The Age of Enlightenment Explained Essay

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The Age of Enlightenment is marked by a change in philosophy, public sentiment and thinking, which was expressed in the movement from ignorance and superstition to the triumph of reason, criticism, and freedom. The Age of Enlightenment is associated with the 18th century, a time marked by two critical historical events: the English Civil War of 1642 and the French Revolution of 1789 (McCready et al. 1). This period is characterized by a change in the worldview of people, in which the triumph of science, logic, rationality, and progress was promoted. The Age of Reason had a significant impact on the modern way of human life, and many of the postulates that appeared at that time formed the basis of the US Constitution.

The main forerunner of the Age of Enlightenment was rapid technological progress and the scientific revolution. Old systems of thought began to be challenged, revealing the insufficiency of religious teachings and classical writings to rethink new discoveries (McCready et al. 2). Sufficient knowledge of the previous ages was unable to satisfy the currents of the new time. The Age of Enlightenment became a natural result of the development of human thought as a result of the progress of science and society.

The literature and philosophy of the new era mainly advocated freedom of thought, religion and politics, which was a natural consequence of rethinking the trend of destroying the old order. This period is marked by the work of such recognized classics of world literature as Moliere, Voltaire, Swift, Defoe, Milton, and Rousseau. All writers and thinkers are united by the desire for novelty and freedom of expression. The acclaimed philosopher of the era, Voltaire, demonstrates that humanity can achieve perfection using reason and tolerance (McCready et al. 78). At the same time, Voltaire opposes religious and political authorities (McCready et al. 78). The figure of Voltaire demonstrates the distinctive qualities of adherence to the ideals of personal freedom and respect for human dignity, characteristic of the entire Enlightenment.

The effects of the Enlightenment can be traced back to modern times. A radical change in the human worldview has affected all spheres of human activity, including the political sphere, which began to listen more strongly to public opinion. The French Revolution was partly a consequence of the radicalization of the population and the growing influence of philosophy and literature on social behavior (McCready et al. 454). One of the most important achievements of this period was the departure from mystical thinking and doubts about the dominance of the church. The development of a critical attitude towards reality and the nature of power made it possible to proclaim the new values of freedom and the desire for the common good, which are characteristic of today’s developed democracies.

In conclusion, the changed thinking of the Age of Enlightenment had a significant impact on the development of mankind. The main reason for the emergence of this era is the need to come up with new criteria for assessing the achievements of scientific progress and new technical means. The proclamation of fundamental rights, such as freedom of expression, has become a fundamental feature in the works of writers and philosophers of the new era. The philosophy of the Enlightenment, questioning the absolute dominance of religion or political power, initiated the democratic process.

Work Cited

McCready, Colleen, Christina M. Loucks, Bobby Thym, and Graham Harkness, eds. Modern World Literature Volume 1: Enlightenment. Columbia State Community College, 2021.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 23). The Age of Enlightenment Explained.

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"The Age of Enlightenment Explained." IvyPanda, 23 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The Age of Enlightenment Explained'. 23 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The Age of Enlightenment Explained." May 23, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "The Age of Enlightenment Explained." May 23, 2024.


IvyPanda. "The Age of Enlightenment Explained." May 23, 2024.

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