Running from power conflict between France, Britain, America, and German in Morocco in 1904, through President Theodore Roosevelt bid to win a re-election, to the eventual war between Americans and Germans, The Wind and the [...]
Released in 1985, the film to a large extent exemplifies the stereotypical 1980's action movie, which packaged top-of-the-range violence, sharp and humorous one liners, and a simple and easy to follow plot concerning some sort [...]
In summary, Transporter 3 film is the third installment of the Transporter series in which the services of the lead character Frank Martin are enlisted to transport certain items/people from one corner of the world [...]
This essay uses the predator monster, as presented in Jim McTiernan's Predator, to encapsulate a deep-seated sense of fear and provide a hypothetical representation of the horror that each person dreads.
Product placement is one of the best means of product marketing because it helps humanize the product and makes it easier to relate to the character who utilizes the product.
Lastly, the alternative universe described at the end of the movie is also a product of today's digital era where "perfect" societies and identities are crafted.
As the investigation of this case proceeds the attorney comes to the understanding that the prosecuted is not guilty of this murder. From a Kantian perspective, the main protagonist is motivated mainly by his mind [...]
In that regard, the present paper will attempt to analyze ethnography in the context of Booth's book, addressing the way such method of research provided a better understanding of the society and the way music [...]
The political team with President Kennedy in the forefront composes a plan to solve the problem without violent involvement since the U.S.military attacks could cause military strikes on the part of the Soviet Union despite [...]
The tense plot of the movie incorporates features of bloodshed shooting and many other defiant scenes so as to describe the way the violence is shown in terms of genre uniqueness.
While the movie is eccentric, excessively violent to the level of sadism at some points, the overall goal of the movie is to evoke a sense of empathy and emotion from the viewers and society [...]
Naturally, the story picks up in the aftermath of the first movie and reestablishes how the arrival of the Autobots has changed the lives of the people they now coexist with.
However, Sara Connor who is the only human protagonist in the movie is the central character and the one who is most motivated and she determines the direction the story takes. She is with a [...]
While comparing the adaptation with the original novel, first of all it is necessary to mention, that inspite of the similarity of main ideas in the movie and in the novel, the dissimilarity of authors' [...]
This assumption is validated by the fact that in several scenes he is introduced to the concept of agents, programs designed to ensure the stability of the virtual world, and is given the choice of [...]
Despite the abundance of exaggerated scenes of ridiculously unbelievable fight moves and the over-the-top twists of the plot, as an attempt to introduce the specifics of the Asian aesthetics to the viewer, the movie can [...]
The function of mirrors contribute greatly to the understanding of the concepts of space and place in the movie because this reflecting objects that we can see in the bedroom of main characters reflect the [...]
In the 1970s, however, the society exaggerated black women's sexuality, and Coffy was the typical depiction of such exaggeration. Producers of the film, Coffy, were reducing African American women to this narrow characterization.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the ways in which the movie, Inglorious Basterds, directed by Tarantino engages in the notion of simulation and hyperrealism as advanced by Baudrillard, a French theorist The [...]
For example, at the beginning of a scene where the character of officer McClane is being shown arriving to L.A.on the plane, viewers get to be exposed to the sight of McClane clutching to seat's [...]