Corruption Shaping Democracies in Latin America

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Governments should implement adequate policies and measures to address the issues affecting their citizens. The use of powerful programs and initiatives can compel state officers to act ethically and improve citizens’ lifestyles. Democratic states are expected to address the needs of its people using public funds. Unfortunately, many developing nations have continued to grapple with numerous obstacles such as greed and corruption. These malpractices disorient the processes aimed at promoting the livelihoods and experiences of many citizens. In Latin America, corruption levels have continued to rise over the past few years. This research paper gives a detailed analysis of the nature of this problem and how it affects the welfare of different communities, regions, and citizens. Using the cases of Peru, Mexico, and Brazil, this research paper describes how corruption remains a nightmare in this region. Evidence-based recommendations are also presented to ensure that different governments and leaders tackle this predicament efficiently.

Background Information

Bersch, Praca and Taylor (2016) define “corruption” as a form of malpractice whereby individuals engage in unethical behaviors that are against the wishes of the people. This malpractice has been observed to hamper or affect the economic position of a given society. The quality of governance is usually weakened by fraudulent deals since the level of public trust reduces significantly. The effectiveness of political institutions is also disoriented by deeds that result in the loss of communal resources. The quality and nature of government is also affected by corruption.

van Dijk (2017) argues that many cases of corruption take place secretly. This means that only a few individuals in power tend to have access to various resources and finances that could have been used to address citizens’ needs. These unethical issues undermine the principles and tenets of a democracy. This is the case because the levels of openness and integrity reduce significantly. Additionally, this form of misbehavior creates a scenario whereby the existing political system becomes unequal. The research questions presented below will be used to analyze how corruption has remained a major issue in Latin America. Additionally, several case studies will be analyzed in order to understand the nature of this problem.

  1. How does corruption affect societies in Latin America?
  2. How do politicians, leaders, and presidents hide from the scandals of corruption?

Contemporary Corruption and Democracy: Case Studies

Brazil Political Crisis

Within the past four years, the government of Brazil has been grappling with a major scandal that features even the topmost leaders in the country. This issue has currently become a major political crisis that continues to affect the effectiveness of the democracy and its ability to address the emerging needs of the people. The infamous “Operation Car Wash” is a scandal that revolved around the malpractices of different construction organizations in the country. Avritzer (2017) indicates that many firms were observed to overprice their contracts with Petrobras, the nation’s oil company. The corporation’s leaders also supported these contracts in an attempt to entice politicians and be in a position to pursue their personal goals.

The background of this disgrace was that directors at Petrobras used bribes to offer contracts to different construction firms in Brazil. To make the matters worse, one of the leading political parties in the country by the name Workers’ Party was observed to use funds accrued from the contracts to buy voters throughout the campaign period (Avritzer 2017). The complexity of this indignity was unearthed after different politicians were implicated such as Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (Pring 2017). The continuing investigation implicated many top government officials and leaders who had benefited from this malpractice.

The Brazilian president during the time, Dilma Rousseff, was found to have moved huge sums of public funds between budgets. This was a serious crime in accordance with the country’s laws. During the inquiry, Rousseff indicated that the practice was something common among Brazilian presidents. Some critics and analysts claimed that the former president was using such malpractices to weaken the integrity of different social programmes. This misbehavior was mainly aimed at boosting her chances of reelection in the year 2014 (Avritzer 2017). Although she argued that her rivals were using such excuses to make sure that she was not reelected, she eventually lost the case. After her impeachment, Mr. Tremor, who was Rousseff’s vice-president, was appointed to take over the presidency until the year 2019. Currently, his office has been tackling numerous accusations revolving around the corruption predicament and misuse of public resources.

The dismissal of Dilma Rousseff is an issue that has attracted the attention of many analysts and scholars since corruption has remained prevalent in Brazil and across Latin America. The charges against the former president included the violation of existing budgetary laws (van Dijk 2017). The crime was committed after she borrowed money from a bank owned by the state to conceal an existing deficit and increase her chances of reelection. Some analysts have argued that such charges were minor in comparison with some of the offenses committed by different government officials.

The impeachment and the decision to form a different government were powerful procedures that had potential to change the situation and make it impossible for different corruption scandals to be investigated successfully (Fischer et al. 2014). This means that most of the politicians and elites who had engaged in various malpractices would not be identified or punished. Despite such arguments and observation, it was quite clear that the country’s president had failed to implement and support adequate policies to address the challenges arising from corruption.

Although the impeachment of Rousseff due to her involvement in dishonest deals was successful, the country is once again in political bedlam (Balán 2014). Michel Temer, Rousseff’s successor, has found himself in a major predicament that revolves around various cases of corruption (Avritzer 2017). It is evident that Temer has been under investigation for various malpractices and misuse of public resources and funds. The latest tapes presented to different investigators revealed that Temer had approved hefty payments to one of the lawmakers in the country. The astounding fact was that the legislator had been imprisoned for engaging in unethical practices. With this kind of evidence, many analysts and experts believe that the current president has increased chances of being removed from office.

According to Temer, the country has been facing the current challenge since his predecessor failed to implement adequate measures to address the challenge of corruption and ensure that more people had access to public resources (Balán 2014). The current president has also been indicating that Rousseff encouraged the malpractice and even bribed different judges and lawmakers to conceal most of the wrongdoings committed by members of her political party. The leader has also been keen to assert that he inherited an office that was riddled with corrupt dealings and misdeeds.

van Dijk (2017) indicates clearly that Temer is presently being accused of malpractices that amount to corruption. He has also been found to commit numerous offenses such as obstruction of justice and racketeering. The biggest concern is that Temer has been on the safe side since many economists and professionals in the financial markets have been supporting him. They have pinpointed a number of initiatives such as austerity measures that have the potential to improve the country’s economic position or performance. With the use of various incentives aimed at strengthening the country’s institutions, many people have continued to offer adequate support to Temer.

In another interesting revelation, the form chief executive officer (CEO) of Petrobras indicated that the company had donated over 48 million US dollars to Mr. Temer and Ms Rousseff during the campaigns of 2014. This means that the two have been corrupt over the years. They have been using public money to pursue their political goals or interests. Balán (2014) acknowledges that Temer has been denying such fraud allegations. Instead, he has been observed to assert that the money benefited Rousseff but not him. This information shows that corruption has remained pervasive and continues to affect every sector of the Brazilian economy.

The blame game between Temer and Rousseff (and their respective followers) is something that reveals that honest forces that have reshaped and taken corruption to the next level. The nature of these classes and dishonesties will continue to affect the country’s political system and disorient its democratic position. van Dijk (2017) also asserts that the impeachment of Rousseff, who might not have committed serious offenses in comparison with Temer, is something that must have been informed by the political forces existing in the country.

This analysis shows that corruption is a major issue that has continued to undermine the nature of leadership in Brazil. Many political leaders have been implicated in many scandals that have affected the integrity of different institutions (van Dijk 2017). The level of trust among members of the public has decreased significantly. This is the case because the political system has continued to support the implementation of authoritarian measures that have only worsened the situation. It is also evident that this problem is promoted by many public officers and politicians who have been getting refuge from those in power.

Experts in political matters have argued that the events unfolding in Brazil reveal how the region is corrupt. Instead of dealing with this giant, many prosecutors and leaders have created an environment whereby the needs of different politicians appear to matter the most. The inability of prosecutors to address this predicament is something that has increased the level of public mistrust. Politicians and leaders in the country have continued to use existing connections and public institutions to protect themselves and their interests (Balán 2014). This means that they are still engaging in various malpractices that result in the loss of resources that could have been used to improve the level of welfare state in Brazil.

These malpractices have become part of this society. Corruption has spread to different areas and sectors because many Brazilians now believe that it is a critical attribute of this democratic nation. The driving force behind Dilma Rousseff’s removal was the desire to support a new regime that could promote national unity and address the challenges that continue to affect more citizens. From this analysis, it is evident that there is need for evidence-based measures to bring every person (including politicians and leaders) into account (van Dijk 2017). Brazilian institutions must be empowered and supported using adequate resources in order to deal with this problem and ensure that more people lead quality lives. Failure to embrace such measures, many citizens in the country will be affected significantly and find it hard to achieve their potential and meet the needs of their family members.

Peru Presidential Crisis

The events that have unfolded in Peru over the past few years reveal that corruption is a major challenge that affects many nations across Latin America (Alvarez 2015). According to different scholars, the plight of this country is comparable to the one unfolding in Brazil (van Dijk 2017). This is the case because the infamous Odebrescht corruption scandals have implicated many leaders, politicians, and contractors Peru. The executives of Odebrescht testified that they had offered large sums of campaign funds to many presidential candidates in this country, including Keiko Fujimori in the year 2011. Other presidential candidates also benefited from this scandal during the period.

The current crisis emerged when the leaders at Odebrescht, a construction corporation based in Brazil, indicated that they had paid bribes amounting to over 800 million dollars to acquire contracts in different Latin American nations such as Peru. A testimony by Odebrescht’s representatives revealed that the company had offered over 4.8 million US dollars to one of the companies controlled by Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. During the time, Kuczynski was one of the ministers in the Peruvian government led by Fujimori (Crabtree 2014). The accused also revealed that he had worked as an advisor to his firm, thereby increasing chances of being convicted.

Things took a new turn when Kuczynski decided to pardon the nation’s former president, Alberto Fujimori. At the time, he was serving 25 years in prison for all the atrocities committed during his reign. In his testimony, Kuczynski indicated that Fujimori’s health was worsening. This move, according to many scholars and analysts, was part of a strategy aimed at ensuring that Kuczynski survived any form of impeachment. Past studies have showed that Fujimori was a notorious leader who committed numerous offenses capable of affecting the lives of many people in the country (Alvarez 2015). Such violations on human rights made it impossible for Pedro Pablo Kuczynski to convince his supporters and explain why he chose to pardon the culprit.

Balasco (2016) believes that the move was part of a scheme to earn the trust of one of Fujimori’s sons who was a member of the Congress. By so doing, the president would gather adequate votes from the opposition-dominated Congress and survive any impeachment attempt. This scandal was reported to different members of the public. It was, therefore, evident that the Kuczynski’s allies were keen to solicit support from various politicians from the opposition party. They were also observed to offer hefty rewards to legislators in order to be on the president’s side.

The accusation against the leader is that he has committed numerous atrocities and offenses that reveal to the world that he is morally unfit and inappropriate to hold office as the country’s president. Many lawmakers and members of the public have asserted categorically that Pedro Pablo Kuczynski’s actions have the potential to plug the nation into chaos. It has also been alleged that different ministers and politicians have won contracts in an attempt to support the political decisions made by this president. The vote buying scandal has also been observed to dent his dreams and aspirations (Balasco 2016). Although judges have not implicated him directly to this offense, the fact of the matter is that the country has lost trust in him. With his involvements in various corruption cases and scandals, the president and members of his family have always been hiding from their mistakes. This means that a culture defined by corruption and impunity has become prevalent in this Latin American state.

Despite the fact that the president had initially promised to transform the country and make it the best place for every citizen, many analysts have indicated that the scandals experienced across Latin America have affected the lives of many people negatively. Additionally, studies have revealed that many people, including political players and ministers, have been implicated in numerous scandals in this country (Pring 2017). This is a clear indication that corruption remains a major challenge that makes it impossible for many people in Peru to get quality services and infrastructure.

The nature of corruption in Peru cannot be understood without examining the actions of Peru Fujimori. At the time of his election to become Peru’s president, Fujimori was seen by many scholars as a technocrat who could transform the country and improve people’s living conditions. His academic achievements could make it easier for him to implement appropriate programs and support economic development (Balasco 2016). During his reign, this leader tried to portray an image of integrity and honesty. However, it would later emerge that he was involved in a wide range of corrupt malpractices and dealings that affected the economy of the country.

According to different reports, Fujimori influenced the award of contracts to companies owned (or associated) by some of his relatives and friends (Balasco 2016). His appointments were questionable since most of the key positions in government were available to members of his family and community. Other studies revealed that the president bribed judges, politicians, and news media personalities in order to promote or maintain his image. For instance, a study conducted by Pring (2017) indicated that the leader was paying over 3.5 million dollars to congressmen, media executives, and lawmakers. These malpractices were pursued in an attempt to influence the decisions made in the country and control media houses. The ultimate objective was to control all aspects of the country and make it impossible for many people to question his leadership style. The fact that one of his sons is a congressman is something that proves that Fujimoto’s influence was quite high during his presidency (Alvarez 2015). He is also believed to have hatched a potent deal that led to his acquittal by his successor, Pedro Kuczynski.

This analysis is a clear indication that corruption has remained a critical predicament that shapes a wide range of activities, policies, and decisions made in Peru. The predicament has worsened since it revolves around presidents and their respective family members, politicians, lawmakers, and judges (Pring 2017). Consequently, members of the society have been unable to receive adequate support and resources from the government. The existing level of nepotism has affected the manner in which a wide range of resources are distributed such as in this country. Leaders such as Pedro Kuczynski have been accused of promoting a culture of bribery.

Many corporations operating in Peru have over the years been required to pay large sums of money to win government-sponsored projects and contracts. Companies that are linked to famous people and politicians tend to have increased chances of getting such deals (Pring 2017). The current bureaucracy existing in this nation makes it impossible for different public institutions to deal with corruption and other related malpractices. The fact that Fujimori’s release was a plan aimed at prolonging the president’s rule is something that raises crucial questions that should be answered by lawmakers in this country.

Balasco (2016) asserts that most of the corruption allegations that have faced Pedro Kuczynski within the past few years should encourage different leaders to address this quandary. His resignation has come at the right time since he had been planning to buy votes and ensure he survives any form of impeachment. This kind of misbehavior echoes the initiatives and practices embraced by many leaders and politicians across the country. Pring (2016) believes that the decision by a president to resign is something important since it can create the best environment for a given country to deal with the dangers of corruption. It also becomes an opportunity for more people to learn about the predicaments that have affected the nation over the years.

The culture that has dominated many Latin America has resulted in the establishment of a new form of democracy that condones corruption at the expense of people’s welfare. Since presidents and politicians have come up with powerful strategies that make it easier for them to hide from any form of corruption, there is need for nations such as Peru to implement evidence-based measures to instill fear, create corrupt-free public institutions, and strengthen the power of the judicial system (Alvarez 2015). This move will ensure that every corrupt politician in the country is identified and punished accordingly. More people in power and CEOs of giant corporations operating in the country will be ready to engage in desirable practices and avoid any form of corrupt dealing. The initiative will result in a new democratic system that seeks to promote economic development and address the needs of every citizen in Peru.

Peña Nieto and Narcotic Trafficking

Just like in the other nations in this region, Mexican corruption is a problem that has permeated almost every aspect of the economy. Freije (2015) believes that the malpractice has been supported by the government’s inability to implement transparent and effective strategies. The authoritarian leadership experienced in Mexico is a problem that has led to reduced accountability (Chayes 2016). Those in power consolidate power and apply it to support a wide range of corrupt deals. The history of this malpractice goes back to the mid 20th century when the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) was in power. At the time, many politicians established a unique culture whereby individuals working as state officers formed networks characterized by patronage networks and the desire to pursue personal gains. Voter buying malpractices and bribing become common across the country during this period.

The challenge of organized crime explains why drug trafficking is a major issue that can be used to reveal the nature of corruption in this country. The strategic location of this nation in the region makes it easier for different cartels and criminals to be involved in drug trafficking. The problem of narcotics has continued to affect the lives of many citizens (Chayes 2016). The high demand for drugs such as marijuana and cocaine across the region explains why narcotics remain a major predicament in many nations, including Peru, Colombia, and Mexico. Drug cartels in this region have focused on the existing opportunities in the country and beyond to achieve their potential. These groups are known to coordinate the way various illegal drugs are produced, marketed, and transported from one region to another. The nature of political corruption in Mexico is a major opportunity that supports this kind of malpractice.

Cuadros (2016) believes that the current president of Mexico, Pena Nieto, is involved in this kind of syndicate in one way or another. This is the case because he has been reluctant to support the implementation of powerful laws and policies to deal with this predicament. The relationships formed between those in power and drug cartels have resulted in a scenario whereby the country is unable to deal with narcotics and drug trafficking. Bribes and incentives are used as tools to by those involved in the illegal business to achieve their aims (Chayes 2016). Different groups and factions have tried to have control over different areas, channels, and drugs. Consequently, the problem of narcotics is expected to affect the future of this country.

Enrique Pena Nieto has also been struggling with numerous scandals that have been following him. To begin with, his presidency brought PRI back to power after many years. Initially, many people were optimistic that this new president would create a safer country and support their welfare. However, most of the challenges associated with authoritarianism appeared to affect the country throughout his presidency (Freije 2015). Chayes (2016) indicates that numerous problems such as corruption and drug trafficking prevailed during his reign.

In 2014, Neto was implicated in numerous corruption malpractices. The outstanding one revolved around the purchase of multimillion dollar buildings from different contractors working for the national government (Freije 2015). The scandal also featured other people such as Angelica Rivera, the president’s wife, and Luis Videgaray (the nation’s minister of finance). The investigation team was led by one of Neto’s close associate, thereby forcing many citizens to question the legitimacy of the process.

In yet another scandal, several journalists were fired after presenting a story that revealed how the purchase was done. This scandal attracted numerous protests since many people were unhappy with the dismissal. According to many people, these journalists were punished for implicating the president and his close friends in this multimillion-dollar scandal (Cuadros 2016). This analysis shows clearly that Neto’s government is corrupt and has failed to implement powerful measures to deal with this predicament. The fact that many cartels engaged in drug trafficking, violence, and crime has thrived under Neto’s regime is a clear indication that he supported the malpractices. His government has also failed to implement powerful measures and policies that can address this problem.

From this analysis, it is evident that Mexico remains one of the most corrupt countries in Latin America. As indicated earlier, drug cartels use existing networks and ineffective systems to acquire, market, and transport illicit substances (Faughnan, Hiskey & Revey 2014). Different government officials, politicians, and leaders of giant corporations have been part of this syndicate. The problem has worsened since there are no adequate mechanisms and frameworks to deal with organized crime. Currently, corruption has become a common practice that dictates the way different organizations, criminal groups, and politicians pursue their goals. The challenge has made it impossible for average citizens in the country to realize their potential.

Recently, the president of Mexico indicated that his government was committed and ready to deal with organized crime (Freije 2015). Despite such assurances, reports indicated that very little (if any) measures had been put in place to deliver positive results. During his presidency, the number of organized crime gangs and cartels has continued to rise. The situation has also worsened since many people are affected by the actions and criminal activities associated with these groups.

Government appointments are usually done without following existing laws and policies. For instance, the president of Mexico was observed to appoint one of his friends to chair the committee intended to investigate the housing scandal whereby he had been named. Similar malpractices have been observed in almost every aspect of the country’s government. The police force is also one of the most corrupt in the region (Tromme & Otaola 2014). This happens to be the case because many departmental leaders and officers collaborate with cartels in order to support their goals. Many police officers have been mentioned in a number of corruption scandals and cases of bribery. The problem has worsened since the existing policies are not used efficiently to deal with any form of malpractice.

Organized crime is a major obstacle that disorients different aspects and functions of government. For instance, criminals have been observed to bribe different officials who should be keen to protect and safeguard the rights of the public. This is the case because they give bribes to ensure that different police officers support their aims (Tromme & Otaola 2014). They also collaborate with judges to avoid being sentenced or imprisoned. This is a clear indication that the problem of corruption has made it impossible for different public offices and institutions to meet the needs of the people.

The media is another sector that has not been left behind. Politicians, criminals, leaders, and cartels have managed to influence different media houses (Forne 2016). Individuals engaged in criminal activities threaten media personalities and even attack different sources. They have been observed to work with politicians, cartels, and the military to pursue their objectives. This is the reason why many professionals and journalists working for various media houses have acknowledged that press freedom is something lacking in Mexico. Government officials have also been reported to kill, injure, or threaten journalists. According to Faughnan, Hiskey and Revey (2014), the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) indicated that around 32 journalists had died in Mexico from 2005 to 2007.

The involvement of politicians, government officials, and public institutions in a wide range of corruption scandals is a clear indication that Mexico has a major challenge that should be addressed using evidence-based measures (Forne 2016). The president has failed to come up with adequate indicatives that can address these challenges and ensure that more public officers are accountable for their actions. This change is critical since many people have been unable to achieve their goals. It has also become impossible for the government to deliver adequate services to its citizens. The economic position of Mexico has been affected significantly by the existing level of corruption.

Tromme and Otaola (2014) believe strongly that adequate measures will be needed if the current problem of corruption is to be dealt with in this Latin American country. The first approach that has the potential to deliver positive results is the application of coordinated efforts among different governments in the region. This approach will ensure that more organized criminal gangs and cartels are identified and stopped. Secondly, appropriate measures aimed at addressing the challenge of drug trafficking will work effectively in dealing with this predicament. Freije (2015) argues that different government officials (including the president) should become ethical and moral. This practice will make tem responsible and be on the frontline to support specific projects that have the potential to meet the changing needs of every Mexican.

Panama Papers, Paradise Papers, and Odebrescht

A study by van Dijk (2017) revealed that corruption was one of the biggest challenges that affected the economic and democratic positions of many countries in Latin America. Most of the reports released by agencies such as the Transparency International always indicate that many nations in this region have implemented adequate measures to deal with this vice. This scourge, according to Balán (2014), is a major obstacle that has disoriented the lives of citizens. According to van Dijk (2017), around 30 percent of the population in Latin America is facing numerous problems that arise from the increased levels of corruption. This situation has worsened since many leaders and presidents have continued to tolerate malpractices and misbehaviors that result in the loss of public funds (Bersch, Praca & Taylor 2016). Consequently, contemporary corruption has resulted in the establishment of societies and democracies that promote inequality. The quality of social/state welfare in many countries across Latin America has been disoriented significantly by this predicament.

The “Panama Papers” is a term used to refer to over 11 million leaked articles and documents from an anonymous publisher or source. According to these reports, thousands of individuals had been involved in a wide range of malpractices such as tax evasion, murder, and corruption (Cockcroft & Wegener 2017). These papers mentioned many leaders and politicians in Latin America who had been involved in various malpractices that affected the welfare of many citizens across the region. Great leaders from this part of the world such as Mauricio Macri, the president of Argentina, had been mentioned (Bernstein 2017). The documents also indicated that Cristina Fernandez and Nestor Kirchner had been involved in numerous scandals and corrupt cases. Another key figure mentioned was Lionel Messi from Argentina (Bernstein 2017). It was reported that the famous footballer had engaged in a scandal that revolved around the Panamanian Company. This means that many famous persons in Argentina were involved in various scandals that affected the welfare of the people.

In Brazil, several people were identified for their involvement in a number of corruption scandals. These included a former parliamentarian by the name Joao Jose Pereire de Lyra and Eduardo Cunha. These politicians were also reported to have been involved in a number of cases surrounding the dealings of Odebrescht (Cockcroft & Wegener 2017). This means that many politicians and leaders in Brazil had been involved in various scandals. Similarly, the directors of a company in Chile named Chilean Mining Group (Raimundo Langlois Vicuna and Alfredo Ovalle Rodriquez) had partnered with the leaders of Sierra Leone S.A. to swindle public money. Their involvement led to the loss of millions of US dollars that could have been used to deliver various services to the people of Chile.

Galo Chriboga, the General Attorney (GA) of Ecuador, was mentioned after his decision to establish his private company in Panama (Cockcroft & Wegener 2017). The name of the organization was Madrigal Finance Corporation. According to the sources, chances were high that the individual must have diverted public money to form this organization (Bersch, Praca & Taylor 2016). Investigations are underway in order to establish the fact of the matter. In Guatemala, the Panama Paper revealed that several politicians such as Marllory Chacon Rossell had laundered millions of dollars aimed at constructing roads and improving the quality of medical services available to different people in this nation (Bernstein 2017). The money laundering scam was supported by one of the law firms in Panama.

Juan Armando Hinojosa, one of the leading contractors of Pena Nieto, was also reported in the Panama Papers. According to the report, the contractor had been involved in various cases that led to the loss of huge sums of public money (Bernstein 2017). Currently, the individual has been enjoying the protection and support of Nieto’s presidency. From this analysis, it is quite evident that corruption has remained a major obstacle since it is supported by politicians, lawmakers, and leaders of giant corporations in the country.

This revelation shows that politicians have been involved in numerous scandals and corruption cases. The Paradise Papers, another anonymous report by two Germans, indicated that many politicians in Latin America had acquired huge sums of public money and investments offshore (Bersch, Praca & Taylor 2016). The papers implicated presidents, attorney, and lawmakers who had positive relationship with those in power. For example, Blairo Borges Maggi, the Agriculture Minister of Brazil, had registered a company by the name Amaggi and LD Commodities using stolen funds (Cockcroft & Wegener 2017). This was the same case for the Minister of Finance by the name Henrique de Campos Meirelles whose foundation was benefiting from public resources.

Juan Manuel Santos, the president of Colombia, was found to have been engaging in shady dealings relating to a number of offshore organizations. From these papers, it is quite clear that many officials and politicians in Latin America have made corruption a defining feature of the region (Berryman 2016). The use of public funds to pursue personal gains and establish large empires is a common malpractice that has continued to affect the effectiveness of many democracies in Latin America. As a result, many people have embraced the malpractice, thereby making it impossible for different citizens to receive quality government services.

The true picture of corruption in Latin America can be understood by focusing on the major scandals revolving around Odebrescht. Berryman (2016) believes strongly that the Odebrescht case is a corruption syndicate or probe that has implicated many politicians in the region. Odebrescht is a giant construction company that has designed many stadiums, metro systems, and airport terminals across Latin America. Investigations focusing on corruption in the region realized that the company had been involved in numerous cases that have undermined its ethical image (Berryman 2016). According to different leaders at the Odebrescht, the organization had been paying huge bribes in many countries across Latin America to win contracts. The investigators also observed that similar corruption cases and dealings had occurred in African countries such as Mozambique and Angola.

The corrupt scandals appear to differ from one country to another (Cockcroft & Wegener 2017). For instance, many individuals working for the company made extensive networks and connections with politicians and those in power. The ultimate goal was to win numerous contracts and be associated with the elites in the region. In Brazil, for example, over 30 percent of ministers working for the government were found to have received bribes from the company. The fact that the company constructed many stadiums and infrastructure for the 2014 World Cup is a clear indication that the allegations are true. The country’s Foreign Minister was one of the leaders who received such payments. The chief of staff was also mentioned.

Jorge Glas, the Vice President of Ecuador, received over 13 million US dollars from the company in order to secure a wide range of government contracts. Glas would earn himself a sentence of 6 years in jail because of the misbehavior. The company donated huge sums of money to different politicians in Brazil for campaign purposes. In Colombia, a former senator received large sums of money from Odebrescht. The campaigns of 2011 and 2006 in Peru were funded using money received from Odebrescht (Cockcroft & Wegener 2017). This is the reason why Ollanta Humala is currently being investigated for engaging in such dishonest dealings.

In Peru, Keiko Fujimori has been under investigation because it is believed that he received a lot of money from this Brazilian company. However, she acknowledged that she did not receive financial support from the company. Many experts believe strongly that she has been involved in numerous scandals and cases that have resulted in the loss of public money. The leaders at Odebrescht have indicated categorically that many politicians, opposition parties, and ministers in many countries received funds from its employees (Bernstein 2017). The company also revealed that unique systems that had not been connected to its mainframe computers were considered to engage or communicate with different politicians. This move was considered in an attempt to reduce chances of detection (Cockcroft & Wegener 2017). The case of Odebrescht reveals how different politicians have been using their positions to accrue wealth and pursue their personals gains. Consequently, the state of welfare has declined significantly in the region. Areas such as infrastructure, public health, and social programs have been dented by this predicament.


This research paper has examined a wide range of corruption scandals that have been reported in many countries across Latin America. This is a clear indication that many governments, politicians, and lawmakers have failed to put in place adequate measures to deal with any form of unethical behavior. The involvement of many public officers and their leaders is something shows how corruption remains a critical challenge in this region. Unless evidence-based policies and laws are supported in this region, corruption will continue to affect the livelihoods of many people.

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IvyPanda. (2020, December 8). Corruption Shaping Democracies in Latin America.

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IvyPanda. 2020. "Corruption Shaping Democracies in Latin America." December 8, 2020.

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