al. 54). To become better, one must constantly strive for improvement.

Learning techniques of self-motivation and emotional control can also help a person change their personality. Self-motivation can help a person in making decisions and achieving desired results. It can help people understand and accept their behavior and actions (Verhoeven et al. 51). With self-motivation, people can learn to achieve their goals, make the right decisions, and generally succeed in life.

Also, psychological technologies can be used to change one’s personality. Many people use psychotherapy to work through their problems and change their personalities. Psychotherapy helps a person make more rational decisions and get used to new behavioral models (Noonan 39). In addition, psychotherapy can help a person change their thoughts, feelings, and emotions and help them accept themselves as they are.

Finally, changing one’s personality can be done with the help of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence helps people understand themselves and change their behavior. Many artificial intelligence programs can understand a person’s personality traits and help them change them so they can reach their goals (Verhoeven et al. 49). Additionally, artificial intelligence can help people realize their shortcomings and weaknesses and find more effective ways to change their personalities.

In conclusion, it can be said that changing one’s personality is a complex process but achievable. A person can use many methods to change their personality, including self-development, learning motivation techniques, psychotherapy, and using artificial intelligence. All these techniques will help a person to change their personality and become the best version of themselves; one just needs to understand and accept themselves as they are and keep moving forward.

Works Cited

Noonan, Harold W. Personal identity. Routledge, 2019.

Verhoeven, Monique, Astrid MG Poorthuis, and Monique Volman. “The role of school in adolescents’ identity development. A literature review.” Educational Psychology Review 31 (2019): 35-63.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 23). Can Personal Identity Be Changed?

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"Can Personal Identity Be Changed?" IvyPanda, 23 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Can Personal Identity Be Changed'. 23 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Can Personal Identity Be Changed?" May 23, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Can Personal Identity Be Changed?" May 23, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Can Personal Identity Be Changed?" May 23, 2024.

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