Job Analysis and Selection Response Essay

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In order to conduct job analysis for new salesperson positions in InterClean, the HR manager should apply several methods. First of all, one should interview the members of the staff about various requirements which are set for this kind of job. The main advantage of this method is that it enables to gain accurate information about mental qualities and personality traits that a salesperson should possess (Cascio, 141).

It has to be admitted that this research method is time-consuming and it lead the suspicions among members of the staff. If I were to conduct this interview, I would first ask those employees who feel positive about the changes introduced in InterClean. The second strategy that can be applied is structured questionnaire. It should be used only after the interview.

First, it is necessary to list the tasks activities of sales personnel, later the employees will need to rate them in terms of importance and frequency. On the basis of this questionnaire, the HR manager will be able to determine which tasks and skills of are of the greatest importance for the company.

It is possible to single out several duties that pertain to the new sales department: 1) the presentation of InterClean’s products and services; 2) proving after-sale services to the clients; 3) the development of sales contracts; 4) excellent knowledge of sanitation regulations and environmental standards; 5) understanding of cleaning industry market.

Workforce planning system

The development of workforce planning should start with the review of the hard and soft skills of the current personnel. Such notion as hard skills is related directly to the major business activities of the department. It is possible to single the following hard skills:

  • sales administration and contract development;
  • the development of solution-based cleaning products;
  • ability to explain product specification to the customer;
  • PC skills. In turn, the term “soft skills” refers to mental qualities and personality traits of the employee (Guffey, 34).

Judging from the employee profiles, we can identify such soft skills as aggressiveness, critical thinking, politeness and ability to communicate with customers; leadership skills.

The employee profiles indicate that each of them is sufficiently aggressive, persuasive and capable of closing a deal with a client. However, a candidate should have profound knowledge of industry standards and safety regulations. This can greatly help him establish long-term relations with a client.

Finally, expertise in product development and technical specifications is crucial for the team since it ensures that the customers are fully satisfied with the quality of products and services. Overall, the new team will consist of two sales managers and three sales representatives.

The selection of the candidates should take approximately thirty days; each of them will be offered a training program. It will focus on such aspects as after-sale service, the knowledge of the product, and new governmental regulations concerning sanitation and environmental safety.

The new team will need to achieve the following goals: 1) to create value for the customers by offering them only top quality products and services; 2) to increase customer base of InterClrean; 3) to raise the sales revenues of the company; 4) to promote the products and services of the organization.


HR managers often use a variety of methods to determine whether an employee is suitable for the organization or a particular team. I would prefer the so-called work sample tests which are premised on the idea that one can predict the future performance of a candidate only by asking him to perform the tasks that are similar to their future duties.

This procedure might be very time-consuming but at the same time it is considered by scholars to be the most valid and reliable (Cascio, 218). The employee profiles indicate that the candidates have diverse skills but only some of them can be included into the new team.

The first candidate is Jim Martin, who has experience in the sales of cleaning and sanitation products. Moreover, he pays much attention to after-sales services which are crucial for custom retention. The second candidate is Tom Gonzales: he is knowledgeable in the development of solution-based products, and his expertise will be of great benefit to the entire team.

These people will work as sales managers. Eric Borden will be employed as an outside sales representatives; he has been selected because of his expertise in sanitation industry developments and legal regulation, governing this industry. Another person, who seems suitable for the team is Ving Hsu: she has a vast relevant experience and, most importantly, he can perform training seminars for the customers’ employees.

This skill is indispensible for the promotion of products offered by InterClean. Finally, I would like to mention Terry Garcia. She is known for her communicative and educational skills. She does not underestimate the importance of teamwork, and her critical thinking can avail each member of the future department. These candidates appear to be most suitable the team, especially if one considers the recent changes in InterClean.

Works Cited

Cascio Wayne. Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits (6th ed). NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2003. Print.

Guffey Mary. Business Communication: Process and Product. NY: Cengage Learning, 2007.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 26). Job Analysis and Selection.

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