Cyber Ethics of Canada’s Online Pharmacies Essay

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Canada has been selling ‘drugs’ online for several years now. There are ethical issues surrounding Canadian online pharmacies. Buying drugs online puts the person in question at a health risk, especially because a health care practitioner has not examined them. Although some pharmacies are legitimate, some may sell some products that are not approved for use in Canada due to safety concerns. People may prefer buying drugs online as it saves them the embarrassment of explaining their problems, especially on hair and weight loss. (Dupuis 685)

Pharmacies that do not provide a physical address may be risky one may not be able to establish their manufacturers, and in case of any problem, one may not know how to get them to complain. Risks involved include getting counterfeit drugs. Drugs without active ingredients expired drugs, drugs with the wrong ingredients may be sold through illegitimate pharmacies. ( Such drugs may cause immediate or different effects to the individual. Misdiagnosis is also likely to occur when effective examination and monitoring are not done. Drug interactions can also occur if a health professional is not consulted. Shipping problems can also occur, leading to financial problems for the consumer. Some companies may be dubious. (

Legitimate pharmacies exist in Canada, and they offer appropriate information for the consumers. Each province regulates or controls its pharmacies. Canada regulates therapeutic drugs through a rigorous licensing process. It carries out an extensive pre-market review and ongoing post-market assessment of drug safety, effectiveness, and quality. Information about risks is communicated to a health professional and the public. Approved drugs have an eight-digit drug identification number (DIN) which acts as a symbol of assurance that a drug is safe and effective. Manufactures and distributors of drugs are inspected and given licenses. Legitimate pharmacies will only drugs that have been prescribed by a doctor. Illegitimate ones are satisfied with online questionnaires, after which they charge for consultation. (Veronin et al. 481)

The market for Canada’s online pharmacy shopping has increased. This is attributed to the fact that in Canada, prices are lower compared to the U.S. Quality of drugs in both countries does not differ, and in fact, Canada imports materials from the U.S., and these drugs are manufactured by the same companies. The market segmentation strategy to maximize profits leads to varying prices in varying locations.

To safeguard the patients’ interest or concerns, legitimate pharmacies like, provide appropriate information for consumers and offer efficient shipping procedures to ensure drugs reach their destination in a timely manner. (www.canadadrugs). To purchase such drugs, one must have a valid prescription from a licensed physician. This company has received accreditation from the Internet and Mail Order Pharmacy Accreditation Commission (IMPAC). Pharmacy accreditation organizations set standards to ensure that malpractices that work to harm patients are stopped.

Variation in prices is the main reason why most patients prefer online shopping. Higher prices in the U.S. than in Canada see most Americans opt for Canada online pharmacies. This translates to economic gains for the Canadian pharmacists as their sales outweigh local sales.

Appropriate government officials must verify that drugs sold online to other countries are legal. Although lifestyle drugs would create a good market for Canada, prescription drugs are in urgent demand. People travel by bus to buy the cheaper drugs in Canada. The U.S. Customs and FDA tradition allows for such procedures despite the fact that only manufactures can import pharmaceuticals. The state does not authorize such activities, and it argues that drugs should be bought in areas where they were prescribed, especially if they are equivalently available there.

Online pharmacies are able to take the advantage of forces of demand and supply where prices play an important role. (Dupuits 685). Governments control the prices of prescription drugs through direct price control or cost containment schemes. Only brand names are cheaper in Canada.

Changes in lifestyles especially in America where people want to ‘live healthy’ and longer makes them more susceptible to ‘miracle drugs’. The U.S., healthcare system is not universal hindering a great proportion of the population the ability to afford quality care. Out of pocket financing creates the necessity of pursuing online shopping where pricing is favorable.

Ethical issues surround the increased online pharmacies is whether to legalize it so as to make drugs affordable to patients. Since most manufacturers are from the U.S., they could limit their supply in trying to curb the online shopping between U.S. and Canada. This will result to increased prices due to lower supply. Shortages created will be evident in Canada threatening the country’s health.

An issue that arises with online pharmacies in Canada is the fact that after getting faxed medical histories from the U.S. patients or consumers they have to send them to Canadian doctors. It is unlawful to honor U.S. prescriptions in Canada. The Canadian doctors then offer their prescription. It is unethical to prescribe for patients that one has not examined. Canada must be cautious so as not create shortages while concentrating more on the U.S. market. Canadians argue that they are not out to just make money but to ensure the well being of individuals through affordable drug in U.S. It is therefore ethical for online pharmacy as it for the greater good.

Works Cited:

Health Canada. 2006. It your Health. Buying Drugs over the Internet. Web. Web.

Roger Parl. 2004. . Fortune Magazine. Web.

Dupuits M. The effect of the Internet on pharmaceutical consumers and providers. Disease Management and Health Outcomes. 2002; 10. P 679–691.

Veronin A and Youan B. Medicine. Magic bullet gone astray, medications and the Internet. Science 2004; 305: p. 481.

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IvyPanda. (2021, September 1). Cyber Ethics of Canada's Online Pharmacies.

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"Cyber Ethics of Canada's Online Pharmacies." IvyPanda, 1 Sept. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Cyber Ethics of Canada's Online Pharmacies'. 1 September.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Cyber Ethics of Canada's Online Pharmacies." September 1, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Cyber Ethics of Canada's Online Pharmacies." September 1, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Cyber Ethics of Canada's Online Pharmacies." September 1, 2021.

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