Durham Cathedral: A Masterpiece of Roman Architecture Essay

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Roman architecture is considered to be one of the most impressive architecture styles I have ever seen and heard about. No other representative of this style impressed me more than the Cathedral church in England, known as Durham Cathedral. The last one is one of the brightest examples of Roman architecture which was founded in 1093 and had a long and interesting history.

According to the history of this building and the transformations of the last one, it is clear that Durham Cathedral fits into the context of every time period it existed. Its history comes from Saxons, dated AD 635. It was a simple building at first, made of timber, and was known as a White Church. There were many additions since that time and the church was rebuild and then reconstructed before it became to look like a present Cathedral. It was then made of stone and was designed by William of St. Carilef. It was also used as a prison in the seventeenth century where prisoners of war were enclosed. Now it is one of the most outstanding works of art in the world and it is also considered to be World’s Heritage Site.

The structure of the building has many interesting distinguishing features. Its shape remains the Bishop of Durham today and has many peculiarities according to Winkles (1851):

Though this cathedral is in the main a superb example of the usual plan, it has some peculiarities. Instead of a lady chapel beyond the choir, is a building parallel with a transept, and from north to south nearly as long; and the Lady chapel is at the west end, -this is accounted for in the description of this Cathedral. (p. 33)

Everything in this Cathedral is grand and rich today. There is a medieval times bronze sanctuary knocker, massive nine hundred years old pillars, Victorian stained glass windows.

This Cathedral is unique because of many reasons. Firstly, this church was fitted with vaulting. That was very unusual for English architecture. Moreover, the arches in the Cathedral were transverse, which was also the first time for English architecture. This building has many other peculiarities according to Winkles (1851):

In this Cathedral, the usual plan is followed entirely as far as regards the nave, choir, transept, and their aisles. The peculiarities are, First, – a huge square tower at the west end, which once had wings on each side flanked by occasional turrets engaged; the north wing is gone. Secondly, – the form of the central tower, being a square with the corners cut off and surmounted by an octagonal lantern of wood. Thirdly, – the position of the Lady chapel, whose southwest angle is joined to the northeast angle of the transept. (p. 33)

All the features listed above prove that this Cathedral is a unique work of art. It had many innovations for architectural style in England. Everything was unusual and grand: shapes, forms, positions of the chapels.

In my opinion, Durham Cathedral can be considered as a standard not only of Roman architecture, but it can be an etalon of all architectural styles that exist. According to Winkles (1851), “No other cathedral in England has any pretensions and magnificence, grandeur, or beauty as a Durham Cathedral” ( p. 7). I completely agree with this statement and think that this Cathedral is a masterpiece of the 20th century.


Winkles, B., Brown, H.K. (1851). Winkles’s Architectural and Picturesque Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales. Bogue: Harvard University Press.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 17). Durham Cathedral: A Masterpiece of Roman Architecture. https://ivypanda.com/essays/durham-cathedral-art-evaluation/

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"Durham Cathedral: A Masterpiece of Roman Architecture." IvyPanda, 17 Dec. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/durham-cathedral-art-evaluation/.


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Durham Cathedral: A Masterpiece of Roman Architecture'. 17 December.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Durham Cathedral: A Masterpiece of Roman Architecture." December 17, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/durham-cathedral-art-evaluation/.

1. IvyPanda. "Durham Cathedral: A Masterpiece of Roman Architecture." December 17, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/durham-cathedral-art-evaluation/.


IvyPanda. "Durham Cathedral: A Masterpiece of Roman Architecture." December 17, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/durham-cathedral-art-evaluation/.

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