Chinese Women and the Social Inequality Essay

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The seventeenth century in China marked an era of policing for social and gender equality. This involved giving legal definition to the borders of belonging, an event that brought about gender privileging and the excursion operation in the Chinese law and gender inequality. The colony had united its conflicting interests and diverse sentiments through the use of compromises and concession to attain its common goal for the safety and welfare of the women. There was a limitation of legal rights and a parallel legal working status between men and women. In my study, I will argue on the confused demeaning system imposed on women in China and the intensive struggle for the socio-economical and political diagnosis of the equality of gender.

The battle for social equality and political rights for women in China was an uphill task. This was turning to be even more complex due to gender differences and the segregation of women in society. The female was dependent on the men and they were left back in all the major events. This was intensive victimization where the women were not considered as a national symbol in the nation. A number of activists were intensively working on the liberation of women and the reinforcement of women’s consideration in the political arena. The scholars especially the females consider this as the enslavement of the very women that are the development in any country, especially in the western countries. (Fong 122).

Throughout the times, there was the need to negate the brainwash where the women were mistaken with the confused analysis and the absence of detailed study of the women’s capabilities. For this to be advocated, in-depth understanding of the women views through the use of real experiences and not the egocentric and self-centered ideas that we’re biased. This would help in reversing the image by deeply anchoring women’s history and allow them to actively function in society. (Ko 4).

The women were deemed to be inferior, where they were always answerable and under the ruling of the man. This was irrespective of the age, where a widowed woman had the mandate to be answerable to his son. This is total oppression and denial of the social and legal identity of the females. This denied the women any basic foundation, no matter her mobilizing ability, the institutional means of attacking and challenging the gender system. (Ko 10).

The dynamic processes with which one is able to experience and enjoy power was one of the considerations that would help in the monitoring of individual behavior to determine the form of superiority the comprehensively relates. This would help in reducing the use of static structures to weigh power and leadership strength. This, in turn, calls for the proper understanding of the relationship between power and gender and mitigates inferiority. (Fong 128).

Taking women as a domestic affair is a great misconception and a baseless concept full of erroneous assumptions. There are no defined distinctions between men and women in society and they should compose a unitary vision and domains. Surprisingly, this was taken a degree higher not only in politics but also in the gender separation in religion and other cultures. (Maureen 73).


The existence of women in the Confucian denied them their human rights. This called for the adjustments and the emergence of various political agendas of gender rationality and equality. Women had no distinct voice in society and this ‘slavery’ was a social disorder. The scholars were actively advocating for the recognition of women but hit on deaf ears.


Fong S. Grace. “Engendering the Lyric: Her Image and Voice in Song,” Voices of the Song Lyric in China: University of California. Berkeley. 1994.

Ko Dorothy. “Gender and the Politics of Chinese History,” Teachers of the Inner Chamber: Stanford University press. California. 1994.

Maureen Robertson. “Voicing the Feminine: Constructions of the Gendered Subject in Lyric Poetry,” Women of Medieval and Late Imperial China. 1992

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 17). Chinese Women and the Social Inequality.

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"Chinese Women and the Social Inequality." IvyPanda, 17 Dec. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Chinese Women and the Social Inequality'. 17 December.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Chinese Women and the Social Inequality." December 17, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Chinese Women and the Social Inequality." December 17, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Chinese Women and the Social Inequality." December 17, 2021.

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