Colorado Springs: Aging Services Network Essay

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The Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging (PPACGA) provides services to Americans over the age of 60 under the OAA. This regional center provides free counseling on guardianship, insurance, assistance, ombudsman, and Medicare health programs (Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging, 2021). Colorado Division of Aging and Adult Services (CDAAS) provides skilled health care for seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, and their spouses (Colorado Division of Aging and Adult Services, n.d.). CDAAS also investigates neglect, exploitation, and harmful activities and provides legal, food, and employment assistance to the elderly.

El Paso Adult Protective Intake Line is designed to help older people at risk of neglect or financial exploitation. The Colorado Department of Human Services is the highest department over CDAAS and provides the same services. The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program focuses on a broader range of services, including recreational, and economic counseling, to ensure an older person’s high standard of living with dignity. The Colorado Legal Services Colorado Springs Office is available to handle legal and bureaucratic issues related to government benefits, wills, discrimination, pension claims, and housing and long-term care counseling (“ElderCare Locator,” 2021). It is best to contact the State Health Insurance Assistance Program to get adequate information about problems with Medicare and other agencies, such as guardianship for the elderly.

In general, the Colorado Springs region has a relatively wide range of free services for the elderly. In addition, programs for the adaptation and involvement of older people in public life would be beneficial in the regional community, as they are only partly done by the Long-Term Care Ombudsman in counseling matters. Finally, raising the status of older people in the public mind is possible through centers for counseling on civil rights issues, such as voting.

Colorado Springs: Aging Services Network
Colorado Springs: Aging Services Network


Colorado Division of Aging and Adult Services. (n. d.). Web.

ElderCare Locator. (2021). Web.

Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging. (2021). Aging. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, November 9). Colorado Springs: Aging Services Network.

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"Colorado Springs: Aging Services Network." IvyPanda, 9 Nov. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Colorado Springs: Aging Services Network'. 9 November.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Colorado Springs: Aging Services Network." November 9, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Colorado Springs: Aging Services Network." November 9, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Colorado Springs: Aging Services Network." November 9, 2022.

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